Love and Loss (The Fun Gilber...

By Jbic02

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Jessica Gilbert has finally graduated high school and has decided to attend the University of New Orleans wit... More

Chapter 2- True Lies/House of the Rising Sun
Chapter 3- Tangled Up in Blue
Chapter 4- Girl In New Orleans
Chapter 5- Playing My Own Side
Chapter 6- Revenge
Chapter 7- Bloodletting
Chapter 8- The River in Reverse
Chapter 9- Ever The Savior
Chapter 10- Runaway Witch
Chapter 11- Après Moi, Le Déluge
Chapter 12- Transitions and Choices
Chapter 13- Le Grand Guignol/ Farewell to Storyville
Chapter 14- The Devil Inside
Chapter 15-Guilt & Anger Make Bad Bedfellows
Chapter 16- An Unblinking Death
Chapter 17- A Closer Walk With Thee
Chapter 18- The Battle of New Orleans
Chapter 19- From a Cradle to a Grave
Cast Part 2
Chapter 20- I'll Remember/Rebirth
Chapter 21- Yellow Ledbetter/ Alive and Kicking
Chapter 22- Prison World Blues (Part 1)
Chapter 23-Prison World Blues (Part 2)
Chapter 24- Back From the Dead
Chapter 25- Why, Kai, Why?
Chapter 26- Merging
Chapter 27- Clifford the Big Red Door
Chapter 28- Links and Bonds
Chapter 29- Friends-giving
Chapter 30- Weddings and Hexes
Chapter 31- Long Lost Sisters
Chapter 32- Taking Chances
Chapter 33- Hateful Reunions
Chapter 34- Plots and Tricks
Chapter 35- Staying One Step Ahead
Chapter 36- Different Sides
Chapter 37- Friend or Foe?
Chapter 38- Everyone's Favorite Brother
Chapter 39- The Final Battle
Chapter 40- The Aftermath
Beacon Falls

Chapter 1- End Of Summer

1K 24 5
By Jbic02

Jessica's P.O.V.

This summer has been amazing! I never realized how great summer can be when the physical activity you're doing is sexual rather than cheer related. Don't get me wrong, I cheered this summer, led the team to a national victory too, but as soon as that was done I spent more time in Damon's bed than anywhere else.

Bonnie died to save Jeremy the night before graduation and I've been pretending that I didn't know while Jeremy uses her phone to text and email about some fake round the world trip she's taking with her mom. Meanwhile, I've been working on a way to bring her back and I think I've actually found one too.

Oh, another big change this summer was the addition of something I never thought I'd need: birth control. Elena and Caroline convinced me that now that I've experienced sex, it'll be hard to let go and since I'm going to college and leaving Damon, they said I'd need it. At first, I denied it but after a couple of weeks of nothing but Damon's bed and minimum sustenance, I realized that giving up sex was going to be harder than I thought.

Which is why, since I don't start school for another week, I'm leaving my doting, whatever Damon is, to help move my best friend and sister into their college dorm since their classes start on Monday and today is currently Saturday. Liz is helping us as Elena, Caroline, and I carry all of Caroline and Elena's stuff to their dorm while I pretend that I don't see Bonnie tagging along for the ride. "Okay, Jess, you can start hooking stuff up while we get the rest of it," Caroline says and I salute her.

"Aye, aye captain," I joke and we all laugh before they leave while I begin to hook up the mini-fridge, singing Always by Isak Danielson lightly. I finish loading it with Elena and Care's blood bags when I feel them behind me. I stop singing and turn to the two of them and Liz standing and looking at me in shock. "What?"

Liz laughs. "I didn't know you could sing like that," she answers as Elena chimes in her agreement and Caroline smiles at me.

"It's just been a while since I've heard you sing. Not since your parents," she says sadly and I smile sadly.

"Well, what can I say, I'm happy."

Elena sighs. "I wish that I could relate. I've been having these dreams about Stefan drowning all summer and he won't answer my calls. I told him that I wanted to be with him and not Damon and he said we'd talk but it's been all summer."

"I told you, he just needs time," Caroline sighs but I shake my head.

"No, I think Lena might be right." Both heads snap towards me. "The night of graduation, I had these dreams. I saw Elena shove the cure down Katherine's throat, I saw Bonnie and Jeremy when he realized that he was alive again," I say, looking at Bonnie to finally let her know that I know. "And then I got this weird dream about Stefan," I confess.

