Wilde's Flower (ON HOLD)

By Kophi_

907 23 5

Where there's smoke, there's always a fire. "The more you fight it, the more determined I am to prove that y... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven.

Chapter Two

141 3 0
By Kophi_

I fly through Friday's appointments, leaving the meeting with the editors of the company's magazine and a few other clients at just past eleven. I jump in my car setting off for the hotel using the google map to get the location. Friday mid-morning traffic is a nightmare but once I'm out of the city, the drive onward is pretty straightforward with the help of the map. The sun is out. Dua Lipa is keeping me company and it's Friday. A little drive to the Beverley hillside is a lovely way to finish my work week.

As I drive past a few huge houses and restaurants, my map instructs me to pull off the main road and onto a little lane, where I find myself in front of the biggest gate I have ever seen. A metal plaque on a wall states 'The Wilde West.'

My goodness! I sit forward-looking past the gate, at a humongous and luxuriant estate with a perfectly round courtyard. I hear a metal squeak and the gate starts to open for me to drive through it. I slowly drive in and I'm hit with the glorious view of the huge house that demands its attention. It's so beautiful. My anticipation for this meeting dampening at the sight before me.

I have never seen anything like it, neither have I ever heard of this place before. I spot a few people taking a stroll and others sitting by a fountain, all enjoying the mid-morning sun. I drive to the front of the entrance and a valet walks right up to my car, opening the door for me.

'Thank you.' I say, handing him the keys to my car as I get out.

I walk past him towards the glass doors - decorated with silver metals - marched by four bay windows and brick walls. The door opens from the inside and I cross the threshold into a huge entrance hall. I gaze around the vast area and I'm immediately impressed by the grand central and curved staircase. A few people walking in and out, on the stairs, and sitting on the side in the large room.

Spotting the reception straight ahead, I make my way there momentarily diverted from my curious course. Behind the solid sandstone desk, a tall, groomed, man smiles at me. 'Hello and welcome to The Wilde West.' He says routinely. 'How may I help you?'

'Josephine Patterson, Alkahest Retailers.' I reply. 'I'm here to see Miss McCartney.'

'Excuse me for one moment, Miss Patterson.' He arches his eyebrow slightly as I stand self-conscious before him. A very attractive, blonde woman in her thirties, dressed impeccably in black and white pops out of a door behind the front desk almost immediately. 'Ma'am, I have Miss Patterson here to see you.' He says moving aside.

The woman looks at me with recognition and welcomes me with a smile. 'Miss Patterson,' Her hands move towards me and I clasp them in a handshake. 'It's a pleasure. I'm Elizabeth McCartney, superintendent.' She says mildly. 'Please call me, Elizabeth.'

'Hi Elizabeth, Please call me Josephine.' I smile.

'Thank you for coming,' She says 'please excuse me a minute.' She smiles courtesy. I nod my go ahead and she turns to the clerk 'Edward, please ring room 216 and tell them the car is waiting.'

'Yes ma'am.' Edward picks the telephone on the desk immediately.

'Please come with me, Josephine.' She gestures towards her left.

'Okay,' I follow behind her.

We walk towards a straight corridor behind the stairs and head down a large hall.

The decor is opulent, lush, and very intimidating. A hint of Silver metals and original woodwork, a mahogany grey plaque. Everything is perfect.

My phone starts to vibrate in my bag and I search through my bag for it to know who it is. It's Drew. He's probably wondering where my reply to his inappropriate voicemail is. I huff at my phone, stabbing at the red button. I turn off my phone and stuff it in my bag as I continue down the hall.

'I believe you're already familiar with the design patterns of the hotel Josephine. Am I correct?' Elizabeth asks.

'Of course, I got the briefs by mail two days ago and I'm familiar with them.' I answer accurately.

As we walk down the hall, I hear the hum of conversations and glance to my right noticing a room with many people sat at various tables eating, drinking, and chatting. Waiters are serving food and drinks, and the distinct voice of Shawn Mendez and Camilla Cabello is purring in the background.

'I received your portfolio and marked out all the items needed for the room I'm about to show you.' She informs me as we get to a flight of stairs and pure curiosity has me walking up the steps gazing around the vast area. It's immaculate. 'And I also sent a few items I researched on, hopefully, you can get your hands on them as well.' She stated expectantly.

'Of course.' I reply 'Whatever you need.'

As we reach the top of the stairs, Elizabeth heads off to the right and I follow with my black heels clicking on the plaque floor. The sight of a marbleized wallpaper adding some pizzazz to space with doors and trim in charcoal Gray enhancing the dazzling print. We continue past two closed doors and she opens the third one leading to what appears to be a summer room- a massive light stunning space with a huge chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. And it's empty.

