Trouble Battle 3: The Element...

By Shinichi2504

87.3K 2.8K 911

This fanfiction take place after Boboiboy Movie 2! After getting through the consequences, now Boboiboy and h... More

The Light of Hope
The Sound of the Wind Blows
Get the Fire Out of Me!
Back to Business
Let The Water Freeze to Become Ice
Beautiful Plants Should be Protected!
Business Again
Make the Earth Whole Again
Wrath Game
He's back
The Truth
For the Elementals!
Extra Chapter!

Silent Thunder in the Sky + Our Big Brother

5.5K 184 78
By Shinichi2504

It's actually a two different chapter but I merge it here since the main elemental is the same and the topic is on track. That's why this chapter is longer than the others and have two title

Warning: OOC in this chapter






That night, the other elementals are already asleep except Boboiboy who's still happily reading the book about the power spheres. Gempa already told him to sleep but he wants to finish the book now so he can't argue with him and sleep early after forcing Trio Troublemaker and Solar to sleep. He look at the time is already 11PM, he look at his elementals who's sleeping and then he gets up gently and open the window. He look at the starry sky for a moment and then he jump outside and sit on the window roof

"Ah it's so smoothing"

Moments passed, Boboiboy just enjoying the night wind while closing his eyes to feel the comfort of the wind. He then fighting with his negative emotions about his elementals since Commander Koko Ci words and Fang's words other day

"You two don't know anything..." thought Boboiboy with a sad smile

He remember when he calm Solar who getting mental breakdown because he can't be always right in needed time, Taufan suddenly cry because he rarely calls him, Blaze who holding a lot of stress by him and himself, Ice who wants to be recognized by all of them and Thorn who's scared and feels weak. That moments make him realized that his elementals are also life being inside him who can feel such emotions. He hate seeing them like that, then suddenly he remember the other 2 elementals that haven't talk to him alone to let out their feelings

"I think it's time to hear him" thought Boboiboy looking at the starry sky
"Boboiboy? What are you doing here?" asked someone by the window

"Perfect timing" thought Boboiboy







"Should I ask the same question Halilintar?" said Boboiboy didn't bother to look under and just see the starry sky

Halilintar surprised for a moment because Boboiboy's reaction is like he's waiting for him. He jump outside and sit beside Boboiboy

"How did you know it was me? You said you can't tell who's voice since we have the same voice" asked Halilintar serious which make Boboiboy smile
"Ice told me once that you are a light sleeper to begin with so that means the others are heavy sleeper like myself. So I can only nail it on you since no one else wouldn't get up at this time" said Boboiboy smiling while looking at Halilintar


Boboiboy then look back up to the starry sky and feel the night wind that comfort him. Halilintar look down didn't bother to get back inside or see above him. He notice his strange behavior. He touch his shoulder which he felt sudden electricity and by surprised he shove his hand away

"Boboiboy! Are you okay?!" shout Halilintar surprised and come close to his owner while touching his hand
"Shhh it's alright it's alright, I'm just surprised that's all" said Boboiboy looking at Halilintar with his calm face

Although Halilintar's face is the same as always but Boboiboy knows that he actually worried and guilty about it and hold Boboiboy's hand carefully. Boboiboy then took chance slowly want to touch Halilintar again but his body shove away a little

"Don't, one hand is enough for you to get hurt... I should go back inside-"

Halilintar surprised because suddenly he felt warm on his back which he turn around and see Boboiboy hugging him while standing which make his head is above Halilintar's head. He was surprised at first but he can't argue that he love the warmness. After moments later, Boboiboy make Halilintar face him which give him a soft smile but holding some static on his shirt.

"You okay?!" shout Halilintar panic plastered on his face through that he electrocute him
"Finally you change your expression"

"You never change expression ever since I saw you in person... you only shows grim look and very small smile with it that's all"
"Well... I'm from your anger trait so what do you expect" said Halilintar facing away

"No, you get out through my anger but you didn't have to be fully in anger state and only show emotionless look to me and your brothers"
"Actually I'm out due to anger is other reason..."

