
By xxjust_peachyxx

1.2M 30.8K 37K

He's smirking down at me as he says, "Um, you're in my seat." I laugh and say, "You realize that is the most... More

c o p y r i g h t + d i s c l a i m e r
character aesthetic
1| sunshine
2| mj
3| facetimes
4| cinnamon rolls
5| biased
6| milkshakes
7| legally blonde
8| sammy
9| girl
10| liar
11| babies
12| pep
13| jealous
14| girl advice
15| cozy
16| sick
17| luck
18| blessed
19| charming
20| clingy
21| make it work
22| the bet
24| livia
25| cagney
26| hollie
27| grease
28| thanksgiving
29| cupcakes
30| felix
31| breathing
32| scared
33| family
34| spicy
35| boxers
36| i love you
37| hospitals
38| peaches
39| august
40| two
41| done
42| big brother
43| mark
44| naked
45| daddy
46| lucky
47| tone
48| break
49| undeniable
50| epilogue
big announcement!
bonus chapter| hot
bonus chapter| tie
mini bonus chapter| attention
mini bonus chapter| perfect

23| date

21.5K 509 626
By xxjust_peachyxx

OF COURSE, BECAUSE like some idiot said, all good things have to come to an end, the hour ended too quickly.

And even though I knew he wouldn't be there in the morning, I'm in a shitty mood because I wake up to an empty bed.

Glancing over at my phone, my eyes go huge at the time.

It's eleven am.

I rip it off the charger, jumping out of bed and climbing down the ladder as fast I can without falling off.

As soon as I step into the hallway, my hair in my eyes and my head spinning a little, I realize the fact that school is probably canceled because of the snow.

"Snow day?" I yell, my voice scratchy from sleep, and a minute later it's answered by Winn.

"For you and Parker."

I nod to myself, covering my face with my palms and huffing out a breath.

"Good. Cool." I mumble, turning around and walking straight into my bathroom.

One glance at my mirror and I know I'm in for one hell of a morning.

Or afternoon, I don't know.

My hair is a tangled mess, I have dark circles under my eyes, and my lips are still slightly swollen.

So Sam and I did kiss a little last night, but clearly nothing too scandalous because I was asleep before the hour was over.

But somehow it was enough to merit this.

Is this punishment for sneaking a boy into the house? Probably.

After quickly washing my face and brushing my teeth, I head downstairs.

I shuffle to the coffee pot, barely giving Parker, the twins, and Roman a second glance where they're all sitting at the table, which they never do.

After pouring myself a mug, I slowly turned around and look at my brothers seated at the table, as well as someone else.

Sam is sitting there, nursing a cup of coffee while his other hand is propping his chin up.

"Uh, good morning," I mumble, combing through my messy hair with my fingers.

"Good morning, princess." Emmy chirps, and that's when I notice he's got his hand resting on Sam's shoulder like he's trying to keep him still.

"Put this on, the whole ordeal will be easier for you if Sam isn't staring at your tits the entire time." Lia sighs, throwing a hoodie at me.

Blushing hard, I pull the hoodie over my head. It must be one of Ollie's or something because I'm practically swimming in it.

"Wanna hear a funny story?" Parker asks, standing up from the table and walking over to me.

Shaking my head, I say, "Not really,"

"This morning Roman told me that he woke up last night because he heard talking and laughing, one of which he thought belonged to Sam. I said that was crazy because our Mouse would never sneak a boy into the house, that's just not her."

Swallowing hard, guilt washes over me. He's right. I knew it was wrong.

Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, he presses a kiss to the side of my head. "Right, Mads?"

"I hate you," I crumble, putting my coffee down and covering my face with my palms.

"Maddie, did you sneak a boy into the house?" Winn asks, and I look up at him between my fingers. He's frowning, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Not to stay the night or anything, he left after an hour, I just wanted to hang out." I shrug innocently, twisting my hands tightly together.

"That is what you do during lunch or after school when you are allowed to hang out. One am isn't exactly the best time for that."

