Sanders Sides One Shots

By JustAJordan

257 9 0

This book is just some one shots based on prompts by @sanderssides_prompts and @writingpromptsforsanderssides... More

Devils and Angels by society's standards.
We're all a little mad.
Late night meeting in the Woods.
We'll make it together.
They win, hands down.

Two Villains and an Hero.

90 1 0
By JustAJordan

Warning: Swearing, mentioned kidnapping. Let me know if there's anything else I should be aware of.

The city that Virgil works in is fairly small. That being said, for having so little square mileage, the place racks up more than it's fair share of problems. Take Virgil's job for example. He is one of three well known super-villains in city, and that's not even beginning to mention the amount of evil-doers whose crimes are just too small to gain much notoriety, nor the vigilantes that are scattered throughout the streets claiming to work on the side of good but not afraid to use sketchy tactics. Though the term villain always seemed like an exaggeration to Virgil, and he simply did what he wanted for fun, not with any purely evil intent behind his actions. But still, the civilians need fear not! For there are more than enough egotistical and flamboyant souls who the government fund to 'save' them! Take the man Virgil often finds assigned to him, Roman Prince. The man doesn't even attempt to cover up his identity, and flaunts his latest tech around like it's nothing. While his attitudes and overall demeanour would annoy Virgil coming from anyone else, he finds himself unfortunately falling for his prince-like character.

As well as Deceit. Deceit is a smart and cunning man, someone who knows what he wants and how to get it. It just so happens that his fellow villain 'Anxiety' and the idiot are at the top of his wish list. That's how Virgil found himself being confronted by the more lethal of his crushes only to have the hero come to 'stop their evil intermingling'. That three-way encounter was the first of many, and soon Virgil and Deceit found themselves coordinating their plans just to have Roman come to them both on his own accord. Neither of the two were too invested in the life of crime they had forged, and would drop it on a dime if Roman were to ask them to. But, for the foreseeable future, this seemed to be the only way to gain the selfish man's attention.

Until he got kidnapped.

Yep! Who would believe it that the popular, beloved and open superhero 'Roman Kingsley' was kidnapped by the third major-league villain of the city: Logic.

What, did you think his dearest brother Remus would be said third villain? Think again! He gave that life up quickly after it started for his brother, and now fulfils a sort of manger role in Roman's life. No, Logic is a much more terrifying villain than Remus could've ever dreamed of being. He's cold, heartless and calculating. Much like Deceit, he know what he wants, but what he wants is much more than just a measly love life. No, he wanted control. Control to re-make the world in his image; to create a world he deemed fit for existence. And his plan was quite simple. First, to gain control, the media would be his ally. But he was not stupid enough to risk his identity by openly putting his identity out there for the world to see. So, he needed a puppet. A popular, beloved and prominently open online that he could twist and bend to his rule. That's when Roman comes in.

So, to cut a long and unrelated story down, Logic finds and manipulates Remus, who leads the villain straight to the hero. Betrayal ensues, Remus is knocked out, and Roman is kidnapped.

And now, the two villains find themselves teaming up to sneak into Logic's base to save their idiotic love interest from being a political puppet. The entry was no problem, nor was locating the loud and obnoxious man who unfortunately held the object of their affections. Instead, the problem they encountered came with Logic's high security. There was very little chance of the two of them entering Roman's holding place without detection, and they weren't even about to entertain the idea of all three leaving without some sort of struggle.

From Virgil and Deceit's prior encounters with Logic, they knew of his general plans and how he goes about certain things, so a physical fight wouldn't be entirely out of their favour, though now they were in the Villain's home territory they couldn't be entirely sure or dependent on that fact to help them. The two had guessed the likelihood of his notoriously favourite tactic to use would go up; negotiation. That's where Virgil is glad he brought Deceit to this. He doesn't do well under that sort of pressure, and Logic was already so calm in his general demeanour that it creeped Virgil out under the best of circumstances. This lead to Virgil and Deceit quietly debating how to go about setting up a scenario in which they held enough of an upper hand to start negotiations with the dreaded villain.

But not quite quiet enough, as the next minute they were in front of Logic after the ceiling grate was brought to the floor. Deceit though, on impulse, rolled out the way, took aim, and quickly shot his love interest's captor in one of his knees. Buckling to the floor, surprisingly Logic was left defenceless. One would think that with the amount that this guy thinks things through and plans out his ideas he wouldn't leave such a vulnerable area open for a swift and easy attack. None the less, he was down for the count, and with that his guards were overjoyed.