Boboiboy was taken aback by Halilintar statement. He then force Halilintar to face him which make him feels some electric stings. Boboiboy then make his hand let out some Petir's powers so he didn't get much of the electricity

"Halilintar, don't tell me that..."
"Ukh! Yeah! Retak'ka activated me through his anger emotions too just like you did!... With that it makes him stronger using my powers like you too... That very reason make him want to take Tok Kasa's power or should I say Gempa. Because Gempa is activate due to leadership and all emotions combine which can make all 7 elementals controlled well by the user" said Halilintar angrily

Boboiboy was beyond shock by it. He never thought that Halilintar's case is worst which make him like that. Halilintar face down with his hat lowered. He can't face Boboiboy because of his sudden burst

"Halilintar... look at me" said Boboiboy calmly but Halilintar didn't answer or look at him

"HALILINTAR!" shout Boboiboy

With that, it caught Halilintar's attention and face him. Halilintar was shock because he thought Boboiboy was angry at him but he didn't, he just give a serious but soft look to him

"Halilintar, please let out your feelings"
"Taufan told me that you are very thick, which mean he can't see through you at all... I have a hunch, but I want the answers from your mouth"

Halilintar face away but his body is still facing Boboiboy because he is holding his shoulders very hard to make him move. Not to mention, he felt his powers are rising at every moment but Boboiboy is not in pain at all by it

"Halilintar... please..."

"Fine... but can you please stop holding me like this... I know you can't hold my electricity any longer"
"Not until you tell me everything"

"Well what do you want to know..."
"For starters... why do you keep distance from the others especially Blaze, Thorn and Ice? You will not play or talk to them until someone ask you to do something"

Halilintar then face Boboiboy with his grim look but seconds later, his look soften in verge of sad emotions coming to him which make Boboiboy glad seeing it

"How did you.."
"Do you still need to ask?"
"W.. when I'm angry, I can't control my emotions and just let out my swords out. I just don't want to them to get hurt because of me... I can't be like Taufan who can shows his emotions outwild, I can't be like Gempa who can be patient controlling them and loving them... I can't be like Solar who can calculate their movements and high pride to fight back someone like me... I just can't show emotions at all... when I did show some emotions like laughing, they see me as a thread instead... I want to let them know that I care for them but I can't! I'm just a emotionless jerk and can only make mess around"

"Halilintar... you-"

Halilintar shut Boboiboy's mouth as if he knows what he's going to say to him so he stop him from saying it

"I know I know I shouldn't think like that but I just can't get that out of my mind...I don't think even your words can get this feeling out of me"
"Halilintar, I know you would do that... okay I will change my directions then..."

"When did you first feel like this?"

Halilintar didn't expect that question, he become very hesitated by it but Boboiboy still holding his shoulders and patiently wait for him to answer even though his hands are almost in his limit but he don't want to let go until Halilintar tell him all his feelings that he shut by his grim poker face

"Ever since..."







Both Angin and Tanah were down by him, he let out his sword and get ready to finish both of them but he was stopped by Probe because he shout 'terbaik' which make him realized that he's a Boboiboy elemental. After all events, Boboiboy merge together and three of them went back to the power watch which greeted by Api, Air, Daun and Cahaya inside. Four of them look surprised by Halilintar

"Tanah? Who?" asked Cahaya pointing Halilintar
"Believe it guys... this is Halilintar, Petir's second form"
"WHAT?!" shout four of them

"Hm! Why so surprised about it" said Halilintar grim
"Well, I never thought this watch is can manage second forms..." said Cahaya
"Then... in short time, four of us will went out" said Air calmly
"Finally!" said Api happily
"We just have to wait until Taufan and Gempa comes out... then it's just a matter of time for Api and Air to come out" said Cahaya serious