"I'm sorry," I mutter, still blushing embarrassedly.

"Thank you for being honest, Maddie," Parker replies, squeezing my shoulders again and walking away.

Then they all go back to doing their own thing, Parker making breakfast, Winn doing something on his computer, Emmy annoying Lia, Roman sipping on his coffee.

Sam makes eye contact with me, his eyes are wide as he mouthes, What's happening?

I shrug, mouthing back, I have no idea.

Clearing my throat, I turn to Parker.

"Parky, uh, what's going on?" I ask quietly, squinting a little.

"I'm making breakfast." He shrugs, taking his toast out of the toaster.

"No, what's happening? Like, why aren't you taking my phone or grounding me or something?"

"We talked about it and decided that we'll let it slide. You're a big girl, a responsible one at that, and we think that you're old enough to make your own decisions and deal with the repercussions." He says, grabbing the Nutella and opening it.

"This doesn't mean we're going to let you go out and get drunk or something because 'it's your own decision', but it does mean you'll have more freedom," Winn adds, making me turn around and look at him, still stunned with this new development.

"You're going to be an adult soon, you need to practice making decisions for yourself. I trust you and I don't think that you're going to be stupid." Emmy chimes in, leaving Amelia alone finally.

"Uh- um, thanks, guys. I appreciate that." I let out a surprised laugh, tugging on the sleeves of my hoodie.

"Course, kid." Park smiles, patting my head and handing me the plate of Nutella toast, which is boring but one of my favorite breakfasts.

Thanking him and grabbing my coffee, I walk over to the table and sit down on the now open spot next to Sam.

"Did they make you stay here last night?" I ask, nudging my knee into his.

"No, they just texted me this morning and asked if I'd come over for breakfast." He replies, taking a sip of his coffee.

A couple of minutes go by in silence until I bust out, "Are you sure you're not going to at least yell at me?"

Winn snorts, still typing away on his laptop. "Nope, I mean it. We trust you. I can't say I'm overly thrilled that you decided to invite Sam into your bedroom in the middle of the night, but like we said, your choices, your repercussions."

"Really? That just seems...stressful." I mumble, sipping on my coffee.

"Cause sometimes it is. You want to go out and buy yourself a whole new wardrobe? That's your choice, but you need to get a job to afford that." He says, glancing up at me.

"That's air." I take another bite out of my toast, scrunching up my nose when I see Sam smirking a little.

"What?" I ask after I've swallowed the food, laughing a little.

"You're hair looks really good."

Rolling my eyes, I shove his arm. "I went to bed with it wet, dummy, of course, it's not going to look flawless."

"The rat's nest look is cute, mornings suit you." He teases, a cheeky grin coming over his face when Parker laughs loudly.

"Yes they do," I flick his nose, crossing my legs under myself on the chair.


"We're whisking it so that the egg whites are fluffy, Sam, you're just mixing them. Speed it up a little." I comment, pinching his side and making him jump.

"Listen, kid, I'm trying my best." He defends, laughing, and pinching me back.

"That's not good enough."

"That's it, I'm done," he drops the whisk, turning and taking me for a surprise when he picks me up.

I laugh hard as he sets me down on the counter, resting his hands on either side of me and keeping me in place.

"You think you can do better?" He asks, leaning in close to my face.

"I know I can do better."

"Alright, Miss Confidence, then you do it." He smirks, stepping back and handing the bowl to me.

"You're just trying to get out of doing it," I reply, scrunching up my eyebrows and shaking my head.

His smirk morphs into a smile, "Maybe."

"You're an idiot," I tell him, grinning and setting the bowl back down on the countertop.

Grabbing his hands, I tug him to me and cup his face in my hands.

Holding him there, I run my thumbs over his jaw and study his face. Still smiling a little, he scans over my face until it eventually lands on a small scar just under my chin.

"Where'd you get that?" He asks, tilting my chin up so he can see it better.

