Another Broken Family

By AlexsRevisions2020

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Going through and brutally judging all my old works, wrote this at 16ish. It needs some tweaks but it's a rea... More



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By AlexsRevisions2020

     Okay so this is way too long of a chapter for anybody to wanna read buttt I'm not ashamed of this so we'll keep it and call this the "rough copy". Lmk if you think it's worth keeping or not? - All chapters will be revised and broken down for a better experience. If you skip, and you probably should, just use the table of contents.


There are broken hearts all over the world. I have always heard, You have to face the rain beofre the rainbow. This is the lesson meant to be learned from this story, I promise it's worth reading. Just give it a chance.

I checked the time on my phone... 3:05 A.M. great, I have to be at work in two hours, and I have yet to fall asleep. I decide to give up on sleep, and start getting dressed. Sluggishly, I go over to my closet, making my way through my obstacle course of a room. I find an old ACDC shirt, some bleached jeans, and a vintage pair of black converses. Once I am dressed, I go to my bathroom and begin doing my make-up. On my way over to my bathroom, I am reminded of my own lonesome.

My dad died from a bullet to the heart in war with Iraq when I was eight and my mom died in a car accident when I was ten. DHS sent me to live with my grandmother afterwards. Well she died three weeks ago. Now that I'm seventeen, DHS has decided I am old enough to live on my own. They found an apartment for me in Arnett, Oklahoma. They send a grouchy, old woman to check on me once a month to make sure I stay on track. With freedom comes responsibility, I have to keep my own job. I go to my part time job at five in the morning working at Lowes. Then I leave there at 7:30 and head immediately towards school. I go to school from 8:00 to 3:15. After school, I leave for an hour drive to work as a babysitter for a rich couple until 9:30 P.M. Since I work for so long over there, not only do they pay me, but they give me dinner, which is usually leftovers from the night before. When I turn on the bathroom light, I am blinded from the brightness. I turn on my straightener and open the bathroom cabinet, retrieve my contacts, and begin putting them in. My right eye stings a little at first but after I blink a few times, the sting goes away. Once my contacts are in, I put the case back into the cabinet and close it. I pull my make-up bag off of the side of the counter and apply it. Once it's on, I work on my stubborn hair. I am almost done with my hair, when I hear a knock on the door. I make my way through the small apartment and to the front door.


"Are you Aphrodite Tate Nethercutt?"

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry, but who are you?"

"You can call me Ms. Seymour."

"Okay, how can I help you Ms. Seymour?"

"I work with DHS, we have received an old letter, and afterwards, done some blood work as it turns out, you have a brother, he is 10 years old, apparently, your father cheated on your mother right before he left for war," I felt a mix of emotions, happy that I have a brother, mad that dad cheated, and excited to meet my brother.

"Oh," I looked at the ground. "Can I meet my brother?" she held her hand up.

"You interrupted me." I apologized and she continued. "As I was saying, the boy is 10, he has been going from foster home to foster home for the past year. His mom over-dosed on methamphetamine, she left this note," Ms. Seymour handed me the note, urging me to read it.

Dear reader,

I've had a heavy heart since my fiancé passed away some time ago. I had no reason that I could think of to continue living, my son was just a reminder of the man I lost. There was a big secret I managed to keep from everyone. My husband cheated on his wife with me. He has a daughter named Aphrodite Nethercutt. She is seven years older than Noah.. Please, if you could find Aphrodite and her mother, ask them to raise Noah, I put my full trust in them.

Sincerely, Astrid Favel

"I'm only seventeen, are you asking me to take care of a boy I have never met?!"

"We have been trying to help this boy for the past year, you cannot seriously be turning him down!"

"I'm not turning him down, I am just saying, I don't know him very well."

"He is a very well-behaved young boy. His name is Noah Alexander Favel. He constantly begs me to find his only sister. Please, you're his last hope of a real family." After really considering this for a moment, I come to a decision.

"Where is he?" This brought a smile to her face.

"He is living in a foster home about two hours from here."

"But I have work at five, then school at 8:30..."

"Can I borrow your phone?"

"Sure, here." I handed her my black iPhone 5s

"What is your work number." I gave it to her and she called Lowes.

"Hello, I work for DHS. Aphrodite won't be able to make it to work today, we have found her younger orphaned brother and we are leaving to go get him... okay, I would appreciate that very much... thank you... good-bye."