"When will we come out then?" asked Daun pouting while hugging Cahaya
"It's gonna take a long time Daun... this watch is not compatible yet to handle 7 elementals and based on sequence is both of us will be the last to go out or maybe not at all"

"Well, I will be right there if you need me, Gerakan Kilat!"
"Halilintar! Don't forget to transform back to Petir! Boboiboy haven't locked all second forms" shout Tanah seeing Halilintar when away

"And there he goes... so might tell us what happen? Since both of you are not look well" said Cahaya while pointing some bruises on both of their body
"Well... Adudu really played us big time" said Angin unhappy with his bruises

On the other hand, Halilintar who still haven't change back are on top of the tree which no one can see him. He look at his hands serious and remember when he got tricked by Adudu and Probe due to his lost memories



"Dey Boboiboy! We're your friends!"


"Kyaa!" shout both Gopal and Yaya

"You are my grandson..." "Huh! Don't listen to them! Find out the secret recipe!"
"Tell us your secret recipe...Hm!"

"Tanah tinggi!"
"Tumbukan Taufan!"

"Bola Kilat!"


"Defeat them!"

"No please..." said both Angin and Tanah pleading



Halilintar tighten his fist even more as he remembers when he almost killed Boboiboy's friends, Angin and Tanah and worst part is, he almost kill his owner's grandfather. Their faces flash on his memories like a movie which make him shout

"This power- no... I'm a stupid asshole..."

And a tear went down from his eyes






Back to reality

Halilintar look away didn't bother to look at Boboiboy who's tighten his grab on him. Boboiboy was shock on how that very moment make him like this. Because of that trauma that he have, he was force to keep distance between him and the other elementals especially the other 3 elementals that haven't handle Halilintar in person. Solar is different case because his powers are equal or maybe higher than his which make him not too afraid if he got close.

"So you are scared that you got uncontrolled again which hurt your brothers?"
"Hm... I don't want them to get hurt, if a villain want to hurt them I can fight them and protect them as always but it's different case if I'm the one who's a threat to them..."


"I maybe strong... you use me a lot in battles, but this power is also a curse which can harm anyone, like it did to Captain Kaizo when you were controlled by Bora Ra and Ejo Jo few days back and other times like that..."

"Halilintar... what do you honestly want right now?"

Halilintar hold Boboiboy's hands to let go his shoulder, he then look through Boboiboy's eyes serious for a moment until give a sad smile to him like Boboiboy's sad smile but the emotions is deeper which anyone can feel his sadness.

"Please... delete me from being your elemental" said Halilintar with tears falling from his eyes









Boboiboy was shock by Halilintar's request. He never even figure that he will ask a big request like that. Deleting him from the watch means that himself will be destroyed and by other words... die. Boboiboy try to hold his emotions and give a serious look to Halilintar

"Why?" asked Boboiboy carefully hide his emotions under his serious look

"I just can't handle much more... I'm being a threat to all of you really hurts. You still have the other six elementals to do your job as TAPOPS agent"
"Are you sure that's all?"

Halilintar didn't answer quickly after that he look down and cry. Boboiboy hug him close which make his head are resting on his chest, Halilintar never feel that warmness before which make him cry even more to let out his anger for himself louder. After few moments, Halilintar let go since he stop crying and quickly wipe his tears

"Halilintar, let it out" said Boboiboy softly
"I... E... Every time I see Gempa and Taufan... I always remember that forsaken day, when I almost kill them... Now since the other four comes out, it really scares me to death. What happen if that day repeat itself... I'm supposed to be the one who protect them as the oldest but if myself is threat, I should be gone and not near them!" said Halilintar in anger

Boboiboy look serious to him but still very soft and warm for Halilintar because he never felt such warmth from someone this close. He always rant with Taufan and Gempa about Boboiboy's life but he never rant about himself and he still have a big pride about it. Now his pride is broke in front of his owner, barking his feelings out of wanting love

"Halilintar... I-"
"Please just get me out from this pain..."
"I know very well your pain Halilintar, the pain for enduring the hard time of your life, the pain of loneliness... I know it all" said Boboiboy softly
"But you don't know my trauma! Just delete me please!" shout Halilintar angry




"I can't let you do that Halilintar"







"Why..." asked Halilintar looking down letting his tears out
"Halilintar... fine if that-"
"Don't even think of it!"





