My Journey to Wattpad

By kevin

389 39 19

A challenge started by Nick Uskoski where you (or I in this case) let readers know how Wattpad and I met. More

Growing Pains

389 39 19
By kevin

My road to Wattpad is a rocky one, full with uncertainty and drama (what good is there without the drama).


I was a fourth year at York University, and in a class listening to a TA drone on and on about "the one." It was a media tech class. One that always proposed questions, but never answered any of them. So when I say I was listening, I really mean I was on my laptop already thinking about what I'd do once class finished, what I'd do once school finished.

So I spent the 2 hour long tutorial browsing through multiple job listings and websites, hoping to find something that would interest me. Towards the end of class, I found just that. A listing from a little known company (this was back in early 2011) called Wattpad. It was for a "community relations" position. Seemed interesting enough, but what topped it for me was the fact it was a site where readers and writers could connect over stories. I loved reading. I loved writing. Why not, right?

A few days after getting my cover letter & resume ready, I clicked that apply button and submitted my application. A few days passed, a week passed, then another...excitment turned into disppointment, and I figured I should apply to some backups. But even after applying for other roles, I knew what I actually wanted so, I decided Wattpad needed to meet me.

After finding the address (thank god for the original job posting, since it wasn't listed anywhere else), I took myself on the hour+ long bus ride to their office. I was eager, nervous, happy, all in one. One issue though...the office was closed. It was Family Day. For those who don't know, Family Day in Canada is a holiday provided to spend time with...well...your family. So there I was, out in the snow and the cold, standing next to a closed building. It was a sad picture.

I got back on the bus mentally defeated, thinking a) how come I didn't realize it was Family day. Most stores were closed on this day so I should have noticed, and b) I was near the end of my undergrad and I still needed a job. When I got home, I let a few hours pass. Sometime in the evening, I decided to pursue this Wattpad relationship one last time. I found the CEO's (allen) email, and sent him a personal letter.

Two days later, I got an email asking to come in for an interview. SUCCESS! Needless to say, I was ecstatic! This was my moment to shine, and I definitely wanted to shine, so I did a pretty thorough sweep of all things Wattpad!

The day of the interview arrived, and it all started plesantly enough but it started tumbling down just as quick.

First up was using public transportation. The bus got held up by traffic and lunatics, resulting in me making a mad dash to the Wattpad office to show up on time (thankfully I knew where it was already from my earlier attempt to shine). I made it, but sweating and out of breath.

Second up was the office. It was incredibly small. One meeting room and one working space, where some employees shared a table. From the entrance, I could see the entire office. I started to doubt the legitimacy of the company. "Who were they really," I started thinking.

Next up was an issue (i think) was out of my hands, but an issue nonetheless. I would like to assume that my interview with the CEO & CTO went well, but when I interviewed with who would later be my boss, It just went sideways. I couldn't answer any question without my soon-to-be boss having to repeat and clarify the question so I could answer it properly. This happened for EVERY. SINGLE. QUESTION. Time moved so slow at this point. I figured it was over. I was over. Time to move on.

So at this point you'd think I've been dealt all the cards, and nothing more could come. WRONG. I decided to take a shortcut into the bus terminal, but was cutoff pretty quickly. I got stopped and fined by the "transit police" for attempting a shortcut in a no walking zone. So at this point, I figured I had no job, and I had to pay for it, literally.

That night, I sat in my room thinking at least I tried. Was I disappointed at how things unfolded. Sure. But could I do anything about it now? No. But to my surprise, I got an email from Wattpad the next day...they offered me the role, and I accepted.

Now, close to four years later I am still working at Wattpad, and enjoying every step of its growth. Not just the community growth, but the company growth. It's incredible to see the leaps Wattpad makes month-to-month, year-to-year. I can't see the entire office from the entryway any longer, and I definitely have no doubts about the legitimacy of the company (mainly because each person has their own office table).

Depending where you are viewing this, the picture is of the office and the Wattpad team a few days afer I started.

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