Not Supernatural But Not Exa...


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Stiles may seem like a normal human but not exactly. You see he was bit by a radioactive spider when he went... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

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(Stiles' 15)

The next morning he gets up out at 6:00 AM, before he gets ready for school. 

He goes through his cloeset grabbing his suit stuffing it in his bag before getting changed. 

He puts on a black undershirt on then a flannel then a pair of jeans followed by a pair of sneakers.

He grabs his bag and walks downstairs grabbing something to eat before brushing his teeth. 

He grabs his car keys and walks out of the house saying bye to his dad. 

He gets into his jeep and drives to school his body still sore from the night before. 

He parks his car and gets out grabbing his bag closing the door walking over to Scott.

"Hey. " He said.

"Hey." Scott said.

"You ready to kick Freshman years ass?" Stiles asked and Scott nods laughing as they walk into the school

Markus shoves past Stiles making Stiles angry as he cloes his eyes tightly balling his hands into fists before turning to the guy glaring at him.

Markus has super black hair and brown eyes with a slight tan.

"Hey, watch where your going." Stiles yelled before turning around and walking away with Scott and the others.

They all go to their lockers. 

Scott gets his stuff and walks down the hall to his first period. 

Stiles shuts his locker after getting his stuff when his spidey senses go off. 

He hears a paper airplane being thrown and a fly buzzing around. 

He feels a tennis ball being thrown at a locker. 

He the feels Markus's fist coming dangeroulsy close the back of his head. 

He quickly moves out of the way causing Markus's fist hit his locker. 

Stiles smirks as Markus turns to him anger in his eyes.

"You think your tough don't you, freak?" Markus asked as everyone crowds around.

"Yeah, actually I do." Stiles said.

"Dude! what the hell are you doing?!" Flash yelled as he and Jackson run over (Yeah he's not an ass)

"Just gonna beat Stilinski's ass." Markus said.

"Damn, I was really hoping you weren't gonna say that." Stiles said.

Markus gets angry and goes to hit Stiles again but he moves his head avoiding the punch.

"How'd you miss man?" Stiles said provoking the angry teenager. 

Markus throws another punch but Stiles avoids the punch again.

"Come on man, I thought that you were the fighter." Stiles said laughing. 

Markus throws another punch in the same direction and Stiles rolls his eyes ducking out of the way. 

Markus gives up on trying to hit Stiles in the head deciding to hit him straight down the middle but Stiles' whole body leans back to the point where he's staring up at the shocked faces of  Flash and Jackson. 

He waves at them before his body straightens out facing Markus his back facing the lockers smirking.

"Damn, I'm good at this." Stiles said with as much snarkiness as he could muster in his voice.

As Stiles faces Markus he sees Scott run over pushing his way through to the front standing beside Jackson.

"Dude do something!" Jackson yelled at Scott.

Stiles feels as though someone is gonna attack him from behind so he flips in the air his feet touching the locker making him do another flip before landing on his feet in front of Markus and his friend.

"Well that was fun." Stiles said smiling.

"What am I supposed to do??" Scott muttered in shock.

"He's all yours man." Markus' friend making Markus roll his eyes and shove him away. 

Markus looks back at Stiles before rushing him punching at him but his hits are avoided as Stiles ducks all of them before having enough and blocking the punches with his arms. 

When Stiles manages to grab Markus' wrist he twists it back using all of his strength causing Markus' face to contort into one of pain. 

Stiles then punches Markus in the face and then in the chest sending him across the hallway where a student drops her books on his face.

"Jesus Christ Stilinski, you really are a freak." Markus' friend said. Stiles shrugs.

"What? It was self defense." He said grabbing his bag and walking away with Scott, Jackson and Flash following after him.

"Okay, how the hell were you able to do that?" Flash asked Stiles.

"I took self-defense classes." Stiles said vaguely.

"Okay, even after taking self defense classes there is no way you would have been able to do the shit that you just did." Jackson said crossing his arms.

"Whatever man, I don't know what you want me to say." Stiles said leaving Scott, Jackson and Flash to stand there in shock.

They walk into class Scott sitting down next to Stiles who falls asleep before being hit in the arm.

"Dude, wake up." Scott said and Stiles jumps awake looking around frantically.

"Hey you alright man?" Jackson asked from behind Stiles who is behind Flash who also looks at him in concern.

"Yeah, just a little jumpy didn't get a lot of sleep last night." Stiles lied nodding running a hand over his buzz cut.

He starts doing his work when he gets a bad feeling like something is gonna happen. 

He shakes it off doing his work when he just looks outside and sees smoke. 

He quickly gets out of his seat and leaves the room not knowing that he is being followed by Jackson. 

He gets changed into his suit turning around seeing Jackson standing there watching him in amazement.

"You can't tell anyone please Jackson." Stiles said and he nods as Stiles puts his mask on.

Spider-Man quickly leaves going outside with Jackson watching as he swings away.

He drops onto a roof before swinging into the building once he reaches the building

"Oh boy. Alright, here we go." He said looking around but spins around hearing a little girl yelling.

"Hold on kiddo, I'm coming!" He yelled busting the door open running into the room and quikly moves out of the way as some burning wood falls on the floor next to him. 

He looks to the right and sees the closed closet doors. 

He webs the door open and runs up to the door moving the clothes back seeing the little girl

"Hey. Hey. I'm gonna get you out of here your gonna be okay." Spider-man said picking her up as she cries.

Spider-man quickly runs out of te room and is surrounded by flames.

"Okay." He said quietly looking around as the girl continues crying. 

Spider-man looks at broken floorboard before taking a deep breath and jumping onto the other side as the girl screams and Spider-Man lands on his feet. 

Outside the little girls parents are outside holding onto each other the father speaks in a foreign language. 

Back in the motel spider-man swings out of a window as an explosion happens. 

He hands the little girl to the mother before swinging away. 

He swings until he is on the school's roof. 

He looks around until he sees a way in. 

He quickly gets into the school changing and running into his classroom.

"Mr. Stilinski, is there a reason as to why you left so suddenly." The teacher asked as the class stares at them

"Sorry. Family emergency." Stiles said and the teacher nods as Stiles walks back to his seat.