'Here we are.' She says as I look around studying the room carefully. A herringbone pattern creates an eye-catching twist to the standard wood floor. Floor to ceiling bi-fold doors spurns the complete face of the room leading to the balcony and the view of a fresh green lawn area. I see a glass building housing a swimming pool and a gym. It's incredible. I can't even imagine how much the nightly rate would cost. It has to be five stars or even more.

Elizabeth moves in quietly, allowing me to take my time regarding the grandeur before me. 'It's immaculate,' I say, turning round to meet her gaze. She nods in acknowledgment smiling at me. 'Is there an expectation whatsoever?' I ask.

'We are hoping for something within the line of candle woods and proscenium decorations.' She says.

I can work with that. It's a lot but nothing I can't handle. 'That's fine by me. What about the furniture?'

'Old wood and marbles.' She said impressing me with her aesthetic taste. 'I already marked out the specifics and included a few of the wooden materials I researched in your portfolio. All I require are the cost and quality so we can begin work immediately.' She adds.

'Not to worry, I'll get right on it.' I assure her 'You'll get an email from the purchasing department by Monday.'

'Brilliant.' She says 'My apologies. I hope you don't mind, I have to be excused. Please take as much time as you need here, I have a few matters to attend to.'

'Not a problem, I'll take it from here. Thank you.'

'Thank you for your time.' she says and takes her to leave.
As I take notes and digest the view around me, I let my imagination run its course and list out a couple of lighting befitting to the room and also wall painting as well. Busy penning down the details, I was hardly aware of the door opening.

'Excuse me.'

I'm dragged from my scripting and speculating, straight into high alert. My back straightens. I turn to that raspy smooth voice that has me frozen on the spot.

Oh good God. My heart slams right out of my chest and I forget how to breathe. I'm struck silent to the view of a very tall man, dressed in a blue plaid suit, white shirt, and grey tie with unruly fire blonde hair. He looks like a wonder from a superhero movie or a James Bond film. An impossible sight to behold in reality. I'm unable to find my voice. He's beautiful.

He makes his way towards me studying the room carefully. 'I was told Elizabeth was here.' He eyes the company folder I was holding and a bit of comprehension registers on his face. 'You must be the management supervisor.' He extends a long-fingered hand to me.

I stare spellbound at his hands unable to move. I'm affected by him. He inches closer to me, noticing my tenseness.

'Are you okay?' He asks.

I mentally shake myself and take in the full impact of him. 'Yes, Yes I am. My name is Josephine.' I offer my hand and he accepts it. His eyes are gunmetal blue but bright and way too intense as they regard me shrewdly.

'Josephine.' He says with a warm mild voice and though he said my name with such simplicity, I couldn't help its impact on my body. Oh my God, Jo, a total stranger.

'Yes, Josephine.' I confirm.

'It's a pleasure' He whispers. I think I see a ghost of a smile in his expression but I'm not sure. 'I'm Oliver.'

'Nice to meet you.' I reply, inwardly questioning the need for informality. Oh, but you started it, Jo...

'I'm sorry to intrude, didn't mean to disturb you.' He says. Wow, he is so polite.

'Not to worry. I was just about done anyway.' I attach my notes into the folder giving the room one final look.

'I heard Elizabeth was here, so I came looking for her.' He says putting his right hand in his pocket. 'She's not answering her phone.'

'She was, but she left a while ago.' I answer. He must be the hotel manager.

'You have everything you need?' He asks looking straight at me and making eye contact.

'Yes.' Unable to break from his stare. I'm spellbound. 'I have everything I need. Thank you.' It's time to leave, I need to leave.

'Would you like me to show you around?' He looks at me intently, like he's trying to make sure I say yes. As much as I would love to say yes, I don't think I can handle a stroll with him without making a fool of myself. I barely know him and I'm already a nervous wreck.

'I would love to, but I have clients waiting,' I lied, breaking the eye contact momentarily 'so I must take my leave now.' I add.

He doesn't say anything for a while, as if trying to read my thoughts. He starts chewing his bottom lip with an intent stare that has me a little uncomfortable. Define a little uncomfortable.

'Let me walk you out.' He says finally.

'Thank you.' I smile making for the door immediately. 'The hotel is really lovely.' I say genuinely.

'Thank you.' He says as we walk out into the hallway. 'Did you drive down here?' He asks as we walk down the hall.

'Yes, I did.' I reply and he takes out his phone from his left pocket to dial a number.

'I'll have them get your car out front for you.' He says to me.

'Yes, thank you.' He makes a call to the concierge to ready my car. I look at his lovely hand and the Gold Rolex he has on. It's a beautiful piece and it has me wondering how he can afford that. It looks super expensive.