"Well, what was it, sweetie?" Liz questions and I shrug.

"That's the thing, I don't know. I saw him at the quarry but then things got fuzzy, like someone really powerful was interfering with the connection but I don't think that they knew."

"Like Silas?" Caroline asks worriedly, but I shake my head.

"No, Silas is immortal, this was a witch," I reveal before sharing my theory. "I think it was Qetsiyah." Bonnie looks at me in shock before sighing.

"You have a plan, don't you, to bring me back?" She queries and I nod slightly so Care and Lena won't be suspicious and she sighs. "Tell them, they deserve to know." I give her a look. "I'm sure." I nod and turn to Elena, Caroline, and Liz who are having a conversation about Silas and interrupt.

"I have something else to tell you guys." They give me their full attention and I have to refrain from laughing, never having seen Caroline this still. "When Bonnie brought Jeremy back, it took a lot out of her. Her Grams wouldn't let her use anymore Expression and the Expression had drained her regular magic. She wasn't at full strength and she had to make a choice, her or Jeremy. She chose Jeremy, who's spent all summer pretending to be her at her request while I've spent all summer looking for a way to bring her back and I think I've found one."

"What!" Caroline yells. "You knew Bonnie was dead and didn't tell us?" She asks and I can see the betrayal in her eyes.

"Care, it was her choice and I figured that I might be able to rectify it. I can't bring her back just like I couldn't bring Jer back because that takes a huge spike of energy that has to be carefully calculated and it's more of a domino effect even then. I don't think I can replay the emotions I felt the night I brought Vivianne back. I felt so betrayed by everyone and Vivianne already had a spell at hand and was powerful enough to channel the emotion into her spell. I don't think Bonnie can do that even if we could set up the chain reaction."

"You said you had a plan though, right?" Elena reminds me and I nod.

"I didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure if I could do it but I think that when Bonnie died, Silas broke through her spell and locked Stefan in the safe meant for him and threw it in the quarry in his place and I think the reason I couldn't see that is because Qetsiyah used the energy spike caused by Bonnie dying to bring herself back."

"So what's the plan?" Care questions, determined now, and I smile.

"I want to make Bonnie the anchor to purgatory," I reveal before turning to Bonnie. "It would kind of suck, you won't have your magic and you'll have one foot over there, not to mention that every supernatural being that dies has to pass through you, but you'd be alive, you could go to college," I promise and she thinks about it before agreeing that it sounds like a fair deal.

"What do we need to do?"

I sigh at Care's readiness, knowing that I'll have to shut it down. "That's the thing, to do the spell we need the original anchor, aka Amara, the original mistress, and Katherine."

"Why?" Elena demands, obviously not too happy to meet Katherine again.

"We need the blood of all three of you doppelgängers, one immortal, one human, and one vampire before we can transfer the link to Bonnie."

"What does this have to do with Qetsiyah?" Caroline is confused now and I can see Elena is quickly joining her.

"I don't know where Amara is. The travelers have hidden her but Qetsiyah can find her and she'd be able to do the spell anyway. Plus, if the link is transferred to Bonnie then when Amara dies and Silas thinks purgatory is destroyed, he'll die and be stuck there. Qetsiyah will totally go for it," I swear and they all nod, agreeing that they don't have a better plan. I leave with Liz and the promise that I'll be back later as she calls to have Steven's Quarry searched and I text Damon.

By the time we arrive, they are done and they found the safe, already out of the water with a dead guy in it. I touch it and I try to use my powers but I barely get a hit and only see Stefan in pain while drowning because the stupid dead guy's fear of being eaten overrides Stefan's emotions. "What'd you get?" Damon asks, worried.

"Nothing, but I can use you and do a locator spell," I tell him before taking his wrist and biting into it after ensuring nobody was looking. I focus on seeing Stefan and begin to drink. I get flashes of a small cottage and then I see Qetsiyah before I feel where they are, where her village used to be. I pull back and smile at Damon and Liz. "I know where they are."

I get into Damon's car and drive us to where they are. We arrive at the cottage and I immediately barge in. Damon, however, can't enter. Qetsiyah looks at me in shock before gasping out a name, "Adaline."

I can't help the eye roll. "No, and I'm really tired of being mistaken for other people, even if I am Jessica Carter," I say confused, although at my irrational anger or the irritation I feel for not remembering that I was her, I'm unsure.

"Who are you then?"