"Everything go alright?" Jackson asked and Stiles nods sitting down.

Class goes on as Stiles finishes his work. 

After the bell rings he goes into his english class sitting in the back listening to the teacher talk before doing the work that is handed out. 

He puts his pencil down wiping his eyes putting his head down feeling a headache coming.

Time Skip To Lunch

Stiles walks into the cafeteria tiredly getting his food before sitting down with Scott, Jackson and Flash. 

He takes a bite of his food as Lydia Martin walks by. 

He looks at her from the corner of his eye his eyes go wide as his spider senses go off. 

Lydia slips on some spilt water he quickly catches her and making sure to get all of her food on the tray.

"You alright?" He asked letting her go still holding her tray.

"Yeah, thanks." Lydia said smiling at him as he hands her the tray.

"Your welcome." Stiles said as the others stare at him with wide eyes.

Lydia walks away as Stiles sits back down

He looks back down at his food taking another bite of food.

"Okay, I can't not ask. How the hell did you do that man?" Scott asked Stiles and he looks up at Scott.

"I don't know. It just happened." Stiles said with a shrug. 

After school Stiles walks out to his jeep going home, going into his room closing the door putting his suit away before walking over to his room sitting down on his bed taking out his homework. 

He stares at it before doing it real quick and shoving it in his bag.

 He sits on his bed thinking to himself before going downstairs and ordering takeout for himself and his dad. 

When the doorbell rings he answers it and hands the money to the guy before closing the door and walking away.

"Dad! Come on! I got us dinner!" Stiles yelled up the stairs. 

He hears his dad come down the stairs as he puts the the food on the table before they sit down eating.

"So how was school?" Noah asked.

"It was alright." Stiles said before throwing his empty carton away

"You wanna watch some TV or you gonna go upstairs?" Noah asked and Stiles shrugs.

"Don't know, I think I actually head upstairs and get some sleep it was a long day." He said with a yawn.

"Alright, kid go get some sleep." Noah said as Stiles stands up.

"Thanks dad." Stiles said and hugs him before going upstairs and throwing himself on his bed after closing the door. 

He closes his eyes actually getting some sleep. 

He wakes up the next day grabbing his suit and shoving it into his bag. 

He looks down at his outfit seeing that he fell asleep in the clothes that he wore the day before. 

He sighs grabbing a grey T-shirt, a red hoodie, pair of jeans and his sneakers getting changed before grabbing his bag tossing it over his shoulder after making sure that it was zipped up and ready to go. 

He walks into his bathroom looking at himself before shrugging.

"Good enough." He said before leaving and eating breakfast after eating he quickly jogs into the downstairs bathroom brushing his teeth before walking out grabbing his bag and keys walking out to his jeep.

 He gets in his jeep before going to school, getting out of his jeep closing the door walking up to his friends.

"Hey, guys What's up?" He asked and everyone smiles at him.

"Not much." Flash said as they walk into the school. 

They walk into their first period. 

Scott sits in front of Flash as Stiles sits between Jackson and Flash. 

They do the work that is handed out as the teacher talks to them. 

Stiles yawns and continues working. 

Once the bell rings the group of friends leave the classroom walking to their lockers putting the stuff that they don't need away and grabbing the stuff that they do need for their next class. 

They go to their next class sitting down in their seats doing the work and being bored.

"Stiles, we have try outs today, you gonna try?" Scott asked quietly and Stiles nods.

"Yeah." He said nodding. 

At the end of the day the four boys run down the field getting ready for tryouts. 

They all line up and start throwing the lacrosse ball through the field trying to get into the net. 

The third one is Stiles. 

He stares at the net before running shooting the ball right into the net the goalie not having enough time to catch it. 

Stiles smirks before jogging to the back. 

This continues till coach blows his whistle showing that tryouts is over. 

Everyone jogs back into the locker room but Stiles is stopped by coach.

"That was brilliant. Your gonna be on first line. Keep it up kid." He said before walking away leaving Stiles to stand there in shock.

"Awsome." Flash said from beside him.

"Yeah, awesome. Come on let's go get changed." Stiles said and walks into the locker room Flash follows him.

"That was great, Stiles how the hell did you do that?" Scott asked and Stiles shrugs.

"I guess I just practiced as much as I could over the summer." Stiles said.

"Yeah, I bet." Jackson and Stiles gives him a look.

"What? I was agreeing with you." Jackson said and Stiles sighs rubbing his eyes grabbing his bag walking away.

"What was that about?" Scott asked.

"Nothing, I was just being a jackass." Jackson said grabbing his bag and following after Stiles. 

Flash and Scott look each other grabbing their bags walking away.

Stiles gets home and falls onto his bed doing his homework before closing his eyes taking a nap. 

He wakes up sitting up looking around seeing that it's dark outside.

"Of course. What else is new?" Stiles muttered under his breath standing up sitting at his desk before hearing scared screaming. 

He quickly grabs his suit and changes before jumping out of his window and onto a ledge.

Spider-Man swings through the town until he lands on a light post seeing where the yelling is coming from. 

He sees 4 robbers in a convent store with guns. 

He swings over to the building quietly walking in.

"Christ man, give us the money before we start killing people!" One of the robbers yelled.

"Sorry about this and all but I'm afraid that I can't let you do that." Spider-Man said sarcasm in his voice before webbing the guns away from the robbers.

"Aren't you out past your bedtime kid?" The first robber asked.

"Aren't you little to old to be out of the nursing home?" Spider-man said back making the robber angry. 

He goes to hit him but Spider-Man dodges it quickly webbing him in the face shocking the man. 

The robber stumbles back in shock. 

The second one runs at him trying to grab him but he flips over him landing behind him kicking him in the back.

"Well this is easy." Spider-Man said webbing the second guy to the wall. 

His spider senses go off and he steps to the side causing the third robber to stumble forward.

"Jeez and I thought this was gonna be a long fight. Guess not." Spider-Man said webbing the guy next to the other one. 

He turns his attention to the first one who managed to get the web off his mouth. 