A woman in maiden uniform walks past us greeting Oliver, she looks at me with an awareness that has me feeling like I was caught eyeing a piece of candy. I avert my eyes and she nods in greeting making her way towards the end of the hall.

'You're quiet young to be such an accomplished decorator.' He muses, slowly turning towards me.

He's right, I am. It's only thanks to Desmond, my boss for giving me the reign to enlarge my capacity and trusting me enough to let me handle projects. I'm lucky enough to have a boss who has faith in my capabilities. Not so many people get to have the qualifications and platform I've been able to build for myself, even at 25.

'You've worked at Alkahest for a long time.' He states, confusing me to a pulp as I wonder how he knows that. 'I saw the project you supervised at Fair-view, it was remarkable.'

Wait, He has seen my work? The Fair-view project was two months ago. One of my aesthetic features and the biggest one yet. 'You've seen the Fairview project?' Is that a question? Of course he has.

'Of course, it was splendid. I couldn't pass a chance of not seeing the brains behind that. I requested for you immediately.'

'Th-thank you.' I stutter. I can feel my cheeks burning bright, I don't know what to say. Most people are not so open with complements, but he doesn't seemed to mind giving them at all. To think that he's seen my project is something but I wasn't even aware I was requested by hand.

We make our way down the stairs to the hall on the ground floor. A uniformed man meets us on the way and addresses Oliver.

'Sir, the equipment has arrived and Mr. Roger is waiting to have your signature.'

'Where is Elizabeth?'

'Well, she's in the storage room sir.'

'And Roger?'

'Still unloading with his men Sir.'

'Okay, take him to the office.'

'Okay, Mr Wilde. '

Oliver mumbles incoherently and looks back at me for a second. 'I'll be there shortly.' He says and the man looks at me and back at Oliver before walking back the same way he came.

Bloody hell. Wilde? He is not the manager. The name of the hotel is The Wilde West. Does that mean he could be the owner? That's a stupid question, I mean it's so bloody obvious. He's so bloody young. Perhaps he's one of the owners? I felt a hand clasp my arm and I snap into awareness.


He releases his hold on me like he's caught fire, an electric shock piercing my heart. Oh my God. He turns slowly towards me, revealing a face framed with high, surprised eyebrows. I inhale deeply like someone had placed a hot metal on my skin, dissolving on the spot in a hot pool of hormones. I look down at my arm, studying the spot he just touched, before looking back at him. He doesn't stop looking at me.

Heat penetrates me from the contact of his hand on my skin. Though I'm dressed in a long sleeve, body fitting, green dress, I felt the touch penetrating unto my skin. I couldn't tell what it felt like, because I had never felt anything like it before. 

'Yeah, sorry. ' I say, coaxing my legs to move.

As we reach the reception, I turn to face him and watch as his eyes dart briefly at me. He is chewing his bottom lips again and I can't figure out why he keeps doing that.

'You have a lovely hotel.' I repeat. I wish I came prepared to be awestruck by this magnificent place, but sadly I wasn't. I extended my hand to him.

'Thank you.' His brows shoot up as he clasps my hands in a single shake. The sparks traveling through our joined finger makes me tense all over. 'It was nice meeting you, Josephine.'

'Likewise Mr. Wilde.' I practically whisper retracting my hand under reflex. I drop my stare to the ground wishing it could hide me from him or something. I can't hold our eye contact anymore. I feel like he's reading my mind. The aftermath of our contact is still burning through me. Wild and inappropriate thoughts begin to run through my mind, given the man is a total stranger, but it's impossible to think clearly when he's so close.

A valet comes from the entrance of the hotel and addresses Oliver. 'Sir, Miss Patterson's car is outside.'

'Thank you, James.' Oliver says not taking his eyes off me to acknowledge the man.

'Thank you' I say. 'I'll take my leave now.'

I didn't wait for a response as I turn, practically running out the door. I grab my keys from the valet and hurry to my car. I jump into my car. I close my eyes and take a huge purifying breath, trying to recover what's left of my equilibrium. I don't understand my irrational reaction.

I don't need this type of feelings now. Not after Drew. Not after vowing to re-enact my life on my job alone. I shake my head, Holy crap - what just happened. Regulating my breathing, my heart starts to fall back to its normal pace. I start the ignition.

As I drive down the gravel driveway, I look in my rear-view at the imposing hotel getting smaller behind me. And there, stood at the entrance watching me leave, is Oliver Wilde.


Hi guys.

I want to say a big thank you for voting for my first chapter and the recommendations. Thank you for all the encouragement and support. It means a lot to me.

My heart is full... I can't thank you enough.

I love you guys.

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