By PL2298

497K 20.5K 6.8K

❝[...], you seem to always find a way back onto my path.❞ What happens when two old friends and more precise... More

Chapter 1 ― Welcome Home
Chapter 2 ― Family Time
Chapter 3 ― ❝Surprise!❞
Chapter 4 ― Second Family
Chapter 5 ― Some Fresh Air
Chapter 6 ― Doctor Kim Hyejin
Chapter 7 ― HOPE Cafe
Chapter 8 ― An Odd Feeling
Chapter 9 ― Park Chaeyoung
Chapter 10 ― Free Time
Chapter 11 ― Passion
Chapter 12 ― Exhausted
Chapter 13 ― Too Soon
Chapter 14 ― Awkward Situation
Chapter 15 ― Shattered Heart
Chapter 16 ― Fight For This Love
Chapter 17 ― Another Day
Chapter 18 ― Feeling Nostalgic
Chapter 19 ― Comeback
Chapter 20 ― ❝To the girls and Jin!❞
Chapter 21 ― The Love of My Life
Chapter 22 ― Favourite Person
Chapter 23 ― Mentor
Chapter 25 ― Ready
Chapter 26 ― Taking Responsibilities
Chapter 27 ― Relief
Chapter 28 ― Disappointment
Chapter 29 ― An Incredible Doctor
Chapter 30 ― Duty
Chapter 31 ― Jealousy
Chapter 32 ― A familiar feeling
Chapter 33 ― Prediction
Chapter 34 ― Nothing Happened
Chapter 35 ― Hours on Hours
Chapter 36 ― Take the chance
Chapter 37 ㅡ Still love
Chapter 38 ㅡ Weakness
Chapter 39 ㅡ Don't lose her
Chapter 40 ㅡ Wake up
Chapter 41 ㅡ Fighting
Chapter 42 ㅡ Remorses
Chapter 43 ㅡ Dearest friend
Chapter 44 ㅡ Feelings
Chapter 45 ㅡ Us
Chapter 46 ㅡ Back to normal
Chapter 47 ㅡ Too perfect to be real
Chapter 48 ㅡ Secrets or Lies
Chapter 49 ㅡ Hatred
Chapter 50 ㅡ Let go
Chapter 51 ㅡ Negative
Chapter 52 ㅡ News
Chapter 53 ㅡ Revelation
Chapter 54 ㅡ Path
Chapter 55 ㅡ What If
{Bonus} Chapter 56 ㅡ Safe and sound
{Bonus} Chapter 57 ㅡ Shared Happiness
[Unpublished Chapter] Jeon Hyeri

Chapter 24 ― Some Friends

7.9K 356 79
By PL2298

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.

— Albert Einstein.

Chapter 24



Hyejin dragged herself around the hallway lazily, with her hands in her pockets. The day's been calm so far and she was just waiting for some actions to happen.

As she stepped in the elevator, she stared at the different buttons until something clicked in her mind.

A minute later, Hyejin exited the elevator and walked down the corridor with no particular expectations.

Her eyes softened at the sight before her. A kid playing in his room looked pretty much happy but she knew it shouldn't be his place to be.

The entire aura of this department brought an odd feeling causing her to feel uneasy.

A few people had offered Hyejin to join paediatric but she declined. She wasn't so good with kids to begin with but most importantly, she wasn't able to handle it.

"Dr. Kim?"

Hyejin shook her head back to reality and turned on her heels. Johnny's bright aura shined before her.

Instantly, a smile made its way to her face, "Hey"

"What brings you to the ped?" He said, walking closer to her with both of his hands in his pockets.

Hyejin shrugged and looked around her, "I don't know. I was curious."

Johnny tilted his head and grinned, "Do you want a tour?"


The doctors walked down the corridors with Johnny introducing his patients with care and attention. The look on his face brought something in Hyejin. He looked so proud of presenting his 'little humans' like he likes to call them.

Johnny began to tell her a few stories that happened in the ped, like how they celebrate birthdays or how they simply try to make the Hospital a better place for the kids.

That's when she remembered the day she assisted her superior attending back in Melbourne.

As an intern, she had to switch between departments and this one particular day, she was in paediatric.

A flash lightened up in her mind. The patient was laying on the metal table with her chest wide opened. She was 5.

She was loosing a lot of blood and the attending declared she couldn't do anything more then placed his tools down.

