Back To You [A 10k Fanfiction...

By imagine_this1014

1.9K 31 22

T has never been the girl to open up, not ever since something that happened at the beginning of the apocalyp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11

Chapter 10

95 2 0
By imagine_this1014

10k P.O.V

One Month later

"Does everyone know their jobs?" Warren asked as we all stood in a circle in front of the truck.

We all nodded as she continued.

"Good. Now remember, don't stop bidding until one of you wins."

All the men nodded including me.

For the past two weeks we have been scoping out Joshua's camp after we found it.

We figured out their daily routine and came up with a plan.

Warren was going to send all of us men in to bid for T so we could get her alone with one of us.

Of course Joshua would recognize us so we had a plan for that too.

All I did was out my bandana over my mouth my mouth, my aviator goggles over my eyes, and changed my clothes up a bit.

Doc slicked his hair back and put some sunglasses on and changed the style of his clothes.

Vasquez put on a baseball cap, a new coat, and shaved his facial hair.

Of course Murphy was the most recognizable so Addy helped out with that one.

We came across a make up store and got a bunch of what Addy called foundation and covered Murphy in it so he actually looked human. We also out a wig on him a high we found at a abandoned salon which he looked hilarious in and it took everything o had to suppress a laugh.

Now you're probably wondering where we got the money.

Warren has me sneak in a steak a bunch off of a guy who was stocked with it. We had at least eight thousand dollars. Who ever won would take the bag and use it to pay.

Warren and Addy got back into the truck, which was hidden busy the edge of the woods as we approached the camp.


"T get down here!" I heard Joshua tell from downstairs.

I sighed and stood up from my cot. Before walking out of the door I looked into the mirror.

I wore a black and silver stripper bra and black skin tight leather booty shorts. Black panties covered my legs and heavy makeup decorated my face. I was forced to wear high heals and with the lack of clothing, all of my scars were showing. I looked like a post apocalyptic emo porn star.

"T!" Joshua yelled again.

"I'm coming calm your ass down!" I shouted as I exited my room.

I made my way downstairs where Joshua was standing by the front door, looking outside.

"What?" I asked.

"You're up." He said opening the door.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door, Joshua following behind me.

Joshua had every young girl in this place playing a part in his sick game, and we were his pawns. He dressed us up like strippers and put us up for auction. Highest bidder got to spend a night with us in a trailer. If we resisted we got cut, if we fought back we got cut, our only option was to cooperate. He's been pulling the same shit ever since the last time I was here.

Joshua followed me onto the stage in front of the giant crowd, which were mostly men may I add, and started throwing out random numbers. Immediately hands were being thrown up.

People went on and on until there was one person who finally won. They bid 7, 400 dollars for me. Honestly I don't even know why people still keep money these days. Maybe they think that one day this will all be over.

I took a look at the man who won and mentally gagged. He looked fucking sixty! Why would these sick bastards even think about touching a teenage girl.

"T." Joshua snapped, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked up at him as he said, "Go to the trailer."

I rolled my eyes once again and walked off the stage and to the trailer where the man had walked off to.

I sighed and my body tensed as I twisted the handle to the trailer and pulled open the door.

I stepped in and shut it before turning my head and looking at the man who just stood staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You don't recognize me." He said. "I'm offended."

Confused, I narrowed my eyes at him and looked closely at his features.

"Murphy?" I said.

He nodded and chuckled.

"What are you doing here?!" I shrieked. "And how do you look human?!"

"I'm here to get you outta this he'll hold." He explained. "And Addy helped me with the human looking thing."

"How did you get 7,400 dollars?" I asked.

"10k stole it off a guy here." He answered.

The sound of 10k's name made me go ecstatic.

"Is 10k here?!" I questioned.

"Him, Doc, and Vasquez are behind the trailer." He said.

I sprinted to the door but stopped and looked towards Murphy again.

"Is that a toupee?!" I laughed.

"It was 10k's idea." He sighed.

"Of course it was." I said before opening the door trailer.

I peeked my head out to make sure nobody was watching before stepping out, Murphy trailing behind me, and walking behind the trailer.

When I turned the corner 10k, Doc, and Vasquez were talking quietly.

"10k!" I whisper shouted.

He whipped his head around and looked at me.

I mentally squealed and ran over to him.

I couldn't contain myself and jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist.

He snaked his arms around my waist as I buried my head into the crook of his neck.

"Took you guys long enough." I said as I pulled back to look at 10k.

"Well we're here now and we have to get out of here." Doc said.

"We can't leave now." I said. "They have my weapons and clothes."

I gestured down to the outfit I was wearing.

They all looked at me and froze.

"What?" I asked.

That's when I noticed they weren't looking at my face, they were looking at my stomach.

I looked and looked at all of my visible scars and sighed.

"I'll explain Peter but we need to get my stuff back, in not leaving without it." I said.

"Where is it?" 10k asked.

"They keep everybody's things in the vault in the main building." I said.

"They have a vault?!" Murphy asked.

"The main building used to be a bank." I said.

"How do we get in?" Vasquez asked.

"What time is it?" I asked after thinking for a moment.

10k looked up at the sky and guessed, "Maybe a little after five, why?"