Halilintar was shock because he knows that those words are not from Boboiboy, he look at Boboiboy who give a sad smile to him

"You guys can come out now" said Boboiboy while moving backward from Halilintar

Halilintar look to the window it shows two people comes out and jump to the window roof. Which to be the elementals that make Halilintar like having these negative and traumatic feelings, Taufan and Gempa

"Halilintar..." said Gempa slowly
"Gempa... I just-"

Before Halilintar continue his words, Taufan already crash him and hug him, Gempa who let out tears on his eyes also hug him. They both cry very hard by Halilintar's side which make Halilintar's heart drop

"Hali-no Abang Halilintar... please don't shut your feelings from us, I always know that you love us as a big brother you are for us. I don't care about your mistake, I don't care about your uncontrolled powers and I don't fucking agree of your decision to suicide! I love you Abang, don't even think that you're gone is the answer for all of us" said Taufan while crying and hugging Halilintar very hard

"I'm sorry for not knowing your feelings, I'm sorry for burdening you, I'm sorry for not by your side when you need it, I'm sorry for being one of the reason of your trauma" said Gempa crying

"Taufan... Gempa..." said Halilintar speechless by his two brothers who's hugging him

"Please... You are our big brother, we're a family. Don't even try to leave us, we love you" said Gempa let go and look at his brother's eyes
"Everyone make mistakes... everyone have trauma. Not only you have that massive trauma" said Taufan

"Name me one person..." said Halilintar touching his hat which he pull down covering his eyes

"Myself" said someone which Halilintar notice






Halilintar was shock seeing four people jump from the window to the window roof. Which to be Blaze, Ice, Thorn and Solar. Blaze and Ice look at Halilintar guilty and sad, Thorn is crying and Solar step forward looking at Halilintar serious

"Don't tell me that you forgot that I almost kill Boboiboy, his friends and whole TAPOPS station few months ago due to my mistake" said Solar serious

Halilintar shot his eyes up and remembering that moment. He notice that Solar telling it with trembling hands but he hide it under his pockets

"Don't know the trauma? Dude, Boboiboy is us, we are Boboiboy. He knows your trauma, he knows my trauma. He know, got and feel our trauma which is 2 times worst but look at him, look at me. We're fine and we go on because we let out our feelings properly and not shutting it like you did"
"You shut your feelings too... if it weren't for Boboiboy, you are the same as Halilintar" said Blaze
"Ukh.. well you have a point there... BUT YOU TOO BLAZE!" said Solar hide his blushing

"Well Solar point is, you are not the only one suffering... we also have our own problems" said Ice calmly giving a encourage smile

Taufan and Gempa let go of their hug to make room for someone which the person run and hug him which make Halilintar move backward a little (*he's still sitting and Thorn just hope on him). His head was near Halilintar's ear which he can hear his crying which he hate the most

"Thorn... please stop crying" said Halilintar patting Thorn's back
"You're evil Abang Halilintar... you didn't tell me about your burdens... I know how you feel more than other elementals remember... we're in the same state by Retak'ka, he uses us more than the others. If you're gone and who's going to encourage me, who's going to teach me to be brave, who's going to be here for me when I need you" said Thorn looking at Halilintar angry while wiping his and Halilintar's tears

