Falling To Peices

By DarkThoughts22

891 27 2

After her Mothers strange death, Blake Colby is led back to her childhood town, Boulder Colorado. She returns... More

Feeling Her
Familiar Faces
Dirty Looks and Unusual Talks
Days Never End
Deep Thoughts
Never Ending News
Never Ending News Part 2
Company Loves its Misery
Early Mornings
Answers Spill Out
Rude Awakenings
News to Me
A Surprise at the End
A Day with Jayden
Stories That Explain All
To Grandmother's House We Go
A Visitor To Stay
Don't Get Ahead Of Yourself Kid
Being Free
Hunt or be Hunted
Hiding From The Boogey Man, Or So To Speak
Time to Die
Saying Goodbye

Try to Behave

21 0 0
By DarkThoughts22

Thank you for who haven't stopped reading. Continue please do!(:

Chapter 22

I walk down the stairs of my familar new home back in Colorado. It seems colder here and Christmas is just around the corner. Literally three days. I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve. How the time flew by. When I reach the living room Grant and Dray are whispering but I tune in to hear about what.

"You haven't seen him since Blake had changed. That should tell you something." Dray goes on. They have to be talking about Chrsitian. He hasn't come around since. Where had he gone. I wonder if he thinks I hate him. Honestly this feeling is quite great, I can peep in on other's conversations.

"Not for long you won't." I look into the kitchen and see Grant glaring at me.

Shit. I have to control my thoughts.

"Get in here." He tells me and I walk over like a child getting in trouble. The day Will, Max, and Kane had gotten in trouble flickers in my head. "There are rules with the hearing thing Blake. You must respect others privacy even if they don't to you. I know it doesn't seem fair and some of us don't follow but you must. It will get yourself hurt out there if you know too much."

Is he really telling me this right now.

"I can't fathom the feeling your Grandmother would have if something would happen to you now." He adds on.

Grandma. She was so sad when we left just two days ago. I convinced her to letting me stay here for a while but Grant said it would be better for me to come back so we could start some more training and so he could keep an eye on me when the wolf hunter tries to strike.

The thought of him killing me is unbearable. I shake him away from thought.

"I'm sorry." I say honestly not wanting us to get on another bad start.

"Well, I guess we should take you out for your first hunt before you become an animal. How about tonight." He suggests and I nod not having anything else to do tonight.

"Whats going on tonight?" Jayden walks in the kitchen from outside his hair covered in snow. He is so dreamy. The words he had said to me at Grandma's house still ring in my ears.

"Hunting." Grant says and glares at him and looks at me. "You will need to be concentrated, not distracted. You hunt for the pack not for yourself." He tells me once more. And by distraction he means Jayden. I blush a little and try not to smile.

"Well with that, Dray and I are off. We will see you around eight." He nods toward me and they walk toward the door. Grant whispers something to Jayden but I tune out not wanting to get into any more trouble with Grant. They leave and i hear the screen door slam shut.

"So what do you want to do before eight?" Jayden asks me with his eye brows raised and his teeth shinging brightly. He has a plan, and i am up for anythign that involves him.


"No No No. Your doing it all wrong. Stance like this, with your ass in the air and then pounce like this." Jayden mimicks as he does exactly like his words say. We are in our wolf form and his color is magnificent. He has a carmel brown with black streaks, but I found a scar by his left eye that he doesn't have in his human form. I want to ask about it but now is not the time. I can barely focus on these little things he is showing me.

"Got it?" He asks me one more time. I nod and try. I am suppose to pounce at this flower, but for some reason I pounce too far and miss it. I get down low in the dirt feeling my fur touch the snow and let my paws sink into the snow feeling the earth underneath. Focus on the flower and finally pounce. When I get back up there is no longer a flower ther, only snow from where I had landed.

"Good job. You'll get the hang of it. Lets head back before Grant shows up." He motions back toward the house which at this poiint I have no clue where that is. Jayden had brought us so far out from teh house and inot the woods I don't even know what direction we are going.

"Thats another thing you will need to know. Sense of direction. You have a snout so you can always sniff yoru way back. incase you get lost or something." He adds and I follow him through a thick bush of trees.

I finally get my nerve up to ask him about the scar. "If you don't mind, what is up with that scar you have." I ask sheepishly amused by the color it brings out. "Um, its nothing. Just a long pointless story that tells how reckless I was." He stops and doesn't go one. Its silent and all i hear is the crunch of our paws hitting the snow and coming back up.