"Dunno, tripped when I was little or something." I shrug, leaning back and taking my hands off his face.

"Hey uh, could you whip the egg whites? We need to finish the macaroons." I ask, hopping off the counter and walking back over to the mixer.

I hear him start to whisk it and we stay in silence for a few minutes. It's comfortable, but when I turn to check on how he's doing I can tell he wants to say something.

Taking the bowl and whisk, as I start to whip it he asks, "Where'd you get that scar, Mads?"

"I already told you, I don't know, when I was little I was really clumsy." I brush it off, wanting to change the subject, but he won't drop it.

"Are you sure-?"

"Positive." I snip, only feeling partially bad for lying.

"Okay, I'm sorry." He sighs, running a hand through his dark curly hair that I feel like has gotten curlier the longer I've known him. That might have something to do with the fact it's grown since I first met him, but that's irrelevant right now.

"It's fine,"

Walking over to the mixer, I dump it in with the other ingredients in the bowl and use a spatula to fold it in.

"So uh, the snow isn't really melting much and that might affect our date. I just thought maybe we could talk about other options, just as back up plans." Sam says timidly, sounding almost cautious.

"Yeah, that'd be good. We could watch a movie or something," I mumble, mixing the ingredients together.

"We could always reschedule, Maddie. I want to take you out on a proper first date."

I turn around, feeling bad for snapping at him over a stupid scar. Walking right up to him, I put my arms around his waist and pull him into a tight hug.

My cheek pressed into his chest, I say, "I think we could make a stay in first date pretty amazing. We just have to change our plans a little."

Resting his chin on top of my head, he whispers, "Sorry for prying. It made you uncomfortable and I should've respected that."

"It was dumb and I shouldn't have made a huge deal out of it, I'm sorry too."

After a minute of standing there in the hug, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of his arms around me and the smell of his cologne, he asks, "Is this our first fight?"

I laugh, squeezing him before looking up at his face. "No, it's one of our numerous disagreements. We're just fine and we always will be."

He nods, leaning down to peck my lips.


I'm sitting on my bed, glaring down at the two outfits laid out in from of me.

Thankfully we never had to reschedule or change plans for our date because the snow miraculously cleared up overnight, but of course, now I have a whole other slew of issues.

"Mads, he will think you look hot in literally anything. Or nothing, I don't think he's too picky." Lia says, Leo, nodding emphatically.

"He said casual and comfortable," I mumble, chewing on the ends of my hair.

Leo walks right up to me, pulling the hair out of my mouth and tugging me up off the bed.

"Here, wear this. It's cute, it's comfy." She says, nodding.

"It's not over the top but will still knock his damn socks off," Lia adds, smirking.

I look down on it, sighing to myself.

It's cute, they're right. It's a pair of loose high waisted jeans and a white lettuce trim long sleeve, with buttons up the front. It's not too short, only showing off an inch or two of skin on my stomach.

Ten minutes later, I'm examining myself in the mirror. I'm not gonna lie, I think I look pretty freaking good.

"Good?" I turn around, chewing on my lip. 

"Hot as hell, babygirl. Now let me curl your hair." Lia says, dragging me towards the ladder.

Since I don't have a vanity in my bedroom, I'm sitting on the floor of the bathroom while she curls my hair.

"You know, it's been months since Roman and I went on a date. We should do that." Amelia says, curling a piece of my hair.

"I think dates are important. A night totally dedicated to each other, no distractions like school or work or parents." Leo adds, sitting down in front of me and going through my makeup bag.

"You like date night cause you get home late and are able to sleepover with my brother."

She rolls her eyes, not even looking up at me.

"That was once."

"Oh, Maddie, tell us about that happened last night!" Lia says suddenly, making me laugh at her eagerness.

"Nothing, really. He came over and hung out in my room, that's it."

"We're your best friends, you can tell us the truth." Leo snorts, poking my leg.

"He came in, we cuddled in bed and kissed. Not very exciting." I reply, shrugging.

