What Rule 12?

By Hoodle2000

7.9K 95 29

Eleanor "Ellie" Bishop works as an NCIS special agent and prior to that she worked at NSA, but she then got a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Epilogue)

Chapter 14

245 4 0
By Hoodle2000

(2 months later)
*Nick POV*
Yesterday was Ellie's due date but she didn't go into labor. Her family cake two days ago just to be here when she has the baby, but her mom is driving her crazy. Therefore, Ellie came with me to work today. I wasn't going to come in but they need me on the case. We just got to work and I help Ellie sit in her chair, then go to my desk.
"Torres with me" Gibbs calls
I get up, grab my bag, and I follow Gibbs to the elevator.
"What about McGee" I ask
"You're not going anywhere yet I just need to talk to you" Gibbs says
We get on the elevator and Gibbs stops it from moving.
"What I'm going to tell you, you aren't going to want to do it but I need you to. You're the only one that can do it" he says
"What is it" I ask
"I need you to go undercover" he says
"No no no. Not while Ellie can go into labor at anytime" I say
"I don't want this to be happening either Nick but I need you. It shouldn't take too long. You just need to get in contact with a Mexican drug cartel and once you get them to tell you about some drugs we'll take them down. But it has to be you because you can communicate fluently and you fit the M.O for people who ask about the drugs. We have the number of the leader, but it's not enough to make the arrest so you need to make a call." Gibbs says
"Are we telling Ellie" I ask
"That's up to you" he says
"No. Let's not. Just don't let her print a com in like she has been doing." I say
"I'll have Ducky hang out with her" he says
Gibbs turns the elevator back on and we step out into the squad room. We go to the bullpen and I go over to Ellie.
"Hey I need to go into the field. Ducky is going to hang out with you. He'll be able to help you if you go into labor and he'll contact me and I'll get there as quick as I can" I say
"Okay. Just be safe" she says
"I will. I love you Charlie" I say
"I love you too Luis. So does little Leroy" she says
I give her a kiss and then McGee, Gibbs, and I head to the conference room. Once there McGee rings the number.
(Sorry if the Spanish is wrong. I used google translate)
L-quién es este (who is this)
N-hola. Mi nombre es Luis. Estoy buscando al líder de reyes de drogas (hi, my name is Luis. I am looking for the leader of the drug kings)
L-Yo soy el líder. Me llamo Paco. Qué quieres (I am the leader. Name's Paco. What do you want)
N-mi Esposa y yo esperamos un bebé y necesito relajarme si entiendes lo que quiero decir. (My wife and I are expecting a baby and I need to relax if you get what I mean.
L-me encuentro. Cerca de depachos en in a hora. (I do. Meet me near depachos in an hour)
I agree and then hang up.
"Alright. As soon as they start making the trade we will come in. Now you can't have a weapon or your badge on because they'll pay you down. We can give you a com but nothing else" Gibbs says
"Okay. Well we better head out so you guys and everyone else can get set. I'm going to need a bag and cash" I say
"Okay. Well SWAT is going to be there as out back up. And the police department is their backup. Vance should be bringing the money soon" Gibbs says
A few seconds later the director walks in with a bag. He sets it on the table then looks at me.
"Be careful Agent Torres. We don't need little Leroy growing up without a father" he says
"I will. I promise" I say
We go to the elevator there and take it to the ground floor. We go to the garage and go to a car. We get in and McGee drives to an empty lot a block from the café. We discuss a few things and then I walk away. I walk to the café and when I get there I spot a man with a few gang tattoos and a brief case. I go over and sit down across from him.
"Hola Paco. Cómo estás (hi Paco how are you)" I ask
"Estoy bien. Y tú (I am good. And you)" he responds
"Más o menos (more or less)" I say
"Tienes un niño o una niña (are you having a boy or a girl)" he asks
"Un niño)" I answer
"Felicidades (congrats)" he says
"Tienes mis papales para mi (do you have my papers for me)" I ask
"Si. Tienes mis papales (yes. Do you have my papers)" he asks
"Si (yes)" I say
He slides the brief case over and I look in. I see the drugs and I scratch behind my ear making sure to tap my com. I then hand the bag over and close the brief case. Paco gets up and starts walking. He then sees the cars and starts running. I drop the brief case and take off after him. I catch up and tackle him. He overpowers me and flips me over. He starts punching me and fight against the grip he has on me. I finally overpower him and get him flipped onto his stomach. Gibbs tosses me handcuffs. I put them on him and the cops take him away. Before anyone can say anything Gibbs phone rings. He answers it, quickly responds and then ends the call.
"We have to head out. That was Jimmy. Ellie's water broke. He's taking her to the hospital right now" Gibbs says
"Crap. Let's go" I say
"Boss, Ellie's going to kill us all because of how Nick looks" McGee says
"Yeah. The guy got a few good swings in" I say
"We'll worry about that later" Gibbs says
We get in the car and Gibbs drives this time. We get to the hospital and we rush inside.
"Hi I'm looking for what room Eleanor Bishop is in" I say
"Are you family" the man asks
"I'm her boyfriend, father of the child she will be giving birth to. This is the child's grandfather and uncle" I say
"Okay okay. Third floor. Room 310" he says
I thank him and speed walk to the elevator. Once the other two are on I press floor three and the elevator starts moving.
"You need to relax Torres. If you go in stressed and rushed it will make Ellie a bit stressed as well" Gibbs says
"Okay" I say