"You are on paid leave." I thanked her, put my hair in a ponytail and we left for Yukon, Oklahoma. We drove on in silence until we reached Hilltop Mansion. She told me to look for a three story house with a flower garden in the front yard. We found the house and pulled in the driveway. Ms. Seymour looked at me.

"Well are you going to go in?"

"But it's 6:00 in the morning..."

"Someone is going to be awake, I promise..." Somewhat satisfied with her answer, I opened the car door, got out and quietly shut the door behind me. As I approached the front door, I took deep, nervous breaths. I got to the door and knocked three times. A boy that appeared to be no more than two years older than me opened the door.

He looked amazing... he had black hair just barely covering his eyes. His face had very little acne, his eyes, or what little of them you could see, were a crystal brown and red rimmed, he had obviously been crying. I looked all over his body admiring him. My eyes stopped at his arms, which were crisscrossed in scars. Some old, some new. when I managed to snap out of my trance, I said,

"Hi, my name is Aphrodite..." I was still dazed by his good looks and scar-covered arms. He nodded towards me. "I'm here for Noah..." he motioned for me to come in. "If you don't mind me asking, what's wrong?"

"Actually, I do mind." with that, he made his way to Noah's room. "Noah, she's here."

"Who?" I heard a child, Noah's voice, ask.


"Really?" the strange boy nodded and Noah poked his head out the door way to see if he was telling the truth. I smiled at Noah and he ran to give me a hug. "Where is your mommy?"

"She died when I was your age... Hey, why don't you go wait out in the car, I will be there in a minute, okay?"

"Okay!" he ran towards the front door and outside.

"Why didn't you go with him? I never said you could stay." Ignoring his rude comment, I said,

"Look, I know I don't know you, but here," I wrote my phone number down on a piece of paper "I really wanna talk some time... please?" with that, I followed after Noah and we all left. Halfway through the ride, Ms. Seymour ask me for my phone again. She found my schools number in my phone and called them, after a few moments, she began talking.

"Hello, I work for DHS. Aphrodite won't be able to make it to school today, we have found her younger orphaned brother and we want to get him situated today... okay, thank you... good-bye." she smiled at me, revealing shockingly white teeth for being so old. "The school said you have an excused absence, but it's only for today." I nodded and we rode home in silence until my phone vibrated in my hand. I looked at the screen to see an unidentified number, after unlocking my phone, I check the message, it read

"Is this Aphrodite?" hopeful of it being the boy I talked to earlier, I replied,

"Yes, who is this?"

"It's Myles, we just met and you asked me to text you."

"Oh, Hey!"

"I'm sorry for being so rude earlier, me and my dad haven't been getting along lately, and I haven't been in the best of moods."


"It's hard to explain. You're really beautiful, will we ever meet again?"

"Most likely not, I'm sorry L "

"Why not?"

"I have a VERY busy schedule! I wake up at 4:00 every week day, I have to be at work at Lowes by 5:00. Then I get off at 7:30 and immediately leave for school, I get to school at 8:00. School ends at 3:15. From then, I immediately leave school for an hour drive to babysit two kids until 9:30. When I get home, I eat dinner, take a shower and go to bed."

"What about weekends?"

"I wake up at 8:30, work at Lowes, I work at Lowes until 2:45. That's when I take off for the kids I babysit until 9:30."

"Why do you work so much?"

"So I can afford my house, it's just me, so I make my own living."

"Oh, will you send me a picture of your beautiful face?" without thinking, I did as he ask. He thanked me and our conversation ended. When we all got home, Ms. Seymour and Noah went to Wall-mart to get stuff for his room while I stayed home and cleaned out the spare bedroom. Around an hour and a half later, my phone went off, I went over to check it, and turns out, Myles was calling me


"Hey beautiful... can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure."

"What apartment number do you live in?"

"Umm... why?"

"Please tell me."

"Wait, how do you know I live in an apartment?"

"It's a surprise, please tell me?"

"23, why?"

"You'll find out in a few minutes, bye." he hung up before I could say anything else. Nearly thirty seconds later, I heard a knock at my door. I left my cluttered "spare room" and went to see what was going on. When I opened it, Myles was standing there with a briefcase. I let him in and began questioning him.

"How did you find me?!" he chuckled

"I have my ways."

"What's in the briefcase?"