Spider-Man tilts his head to the side waiting for him to do something.

"You gonna stand there like an idiot or are you gonna do something?" He asked and the guy runs at him and Spider-man sighs flipping over him again.

"This is getting real old." He said before webbing the guy to the door and turning to the fourth guy.

"You wanna try?" He asked and the guy shakes his head and tries to run.

"Oh come on, really? I was really hoping I didn't have to do this." Spider-man said before webbing the guy to the food.

"Can't wait to see you idiots next time." Spider-man said before leaving and webbing home. 

He webs to the light post that he was on before webbing home. 

He climbs up his house taking his mask off before he climbs onto the ceiling into his room

He drops down 

He falls onto his bed falling into a restless sleep. 

The next day he gets up shoving his suit in his bag and getting ready for the day. 

He grabs a black T-Shirt and a flannel putting them on. 

He then grabs a pair of jeans and sneakers putting those on leaving grabbing his backpack on his way out of his room. 

He closes the door running on the wall landing on the last stair before walking down the last stair grabbing something to eat and brushing his teeth. 

He grabs his car keys saying bye to his dad leaving and going to school.

When he gets there he gets out of his jeep walking towards the school.

He meets up with Scott, Flash and Jackson and they head into the school talking and messing around.

They finally get to their lockers opening them. 

Stiles pulls out all of his stuff putting his bag inside his locker before closing his locker and going to class. 

He sits in his normal seat sighing.  

The teacher drones on about what they are doing in class. 

"As you all know Spider-Man has been spotted around town if you see him treat him with respect." The teacher said and Stiles smirks.

"He's saving lives everyday so please treat him with the respect that he deserves and that is the respect that you give the police." The teacher said and Stiles' smirk turns into a smile.

"Did you now that he stopped four armed thieves last night and saved a little girl from a fire." One of the students said and Stiles \ looks down smiling playing with his pencil as he listens to the students talk about him or Spider-Man to be exact. 

The bell rings and Stiles grabs his bag before walking away leaving the classroom smiling.

"Stiles! They freaking love you man, that's awesome." Jackson said catching up to him as Flash and Scott lag behind.

"Yeah, it's awesome. But I'm not doing it for the fame." Stiles said and the Jackson nods.

"I know that." He said as the two walk down the hall.

Time Skip To Gym

Stiles walks into the gym holding his gym bag looking at a girl who is currently painting something for her art class. 

Markus is playing a game of basketball with his friends when he blocks a shot that someone was gonna make and the basketball hits the girl's paint can ruining the project. 

The girl looks at it and then at him standing up.

"What the hell Markus! You did that on purpose!" She yelled.

"Nope, but I should've. Better watch your back." Markus said and Stiles shakes his head going over to the girl picking up the paint can smiling at her causing her to smile back.

"Thanks." She said just as the basketball was smacked out of somebody's hands again by Markus almost hitting the can again but Stiles catches it before it does.

"Come on Stilinski, give it up." Markus said walking over to them.

Stiles just looks at him causing Markus to give him a look motioning for the ball. 

He looks at the girl and then back at Markus.

"Give me a sec. Can you hold onto this for me please?" Stiles asked and the girl smiles taking the bag from his hand as Stiles walks over.

"Come on bro." Markus' friends said annoyed.

"Why don't you take it from me?" He asked tilting his head to the the right and Markus gives him a look. 

They walk into the middle of the court. 

Stiles holds the ball out for him to take as almost everyone watches.

"It's alright, Markus take it bro." Another one of his friends said.

"Go right ahead man take it." Stiles said.

Markus reaches for it but Stiles quickly moves it to his left hand smiling at him

Markus tries to take it again but Stiles moves it to his right hand again but this time holding his hand up. 

Markus tries to take the ball again but Stiles messes with him turning him around moving the ball around his head before throwing it at his back laughing as Markus turns around looking angry. 

He smiles at him before pretending to throw it at him making Markus flinch. 

"Come on dude just take the ball already, my arms starting to get tired." Stiles said and hears the girl laugh. 

"Okay. How about this?" Stiles said covering his eyes before peeking at him.

"Alright, how about that." Stiles said turning around as Markus walks up to him. 

He grips the ball and tries to take it but the ball won't budge.

"Come on dude, take it." Stiles said smirking at him.

Markus gives up and backs up all of his friends complaining behind him.

Stiles shrugs and starts dribbling the ball

"Alright, bring it. Bring it Stilinski!" Markus yelled as Stiles runs at him body checking him jumping in the air dunking it shattering the glass and taking the hoop with him as a cheerleader pops her gum. 

Stiles looks at the hoop in his hands and his eyes widen.

"Shit, Jackson!" Stiles yelled and he looks at him.

"Jeez Stiles what the hell happened?" Jackson asked as jogs over with Flash and Scott.

"Um...I broke the hoop?" Stiles said showing them the hoop.

"Damn it Stiles." Jackson said.

"That wasn't supposed to happen okay?!" Stiles said defending himself as everyone stares at him in shock. Jackson starts laughing shaking his head.

"Come on." He said and Stiles walks away dropping the hoop next to Markus before completely leaving the gym taking his bag gently from the girl.

Jackson sighs looking at the mess before looking at Scott.

"You go check on Stiles while Flash and I figure out what to do with all of this bullshit." Scott said and Scott nods before going after Stiles.

'How does he manage to do this?" Flash asked and Jackson shrugs.

"I don't know but we gotta think of something." Jackson said before Flash and shrugs and drags Jackson away.

"What the hell?" Jackson asked.

"Let them deal with it. We all need to check on Stiles."  Flash said and Jackson nods just as Stiles walks up behind them.

"Hey guys." Stiles said startling the two boys.

"Hey, Stiles, you alright?" Jackson asked as Scott walks up beside Stiles.

"Yeah." He said nodding just as the final bell rings.

"Finally! I can leave!" Stiles said excitedly running for his jeep. 

Scott and Flash laugh as Jackson shakes his head with a smile. 

When Stiles gets home he falls on his bed doing his homework. 

He puts his homework away and decides to head over to Jackson's house. 

