Love or hate?

By T3r3s4_

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You was transfer into a new school and you are well-known among the 'Gangster' world.People who known you wou... More

Love or hate?:Chapter 1
Love or hate?:Chapter 2
Love or hate?:Chapter 3
Love or hate?:Chapter 4
Love or hate?:Chapter 5
Love or hate?:Chapter 7
Love or hate?:Chapter 8
Love or hate?:Sequel

Love or hate?:Chapter 6

207 2 0
By T3r3s4_

You sit there and stare in air because the detention is so damn boring and you already getting annoyed at the teacher lecturing the both of you so you decided to sleep.

You put your head on the table and cover your face with your face,you straight away fall asleep.


You was 3 y/o and you told your mom tat you wanted to join taekwondo and lots of martial arts like muay thai,street fight.Your mom dont let you join because are a girl,2.girl shouldn't be learn does.You beg your mom and she at last agree.(A/N,you have passion in martial arts.)When you reach about 9,you start to have a boyfriend who is your first love,you understand wat is love.When the first time you first saw him,he was bullied by a group of boys,of cos you walk towards them and told them to stop.They did stop but instead hitting the guy,they are aiming for you.Of cos you simply defeated them,you look over the guy and saw his black hair and cute face you blushed and help him up.You get along with this guy,you start to have feeling for him when the two of you hang out together,one day you confessed and he accpet it.He is the first boyfriend you have and he know your little tat is you have been attending class for different martial art but he doesn't care about it

When you stead with him for months,you realise something he has been avoiding you since a girl transfer into your class.You something spotted him and the girl together at the garden.He have been cold to you and always give you frowned instead showing smile,But one day you saw him and the girl walk up to the rooftop so you decided to follow them and see wat they are up to.You open the door and saw them kissing each other while the girl clung on the guy.You look at them with wide eye,the guy spotted you and let go of her,he try to explain to you but you cut him off by telling him you two are over.

You look at them with tears and run away from there.You decided you should only focus on your training,but when you reach 10, you meet a guy who told you lots of thing you doubts,you learn tat his name is Bobby, and he is the same age as yours and he is much stronger than you and also he is the youngest among the 'Ganster' world which people normaly call it.He also been there for you when you get into trouble,you slowly open your iron heart to him only.

When you're 13 y/o,Bobby told you tat he have to go to somewhere and he has been training with or training you for the past three years and you treat him like your own brother.He told you tat and he gave you the title because he was gonna quit and you are the strongest number two and he is one.You cry and hug him while telling him not to go but he said tat it is important so you nod your nod and send him off with your mom at the airport.


You woke up and saw Bobby looking at you with worried,"Wat time is it?"you ask while you yawning and strech."It already 7!"he yell at you.

you look at the clock and stand up,"Shit!Mom gonna kill me!"you say and take his hand while running out of the class room.

When you reach at your house doorstep,you are panting and sweating as well as Bobby,You open the door the first thing you hear is"Where have you been?!"your mom shouted.

You cover your ear and walk in with bobby,"Sorry i oveslept"you say while taking out your shoe and your mom walk to you.

She was about to yell at you but she stop when she saw bobby bowing to her and saying hi,your mom greet by shyly."Mom,Oppa is gonna sleep over tonight"you say and walk to the living room.

"I prepare the room while you and him eat dinner first."she said and walk to guest room to prepare.

You and him walk to the dining table and sit down while you take food and place it down on the spare plate,the two of you talk and laugh together.

When your mom saw,she smile at the two of you and walk to you two,"How was school today?"she ask while sitting down,"It 'munch' nothing 'munch' but 'munch' "you said while chewing your food.

"Haru,chew finish fist before you talk"your mom scolded you while Bobby sit there and laughed.You swallowed the food and continue talking.

"As i was saying i saw him today at the office"you said and your mom face darken,"Oh how was he?"she ask,"He look okay to me but he still with the slut today"you said and stuff  food into your mouth.

"Oh i see,Haru if you make him go hospital the next time you saw him,i surpport you"she say and smile evilly while Bobby choked on his food," why 'cough' w-would 'cough' s-surpport her?"he say while coughing and drink water.

"He deserved it anyway."you say and put the plate on the sink,"But are you gonna do it in public?"he ask and you walk back to sit down while enjoying your Pudding."See where i meet him"you said and squeal when you eat the puddings.

He sigh and put the plate in the sink,"Thanks for the dinner,Omma"he say to your mom while your mom blush and you choke.

"Don't worry about it"your mom say while you look at them with wide eyes,"God! i gonna have a son-in-law"your mom squeal and wash the plates while you blush and quietly eat your pudding.

You throw away the empty pudding cups and walk to your room which is beside Bobby room.You bath and change into your pajamas and head to next door,when you open the door,you saw bobby shirtless while standing and holding onto his phone.

You blushed and say,"Wear a shirt at least!"you cover your eye with your hands,he laugh at you while wearing a shirt on,"Alright i wore shirt,take off your hand,Princess"he said and you take off your hand.

"Can i sleep with you?It been long time since i sleep with you"you say with excitement tone while he laugh and ruffled your hair which is half dry half wet.You pout and say.

"You making my hair messy" trying to stop him but he let go of you while you comb your hair with you fingers.

"Come on let get to sleep now"he said and climb up the bed and pat the empty space beside him,you on the lights and went to him and lie down.

You felt tat he is fast asleep while you can't sleep because your heart is beating so fast.You face to side but you felt a arm was hugging you from behind,your heart beat more faster when you saw him hugging you.

"Saranghae.....Mr spring"he murmmed softly but you can hear,you thought of the english word,'Wat is Spring?'you thought and then you was sleeping.


Yup!Haru have been attending lots of different martial arts,Who is the mysterious boy in her dream??

Will she able to found out who is it?You will know soon.

I forgot,hehe^^,everyone is 16 but i put Bobby the oldest cos haru call him oppa.

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