"That's the surprise," he set the case on the recliner. "When you told me about your busy schedule, I knew I couldn't let you suffer like this, especially not with you taking care of Noah, so, I have brought a million dollars, and myself. With the million dollars, you can quit both of your jobs, and be a normal teenager. I'll be the one who works, I've already got my college degree so I can get a good paying job. Please, just let me help you."

"Myles, I... I cant just... but, you don't... why?"

"I care about that little boy more than anyone in the world, just let me do this."

"Okay, fine, but I'm keeping my babysitting job." Myles grabbed my arm gently, pulled me closer and whispered

"We could be some form of a family together." Absently, I nodded. Feeling the warmth of his touch put me in a sort of daze. When he released my arm, I snapped out of it.

"Wait, Myles, I need to finish cleaning out that spare room for Noah." me and him both got to work on the room, with his help, it was finished by time Noah and Ms. Seymour got back. Once Noah came inside and seen Myles, he got quiet and wouldn't move from the couch. Myles, Ms. Seymour, and I set up Noah's room. Once the room was almost done, I left them to work while I left to talk to Noah.

"Hey little guy, what's wrong?" almost inaudibly, he whispered

"Myles isn't safe."

"What do you mean?"

"His dad told me he was mentally unstable. He gets really violent. He starts throwing things and hitting people. Why did you let him come here?"

"I didn't, he got my address somehow and came here. But Noah, he gave us a million dollars, and he wants to go get a job here so I won't have to work so much."

"Aphrodite, are you in here?" his voice came billowing down the hall, loud and angry. Quietly I whispered to Noah,

"Quick! Go hide!" then I yelled politely back at Myles "I'm in the living room" I got up and rushed towards the sound of his voice. He whispered to me

"We need to get rid of Ms. Seymour." I smiled innocently.

"Okay. Ms. Seymour, I think we can take things from here, stop by tomorrow if you like, but it's getting late and we all need to settle down for the night."

"Okay dear, you have my number, I put it in your phone earlier, don't be afraid to call if you need anything."

"Alright Ms. Seymour, will do, goodbye now, have a safe trip home." me and Myles waved her goodbye down the hallway and closed the door. He led me to the kitchen with a grim look on his face.

"Where is Noah?"

"I'm not sure."

"NOAH! GET IN HERE! NOW!" Noah inched his way, fearfully into the kitchen and managed to squeak out,

"Yes sir?"

"GET TO BED!" at the sound of Myles's loud voice, Noah flinched and quickly left the room. Once Noah left, Myles grabbed my wrist.

"Ouch, Myles, that hurts! Stop it!"

"SHUT UP!" I did as he said and he dragged me to the living room where he released my arm and slapped me so hard I fell to the floor. "Get up! Or I'll hit you even harder!" I stood and he kicked my knee cap with his steel-toed boots. I cried out in pain and begged him to stop, but he seemed to be taking joy out of hurting me. I fell to the ground, and Myles kicked me in the stomach.

"Myles...?" Noah's voice came around the corner. Myles's face softened, stark horror and pure shock bled into his face as he watched me gasping to breathe.

"Oh... oh m-my God! I can't believe I just did that! Aphrodite! Aphrodite, I am so so sorry! I swear I didn't mean it!" after attempting to get up and failing, I curled into a ball and waved Myles off. Myles laid a blanket on top of me and walked out, sobs wracking his entire body. He ushered Noah into bed and opened the front door to walk out when I finally croaked,

"Myles, stop." he stopped and walked towards me, when he finally reached my shivering body, he picked me up like a feather. He pulled me close to him "Please stay..." He carried me to my bed and lay me down, pulled the covers over me, and left.

I woke to hear my alarm clock screeching in my ear, I looked at the time, it was 4:00. I got out of bed and got my phone, after dialing Lowes's number, I called them and let them know I won't be working there anymore, the woman, I think her name was Mandy, had disappointment in her voice as she wished me and my brother well. Once I hung up, I called Myles. Voicemail. After swearing under my breath, I left a message.

"Hey Myles, it's Aphrodite, I just wanted to call and make sure everything was alright, please come back, I have to leave for school at 7:15, please be here before then, I really want to talk to you, I'm not mad, I promise." I tossed my phone onto my bed and heard the soft PLOP it made when it hit the bed. An hour and a half later, it was 5:30, I heard a knock at the door, I got up from my failed attempt to sleep and went to see who it was. When I opened the door, nobody was there, I glanced down, and there was a bouquet of bright red roses with three white Chrysanthemums in the center. I looked both ways down the hallway and seen shaggy black hair, a lime green t-shirt and blue jeans brusquely walking down the hallway. Hopping over the flowers, I ran down the hallway towards the figure.