The faint sound of the cardiac monitor resonated in the room while the medical staff stared down at the lifeless body of a five-year-old girl.

Johnny looked over his shoulder and saw Hyejin who was watching a little girl that was connected to monitors with so much sadness and empathy. His eyes softened.

"What's your history with ped?" He suddenly asked.

"It's where I lost my first patient"

"Oh. I'm sorry."

Hyejin shook her head, "It's ok. We all have to go through this anyway."

Johnny nodded after which the conversation went quiet. But it wasn't uncomfortable nor it was awkward.

"Mine was a kid too."

Johnny gained Hyejin's attention. The two stood in front of a large window that displayed several cradles. His eyes travelled around the room before them.

"It was a new born. He had complications when he was born, we tried our best to bring him back. His cries let place to a silence I won't ever forget."

Hyejin pulled her attention to Johnny. For the first time, she found herself examining his features. Johnny had a big head but it went perfectly with his body. How did she not realize how tall he was?

Johnny took in a deep breath and twisted his head towards Hyejin, making her look away almost instantly. Despite her high hopes, he did noticed her checking him out.

He let out a soft chuckle, "Do you wanna go grab a coffee? I'm tired."

"I never refuse a coffee," She cheered.

"Welcome to HOPE Cafe!" The typical greeting brought up the warm feeling of the coffee shop.

The two doctors walked to the counter where Lisa was standing ready behind the cash register.

"Hi Hyejin!"

"Hey Lisa, finally you call me by my name," The two girls exchanged a laugh, "I'll take the same but make it to-go, we never know."

Lisa nodded, "Jennie is preparing it already, we saw you coming through the window. How about you Dr. Suh?"

"Oh, I see you're a regular too?" Hyejin teased him by gently pushing his side.

Johnny winked, shrugging with pride, before turning his attention to Lisa, "I'll have an americano please"

"On it!" She smiled back.

Hyejin lifted her hand in front of Lisa, "It's my treat"

"Ha, sorry but I have some men pride that let a woman pay for me," Johnny stepped in and took out his credit card.

"You treated me last time and, well, I have some independent woman pride too."

"It's only a coffee, Hyejin"

"Yes, it's only a coffee. Johnny." Hyejin raised a brow, insisting on her last word.

Johnny couldn't help but laugh. He held his hands up in the air, "Fine then"

Hyejin gave out a smile of satisfaction and concentrated on her transaction.

Johnny shook his head in amusement. His eyes scanned her and he couldn't help but think she was very charming.

Her long dark brown hair felt perfectly on her back as she leaned towards the cash. Now that she wasn't wearing her work attire, he could see her in a more casual outfit.

Hyejin was wearing a pair of black pants with a white shirt covered by a jean jacket. She was beautifully simple.

"Would you like your receipt?"

"No but throw it away before your boss sees it" Hyejin suggested and Lisa immediately nodded, going along with it.

"There are the two drinks!" Jennie arrived with two cups and gave them both to the girl.

"Thank you, you too!"  Hyejin grinned before turning her attention back to her friend.

He seemed like he spaced out and Hyejin waved her fingers in front of him, still holding the cup securely. "Kim Hyejin to Suh Johnny? Is anybody there?"

"Oh, sorry, I was in my thoughts," Johnny shook his head and grabbed his drink she was offering to him, "Thank you"

"My pleasure. What were you thinking about?" She asked they made their way out of the shop.

"Nothing that interesting"

"I see—"

A car honk interrupted the two after they crossed the road. The pair turned around in case something had happened behind them only to see a black car with two young man sitting casually.

The driver brought his arm out of the window and waved aggressively,

"Jinie-ah !!"

Hyejin started laughing at the sight of her friend. It didn't matter in what circumstances he was in, Jimin would always act cutely.

"Hey Jimin! Hey Jungkook!" She waved back.

The two officers offered a warm smile after which they studied the person standing next to their friend. While Jimin found himself smirking teasingly, Jungkook wasn't.

Jimin winked and mouthed something only Hyejin understood, "New boyfriend?"

Hyejin grimaced, surprised by the sudden question.

"So, Hyejin-ah?" This time, his voice was loud.

Johnny glanced at his side, quite confused by the situation. Hyejin met his eyes and let out a sigh of amusement.

"We have to go guys, bye!"

"Ahh she's ditching the question!" Jimin yelled and Hyejin turned around, grabbing Johnny's arm at the same time,

"Let's just go"

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