"You really want to know?" He asks and i nod growing excited. "Well I was supose to be hunting with Christian but of course he had pissed me off and I had gone off track. I went a couple turns and did a few circles. To be honest I was lost. I hadn't developed the sense of smell to find him nor my way back home. I didn't know of the wolf hunter yet, but he knew of us. He was on my trail. Well more like his accomplist. She had bright orange hair you couldn't miss. Aspecially int eh snow, it looked like the forest was on fire.

Well as I wonder off I came across a deer who had been mauled by some coyotes. And coyotes are mean, they don't care who you are they will maul you."

I thought coyotes descended from wolves." I ask interupting the story.

"No, No. They are just a wolf and a mutt crossed. Nothing to them. Anyways. I was hungry so I started to eat at the deer and then Iheard foot prints and whispers. The voice didn't sound familaiar so I new I was in trouble. I started to back away from the deer and then back up to where I had come from and I started to run faster. Bad mistake.

The wolf hunter had shot an arrow in my side and on my left leg. There was blood everywhere leading toward me. The arrows they shoot are metal, they don't hurt to bad but they can leave a giant scar. luckily nothing had snipped at my face so I was good. But as I was runnning the red haired hunter had jumped out of no where and had shot me in the left front leg and i went down. She had put something on my fur that burned and I nipped at her but the other hunter had shot my other leg and I was down.

I really thought I was going to die. Then for some reason she went to go for my eye, the one that is green. I guess it was rare to her or something. I snapped and she had missed. Then Christian had finally came to save me and we mauled teh red head to peices and when we were done the wolf hunter had vanished." He finishes off his story as we come to the house.

"Wow." Is all I manage to speak out.

"Thats why you don't be reckless, Blake. You have to listen and follow directions. Always follow your instinct once you have lost all hope. Your instinct is like mother nature trying to tell you what is right." He becomes serious and I feel like I am in danger. I feel like someone is watching me but I also feel safe with Jayden.

"I'll see you inside." He winks at me and trots toward the house to let me be and change out of my fur and into my skin.

My naked bare skin.





"Brrr." I chime as Jayden hands me some hot chocolate. I sip it until the cup is dry.

"You will get use to the heat, your body will start to warm up and you will wish you were regular temp agian." He smiles at me and I set my cup down once more. "So is hunting fun?" I ask him wanting to know more.

He clears his throat and looks at me with divieas eyes. "To be honest." He looks at me some more. "I havent had much of that so why don't you tell me the honest truth." I half smile at him trying to be serious. "Hunting with Grant is hard work, its like a job. You have to provide for the whole pack not just yourself. Its like a sport but with a jack ass of a coach."

I give him a sad face, not so in the mood for hunting anymore.

"But when your by yourself or with another wolf. It is a rush. You can run as fast as you want without anyones help, or anyone bumping into you. Its fun Blake. You just have to do it the right way." He finishes off and my eyes glow with pleasure.

"Your not scaring her are you?" I turn around and there is Molly standing in the front door. "No, just giving pointers." Jayden exclaims.

"Where's Kane? Is he going hunting with us?" I ask her in an excited squeaky voice that annoys me.

"Umm, Kane is at his Grandma's. Keeping an eye out for him just incase the wolf hunter comes around." She nods and doesn't say anymore than that.

"Well, lets get going Blake. We should meet Grant out by the tree house." Jayden nods at me toward outside.

He knows about the tree house, I thought that was just Chrsitians spot.

I follow him outside and he stops on the porch. I slam into his back unaware of him stopping so fast.

I go to ask why but then I see why.


His eyes have dark circles around them.

"Grants been looking for you." Jayden mutters at Christian but he walks past him hitting his shoulder against Jaydens. I hear a growl come from Jayden. I hold his arm to calm him and I'm not sure if it does any good.

"Come on." Jayden urges me and we head out to the forest.

"Jayden slow down please." I ask him practically sprinting to catch up to his fast walk pace. He's mumbling things to himself but I can't catch his words. I finally catch up to him only a few feet behind. We are right outside the tree house.

"Jayden." I ask him seeing if he is alright. I finally reach out to him.

"Jayden." I grab his forearm and he whirls around and I see his face has changed, a lot. There are what looks like scars under his eyes. I haven't had those have I? HIs eyes are a black, and they look evil. He slams his eyes shut and I am stunned at how well he can control himself.

"Jay-" I start but he slams his hand against my mouth.

"Shh." He whispers very quietly.

I am quiet. I don't know how much quieter I could be with out not breathing. He gazes around like a deer with its ears up looking for a hunter ready to attack. Oh no. He can't be serious right? He thinks the hunter is around.

But I don't smell anything different, maybe thats because Jaydens hand is around my mouth and nose.

I hear a snap in the back of the woods away from where we are. Jayden whips me around and looks at me with both of his hands cupping each of my shoulder and looks at me in my eyes.


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