"Myles! Myles! Please wait!" he turned around.


"Please don't leave!"

"Why not? I wasn't even there two hours, and I was already beating you, I need to go." I grabbed hold of his scarred arms to find there were more.

"No, Myles, please stay!" he jerked his arms away

"Goodbye Aphrodite!" with that he continued quickly walking down the hallway. I went back to my apartment to retrieve the flowers, when I picked them up, a note was hidden between two of the Chrysanthemums. I pulled the note out and it read


Dear Aphrodite,

I didn't mean to do what I did! I can't live with myself knowing I hurt you. Please, don't try to find me, you won't. This will be the last time you hear from me. Ever. Goodbye. I love you.

Love Always, Myles


More out of shock than anything else I let the note slip from my hands and sway back and fourth on it's journey to the ground. One tear slipped out. Then another. And another. Until they poured out like rain from a cloud. I started shaking my head whispering

"Come back Myles" I glanced at the clock and it was 6:45. I yelled "Noah, time to get up and get ready for school." a few moments I heard the click of his bedroom light turning on. Thirty minutes later me and Noah were both ready for school. We got in the car and rode in silence half of the way there until Noah spoke up.

"He isn't coming back is he." I was gripping the steering wheel so hard my knuckles were white


"Oh," he looked at the floor boards "Did I scare him away?"

"Of course not. He just made some bad decisions." apparently satisfied with my answer, he went quiet. Ten minutes went by and we reached school. Thirty minutes later, I had all the paper work filled out and Noah was on his way to Mrs. Sanchez's class. On my way out, the elementary principal asked how I was doing, I told him I was fine and walked out. When I got to my first hour class, I told Mr. Clayton why I was late and apologized, he gave me my work and told me it was due tomorrow. I thanked him and began taking notes with the rest of the class. After what seemed like a lifetime, the bell finally rang , I got up to walk out of class when Chelsea, my best friend, came up beside me.

"So, you have a brother huh?"

"Yeah." she stopped me.

"What's that bruise on your arm?"

"It's nothing!"

"You have to tell me everything at lunch!" before I could make up an excuse not to, she walked into her class. My next three classes basically went like this; I walk in, they hand me what everyone else did yesterday, give me a due date, then carry on with what the class was doing expecting me to follow along. The bell finally rang for lunch. I met up with Chelsea at our usual lunch table and she immediately began interrogating me.

"So what's with the bruise?"

"Hold on. Let me tell you the whole story."

"Okay, okay. Tell. Me. Everything."

"I couldn't sleep two nights ago so I started getting ready at three in the morning. Someone knocks on my door, I answer the door, it's an old woman that works for DHS named Ms. Seymour. She tells me I have a ten year old half-brother. His mom overdosed when he was nine and spent a year searching for me. Ms. Seymour drove me down to Yukon, Oklahoma and we found the house. I went up to the door and knocked on it. A guy about our age answered. He had shaggy black hair and crystal brown eyes, they were rimmed in red, he had obviously been crying. But the one thing that stuck out the most to me was, his arms were so heavily blanketed in scars. They did zigzags, straight lines, some even formed words. I was frozen. I told him my name and he let me in. I asked him what was wrong but he wouldn't talk about it. I didn't wanna push the subject, it wasn't my business anyway. He got to Noah's room and told him I was here Noah ran out and hugged me. I told Noah to go to the car that I would meet him out there. He went outside and I gave the guy my number. We left and the guy texted me. Turns out his name was Myles. We talked, he wanted to see me again, I told him about my busy schedule and he got my address somehow. He came to my house and brought a million dollars. He had his college degree and said I could quit both of my jobs and he would pay all of the bills. I quit my job at Lowes but kept the babysitting job. When Noah and Ms. Seymour came back from getting everything for Noah's room, Noah got really quiet after seeing Myles. Ms. Seymour, Myles, and I all decorated Noah's room and Myles told me to send Ms. Seymour home. I did what he said. He sent Noah to his room and started beating me," Chelsea's eyes grew wide. "Noah called from around the corner and Myles realized what he was doing. He tucked Noah into bed, I couldn't walk so he carried me to my bed and covered me up. I actually begged him not to go, but he did anyway. I woke up this morning and begged him to come back. An hour later, he knocked on my front door and left me flowers with a note. The note basically said he was never coming back." Once I finished what I was saying, we stayed quiet through the rest of lunch. After lunch, my afternoon classes went by just like my morning classes and the bell released us for the weekend. Everyone rushed out like a bunch of caged animals. After I stopped by the elementary building to get Noah, we went to my car to leave. The only problem was, Myles was there. He rolled my driver side window down and ask