He looks at his suit and shrugs getting changed and jumping out of his room and swinging to Jackson's knocking on the window hanging upside down.

Jackson looks out his window and walks over opening the window as spider-man climbs on the wall taking his mask off

Stiles drops down onto the floor smiling at Jackson.

"Okay, that is gonna take me awhile to get use to." Jackson said as Stiles drops onto Jackson's bed nodding.

"Yeah, I bet." Stiles said with a laugh

"So how'd it happen?" Jackson asked and Stiles smiles.

'Um... Well let's just say that I got bit by a radioactive spider?" Stiles said.

"When and how?" Jackson asked ad Stiles stares at him.

"What?" He asked and Stiles rolls his eyes

"Over the summer idiot, I had went to visit OZ Corp and bumped into Norman Osborn who is like the best science guy ever but he was showing me around until..." Stiles started but stops putting his mask on and jumping out of his window.

"Okay, what the hell?" Jackson said quietly and his mother comes in.

"Hey, Jackson who were you talking to?" She asked and Jackson holds up his phone.

"Stiles." He said and his mother nods.

"Okay." She said leaves.

"Stiles come on man." Jackson said and Stiles slides back in

"Okay, back to what I was saying, Norman was showing me around and we got to the spider part and there were supposed to be 15 but there was 14. He thought that one of the spider's being researched but it had gotten out and dude it bit me!" Stiles said laughing.

"I should probably go." He said before patting Jackson on the shoulder and leaving. 

Jackson chuckles before falling back on his bed. 

When Stiles gets home he slips into his room through the window getting changed.

He lays down on his bed and stares at his ceiling.

"Nothing has been going on in Beacon Hills lately and now I'm bored. Really bored." Stiles said with an annoyed groan before he closes his eyes and falls asleep. 

When Noah Stilinski walks in he notices how quiet it is in the house which slightly confuses him so he goes upstairs to check on Stiles. 

He walks into the room and sees Stiles sprawled out on his bed sleeping.  

Noah smiles shaking his head before pulling the covers up on Stiles. 

He leaves the room laying down on the couch watching TV. 

He soon goes upstairs and lays down also falling asleep.

Stiles wakes up the next day sitting up. He looks around at the floor for his suit  seeing that it's still on the floor. 

He gets up going to his closet pulling out a white t-shirt, a red hoodie a pair of jeans and sneakers. 

He gets changed. 

He stuffs his suit in his bag walking out of the room. 

He walks downstairs grabbing something to eat before brushing his teeth. 

He grabs his keys saying bye to his dad before leaving and going to school.

He pulls up to the school sitting in his jeep thinking when he hears knocking on his window. 

He turns his head to the right seeing Jackson standing there. 

He rolls the window down and looks at Jackson who has wide eyes.

"What?" He asked.

"Dude, you have to leave now." Jackson said and Stiles raises an eyebrow.

"Um... I can't you do realize my dad's the sheriff right?" Stiles said.

"Yeah, I know but dude something big is going on and the police need your help like right now." Jackson said lowly. 

"Why what's going on?" Stiles asked.

"You know that big time 'business guy' Wilson Fisk?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah, I've been trying to get this guy since New York, Why?"  Stiles asked

"Um...Fisk moved here," Jackson said and Stiles eyes widen  as he grabs his suit climbing in the back.

 Jackson gets in the jeep starting it and driving away as Stiles changes into his suit.

"Thanks." Spider-Man said as Jackson parks somewhere in the town. 

"Your welcome, I'll think of something to cover for you." Jackson said.

"Alright, thanks again." Spider-Man said before getting out and swinging. 

He reaches a building and runs across it as Jackson watches in amazement. 

Spider-man starts swinging again as Jackson leaves

He starts swinging again when he calls his dad with his bluetooth that he installed in his mask a while ago

"Sheriff Stilinski." His dad's voice comes through.

"Hey, Did you take Fisk down yet?" Spider-Man asked swinging

"No. We're Fisk tower but still sitting here like sitting ducks waiting for a warrant." Noah said.

"Mind if I join the fun?" Spider-Man asked

"You know how his lawyers are, we need to do this by the books." Noah said.

"Come on, I've been trying to get this guy since New York." Spider-Man pleaded.

"You really want to help? Head to the County sounds like Fisk's guys are trying to keep my backup from the scene." Noah said as Spider-Man starts swinging towards the County.

"Got it, almost there." Spider-Man said as he swings as he lands on a perch and Noah hangs up the phone.

He jumps down and starts swinging again.

"Whooo!" Stiles yelled swinging when his bluetooth beeps again.

He answers saying: "Hello?"

"Stiles, where the hell are you? We have class soon!" Flash said through his bluetooth.

"Uh...yeah, sorry, man. Dealing with a family issue. I'll be there soon. I promise." Spider-Man said swinging through the sky feeling amazing and powerful. 

"Ugh, better make this quick so I can get back to school." He said after Flash hangs up as he swings through the town of Beacon Hills.

He lands on roof top before swinging again.

"Looks like my dad called in the calvary." Spider-Man said as he swings to the right moving between the buildings. He lands on a rooftop seeing Fisk's thugs shooting up the cops.

The cops get into cover as they continue to be shot at.

"We need more back up." A deputy yelled and another deputy pressed down on a button of his radio.

"10-32! County. Officers under fire!" He yelled as they're shot at. Soon the shots stop.

"Bring in the hammer." The guy in front of the others said through his ear piece and they start backing up as the guy smirks. 

One of the cops stands up and aims his gun not seeing anybody. 

He hears a big truck coming towards them turning around yelling: "MOVE!" 

They all move as the truck rams into the cars before tipping over and blowing up.

 The thugs come out between the smoke reloading aiming their guns at the officers.

 Spider-Man swings by webbing the thugs guns away from them landing in front of them

"Morning guys, who's ready for their hot fresh cup of bodily harm?" Spider-Man asked be fore webbing over to one kicking him. 

He starts to hit one when he starts getting shot at he quickly dodges all of them. 

He kicks one of them a few more times.