"You two are so freaking cute."

"I know." I nod, jumping when she drops a hot curl on my neck.

We talk for a few more minutes, Leo doing some natural makeup on me, Lia finishing curling my hair, and all of us just chatting.

We talk about Leo and Parker, how shit school is, which leads to Lia giving us all the gossip on our school from Chicago which Leo finds hilarious for some reason.

"This is my brother Michael," Lia says, holding up her phone and showing off a picture of him to Leo after she asked Lia had any siblings.

"Yeah, Maddie had a huge crush on him when we were thirteen." She adds nonchalantly, making me hit her as well as I can without her burning my neck.


"Yeah, that was so freaking funny. She couldn't have a proper conversation with him for months." She says, laughing and snorting in an unladylike way.

"It lasted two months, don't make it out like I had a thing for him for years."

"Let's call him!" Lia suggests, but before I can tell her to stop she's already doing it.

A second later the phone is shoved into my hands, Michael's face on the screen. I smile, pinching Lia's side and making her squeal.

"Hey, Mads, what's going on?" He asks, laughing as he sees me try to hit his sister again.

"Hi, Michael,"

"Hey, Mikey, remember when Maddie thought you were hot?" Lia asks, busting out laughing and barely being able to finish the sentence.

"Yeah, that was cute." He smirks, chuckling a little when he sees me blush and glare at her.

"It was a mistake, just like you, Amelia Marie." I punch her stomach, making her gape and punch me back.

"She's right, Lia, I was supposed to be an only child."

"Yeah, well, I wasn't planned yet Mom and Dad still like me better." She shoots back, snickering.

Of course, this makes all of us laugh harder, especially Leo who isn't accustomed to Michael's and Lia's relationship yet.

Once the laughter has died down, still smiling widely, he asks, "So, what are you dressing up for? Or more specifically, who?"

He wiggles his eyebrows at me, just to be annoying and make me laugh.

"His name is Sam, and we're going on a date today," I reply, watching Leo hold up two different lipgloss shades and show them off.

I point to the light peach colored one, the same lipgloss that got all over Sam the other day, and she nods.

"I'm surprised the guys let you within a ten-foot radius of a boy you weren't related to, that's fun. It's definitely progress." He teases, making me laugh and roll my eyes.

Winn pokes his head into the bathroom, saying, "Sam's here."

"Speaking of him, he's here. I'll talk to you later, Mikey, I have a date to attend."

He flashes me a peace sign, saying, "Have fun, don't get pregnant, drive safe."

"Seems like an easy enough deal." I snort, standing up off the floor and handing the phone over to Amelia again.

I check the mirror, huffing out a breath, and smooth down the front of my shirt.

I look really nice. They did a great job. 

Winn leaves and Lia hangs up the phone, but I barely have any time to say anything before they're all over me again.

Amelia is combing through my hair with her fingers, and Leo is putting the lipgloss on.

"Guys, Sam is waiting, I gotta go." I urge, impatiently bouncing on my toes.

"He's supposed to wait a few minutes, that's the way that works, Mads." Leo waves me off, grabbing the mascara and touching up my lashes.

"I'll get your shoes," Lia says, finally leaving my head alone and running from the room.

"I'm nervous," I mumble as she brushes some on my bottom lashes.


"I have no idea. Sam is Sam, I've just never really been nervous to see him and it's throwing me off." I shrug, looking in the mirror and adjusting my shirt so it covers more of my stomach.

"Does this shirt make me look slutty? I mean, the neckline is kinda deep and you can see my stomach." I say, not feeling as confident as I did a few minutes ago. 

She laughs, giving me a side hug and resting her head on my shoulder.

"Not at all. You look beautiful, stop worrying." She nods resolutely, and I nod back.

"I got shoes!" Lia runs into the bathroom, holding the checkered vans we agreed on earlier.

I stumble out of the bathroom, trying to walk and put the shoes on at the same time without tripping, but failing.

