Lost In The Dark (Evil/Dark J...

Oleh openmind_11

75K 2.3K 584

What if Jacks adventure with the guardians never happened? What if the isolation and loneliness got to him fi... Lebih Banyak

Lost In The Dark
It was an Accedent
Children Gone Missing
He talks to you?
You can see me
No Different Than Me
Painful Memory
The Voice Inside My Head
We have to Help
Truth Hurts
Jacks Fall
Jackson Frost
The True Monster

Still Weak

4.4K 148 27
Oleh openmind_11

News cast
Breaking news! The search for the lost children has been stopped as of a few minutes ago when we received multiple calls from witnesses stating that they saw a large group of small children just outside burgess, who seemed to all fit the missing children descriptions. They were found screaming for help at the edge of the forest, their story of what happened has officers stumped and their family's confused. You will now be taken live in the scene with Shela Murry. Shela

"Thank you John. As you heard, the children are now safe and all accounted for. They however have their parents worried because of what they've been talking about since the moment they arrived, take a look for yourself."

The camera zoomed in on a child crying in their mothers arms.

"It was Jack Frost mommy! He took us! He scared us, h-he said if you didn't believe in him he was gonna get rid of you! You gotta think he's real mommy He'll h-hurt you!"

Other children were screaming the same thing. Everyone begging as many as they could to believe in Jack Frost.

The reporter turned back to the camera.

"Police aren't quite sure what to make of this. However, their theory is the kidnapper called himself Jack Frost. The only information we have on who it could be, is based off of the children's description of his appearance, but I'm afraid it's nothing more than what you could expect to come from a child's imagination.

They said he is very tall, skinny, black hair, red eyes, long sharp nails, sharp teeth, and appears to be a teenager.

Police are uncertain on what to believe but for now they are questioning every child and trying to figure out who is behind their kidnapping. We can only hope this criminal is caught and punished for their crimes.

Jacks POV

I backed away from the window once the news report was over.


The kids all showing up in burgess will bring the guardians to me, and while the children try and make everyone they can believe, in fear of what will happen to those who don't, I will be dealing with the guardians.

Erasing them
Making them invisible.

I hugged myself.

Oh how I loved the feeling when all those kids saw me. My body seemed to become so much stronger, I didn't realize how weak I was. No wonder the guardians find it so important to have believers. It's like a drug.

An addiction

All I had to do was break them. The moment they saw me I put them through Hell, terrified them, scarred them, they were so frightened by the time I was done tormenting them that most had wet themselves. Even the brave boy, what was his name? Jimmy, Johnny, Jamie... ah it doesn't matter. He was crying by the end as well.

I hope the guardians go through pain loosing it all. The beautiful feeling they've grown so used to, just vanishing.

Running through the forest into a clearing I jumped up and down in happiness.

They will be here soon! I'll take everything away from them!

This is so exciting!

Laying down in the snow I patiently waited.


They were close. I could feel it.

As if on cue I heard the jingling bells of a sleigh.

A sick grin formed across my face. "Finally."

Standing I watched as they landed with all five of them on bored.

They began walking closer to me but stopped. They studied my face.

Tooth fairy covered her hands over her mouth. "Oh Jack." She whispered. "What have you done to yourself?"

"Like you would care." I coldly spat.
Bunny hoped in front of them all.

I laughed at their angry faces.
"And to what do I owe the pleasure of having such celebrities come to see me."

Bunny stepped forward but was stopped by North, who then pointed his blade at me.

"Jack. I'm afraid you've gone to far. What you did was-"

"Too far?" I interrupted "I was only gaining a few believers that's all. No one was hurt. See, all the kids are back home, happy, and know exactly who I am." I grinned.

North stepped forward "Look at me Jack!"
I jumped a little. His loud outburst stunning me.

"How could you be so selfish! You tortured those poor kids! And for your own selfish reasons! Stop thinking about yourself and think about what you did to those children!"

I scowled. "I'm the one being selfish huh."
"For hundreds of years you've been bribing kids in different ways to get them to believe in you! I've brought them happiness and fun for a long time, and get nothing in return! 'Jack Frost nipping at your nose' that's all I'm known as! A story! Parents don't make their kids believe in me!"

"Jack..." Tooth flew to me laying her hand on my shoulder.

"Tooth get away from him!" Bunny yelled.

She ignored them.

"Jack please. We can help you, we can all fix this together."

I frowned. "So this is what it took."

She furrowed her eyebrows confused. "What do you mean?"

I pushed her hand away and stepped back. "I mean it took me doing this." I referred to the children, "to get you all to notice me. To get you all to come see me."

I clenched my fists. "I've been alone for 300 years! No one to talk to! No one to stay with! No one new I was there! Even the four of you, who new I existed, who knew who I was... Even the four of you treated me like I wasn't real."

I lowered my voice to a whisper. "I was alone...for so long, that I didn't even think I was real myself."

"Why?" I looked them all in the face, none of them answered.


"Because your a nuisance." Bunny stated plainly, no emotion shown on his face.

The breath caught in my throat, a pain so large grew in my chest as if the words were burning a hole right through me.

"You're nothin but trouble, you've only ever caused messes and screwed things up! In fact, we would probably be better off without you."

Tooth gasped. "Bunny!"

Before I knew what was happening a tear slipped from my eye.

Snow began to fall and the guardians all stared at me. The dark one of the five seemed to look shocked.

I stepped back. My body shaking.
I let my emotions get the better of me, I can't fight them. Not like this.

I'm still weak.

"Well if I'm such a nuisance...I'll just leave."

"No Jack!" North ran at me.

Before he could grab me I froze his feet to the ground.

Knowing the others were about to jump into action I formed cold fog all around them, too thick for them to see anything.

"Frost!" Bunnies yells of anger echoed.

I turned to run but stopped.
I can't leave with them thinking of me as weak, pathetic, and cowardly.

So grabbing my scythe I leaped up and landed on top of tooth, pinning her down.

I brought the blade up to her neck. This will teach them.

"No Jack, please." Her eyes glossed over as tears of fear slid down her face.

I smirked.

"Wouldn't dream of it Tooth."

I stood up watching her slowly get up herself. Before she knew what was happening I was already behind her, already slicing my blade through the air, already hearing her screams of pain, already seeing her wings fall, and already watching them hit the ground.


The guardians were nearing. Desperate to find their friend, desperate to save her.

Taking one last glance at my work. I took in the beautiful sight. Tooth curled in a ball, shaking, crying. Blood surrounding her, staining the snow a beautiful red. Pathetic whimpers escaping her lips.

Leaning down to her ear I whispered "this is only the beginning of the pain. You will know exactly what it feels like to be me. To be nothing. When I'm done with the five of you. You will all wish for something, as sweet as pain."

Laughing I grabbed her wings as a trophy and ran to the edge of the woods, the guardians still frantically searching for her.

"Ha, so pathetic."
Moving my hand, I made the fog disappear.

I wanted to stay and watch the guardians reaction. But it would be too risky. I guess I'll have to come back another time.

"Tooth no!"

I grinned, but then felt a tugging pain in my chest. I fell to my knees and gasped for air.

"W-what's going on."

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