"Perfect." I said. "Joshua usually leaves with a couple other men at this time."

Right on cue the gate opened and the truck Joshua uses for scouting drive out of the camp.

"I have a plan." I announced.

They all nodded, signalling for me to proceed.

"Since Joshua is gone there should only be two guards inside the main building" I explained. "One by the front door and one inside. The one inside only guards the vault which is in the back. The guard in the front walls around the front and to the side of the building and back to the front, once he's on the side of the building I can sneak in, grab the keys at the front desk and go back to the vault. The guy at the vault is skinny and only uses melee weapons, in can easily take him down."

"Some one has to go with you." Doc said.

"Everyone in the crowd saw your faces so if they saw you approaching the main building they'll know something's up. Besides 10k I want you somewhere up high outside of the gates in case someone needs to be sniped."

He nodded and I added, "It will have to be either Warren or Addy. Once you reach them send one of the them  the back. There's a hole in the fence they can sneak through."

They all agreed and I kissed 10k's cheek before walking off.

Once I saw that the guard walked to the side of the building I quickly hurried through the front door.

I went behind the front counter and opened the drawers and started digging through the several keys, searching for the vault key.

After about a minute of searching a felt a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped but soon relaxed once I realized that it was Addy.

"Sorry." She apologized.

"Its fine just look for a good key with a with the letters VTK on it." I explained.

She nodded and started helping me search.

"Hey!" A voice shouted.

We looked up to see the guard coming through the front door.

"What're you doing?"

"The door to trailer 11 that I had to go into was locked, I was looking for the key." I said casually.

"Alright then who is this?" He motioned his gun towards Addy.

"This is......" I trailed off.

"The auction winner." Addy quickly made up.

"You." He replied. "The auction winner."

She nodded.

"Not a lot of girls here bid." He responded.

"Well I'm lesbian you gotta problem with that?" She snapped.

He stared at us for a moment and then said, "I don't believe you for a second."

Now was the time I had o think quick.

I turned to Addy and whispered, "Trust me."

Before she had time to re along I cupped her face and smashed my lips into hers.

It took her a second to catch on but then he gripped my hips with her hands.

After about five seconds I pull away and turned to the guard, rasing my eyebrows at him.

He stated at us once more for a second before saying, "Just get the key and go."

He turned around and walked out of the door.

"That was the first thing you could come up with?" Addy asked as we returned to searching for the key.

"It worked didn't it." I said.

She chuckled and kept rummaging through the variety of keys.

"Found it!" I said as I held up the gold key with the three engraved letters.

"Let's go."

We walked out from behind the counter and down the long hall that led to the back.

I peeked around the corner to look at the guard who had his hands close for he knives in his belt.

"Okay." I said turning to Addy. "I'll distract then who sneak up from behind him and use his knife to kill him."

She nodded and I turned the corner and walked towards the guard.

"Where you doing back here?" He asked as he saw me.

"Just looking for a........good time." I said seductively and trailed my hand down his shoulder as I walked to the other side of him, causing him to turn so his back was towards Addy.

"A good time huh?" He smirked.

I giggled, which I hate doing, to sell the role as Addy quietly snuck up behind him.

He leaned down to kiss me but before he could Addy yanked his knife out from his belt and stabbed him in the side of the head.

His body to the floor as he removed the knife and threw it on the ground.

I unlocked the vault and pulled the heavy door open.

I searched through all the belongings as Addy kept watch.

Once I found my clothes I changed into them and grabbed all my weapons.

I hid all my knifes in my clothes, out my two guns in my belt, and swing my katana over my head as I exited the vault.

"There's the old T." Addy smiled.

"Let's go before the other guard notices we're gone." I said.

She nodded and we ran out of the back of the building, and through the hole in the fence.

She guided me to the car which was parked at the edge of the woods.

I was about to get into the car but I stopped when I looked down the road.

"T come on get in." 10k said.

"Wait." I said starring at the lone Z coming towards me.

It stopped in front of me and pointed down the road on my left which led in a different direction.

"THEY.......A........RE........COME.......I.....ING." It croaked out as it pointed down the road.

"Shit." I mumbled.

"Did that thing just talk?" Warren asked.

"Get out." I said as I saw the k in the distance.

"What?" She said.

"Warren get out of the drivers seat." I said louder as I ran over to her side of the car.

She got out and I got in as she got into the drivers seat.

I turned the key but the car didn't start.

"Come on" I said as I tried again and looked to see the truck getting closer.

"Come on!" I said louder as I turned the key in the ignition.

This time it started and as soon as it did I slammed my foot on the petal

And started driving.

"T will you explain what's going on?" Warren asked me.

I looked in the review mirror and saw Joshua's vehicle following us.

"Dammit." I said speeding up.

"What's going on?" Addy asked from the back.

"Joshua's following us." I said.

"Okay but that doesn't explain why you wanted to drive." Warren responded.

"He's only following us for me." I began. "There's a turn up here when I swerve to the right I want everyone to jump out."

"What why?" 10k asked.

"He won't follow you I have a plan." I explained.

"What're you gonna do?" Doc questioned.

I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and speed up as I said, "I'm gonna kill him."

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