"Gotta warn you guys, I'm feeling a little punchy this morning." He said before webbing a manhole lid and throws it at one of them. 

He dodges being hit and shot before kicking one away onto the ground.

"Next!" Spider-Man said as he webs a trash can throwing it at him before fighting another guy sending him to the ground. 

He hits the other guy just as another truck pulls up. 

He puts the guy out. 

The thugs jump down shooting at him as he webs one of the thugs onto the truck and continues to be shot at.

"Man, Fisk has a lot of idiots on his payroll." Spider-Man muttered as he dodges the bullets. 

He runs at one of the guys punching the guy in the face sending him in the air before hitting the guy as he falls. 

He starts fighting with other one dodging bullets as he webs another one to the side of the truck. 

He sends one to the other side of the street. 

He starts fighting with another thug when his bluetooth beeps again.

"Spider-Man what's your status?!" Noah yelled as Spider-Man fights with one of the thugs.

"Almost done, you?" Spider-Man asked webbing the thug.

"We're about to go in." Sheriff Stilinski said as Spider-Man webbs another one before fighting a thug.

"Be there soon. Can't wait to see the look on Willies face when you slap the cuffs on him." Spider-Man said as he dodges shots and Noah hangs up. 

He kicks one sending him down before kicking another one and dodging bullets.

"This is not how I imagined my morning going."  Spider-Man thought to himself webbing a thug before doing the same to another thug when they break out of it he kicks one as the other runs at him he turns around and kicks him right in the face as the guy gets closer.

"Alright, Sheriff all done. What's goin---" Spider-Man started when an explosion happens at Fisk tower.

"Oh my god! Noah? Noah!" Spider-Man yelled running before swinging towards the tower.

"I knew Fisk wouldn't go quietly." He said as he swings towards Fisk tower.

Sheriff Stilinski runs using the cop cars as cover. 

He leans down and pulls out his radio.

"Get more backup! And lock down the air space." Noah said through the radio as Spider-Man lands behind him hanging onto the side of the van that he's using as cover making Noah look at him.

"Noah, you alright?" Spider-Man asked.

"If Fisk makes it outta that building we're screwed." Noah said.

Spider-Man nods.

"I'm gonna uh..." He said trailing off as he points towards the tower.

"Go do your thing." Noah said.

"Yes." Spider-Man said doing a little fist bump to himself before swinging off.

"Today's the day Willie." Spider-Man said as he swings towards the tower avoiding being shot.

"Head's!" He said webbing two guys in the face making the last guy on the balcony drop his gun and start running.

"Hey, where you running off too?" Spider-Man asked swinging towards him and grabbing him as they go through the window throwing him to the thugs on the lower level.

"Catch!" He said landing on a perch.

"I'll clear a path! Follow me!" Spider-Man said to the officers in the building.

"Get outta here, spider-man. We got this." A deputy said and Spider-Man rolls his eyes before swinging avoiding being shot at. 

"Yeah looks like it." He thought to himself as he webs a thug in the face landing on the ground.

"Sorry to break it to you pal, but you do NOT got this." Spider-Man said taking out some more thugs

"What's Spider-Man doing here?! He's gonna mess everything up!" A deputy yelled as spider-man takes care of some of the other thugs.

"Oh, thanks for the boost in confidence!" Spider-Man yelled as he swings knocking a guy down. 

He fights with another thug avoiding being hit by thugs and bullets.

"I guess this is what they call a hostile workplace." Spider-Man said swinging and knocking a thug onto his back.

He avoids being shot as he takes out another thug before avoiding another bullet and hitting a guy over the head with a trash can that he webbed over to himself. He swigs away avoiding the shots being fired he swings back and takes out a thug. He turns around and hits the other thug behind him and dodges the bullets before webbing one thug making him drop his gun. 

When the guy breaks the webs he runs at him but Spider-Man kicks him back.

 He starts fighting with all of them avoiding being shot before swinging away coming back and throwing another thug after using his webs to latch onto it. 

He drops down turning around and ducks under a swing taking the thug out from the knees kicking him back. 

He looks up at the elevator as more thugs come out holding pistols shooting at Spider-Man and the officers. 

"Gotta take care of these shooters." Spider-Man said and webs himself up onto the balcony kicking a shooter down turning around avoiding a bullet and webbing him to the wall before taking the other shooter out as more shooters come out. 

Spider-Man avoids a bullet coming at him before webbing the gun out of his hand and fighting with him before moving out of the way making the other shooter punch him in the face before spider-man punches the other shooter in the face sending him down.

"Think that's all of them." Spider-Man said as the officers run up to the elevator balcony.

"Com'on. Com'on" A officer said pressing the up button on the elevator but it shuts down.

"They shut the elevators down! Take the stairs!" The same officer yelled before they run towards the stairs as spider-man jumps up onto the elevator balcony

"I'm into the more direct approach" Spider-Man said and runs up to the elevator forcing it open when his bluetooth beeps.

"Spider-Man, status." Noah said 

"Heading to the upper floors and praying to god that they don't turn the elevators back on." Spider-Man said as he climbs the wall.

"Our choppers are taking fire, it's like Fisk has armed men on every single damn floor." Noah said.

"He's desperate." Spider-Man said as he climbs the wall

"And he's hitting us with every last thing that he's got." Noah said as Spider-Man starts to run up the wall.

"I have to find him and end this." Spider-Man said climbing again as he reaches a vent.

"Not yet. Just picked up chatter, they're wiping all their data servers. We need that evidence, if we want to put him away for good." Noah said as Spider-Man crawls through the vents.

"Alright, server room it is then." Spider-Man said when his bluetooth beeps again.

"Scott. Better answer that." Spider-Man said and it answers.

"Um.. Hey Scott." He said as he crawls through the vents.

"Stiles, what is all that noise and is everything okay?" Scott asked.

"I'm with my dad. Yeah everything is okay. What's up?" Spider-Man asked

"I just wanted to  make sure that everything is alright." Scott said.

"Yeah, listen I'm sorry, but I really gotta go." Spider-Man said as he drops from the vents.

"Hostiles', next floor up!" A officer yelled.