"Jessica Gilbert, pleasure," I comment, noticing a passed out Stefan. I eye him before turning to her. "You do know that isn't Silas, right?"

"Do you take me for a fool?" She scoffs and I sigh.

"No, but I think you've been dead for a while and probably saw how much everyone hated him and saw Stefan locked in a safe and thought, 'wow I wish they had safes back when he cheated on me with my handmaiden' before kidnapping him to invoke a different kind of torture."

She scrutinizes me. "You are an odd person."

I snort. "Coming from someone who created purgatory and linked it to the love of her fiancé's life whom she claimed to have killed."

"How do you know those things?" She asks, shocked, and I pull a chair out from the table remembering Damon.

"Day, you can come in," I tell him and he steps over, shocking the traveler even more so I take pity. "I'm very powerful," I inform her. "Nature says I'm meant to become the balance, whatever that means, which comes with some great perks. I also have this power to go into the past so I saw everything and take it from someone whose boyfriend cheated on her and knocked another girl up the day after they slept together for the first time, I feel for you."

"Why are you here?"

"Well, you see, that's my sister's kinda boyfriend whose memory you stole?" I ask, looking into her mind on accident before closing it off, not wanting to be stuck reading everybody's mind for weeks to come. I shake the question off and continue. "Anyway, I'm here for Stefan but also to see you. See, I have this friend Bonnie, her death allowed you life and I want to bring her back, but that's a tedious task so I had a thought that I think you'll enjoy as it involves torturing Silas."

"Continue," she prompts and I smile, knowing I've got her.

"What's the best way to torture Silas? I mean he's spent years trying to be reunited with Amara, who I tried to tap into by the way and she is whacko. But anyway, we lure Katherine Pierce back to town. Let Silas drain her, become a traveler then reveal that the only way to destroy purgatory is to kill Amara." I smile deviously and she just looks confused, which is beginning to annoy me.

"I don't understand."

I let out a heavy sigh. "God, do I have to explain everything? Amara is insane from having one foot here and one foot over there for millennia. There's nothing she'll want more than to die. As soon as she learns the cure is in Silas, she'll kill him to get it and then kill herself."

"That would destroy Purgatory," she points out and I growl.

"I was getting there," I snarl and she flinches so I calm down, taking a deep breath. "We make Bonnie the anchor so Amara drains Silas for her cure, breaking him, and then when he kills himself to be with her, he ends up stuck because she was no longer the anchor," I propose and she smiles, agreeing with the plan. "Great. I'll set things up on my end, you use Stefan to lure Katherine to town and I'll hand her over to Silas."

"Why would he trust you?" She wonders and I shrug.

"I turned my humanity off and gave him the cure after he used his power to torture my exes," I reveal, shooting a wink at Damon before standing up and linking our arms. "You have your task and we have ours. Oh and give Stefan his memory back because I'll be back tomorrow night and if he's not better, I will kill you again and figure out how to find Amara on my own," I threaten and I can see she knows I mean it from the fear in her eyes and it makes me smile, knowing that I can make someone so powerful fear me.

I lead Damon away from the cottage and drive back to Mystic Falls in the newly fallen night. When I arrive, I call Elena, who reveals that she and Care had a roommate who knew our dad but they went to a frat party and couldn't get in but Megan went and got killed yet the campus police are covering it up as a suicide. I tell them about Qetsiyah, Stefan, and my plan before promising to be there in the morning, and Caroline says I better because Tyler is apparently postponing his admission into college, even though they were supposed to try and get back together.

After the call is finished, I finally go to kiss Damon when Jeremy enters, saying that he saw Silas in the square but he looked like Stefan and I filled him in on Silas' true face. He says that Katherine was also around but Silas was looking for her so I tell him about our plan and he tells me that he also got into a fight at school.

Now I have to play responsible adult sister and try and scold him, which doesn't go well since the first question I ask is if he won, which he did, so Damon has to scold him because he said I'm terrible at it and Jeremy says that's what he loves about me. Once that is handled, I'm too tired to have fun with Damon so as soon as we get to his room, I pass out on his chest dreaming of Klaus daggering Elijah, drinking with Marcel, and Nadia Petrova placing a traveler in Matt. I shoot up in bed and notice Damon sleeping next to me.

"Great," I whisper. "We get to deal with Katherine Junior and her band of gypsies." I lay back down, wondering how I can get my hands on one of those nifty traveler knives that kill travelers only to dream about Silas killing Bonnie's dad, this time staying asleep in my shock.

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