I calm down and the elevator stops and opens up. We walk out and start walking down the hall. We find the room and knock on the door. A few seconds later Jimmy opens it.
"Hey come in" he says
We walk in and I go over to the bed. I sit down in the chair there.
"Hey Els. How are ya feeling" I ask
"Sore and tired but happy" she smiles
"I'm glad" I say
She looks at me and her eyes widen.
"What the heck happened to you?" She asks
"Don't get mad, but I had to go undercover. I had to do it because I had to talk to a drug cartel. I fit the MO and I speak Spanish" I say
"Ugh. Fine. You should've at least told me." She says
"I will Charlie. I promise. I love you" I say
"I love you too Luis" she says
There's a knock at the door and then a nurse walks in.
"Alright Eleanor you're getting closer. The father can stay but everyone else must go" the nurse says
"Could the grandfather possibly stay as well" Ellie asks
"If that will make you more relaxed then yes" the nurse says
Ellie and I look at Gibbs and he nods and smiles. The other two walk out and Gibbs walks over to the other side of the bed. Two hours later Ellie is fully dilated and is starting to push. Two hours after that cries fill the room and Ellie is holding a small bundle in her arms. I look over her shoulder and smile.
"Hello little Leroy." I whisper
"You want to hold him" she asks
"Yeah" I smile
She passes him to me gently and he cuddles into my chest. After a few minutes I look over at Gibbs.
"You want to hold your grandson" I ask
"Of course" Gibbs smiles
He takes little Leroy from me and I peck Ellie's lips.
"I'm going to go see who all else is here and let them come in" I say
"Okay" she says
I go out to the waiting room and spot everyone. Jack, McGee, Delilah, the Twins, the Director, Casey, ducky, Jimmy, Breena, Victoria, Ellie's parents, and her brothers.
"Baby and mom are doing well. Both are healthy. There were no complications" I say
"That is just splendid" Ducky says
"Can we see them" Barbara asks
"Of course. Let's go" I say
They all stand up and follow me. We go into the room and Gibbs passes Little Leroy to Barbara.
"Torres, hallway. Now" Gibbs says
I look at Ellie and she shoos me away. I get up from sitting on the side of the bed and follow Gibbs out to the hallway.
"Yeah" I ask
"You need to get your cuts fixed up" he says
"I'm fine Gibbs" I say
"Toress you need to get them looked at" he says
"Okay" I give in
I follow him to a room and walk in. I sit on the bed and a nurse walks in with some things. She checks some things over and stitches up a few cuts. She then walks out and I stand back up. I go to walk out but Gibbs stops me.
"You okay" he asks
"Yeah." I say
"You have this look on you face that makes me think other wise" he says
I sit back down on the bed and he sits down next to me.
"I'm worried that I won't be a good father" I sigh
"Why" he asks
"Because Gibbs. I wasn't raised by a good father. Heck, I wasn't even raised by my father." I say
"Nick, you are a great person, fantastic agent, so gentle and caring to Ellie. Even though you weren't raised by your parents, you were raised right by the world. You saw how people acted and learned what was right and what was wrong. You learned the best way possibly, by watching the real world" he says
"I don't know. I'm worried I'm going to mess up" I say
"Come on Nick,  no parent is ever perfect. I can't count the number of times I messed up. But as long as you love your son, love Ellie, do everything that you can for them while still being present in their life then you're a great parent and partner" Gibbs says
"I guess" I say
"I know. Now let's get back to everyone" he says
I nod and we walk out. We go back to the room and I go back to sitting on the edge of the bed. I look around the room at my big and loving family and smile. I look around the room more closely and see that Jack is holding little Leroy and Gibbs is looking over her shoulder smiling. I tap Ellie on the shoulder and point towards Jack and Gibbs.
"This just make our suspicions rise" she whispers
"Uh huh." I whisper back
"Alright everyone. I think it's time for Ellie and Leo to get some rest." I say
"Same goes for you Nicholas" Barbara says
"Yes ma'am" I say
Jack passes Leo back to Ellie and everyone leaves. I kiss Ellie's lips and Leo's forehead.
"We should FaceTime Deeks and Kensi" I say
"Yeah. We should" she says
I pull my phone out and call Deeks but he doesn't answer. I then call Kensi and she doesn't answer
"They could be out on a case or something" Ellie says
"That is true. I'll go out Leo in the bassinet" I say
"Okay" she says
I take him in my arms and before I can head over to lay him down there's a knock at the door. I go over and open it. Standing there is Deeks and Kensi.
"Hey, Come in" I say
"Kensi! Deeks! what are you two doing here" Ellie asks
"Well, Hetty got word that you went into Labor so Eric booked us the earliest flight and we came" Kensi says
"Wow. Do you want to hold him" Ellie asks
"Please" Kensi says
I pass him over to her and she cradles him. Deeks and I bro hug and then he goes over and hugs Ellie. I sit down on the bed again and Deeks and Kensi sit on the chairs.
"So now that you're here we have a question we'd like to ask you and we can do it in person" Ellie says
"Okay" Kensi says
"We were wondering if you two would be the godparents" I ask
"Us? Really" Deeks asks
"Of course. You helped us two to be able to be a couple and still work together. Plus you guys are like family now" Ellie says
"So" I ask
"Of course" Kensi says
"Wonderful." Ellie yawns
"We'll let you guys all get some sleep. We will see you three later" Kensi says
"Peace out." Deeks says
Kensi hands Leo back over and they head out. I go and lay Leo down and then I go back over to Ellie.
"Sleep well Charlie" I say
"You too Luis" she says
She falls asleep and I go over to the couch and lay down. After I text McGee a few things I drift off to sleep as well.

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