 "See you later, man." Scott said.

"See you later." Spider-Man said before Scott hangs up. He sighs before swinging up to a thug taking him down dodging bullets as he takes out the other thugs just as the elevators open. He starts fighting with them.

"What time in this mess did you think that will end well for you?" Spider-Man asked as he dropkicks one onto the floor before turning around and hits another one. He is fighting with one of the thugs when another one comes up behind him he quickly dodges jumping over him webbing him in the back before pulling himself forward and kicking him down. He knocks the other one down before moving onto another one kicking him in the face.

"Oh, take a break buddy. You need it." Spider-Man said as he takes down another thug

"Onto the next one." He said after taking a thug down. 

He takes down a thug before fighting the other thugs after sending each one of them down he sighs thanking god that he hasn't gotten hit yet so that when he gets to school his face isn't covered in cuts and bruises.

"Gotta find that server room before all the evidence is gone." Spider-Man said before webbing himself to the double doors leading to the server room.

"If I go in that way they'll get rid of all the evidence." He said before scanning the room.

"Maybe I should find a sneaky way in." Spider-Man said and looks around for a vent. He sees one and swings to it before crawling through the vents.

"Huh, it's like my own private ventrance. Fisk maybe a dirty criminal but he has remarkable clean air vents." He said as he crawls through the vents. 

He stops at a vent and opens it before webbing one of the thugs to the celling of the vent.

"They're adorable when their oblivious." Spider-Man said before crawling again before reaching the last vent dropping down.

"Is this tech support? I think I forgot my password" He said before kicking one of the thugs before flipping over one of them that tried to sneak up on him. 

He starts fighting them avoiding hits that are being thrown at him.

As he's fighting an automated voice starts talking: "Warning. Full deletion imminent."

Spider-Man hits one of them as the other one runs by trying to get to the console.

"And I thought the IT guys in New York were rude." He said kicking one of the thugs away before webbing a trashcan and hitting the last thug with it.

Spider-Man starts running towards the console muttering: "Gotta access that console before every thing's wiped." 

He runs up to the console and plugs in a drive typing.

"Let's see how good their security really is." Spider-Man said 

"Oh you forgot the latest kernel patch." He said shaking his head as he continues to type.

"Hiding in the server room?" Fisk said on the big screen getting spider-man's attention.

"How cowardly. Even for you." He said leaning forward.

"Says the guy frantically trying to erase his search history." Spider-Man said typing.

"Your still the same ignorant child." Fisk said leaning back in his chair.

"And I take pride in that cause it's part of my charm and I am a child." Spider-Man said looking at Fisk as he hits enter. 

Fisk looks at his computer screen angrily.

"God damn you." He said before looking away from his computer towards the right.

"Get that door down now!" Fisk yelled and Spider-Man turns around as thugs run into the room.

"Get past him! Destroy everything!" Fisk yelled as Spider-Man sends one into the air and yanks him down taking another thug with him.

"Look around you! I did this." Fisk said as Spider-Man continues to fight the thugs.

"What have you ever done that's mattered in your life?" Fisk asked as Spider-Man continues to fight the thugs.

"I don't know. There was this one time where I took down a pompous overstuffed crime boss before school." Spider-Man said.

"Without me, the scum I kept in check will run rampant. And it'll be your fault." Fisk said as spider-man continues fighting off thugs. 

"Been a long and tough road Fisk. Almost sad to see it end." Spider-Man said still fighting thugs and dodging bullets.

"Mere prelude." Fisk said.

"Well make sure to be read ready for the main event." Spider-Man said as he swings  around a few thugs confusing them before kicking one of the thugs into the other sending them both down. 

He dodges bullets before one almost hits him but he moves at the last second. 

He kicks the guy in the face sending him crashing to floor after webbing him. 

He runs out of the room but stops when most of the ceiling comes down and his bluetooth beeps. 

He answers.

"Noah, an explosion just..." Spider-Man started but is cut off.

"Yeah, I know. I saw it, Fisk could have the whole place wired." Noah said as Spider-Man webs himself up to the upper floor.

"I'm sending in a bomb unit." Noah said as spider-man lands on a balcony.

"Got it. I'll make sure no one gets in their way." He said as he kicks a thug in the face sending him down. 

He webs another before kicking him down. 

A thug gets up to the upper floor and runs at Spider-Man who webs him before kicking him down.

"Think that's all of them." Spider-Man said as the guy goes down. 

He swings up to the upper level as the bomb squad gets there busting the door open. 

He lands in front of them in a crouch.

"Hey guys, guess bombs were apart of Willie's get way plan." Spider-Man said before another explosion goes off.

"HELP!" A man yelled.

"AHHH. HELP!" A woman yelled.

"Sounds like they're trapped.." Spider-Man said.

"You go after them, we'll look for the bombs." A bomb squad officer said as Spider-Man stands up and they walk away. 

People yell for help as Spider-Man webs up to the upper level.

"Everyone clear out! Evacuate the building." Spider-Man said as the ones that are standing run out of the area. 

He webs a fallen beam and pulls flipping away so that it doesn't hit him as people run out.

"I heard more people back that way." A woman said as she runs out of the building.

"I'll find them." Spider-Man said as enters from where they run out off. 

He runs into a room and sees a fallen wall with a small space into another room.

"Spider-Man! We can't move we're pinned down!" A woman yelled as he crawls through the space. He sees a fall part of the ceiling had fallen on two young women and a small gap that he can get under.

"I'll lift it, when your free get out fast. If you can walk help the injured. Got it?" Spider-Man asked getting ready to lift the ceiling.

 He starts lifting it as more part of the ceiling falls. 

He keeps lifting feeling like his arms are gonna snap. 

He lifts it high enough for the women to get out.

"Go! Go! Go!" He said as the women get out from under the fallen celling. 

He throws it and flips out of the way before it hits him.

"Thank you." One of the women said 

"Okay Willie, coming your way." Spider-Man said as he walks in the other direction and his bluetooth beeps.

"Spider-Man it's Noah." Noah said through the bluetooth.