"Well, are you gonna get in or not?" right about that time, Chelsea walked up,

"Hey, so, do you think I could stay the night tonight?" that's when she seen Myles. "Whose this?" I let out a large heave of air.

"Chelsea, meet Myles, Myles, Chelsea. Okay, look, Chelsea, do you think you could try this another time? Me and Myles really need to talk."

"Oh no you don't! Not after what he did to you yesterday!"

"Goodbye Chelsea!" I waved her off and walked around to the passenger side and Noah silently crawled into the backseat. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around Myles "You came back!" I couldn't help but to beam with excitement.

"You weren't lying when you said we need to talk, look, I said I wasn't gonna come back, but I couldn't help it."

"I didn't want you to leave in the first place!"

"Noah, get buckled up!" once Myles heard the click from the belt hooking into the clip, he drove down the parking lot.

"So, how long have you been waiting here?"

"Around thirty minutes."

"How did you get here." He smirked.

"What? Is this twenty questions or something?" I hugged him again.

"Thank-you for coming back!" He nodded and I kissed him on the cheek.

"Don't make me go all parent on you and tell you to get buckled too!" after giggling, I did as he said and buckled up.

"Please don't leave again!" He glanced sorrowfully at me

"How can you say that, you act like last night never happened!"

"Yes, I know last night happened, I don't care though! Just, please don't leave me like that again, do you know how scared I was?" We pulled into the apartment parking lot, he turned to face me.

"I still have a hard time forgiving myself, how could you forgive me so easily?" I looked at Noah in the backseat.

"Noah, will you do me a favor and go unlock the front door?" I handed him the keys as he was opening his car door. "Love makes you do strange things..."

"Okay, well how do you love me? We just met yesterday?"

"You obviously don't believe in love at first sight." with that said, I tapped him on the nose and left the car to go inside. When I got inside, Noah's backpack and lunchbox was sitting on the red leather couch.

"NOAH." I called him from his room. When he came in, he looked scared. When he spoke, it was more of a squeak.


"You're not in trouble, you just need to take your things to your room." He grabbed his backpack and lunchbox.

"Why did Myles have to come back? I wish it was just me and you!" I walked over to him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I know, but he can change, just promise me you won't do anything to make him mad, okay?" he mumbled okay and went to his room right when Myles walked in.

"Aphrodite? This house is a mess! Ever heard of cleaning?"

"I was just about to, Noah had a headache so I sent him to his room, just let him relax for now, I was talking to him, so I didn't have a chance to start yet."

"Well get started! I'm getting tired of staring at your eyesore you call a house!"

"Will you stop constantly putting me and everything I own down?! If it's so bad, then why won't you just go back to your dads house??"

"What did you just say to me?"

"You heard what I just said, I'm getting tired of this already Myles, just get out, I don't know what I was thinking trying to beg you back!!" He made his way toward me whit clenched fists. "I said get out!"

"You don't tell me what to do!" He hit me hard in the temple, when I crouched over in pain, he kicked my stomach. I stumbled over on the floor, on my way back up, there was a knock at the door, after swearing multiple times, Myles told me to sit on the couch and stay quiet, I did as he said, when he answered the door, it was Chelsea.

"Where is Aphrodite?"

"She isn't feeling well, try coming back tomorrow." Chelsea pushed Myles out of the way and made her way toward me, staring at the purplish spot on my face that was already beginning to form.

"What did you do to her?!" she stared daggers at him.

"What's it to you?"

"You are beating my best friend!" she turned to face me and grabbed my arm "Come on, you and Noah are staying at my house until he leaves here!" she yelled for Noah. "Noah, come on! You and your sister are coming home with me, it's not safe here!" Myles slapped Chelsea so hard, she lost her iron grip on me and fell to the ground.