"It seems he wasn't as nice of an employer as he let himself believe." The two supposed villains in yellow and purple turned to their right and saw Roman strapped to some sort of device. They glanced back on the man writhing on the floor in pain and both agreed with the hero in red rags.

"Did he hurt you at all?" Virgil asked after a beat of silence came upon the trio.

"I don't think we gave him much of a chance. It has been less than 24 hours and I'm willing to bet Roman here only woke up a short while ago." Deceit chipped in, his smooth voice coming into fruition now more than ever.

"And if you were to place money on that you'd benefit. I believe it was only about half an hour ago that I regained my consciousness. Though, I must ask way the people I'm assigned to fight the most are here to rescue myself from one in their own leagues." Was Roman's response. The two in question spared a glance to each other, as if asking if they should even grace such a stupid question with a response.

"Okay, first off Princey, don't call a guy who is after world domination in the same league as two guys who are bored and in love. Secondly, you're part of that 'in love' clause I just mentioned. We like you. And that was phrased so badly I'm sorry-"

"Okay, stop right there anx. Calm down, you're shaking." Virgil took a moment to the side to settle his breathing after noting that what Roman said was very true. "So you two commit crimes because you're both pining after me and are bored?" And with it phrased like that, the two free men turned a bright shade of pink and looked to the floor. "That is positively adorable and slightly worrying at the same time. Okay, well I guess after you both get me out of this thing I'll have to monitor you both." Once it was mentioned he was in Logic's restraints still, the two rushed to get Roman out, while also both being extremely worried about what he meant by monitored.

Roman was out of the strange device he had previously been hooked up to within minutes with the help of the two dark men in front of him, both displaying their nervous ticks Roman had picked up on over the years. As strange as it was, he never found himself hating these two, and had an almost longing to be on their cases whenever he was given one of the lesser villains out there. He enjoyed the back and fourth banter, sarcasm and witty comments he always received during their battles which, now looking back on it, were very obviously staged and never presented anything life threatening. Looking at the two now, worried about his next words, he realised just how much he genuinely enjoyed their company.

"What? You two look rather worried. I would've thought you'd enjoy my having to keep your company 24/7." A smirk found it's way onto the hero's face as the other two whirled around and made sudden eye contact, each with their own version of being flustered displayed. Virgil found himself stuttering a lot, trying to grasp and comprehend what Roman had just told them, while Dee just stared blankly, the ghost of a smile on his face. All three of them stood in silence for a few minutes, non of them wanting to break it, but not being able to cope with the lack of noise.

"Fuck it, you two are being too quiet. I love you." Dee turned to Virgil. "That includes you. I haven't explicitly told you this before, but I do." And Virgil could've sworn his heart stopped beating for a good 30 seconds there. He managed out a 'What?' Before looking back and fourth between the two guys he was in love with, right before passing out.

"I guess you could say he's fallen for us." Roman joked, and winked at Dee, who instead just rolled his eyes and picked Virgil up in a way that would him easier to carry.

"Indeed. Though I'm more curious about what happened to the first guy who fell for me." Sarcasm was all but dripping in his tone, and Roman's face paled slightly at the comment.

"W-what do you mean?" He enquired, suddenly asking if he'd regret his decision to try and initiate a relationship with his two rescuers.

"Logic left at some point. Clearly found some way to patch the wound at least temporally so he wouldn't leave a trail." Roman's heart rate went down drastically, though he supposed that wasn't a completely good thing considering the news that came with it.

After that exchange, they agreed that strength in numbers was probably the trio's best bet, so they made their way to Roman and Remus' shared house to explain the situation to Remus. But once they got there, inside on the kitchen counter was a signed note from the hero's chaotic brother.

'Okay, hey bro/ anyone who breaks in/ anyone he brings home with him (I have little hope for you but still),
You may be wondering 'Why is this nut job leaving a note for me, why not text or tell me in person?' And it's simple really. I'm gonna be working with this really hot guy I found, but he's like, evil and stuff? And I know I said I'd quit that shit but let's be real here, I was basically BORN to be a villain or at least an anti-hero. So yeah, I'm gonna be a villain again, hope you don't mind too much, love you and shit :)'

And fucking hell, Roman had never wanted to punch Remus in the face more. At least now he had two ex-villain boyfriends to fight Remus with him.

Word count: 1881.

Hi! I'm the author.  This one shot is based on a prompt by @sanderssides_prompts on instagram, and I hope you enjoy. If anyone who finds this would be interested in a continuation based on Remus and Logan's part of the story, let me know and I'll see what I can do. Bye all!

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