Once I get them on, I sigh and grab my leather backpack purse thing. I'm not really sure what it is.

"I'm gonna go on a date," I announce, leaving the room and walking out in the hallway.

The girls follow after me as I walk down the stairs, Leo probably a little more excited than even I am.

We walk into the living room and I see Sam sitting on the couch talking with Emmett, a stupid smile on his stupidly handsome face.

One thing I notice straight away is that his lip ring is gone. He looks less like the bad boy and more like the cute boy next door.

I mean, he is the cute boy next door, but you know what I mean.

He looks up at me and his smile gets even wider.

I walk over and sit down on the couch beside him, giving him a little smile.

"You look amazing, MJ." He murmurs, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear.

Before I even get the chance to reply, butterflies exploding in my stomach, Lia grabs my arm and pulls me up off the couch.

"Alright, lovebirds, have fun! Drive carefully, Samuel, the roads are still shit. Be home by eleven o'clock, if I see a hickey I'll get my shotgun out!" She says, also forcing Sam up and pushing us to the door.

I grab my coat and he does the same, giving her a funny look.

"She has a shotgun?" He whispers, trying to grab his coat, and I shake my head.

Pulling my coat over my shoulders I glance over at Winn.

"She basically covered it." He shrugs, leaning back on the couch.

"Love you guys." I rush out as Lia starts pushing us out the door, badly wanting us to leave for some reason.

As soon as we're out on the front porch the door is slammed shut and I swear I can hear it lock.

"What is she on?" I wonder aloud, shaking my head.

Sam grabs my hand, tugging me with him as he walks down the steps, laughing a little.

"You look beautiful,"

"So do you." I tease, smiling up at him.

"Oh, thank you." He grins, poking my ribs.

After getting into the car, Sam pulls his seatbelt on with a half smile plastered to his face.

"What are you smiling about?"

"I'm just happy. You make me happy." He replies nonchalantly, starting the car.


Later, we're at Ruby's diner, the same place Leo took me one of the first times we hung out.

"You annoyed the shit out of me." I point at him with a fry, and he grins, his chin propped up on his hand.

"It kept you thinking about me though, right?"

"For the wrong reasons, bro. You should've been like, super sweet and I definitely would've remembered you." I snort out a laugh, eating the fry.

"Hey, where's your lip ring?" I ask, tilting my head.

"I decided to drop it for tonight, just cause you've never seen me without it. What are our thoughts?"

"Well, you're cute either way, but they both give me different vibes." I nod, grabbing my milkshake and taking a sip.

He raises his eyebrows and I continue.

"With the ring, you look, bad boy, hot, and I feel like you should probably have a leather jacket or something. But without it, you look more cute than hot, I think."

His smile drops and I laugh loudly.

"No, okay, that came out wrong. You look extremely attractive with either and I love it both ways, I'm just saying that you seem more approachable and sweet than you do intimidating. With the lip ring you don't really look intimidating for long because you smile and you do stupid faces and you're instantly back to teddy bear, but you know what I mean." I say, still giggling a little.

"So I'm not sure which one you like better, Ems." He smiles, grabbing a fry off my plate.

Flicking away his fingers, I reply, "Both. I like both. And I mean, I'm not gonna lie, I'm very curious as to what it feels like to kiss you without the ring in your lip, but besides that I am impartial."

He smirks.

"You wanna find out?"

"No, Sam, we're in the middle of a restaurant-" I whisper, scooting away from him and giggling.

"-there is a cute family behind us and I'm pretty sure the eldest kid is only five-" I pull my head back, trying to be quiet but failing.

"-this is not the environment for kissing-"

But before I can even finish my protest, he pushes his lips against mine, kissing me.

He pulls back after a second, that idiotic smirk still on his face, and cockily asks, "Thoughts?"

"You're an asshole," I say quietly, blushing and ducking my head.

"That's not what I asked, we already knew I was an asshole. What do you think about the kiss? Better? Not quite as sexy?"