"How we doing, Sheriff?" Spider-Man asked zipping to a vent.

"Could be better. Our choppers took a hell of a beating, we just had to ground our last one. If Fisk calls in a chopper we have no way of stopping it from landing." Noah said as Spider-Man crawls through the vents.

"And no one to chase him if he flies away." Spider-Man said crawling through the vents

"Why do I get the feeling that's what he was planning the whole damn time?" Noah asked as Spider-Man still crawls through the vents

"Because he most likely was." Spider-Man said as he reaches the end of vents opening the door dropping down 

"Damn, Noah get EMT's up here and fast." He said as he runs through the hallway.

"We're trying." Noah said before hanging up as he runs to the other room where a explosion happens. 

He runs into the room as two cops shoot and he zips up to a ledge sitting on it seeing one of Fisk's thugs with rocket launcher.

"Oh shit! INCOMING!" Spider-Man yelled and dodges a rocket before zipping towards him kicking him in the face sending him down.

"Thank god that's over." He said as two more thugs come up from the second balcony. 

Spider-Man zips up to the thugs.

"More rockets?! Don't you think that's a little much?!" Spider-Man asked dodging rockets and fighting with them sending them both to the ground. 

He runs at another thug holding a rocket launcher dodging rockets as he fights with him.

"What? Is it like national rocket day or something?" Spider-Man asked as he continues to fight. 

He turns around after knocking that guy down avoiding rockets before zipping over to him and knocking him over. 

He zips back over to the double doors trying to find the bomb squad. 

He rips open the door with his webs running into the room.

"Jeez, how'd the bomb squad get through this?" Spider-Man asked running through the room and jumping into the next room. 

He runs into the room and sees the thugs running at him.

"Settle down, I've got enough for everybody." Spider-Man said webbing one of them. 

He starts fighting with them throwing trash cans at them with his webs before doing a wall attack dodging bullets.

"Okay room is clear." Spider-Man said.

"Bomb squad must be somewhere ahead." He said walking up the stairs 

"Hope they're okay." Spider-Man said as he goes to the double doors.

He opens the door and swings in.

"You alright?" Spider-man asked.

"We were just about to call for backup." A bomb squad officer said.

"I think I'm that backup." Spider-man said as the bomb squad moves to the side.

"Lead the way, we'll be right behind you." The bomb squad officer said as Spider-Man walks past them.

"Heads up boss." The bomb squad officer said into his radio as the others raise their weapons. 

Spider-man stops and turns his head to the right slightly his spidey senses going off like crazy. 

He jumps over them as they start to shoot and takes one of the officers guns landing behind them as they turn around. 

He throws the gun at a officer knocking him over. 

He webs a bomb squad officer's shield kicking him sliding between his legs and kicks him in the back. 

He dodges a bullet and fights with the other officers.

"You guys have been in bed with Fisk all this time? Oh man, now I won't get that image outta my head." Spider-Man said as he slides under another another officer kicking him in the back sending him on him down. 

He does the same to another officer before dodging shots before dodging a hit and punching him away before sending him onto his back dodging some more bullets.

"So your plan didn't work. Time for plan B-- getting kicked in the face." Spider-Man said webbing them kicking one of them as the other tries to get out of the webs. 

Spider-Man fights with the others before sending them all onto the floor calling Noah.

"Hey Noah, looks like some of your guys were on Fisk's payroll." Spider-Man said as he goes to the doors outside of Wilson Fisk's office.

"The good news is they were Willie's last line of defense. I'm right outside his office." Spider-Man said stopping at the doors waiting for the go.

"Take his ass down. Now." Noah said.

"With pleasure." Spider-Man said before going into Fisk's office.

Fisk is sitting at his desk signing papers when spider-man lands onto his beam.

"Writing your memoirs?" Spider-Man asked.

"Don't forget the hyphen between Spider and Man." Spider-Man said.

"Get the chopper ready, I won't be long." Fisk said fixing his suit cracking his knuckles and standing up. 

He grabs a remote off the desk turning around.

"I'm surprised you made it this far. But your foolishness ends now." Fisk said walking to the back of his office holding the remote pressing a button making a glass thing slide down. 

Spider-Man flips off the wall landing on his feet. 

"Um... You do realize I can still see you, right?" Spider-Man asked tilting his head to the side.

"7 months of this idiocy" Fisk said as turrets come out of the beams making spider-man look around at them

"All this for me? You shouldn't have." Spider-Man said as the turrets start firing. 

Spider-Man dodges all of the bullets. 

When he gets behind one he webs repeatedly before ripping the turret off of the beam and throwing it.

"What are you doing?!" Fisk yelled. 

Spider-man dodges more bullets before webbing the second turret repeatedly and ripping it off throwing it at the glass that Fisk is hiding behind shattering it.

"How is this happening?!" Fisk yelled at Spider-Man.

"What's wrong Willie? You seem a little angry..." Spider-Man said.

"I will Destroy you!" Fisk yelled running at his desk before slamming his fists on it breaking it.

"Com'on, take your best shot Willie!" Spider-Man said as Fisk throws a piece of his desk at spider-man but he webs it throwing it back at him.

"You'll die as uselessly as you lived." Fisk said running at Spider-Man but he dodges him.

"Give me your best bud." Spider-Man said webbing him. 

Fisk tries to get out of the webs.

"That gave me a opening." He said before pulling himself to him punching and kicking him before Fisk hits him back

"That's gonna leave a bruise." Spider-man thought to himself groaning. 

Fisk runs at him again but Spider-man jumps out of the way. 

Fisk runs at spider-man again but he webs Fisk again. 

Fisk runs at spider-man again but Spider- Man dodges and webs him hitting him 

"Tiresome annoyance!" Fisk yelled as spider-man webs him again hitting him.

"Hang in there. It'll all be over soon." Spider-Man said webbing Fisk and hitting him again. 

Fisk keeps trying to attack him but spider-man dodges every attack webbing him. 

He hits him before throwing a trash can at him.

"ARG!!!" Fisk yelled running at Spider-Man. He doesn't have enough time to move before being plowed over.

