Love conquers all

By riverdalefan211

42.8K 860 47


Beginning of the end
Joining forces
Partner in crime
The funeral
First words
Talk, Talk and more talk
Juctice for Jughead
The waiting game
Piece by piece
A ring
Hard work
Time Out
Letting go
I won't rest
Close call
Family ties
The shrink
The reunion
Back to school
The letter
Almost there
Friends with benefits
Bad kids
Teacher Teacher Part 1
Teacher Teacher part 2
Deal with the devil
Get over it
Truth hurts
Confession time
Breaking and Entering
The chase
The Trial (1)
The trial (2)
The trial (3)
The trial (4)
The trial (5)
The verdict
Get off my mind
Girl party
I've got you
Dump it
Question time
Date plan
One last push
Stressed out
The big game
Date night
Family dinner
Welcome back
Life of a teen
Pool Party
Coming clean
The feels
Quality time
Summer goodbyes
Don't give up!
End of an era
Perfect Planning
Closer and closer
Build up
Finally Time
Newly weds
Exes and Os


341 9 0
By riverdalefan211

Cheryl POV
I added the final coat of red lipstick. "Oh my goodness you look great!" I exclaimed. "So do you babe!" She pulled me into a tight hug since we didn't want to risk smudging our perfectly lined lips. "Ladies!" A man called. I held up my ball gown dress to avoid tumbling down the stairs, Toni doing the same. "You two look dashing." The limo driver smiled. We both smiled back walking hand in hand in his black limo, "Surprise!" Veronica exclaimed. She had a similar ball gown to me but in black with gold sequences on the top half. Mine was in maple red. It felt like we were drowning in our dresses. The royal blue mermaid dress cling to Toni's curves and edges. I was so proud to call them my friends. "I wonder what cousin Betty is wearing." I wondered. He pulled up outside this massive hall the school rented out. We walked over to the front entrance. Everyone looked fantastic. The local misfits turn into drop dead gorgeous models. "Cheryl you look fantastic!" A girl came up to me and rambled about the material of my dress. Normally I would tell her to keep her dirty paws off me however I was willing to make an exception. "Wanna dance?" I asked Toni. "Of course I do." I said. Taking her by the hand. "Oh my god! We forgot to campaign for Queen and Queen!" I gasped, "It's ok babe! I'm sure they are admiring your perfection from afar even if they don't vote for you." She squeezed my hand comfortingly and gazing at Toni under the lights made me realise, my love for her was much more important than a prom queen title. I was homecoming queen for sophomore year. "I guess that's true." I rolled my eyes jokingly. I looked over at Veronica who was at the drinks table with Scott roaring with laughter and thank goodness that put me to ease that she was having fun but I can't see my other friends. I looked at my wristwatch...we were half an hour early. I hope Betty and Archie show up in style.

Betty POV
I stood outside in my sugar pink dress. It was a mermaid dress with sequins on my top with a long silky skirt but there was a small slit that reached my knee. I did as Veronica instructed and curled my hair and let the curls topple up to my shoulder. "Before you leave!" Polly said stopping me putting a flower crown on my head. "Polly it doesn't mat-." I looked in the mirror, "Wow!" I gasped. "Stop gawping at yourself before you're late!" Mom said kissing my head. "Thanks Pol. Thanks mom!" I said rushing out. I waited on the porch. It was 5:50. I'm 9 minutes early. I crossed my arms waiting in the warm breeze. I bit my lip nervously. How would Archie react. Did I play it too safe for prom. Archie walked out of his front door. He has a black suit with a silky pink tie with a corsage that perfectly matched my dress coincidentally. He walked up the stairs staring at me from head to toe. "I've played it too safe haven't I?" I asked. "You look...stunning. Oh my god, I say this every time but you literally took my breath away." He said, "Really?" I asked, "Shut up. You know you're beautiful Betty." He smiled putting his arm around me. "You look great in a suit!" I said stroking his torso. "Thank you my undying love." He mocked kissing my hand. "You watch too many movies." I laughed. "Well it's 5:59pm. It should be coming." Archie said, "What should be coming?" I asked him furrowing my eyebrows. Beep beep! "You hired a limo?! When and how?!" I asked in awe and sheer delight. "Don't worry. Just be the princess for the day!" He winked helping me in the limo. "I've never been treated like this." I gushed, "Get used to it." He said slipping his hand on my thigh rubbing it softly which released butterflies all throughout my body. "I've never been in a limo without Veronica." I said, "There's a first for everything Betts." He said rolling down the window, "Don't call me that." I giggled. "You've always hated Betts. What's so bad about it?" He asked, "I don't know. It's don't like being called Archiekins." I said, "I never wanna hear that come out of your pretty little mouth again." He whispered stroking my bottom lip. I bit my bottom lip with desire and lust as I stared into his honey brown eyes but we were already there. Archie slid out of the limo quickly and he opened the door on my side. He clasped my hand helping me down and we walked in with our arms linked. "It hasn't even been 30 seconds and I can't wait to get out of these ridiculous things." I muttered cursing as I almost lost my footing over those high heels. We walked through the double doors, into the party. I saw Cheryl with her huge red ball gown and Toni glimmering in the limelight with her royal blue mermaid dress. Veronica also glittered under the lights with her huge black ball gown. "I think I dressed too simple." I said into Archie's ear, "Yeah maybe you did." He nodded. I gulped hard, "I'm kidding. You're the only girl I see Betty Cooper." He said snaking his arm around my waist. We walked around the hall. "Andrews!" The bulldog said gathering him in a swarm of people. I shifted uncomfortably but he squeezed me tighter which made me feel needed. It was a nice feeling. They chattered about varsity football and their favourite wins. "You carried the game when we played Ashford high school." One of his bulldog friends admitted drinking out of his flask, "Want one?" Munroe asked, "Nah. I wanna stay sober for tonight." He said looking at me, "You look...pretty." The bulldogs complemented me one by one. "I'm gonna go for a joint." One of them said and most of them followed. "Come on. I'm gonna go say hi to the girls." I smiled adjusting his corsage.

Archie POV
I walked around with Betty as she chatted with Cheryl, Veronica and Toni. "You guys look great." I complemented uneasily. "So do both of you. The flower crown was a cute touch girl." Veronica said, "It was Polly's idea." She admitted. During the couple hours of the night, it was the vixens and the bulldogs dancing circles around each other. Betty and I stood by the drinks table as the girls took over the dance floor. "Why don't we go dance?" I asked her, "Jump around a bunch of sweaty teens who don't know how to dance? I don't think so." She sipped her punch innocently. I grabbed her by her hand spinning her around a couple of times and pulled her body close to mine again. She roared with laughter which was music to my ears. "And it's the time you've been waiting for. Maxwell here has been counting the votes and I am delighted to announce that: Cheryl Blossom and Toni Topaz have received the most votes! Please welcome our prom queens onstage!" Shirley announced. We all watched Cheryl and Toni share their prom queen and queen dance. After the prom queen dance a slow song played. "I'm not even going to object." Betty said wrapping her arms around me as we both swayed to the rhythm of the music. "So now that I'm a river vixen and you're on varsity football, I have this fantasy of us as a power couple...or even just as a couple." She joked in her sophomore voice if I could turn back time I would've jumped for joy and pressed my lips against hers but it was senior year so I had to take what I could get, "I could not agree more." I said leaning my forehead against hers both of us laughing at how cringy the dance was. This prom surpassed my expectations by far.

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