Halilintar look at Thorn very guilty, he forgot about the fact that he and Thorn are Retak'ka most used elementals which bring both of them more traumatic memories like seeing dead bodies and destroying things. It was too much for him to handle even for Thorn, that's why they were very happy now since Boboiboy use them for good but his recent trauma really scared him and make him can't think straight. With that, Boboiboy move forward which make Taufan and Gempa went behind him and stand up beside Ice, Blaze and Solar. He bent down to Halilintar and pat his head which make Halilintar look surprised

"Fine if that's what you want... but I'm sorry for being selfish but I can't and won't delete you because you are needed here, for me and for them. We're in this together Halilintar, we're strong unlike what you think of us so believe that no one will get hurt because of you. Because you're the oldest brother for them, they will need you and I bet my life that you will not go uncontrolled to them except I was the one who's uncontrolled"
".... What makes you think like that?..."

"Like now, you can tell our voices... their voices, you know Gempa's voice, you know Solar's voice. Only you who love them the most can tell their voices that detailed, only you who can help Gempa look after the Trio Troublemaker and Solar, only you who can tell what are they feeling without they're telling you. You right now already give them prove that you love them more than yourself"

Halilintar shot his eyes surprised. He sees his brothers one by one and then to Boboiboy which realize him that they really preventing him from dying or go away from them. Thorn still not let go his body like a baby who don't want to let go his father. Halilintar let out a smile and patting Thorn's head

"You are very selfish Boboiboy..."
"More than you think Halilintar" said Boboiboy smile while patting his head

The other elementals then hug Halilintar even Solar is hugging him although he quite hesitating himself. Boboiboy look at his elementals hugging each other and Halilintar smiling to them, he notice that he didn't let out any electrical which means he's not angry or burden anymore. Gempa's eyes meet with Boboiboy and give him a smile which to be a thank you for comforting Halilintar, it make him smile seeing it

Moments later, all of them let go of Halilintar which make Halilintar stands up

"Boboiboy... you can make us go back to the power watch now" said Solar smile

"Yeah, you're already okay now so maybe we can go back now" said Gempa

"Hmmm... you three?" asked Boboiboy to the Trio Troublemaker
"It's fine, you can always call us again through Trio help signal right" said Taufan smiling
"Yeah!" said both Blaze and Thorn

"Ice? Halilintar?"

"I'm good with it, I already miss my water bed"
"I'm okay too"

Boboiboy look at all of them and the last elemental that he haven't talk alone with but then he sigh and smile to all of them

"Okay then... get ready"

Seven of them getting ready in front of him

"Kuasa Elemental! Ketujuh Kuasa kembali kepada Boboiboy!" shout Boboiboy






The elementals didn't get back to the power watch although Boboiboy already said the order. Which make all of them confused and looking at each other

"Okay... that was not supposed to happen" said Solar while walking to Boboiboy while looking at his watch
"Great, you're calculation to failed really did it..." said Blaze rotate his eyes
"So, what now?" asked Ice

"Well tomorrow I will check the watch, for now we're still staying here" said Solar serious
"Can't be helped I guess..." said Boboiboy while looking at Solar
"Oh well... it's already past midnight, should we go back to sleep then?" asked Gempa to light up the mood
"Okay..." said the rest of them

Boboiboy can only sigh off and waited for all of them to go back to the room. He look at Thorn who hugging Halilintar like a pillow

"You can stop hugging me Thorn" said Halilintar
"No..." said Thorn trembling

"He's scared after your sudden attempt suicide announcement, you should really cut him slack" said Taufan holding his shoulder
"I'm sleeping by your side tonight! No buts!" said Thorn serious

"Alright alright... I do own you an apology"

"Pfft... Tsundere"

Halilintar just glare at Taufan who make fun of him tonight but Gempa hit both of them and push them inside the room leaving Boboiboy who's still in window roof. Moments later, he jump inside and smile seeing his elementals already near the bed










"Well, that was a great acting..."







Just so you know, my favorite elemental is Ice so... Halilintar have the longest chapter is not because I love him too much 

But it's because due to Halilintar personality which make it have more debate then the others

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