"That just bruised my whole body." Spider-Man thought standing up turning around jumping over Fisk webbing him from behind hitting him. 

Fisk breaks out of the webs and punches him in the face tackling through the wall sending him into a pipe. 

Fisk goes to hit him but Spider-Man moves his head out of the way before being grabbed and thrown the wall.

"Ahhh!" Spider-Man yelled as he flies through the wall before landing on the floor coughing.

"You are everything that's wrong with this town!" Fisk yelled as he steps through the hole in the wall and spider-man stands up.

"Huh, I was just about to say the same thing to you." Spider-Man said standing up.

"You know what to do men." Fisk said.

"Surround him!" One of Fisk's thugs yelled. 

Spider-Man webs one of the thugs taking him down avoiding Fisk. 

He dodges an attack from behind before throwing something back at Fisk that he threw. 

He shoots webs at Fisk avoiding hits, he zips over and takes a thug out before attacking Fisk. 

He hits another thug about to be hit by Fisk but spider-man flips over him. 

He webs another thug before taking a few other thugs.

"You fools!" Fisk yelled.

"You trained to fight. So FIGHT!" Fisk yelled as he tries to hit Spider-Man. 

Spider-Man dodges all the hits.

"He's too fast" A thug said to Fisk.

"I don't want excuses" Fisk said as Spider-Man attacks the thugs.

"What do I pay you for?!" Fisk yelled as Spider-Man kicks a thug in the face.

Spider-man webs one sliding between their legs kicking them in the back.

"No! I can handle myself." Fisk said.

Spider-Man webs Fisk zipping towards him but kicks the thug instead. 

He takes the second one out as Fisk runs at him.

"Where are the reinforcements?!" Fisk yelled as spider-man swings away.

Spider-man starts kicking and punching Fisk before dodging away. 

He grabs a trash can with his webs and hits Fisk with it making him back up.

 He webs Fisk again as he runs over to a cinder block getting ready to throw it. 

He zips over and hits Fisk again dodging him when Fisk tries to slam his fists on the top of his head. 

Spider-Man throws a trash can at him with his webs making Fisk back up.

"Time to end this!" Fisk yelled angrily running at spider-man.

"You asked for it." Spider-Man said avoiding being plowed to the ground. 

He webs Fisk before zipping over to him hitting him. 

He dodges a hit before zipping over and hitting Fisk before webbing him. 

He zips over to him and starts to hit him when Fisk breaks free grabbing him picking him up slamming him on the floor. 

Spider-Man rolls over when Fisk tries to slam his fists on his face, he moves out of the way making Fisk hit the floor shattering it sending them down. 

They start falling but Spider-Man moves so that it's only fisk that hits the floor he zips down kicking him in the chest sending them both down. 

Fisk grabs him and throws him off the second floor but spider-man swings around zipping towards him kicking him in the chest sending them both down as spider-man punches Fisk in the face.

 sending him crashing through the glass floor shattering it as Fisk falls spider-man webs him up making him hang upside down. 

Spider-man hangs upside down with his head tilted to the side.

"So... should we kiss now or something?" Spider-Man asked with a chuckle as the police aim their weapons at Fisk.

As Fisk walks out in handcuffs the press is there shouting and taking pictures as he reaches the police van Spider-Man lands on top of it.

"Finally off to prison? You know I think you got more enemies in there than I do." Spider-man said with a chuckle.

"If you think this is more than a minor inconvenience..." Fisk started but spider-man cuts him off.

"Welp, gotta go. Hey and guess what?! Good luck in there Willie! Gotta a gut feeling your gonna need it." Spider-man said before swinging off as Fisk watches him go.

"Idiot! I'm the one who kept order in this town! One month! In one month you'll wish you had me back!" Fisk yelled as the police close the doors.

Spider-man lands on a light post.

"The kingpin is heading to prison. End of an era. Feel like I should celebrate. Maybe take a vacation." Spider-man said as he swings through the sky when his bluetooth beeps.

"Stiles, where the hell are you?! Class is gonna start in like 15 minutes!" Flash said through the phone. 

"I'm almost there Flash. Blocks away." Spider-man said as he swings.

"Ugh, just hurry up!" Flash said and hangs up

"No wait! I'll be there--."  Spider-Man started but is cut off when the bluetooth beeps as he soars through the sky.

"Gotta love Flash and all but one day his anger is gonna get him in trouble. Better get there before he gets into a fight." Spider-Man said swinging.  

He runs up a building so he can get more speed as he swings. 

He reaches the roof and swings going to the school. 

Once he reaches the school he runs up the building and looks out the window surprised that no one saw him. 

When he reaches the roof he goes to his bag and gets changed walking through the door rushing down the stairs into the boys bathroom seeing how beat up and bruised his face is.

"Great." Stiles muttered before leaving the bathroom as he is stared at.

"Hey guys. Sorry---" Stiles started but is cut off when Scott sees him.

"Jeez, man what the hell happened to your face?!" He exclaimed but Stiles chuckles.

"Nothing just a couple guys that my dad arrested, I'm fine."  He said and Scott sighs.

"Okay." He said as the bell rings they walk into the classroom.

 They do the work that is given and go throughout the day like it's normal for their best friend to show up bloody and bruised. 

After school he asked Jackson to bring his jeep home and to not crash it. 

Jackson had laughed and nodded before Stiles rushes up the stairs to the roof closing the door changing into his suit zipping onto a water tower swinging. 

He swings home before sliding into his room changing out of his suit. 

He falls onto his bed falling asleep. 

He wakes up in the middle of the night seeing that it's dark out.

 He sighs and goes into the bathroom cleaning himself up. 

He goes to his window looking outside leaning against it listening to the radio as the reporter talks saying how one day that Stiles is gonna be the cause for most of the gang wars that are gonna happen.

 Stiles chuckles shaking his head.

"I'll get him to say something nice about me... Someday." He said as he throws his clothes in the basket next to his bed with his suit not far behind.

 He grabs the basket bringing it downstairs putting his clothes/suit in the washing machine. 

He goes into the bathroom cleans up his face the best he can going into his room falling on his bed falling asleep. 

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