I laugh, leaning into his side and pressing my cheek against his shoulder.

I look up at him, his arms around my waist and shoulders, and reply, "Again, both. Of course, it's different, but different isn't necessarily bad."

He nods, eating more fries, thankfully this time they're his and not mine.

"So, Sam, how is my Rory Elliot?"

"Oh, he's great." he beams at the mention of little brother.

"He can hold his head up on his own now and I can tell he's trying to roll over, I'm really proud of him."

He's so freaking cute.

"That's awesome. He's getting so big." I smile, feeling happy but also a little sad.

"And like, I'm super happy that he's hitting all these milestones and getting bigger and staying healthy, but he's already grown so much since when we brought him home. It's kind of bittersweet." He shrugs, grabbing his milkshake.

"You're a great big brother, Sammy, you know that?" I grin, using my thumb to wipe some chocolate off his bottom lip after he's taken a sip.

I swear I see a light pink hue come over his cheeks, and he smiles a little.

"I try."

"You're gonna be a good dad," I add without thinking, grabbing a few more fries and propping my foot up on the booth.

"I mean- you're just really good with kids and, and stuff." I stammer, choking on my food.

He laughs, grabbing my water and handing it to me.

I chug it, still sputtering a little when I finish.

"All good?" He rubs my back, and I nod, my face red from embarrassment and lack of oxygen.

When I notice a few people giving me side glances, I sink down in the booth and mumble, "That's embarrassing." 

"Here, we're all done with dinner, let's just go look around the mall for a bit, yeah?" He suggests, smiling and kissing the tip of my nose.

I nod, grabbing my bag and sliding out of the booth with him.

Of course, because somehow I landed a perfect gentleman, he pays for dinner and opens the doors for me.

"I would've paid half the check, Sammy." I reason, sliding into the car and giving him a look.

He smiles widely, shaking his head.

"This night is about you, gorgeous, I wasn't gonna make you pay for it."

"Then I'm paying for our next date." I raise my eyebrows, finally cracking and laughing when he smirks.

"Who says I want a second date with you, Lace?"

"You told me I looked pretty when I was in the middle of inhaling my fries and on the way into the restaurant you kept kissing me when I wasn't looking. I think, for some unknown reason, you kind of like me."

"Unknown reason," He rolls his eyes like that's the most absurd thing he's ever heard.

"You act like you're the bottom of the barrel and it's insane, little girl."

"We're the same age, you can't call me little girl." I snort, and he shakes his head as we drive out of the diner parking lot and a couple minutes down the road to the mall.

"My birthday is January second, I'm a good five months older than you." He teases, his hand reaching over to rest on my thigh.

"That's nothing."

"That's almost half a year, Ems, that's not nothing." He chuckles, his thumb rubbing circles into my leg.

"It's not as much as you're insinuating, though."

"You're so dramatic, oh my gosh." He says, rolling his eyes playfully.

We bicker back and forth, like we always do without fail, the whole drive to the mall, and as we walk into the parking lot.

"No, I'm just saying that if you drank half a Five Hour Energy you would have two and a half hours of energy. Why would you get energy for five hours but it's shitty?" I say, our hands swinging between us.

"Because I feel like it would just be spread out more." He shrugs.

"That doesn't make sense, though, Sam." I insist, laughing.

"It makes perfect sense you're just stubborn." He replies, smiling down at me.

Rolling my eyes, I pull him down for a kiss.

It's only a short peck, but it makes a huge grin spread over my face.

I just stare at him for a second, and it almost feels like we're having a moment, but of course, he says, "So we agree I'm right?"

Pulling away, I throw my head back and laugh.

"No, I don't agree that you're right."

"But that's crazy because I am."

We keep walking, still holding hands, and a feeling of complete contentment washes over me.

I really like us.

We walk into the store, and it's thankfully not too busy considering it's almost nine and there's still some snow so people are staying indoors.

