Did It Hurt? (bxb)

By TheRoyalDarkCrow

236K 8.9K 2.4K

"Did it hurt?" "When?" "When you fell from heaven." "No, but I did scrape my knee crawling out of hell." ... More

The Story Continues...


13.6K 549 52
By TheRoyalDarkCrow

Oliver glared at Simon as his adopted brother covered his mouth to muffle his laughter. "If you don't stop laughing, I'm going to start choking you." He threatened.  Simon's laughter died down, but his smile didn't fade. Oliver tugged at the collar of his shirt. He thought he looked good, considering he actually put some effort and thought into his appearance. Simon, however, thought differently. Still angry, Oliver stomped into the kitchen, grabbed a Snickers from the fridge, and shoved the whole bar in his mouth. Simon eyed him, then the discarded wrapper on the floor curiously.

"Really?" Simon teased.  "A Snickers for breakfast? That's not a very healthy choice." Oliver rolled his eyes. He's making it very easy for me to hate him right now. Simon crossed his arms. "But seriously. There's this thing called fruit. Have you ever heard of it? It's healthy. And who knows? You might actually like-" he stopped short when Oliver connected his fist to his stomach. He doubled over in pain.

"Shove off." Oliver snapped. When their mother wasn't around, Simon was always filling his head with pep talks and health speeches. Since Mom always had a lack of attendance, he was doomed to hear the speech almost daily, which really pissed him off. A lot of things seemed to do that. Oliver wasn't very good at keeping his temper under control. He released Simon, and the boy stumbled, but didn't fall. Oliver turned away, but not before seeing him return the glare Oliver had gave him earlier. The ends of his mouth turned up a bit. "I should be getting to school now."

Swallowing the Snickers bar, he strode over to the kitchen table, grabbed his bag from the chair and slung it over his shoulder. Without waiting for Simon's reply, Oliver rushed out the door, and made his way to the bus stop. Simon was home schooled. He was wicked smart, and he figured that he could teach himself more than the school's education system. It didn't bother Oliver any. If anything, it was good thing. It made the target on his head smaller. Having an adoptive, not to mention werewolf brother, attending the same school as him would be humiliating. The sun was just coming up through the trees as Oliver arrived at his destination. He glared at the bright star.

The sun didn't burn him to a crisp, but it did annoy him and give him extreme headaches that could easily be solved with a Tylenol. Tearing his eyes away from the sun, Oliver looked at the road in time to see the school bus pull up the drive. "Come on in, Oliver." The driver greeted him, his tone heavy with sarcasm. Oliver approached, and sneered at him. Very funny. I can walk freely into vehicles you know. Of course they knew. It was their way of making jokes. They found it hilarious. He found it very annoying. Oliver boarded the bus and looked down the aisle. As usual, the bus went silent. Then the snickers, laughs and whispers about Oliver's "gothy" looks exploded, increasing the noise. Way to give me an entrance... Prats. He shuffled down the aisle and fell into a seat near the back. Time to get this day at school over with.

"Hey, Ollie!"

Oliver rolled his eyes and bit back a groan. Olivia. He turned around slowly to face the long haired blonde. Her face was caked in make up as usual. She flashed her white teeth and Oliver puked internally. "Show me your fangs!" Olivia called.  It's been a whole month since the whole of Haven High found out about his secret. Oliver was a vampire. Not that he could be surprised. It had amazed him that he managed to keep it under wraps for as long as he did. It wasn't that he kept being a vampire because of his insecurity. It was more Oliver's family history that worried him.

Ever since then, not a day has gone by where someone hasn't asked to see his fangs. Or something like that. They keep asking every day too, and each time they react as if they hadn't seen them a million times before. Olivia tapped her foot impatiently. This was her thing. If Oliver didn't show her his fangs, she would keep annoying him until he bent to her every whim.

Oliver rolled his eyes and moved to the edge of his seat, making the gap between them smaller. With a pang of embarrassment, he barred his fangs. It felt like a death sentence. Olivia gushed. Before she could say anymore, -or ask him to do it again,- he moved back, closer to the window. Oliver put his head against the glass and was saddened to feel that it was room temperature. He exhaled. Sometimes, I hate being dead. What he wouldn't give to feel a chill. In the window, Oliver saw the reflection of a boy he'd never seen before. Oliver turned around to get a better look at the real thing. He had short brown hair that faded into blonde at the tips, and his body type was bulky. A ghost he'd never seen before formed the word vampire on her lips.

Great. Just another person who knows about me. So much for that. Suddenly, the boy's eyes connected with his and they widened like he was a deer in the headlights. Oliver watched as the boy slumped down in his seat. The vampire turned back to the window. Quiet and miserable, Oliver rode the rest of the way to school in silence. When they got there, he got off the bus with an expressionless face, a piece of his jet black hair covering over his left eye. Around him, the students looked at him as he projected his beastly aura.  A pair of students walked passed him, whispering among each other.


Oliver flinched. Anger flooded through him and he felt his rage grow. He gritted his teeth as hard as he could without cracking his fangs, and turned his head to face them.

"It's not my fault I'm a fucking vampire!" Oliver snarled at them. He didn't want all this attention. He didn't ask for it. If he wanted it, he would get it himself.  The kids turned to look at him, a combination of fear and shock coating their eyes. As for the rest of the students, some had their eyes locked onto him. Some didn't even acknowledge his outburst, and for that Oliver was grateful. Even so, they made up the bare minimum of the crowd that seemed to gather. The new kid was one of the ones who stared intently at him, his gaze burrowing into him. His face matched the others; a thick layer of shock. Nothing like first day jitters. Oliver thought. He caught the boy's eye, and flashed a smirk. He turned away so fast, it was like Oliver didn't catch him staring at him at all. Oliver shot a glare at Olivia, who was staring and gawking at him with wide eyes. Disgusted, he turned away and used his super speed to get up to the school and away from the people.

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