"No you're not, stay in your room!" Myles's voice was filled with pure hatred and anger. I gave Chelsea a warning glance, trying to tell her not to say anything.

"Chelsea, maybe it's better if you just go home, I'll see you at school Monday." Myles opened the door to let her out and she left without argument. Once she was gone, I made my way to Noah's room.

"Hey buddy," I rested my head on the door frame. "You feeling okay?" Noah got my hint and remembered what I told Myles earlier. He nodded yes. "Well, to you wanna come with me to Sonic to get some ice-cream or something?" Noah got up from his toy cars and took my hand, as we were walking out, Myles grabbed my shoulder violently.

"Where do you think you're going?" As calmly as I could, I said

"Me and Noah were gonna go get some ice-cream now that his headache is gone." I looked down at Noah and smiled, then again seriously at Myles, his grip on my shoulder tightened.

"I'm glad I was invited."

"Actually, me and Noah were gonna go, just us two." His face grew grim.

"I would prefer you didn't." I hesitated to say anything at first.

"Why not?"

"Noah, go to your room, your sister is determined to test me."

"Noah, stay here. You don't intimidate anymore Myles, I am tired of this!" he grabbed Noah by his wrist and pulled him to his room, Noah had to jog to keep from getting tripped up. When Myles came back to the living room he punched me in the mouth.

"I am in charge here Aphrodite! You ever speak to me like that again and I swear you will end up in the hospital!"

"Get out of my house!!" after a string of swear words towards me, he punched me to the ground then once I fell, kicked me in the face with his tennis shoes. Things began going fuzzy then black. When I woke up, I was in a white room, after momentarily looking around, I realized I was right where Myles said I would be... in the hospital. After yelling for someone, a doctor finally came in.

He had black hair that hung down near his eyes, he had to flip every so often to keep it from falling into hid beautiful brown sparkling eyes. He wore a white lab coat. he somewhat resembled Myles.

"Ahhh! Get out of here! Get away from me!!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down sweetheart." he calmly made his way towards me, holding his palms out. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I thought you were someone else..."

"Okay, well, I am Dr. Sternoff, your boyfriend said you fell down the stairs in your apartment building, when he brought you in, you were badly beaten up, and in a concussion. You were in a coma for three days." My eyes grew wide.

"So, my brother was with him for three days... alone?!?" he bunched his eyebrows together, though it was barely visible through his hair.

"Yes ma'am, is there a problem?" he looked confused and worried all at the same time. I shook my head.

"No sir, it's nothing, I just need to get home. Now." I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and called Myles.

"Hey, I'm awake now, come get me, I want to see Noah, without any bruises!"

"Nice to hear you're okay. Why would he have bruises?"

"Just get here, now Myles, I'm not dealing with you right now. Bye" I hung up to find Dr. Sternoff staring at me with a confused look.

"Umm, ma'am, can I ask you something?" he rubbed the back of his neck like he was yawning.

"Yes sir..."

"When you said you wanted to see this Noah kid without any bruises, what did you mean by that?" I stared at the floor, avoiding his gaze. I waited a minute too late to reply.

"H-he's a kid. He's go-gonna get bruises, I can understand where you would have gotten a misconception."

"Your name is Aphrodite, correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Well, Aphrodite, now that you are awake, I am required to ask, did you really fall down the stairs, please be honest." I couldn't quite say no, so I just shook my head briefly. He still caught it though.

"Then what really happened." I stayed silent, still avoiding his gaze, until he finally ask, "Aphrodite, does your boyfriend physically abuse you?" I answered him, but it was almost incomprehensible.

"He's not my boyfriend." Dr. Sternoff corrected himself.

"I truly apologize. Does this man physically abuse you?" I nodded my head yes, "Does he hurt this child you keep talking about?"

I shook my head no. The doctor thanked me and walked out. In my mind, I was arguing with myself.

"How could you just give up on him like that?

Give up on him?! He was abusing me! For all I know, he could have been abusing Noah while I was in my coma!!

What proof do you have that he has? You seen the way he always treated Noah, he was at least nice enough to keep the poor kid from seeing it.

I know, but I really don't want to take chances... I don't want to gamble it, I don't trust him anymore, I can't keep risking Noah's security around this man..."