The main store in the mall is Target so we're in there first and Sam insists I sit in the cart, which of course I'm not going to say no to, and we roam the isles.

"I'm not gonna lie, this is probably the best date I've ever been on." I tease, resting my back against the cart.

He snorts, picking up a decorative cactus and looking at it. "This is the only date you've been on, dumbass."

"Okay, so you're right, but technically I ate lunch with Brooks Kazinsky after I kissed him and that was a pretty legendary date."

He chucks the plastic cactus at me, pretending to be mad but clearly hiding a smile.

"You're gonna break something, be careful, stupid." I giggle, readjusting myself so I'm laying flat on my back in the cart with my legs propped up.

I hear my phone start to ring inside my bag and I reach for it, but give up after a second.

"It's probably the boys, can you answer it?"

He smiles and nods, grabbing it out.

"Ricky." He says and I shrug, nodding.

He answers it and starts walking through the isles again, his other hand holding onto my ankle.

I'm in the middle of counting ceiling lights when Sam nudges my foot, making me look up.

He's gone a little pale, the teasing smile not on his face anymore.

Of course this freaks me out and I sit up, quickly asking, "What?"

"Here," he hands the phone over, and I immediately hold it up to my ear.

"Hey Ricky," I say, chewing on my lip.

"Hey, Maddie. I don't want you to worry because everything is fine, but we're all down at the hospital. Maya went into labor half an hour ago."

She can't have her, she's two months early.

"But- but the baby is too small, Ricky, she isn't ready yet." I rush out, tears already pricking my eyes.

"Hey, the doctors say everything looks good, don't worry about it, Mouse. Just come down, Lia packed you a change of clothes so you should be all good." He assures me, and I nod even though I know he can't see it.

"Is Maya okay?"

"Yeah, Maya's great, she just wants you here and so do I."

This kicks me into gear because I start to sit up, Sam already coming around to grab my waist and lift me out of the cart.

"Do you guys need anything?" I ask, still holding onto Sam even though I'm on the ground again.

"We have everything we need, but I think Maya would appreciate it if you hurried up a little. She keeps asking where you are."

"I'll be there as fast as I can, send me the location, alright?" I say, sniffling and using the heel of my hand to wipe my eyes.

I'm sure that just smudged my mascara but that isn't important, my niece is being born soon and I'm not there.

"You got it, but make sure Sam drives carefully, we don't need a car accident on top of this."

After promising we'll be careful, I hang up the phone and we rush out to the car.

Sitting in the car and setting up the location, I fight tears the entire time.

It's dumb because she's not insanely early, but I was born early and things didn't go well with my birth so of course I'm paranoid.

We start to drive, Sam's hand in mine the entire time, and I try to sniffle quietly.

As soon as we're at a red light, he turns to me and cups my cheek, using his thumb to catch a tear than manages to trek my cheek.

"Maddie, it's okay. It'll be alright, you have to relax a little or you're gonna break my hand." He's clearly trying to cheer me up by teasing but it doesn't work.

"I'm just worried," I look down at my lap, blinking briskly.

He tilts my chin up, kissing my forehead and holding it there for a few seconds until the sound of a horn honking behind us makes me jump.

He goes back to driving but still holds my hand tightly.

"Think on the bright side, bubba. You're gonna have a niece soon." He says, running his thumb over the back of my hand.


i have a few things i want to say.

1) i'm sorry if you don't agree, but in my opinion, roaming the isles of target after dinner is a pretty cute as all get out date. i'm probably just obsessed with target and miss leaving my house, but whatever 😂

2) person100wtf , your birthday may not be the due date for the baby, but it is sam's birthday!

3) i'm proud of my boys for finally giving mads some freedom and i'm pretty excited to see where it's gonna go

thank you guys so much for reading, it means so much to me! i adore writing, and hearing that people like reading my writing makes it even better.

i really love finding a good book that makes me forget that anything else even exists, and my main goal is to make that for somebody.

love you guys, thanks so much for reading!

                          - f a i t h y

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