What I Deserve

By Dumbled0resArmy

176K 3.3K 2.6K

He got up, and took off his shirt, revealing his abs. "W-What are you doing?" He smirked. "I thought I'd get... More

A Wedding
The Interview
The First Few Days
New Neighbor?
The Unfortunate Incident
Long Days, Longer Nights
Bookstore Handsome
First Dates
Labels and Dreams
Catch me
I Don't Love Draco Malfoy
It's Yours
This World of Mine
For Me
When Secrets Unfold
Heart of a Home

I Love You

6.3K 126 83
By Dumbled0resArmy

I decided I could still run S.P.E.W. From Paris. I could probably tuna mother office there too, expand it and get more work done.

Draco hadn't shown up into the apartment all night. I was glad; I didn't want to say my goodbyes. I just wanted home to fade away from my life. I finished packing, I leave with Caleb in 4 hours. As I put my last few trinkets in my carry-on purse, I could hear the door close. Draco.

I walked out to the living room, where a messy, sad Draco sat on the couch, not drunk, but clearly broken. His eyes were dark, he looked as if he hadn't slept all night, and his lips were dry and chapped.

"Where were you?"

He looked up at me, tired and slouchy. "What does it matter to you?"

I averted my eyes and cleared my throat. "It doesn't." I worked my way around the counter to get some water. I filled the glass cup, the water slowly filling up the glass. I say next to Draco and handed him the cup. He just looked at the glass and pushed my hand away, the water sloshing. I got up and placed it firmly on the counter. "I just wanted to tell you that you can keep the apartment." I turned to the hallway, but Draco's remark stopped me.

"Why would I want to stay a place that reminds me of something I lost?"

I closed my eyes and took in a breath before
returning to my room.

It was two hours later and I was ready to leave. I slowly open the door and picked out into the hallway. I could hear light snores from the living room, Draco was asleep. I walked out of my room, My suitcase behind me. I had written a letter, words it didn't say to Draco's face. I walked up to him and stared, aware that this may be the last time I ever see him again. I placed the letter next to the cup of water and left.

I arrived at the airport, and Caleb was already waiting for me. "You know we'd already be in Paris if you had let us apparate," he complained before reaching for my hand.

I looked at him and put in my best smile. "Where's the fun in that?"

We sat down and waited until our boarding time. We got drinks at the café, me with an espresso, Caleb with his black coffee.

"You're awfully quiet today, Hermione," Caleb commenced. "Is everything alright?"

"No," I said, surprised I admitted it. "I'm just really going to miss London."

"Is that ask?"

"No," I blurted again.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I sighed, and to my dismay, answered. "I'm going to miss Draco." My hand slapped my mouth and I stared at Caleb. "Caleb, what did you do?"

He frowned and looked at me. "I slipped some Veritaserum into your drink when you went to the bathroom."

I punched Caleb's arm and got up. "Why would you do that?"

"Well, I wouldn't get the truth just by asking nicely, now, would I?" I turned around but stopped. In front of me stood the one and only Draco Malfoy. I scoffed. "I also called Draco, because I had I feeling I already knew your answer."

"Fight 315 is ready to board, Flight 315"

Caleb got up and walked over to me. "I suspect you're probably going to stay," He said. "Goodbye, Hermione." I reached for hand and slipped a small piece of paper in my hand before he walked away. I turned back to Draco who, in seconds, placed his lips on mine.


Draco's POV

It was over. I was over. I really thought Hermione could be my new reason to move on with my life, to be happy. And she just left me. I can tell myself that I did my best to make her stay, to make her see my love. But can I blame her? Can a couple of months replace seven years of me torturing her, teasing her if being muggle born when it is the exact reason why I found her so beautiful?

What do I do now? Where do I go?

I laid back, and for the first time in years, I cried. Not a drunk cry, but a real cry. A cry that comes from my heart, for her. Can you hear me, Hermione? My heart. It's calling for you.

Just then, my cell phone started ringing. I picked it up and pressed the button. "Draco, you have to come now. If you still love her, come."

I ended the call. This was it. My last chance.


I watched Caleb walk away and Hermione turned back to me. I couldn't say anything more. Actions speak louder than words. I walked up to her, grabbed her face and pulled her to me. I could hear her purse drop as she wrapped her arms around my head to embrace me at last. The second our lips touched, time stood still. The once filled airport was not empty and it was just Hermione and I in the world. Never did I think I could feel this happy, this free of the boundaries that always held me back. She brushed her hand through my hair and pulled back. Her eyes met mine and her smile melted my heart.

"Do you love me?" I asked.

Her eyes watered and she smiled, a slight chuckle escaping her lips, and nodded. "I love you, Draco Malfoy. More than I ever thought I could love someone."

AP testing is over!! I still have a couple of  weeks left of school, but I hopefully will have more time to work on this fanfiction. Thank you all so much for sticking around. If you find yourself waiting too long for the next chapter, go and read my other Dramione Fanfiction, The Mirror of Erised! It's completed. Don't forget to vote!! 💕✨-Ally

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