My thoughts were interrupted when Myles practically busted the door down cursing,

"What the hell have you told them?!" I just looked at him. "Answer me." I flinched at his loud voice and Dr. Sternoff came in to see what was going on. Myles's voice calmed down, even softened a little. "Come on, lets go home, I have Noah waiting." I nodded toward the doctor, sending him silent pleads for help. Either he didn't acknowledge my silent pleads or he didn't care enough to help, either way, he let Myles take home. When we got to the apartment complex, me and Myles sat in the car for a while, until I finally spoke up.

"Why? You always apologize, and say I need to leave you, but once I promise to forgive you, you beat me again."

"There's something I never told you..."

"Okay, I'm listening?"

"When I was three years old, me and my mom were in a car wreck with an eighteen-wheeler carrying some pipes. One of the pipes got mom straight through her brain. One got me. From my jaw to the outer edge of my brain, just scraping mine. It hit the part of my brain that affects mood. So I am severely bipolar." I put a comforting hand on Myles's arm. "I don't ever want to tell anybody because I don't want them to make fun of me. I was scared to tell you, but I knew that if I didn't then there was no doubt that I would lose you." I was speechless. There were so many things I wanna ask, but how? I felt horrible for him.

"I'm sorry you held that in for so long." I put my head down and left to go to the apartment. When I got inside, Noah yelled out,



"You're home!!" he ran into the living room to hug me.

"Did Myles hurt you or threaten you while I was out?" he rolled his right sleeve to reveal a deep gash going from his shoulder to just below his elbow. I covered my mouth in horror. How could Myles do this? Right then, Myles walked in, once he seen the gash is Noah's arm, he rushed to my side to explain.

"What is this Myles?!" He looked at the white carpeted floor, then the beige walls, then he finally met my gaze.

"Last night, I was making dinner for me and Noah. I was chopping onions, well, you know, the chemicals in the onions make you cry a lot. Noah walked in and ask what was wrong. I told him nothing was wrong. He insisted that im crying so something must be wrong. I screamed that I was fine and threw the knife." I angrily looked from Myles to Noah.

"I am just now finding out that I have a brother, and then you get in the way! Do you realize that if DHS finds out about this, then they will take him away, do you really want that for me? Or are you just so selfish that if you can't have him to yourself then nobody can?!" At this point, I was glaring daggers at him. He avoided my gaze again and grew quiet. He mumbled that he was sorry and walked away to go take a shower. Once Myles was gone, I kneeled down to Noah.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Have you been going to school?" He smiled at me and nodded. After ruffling his hair, I left to the kitchen to make dinner. When Myles finished his shower, he came striding into the kitchen.

"Dinner ready yet?"

"Just about..." I checked the timer on the stove "It has five more minutes."

"Why didn't you start it earlier?" He was beginning to get an edge in his voice. Noah walked in after him.

"What's for dinner?" Myles glared at me, almost as if to say

"We'll finish this later"

"Spaghetti." He smiled up at me. Do you know what August 26th is?"

"Hmm, lemmie guess, your birthday?"

"Do you know when August 26th is?"

"I dunno, you tell me..." I tapped my index finger to my temple to make it look like I was really trying to think.

"Tomorrow silly!" I put a surprised look on my face.

"Oh my gosh! Really? How could I have already forgotten?" Noah smiled up at me.

"What are we gonna do to celebrate?" Smiling, I looked over at Myles

"Hmm, I dunno, Myles, what do you think we should do?"

"I think we should go do a community pick-up." Noah laughed.

"Noo... can we go play laser tag or something?" Jokingly, I said.

"I don't know Noah, I think a community pick-up sounds pretty good to me!" right then, the timer on the stove went off.

"beep beep beep" "Oop, spaghetti's done!" Myles and Noah sat down at the table and waited like patient children for me to bring them their food. Once all the plates were on the table, everyone ate quickly and quietly. With out commotion, I looked around the table and thought to myself. "Wow, this is my broken family. Two orphans and a severely bipolar man." "I love you guys!" they both looked up and asked me what I said, I told them it was nothing and continued eating. That night was unusually peaceful. Myles went straight to bed after dinner. Noah went to his room to play with his toys. And I stayed in the living room watching TV until 10:30, when I finally got up and sent Noah to bed. Going to bed myself.

Clearly, I am new to all of this. Please, if you guys have story ideas about absloutly anything, let me know and I will do my best to make a story about that idea. I'm best with real life scenarios. Thank you. ^.^

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