[COMPLETED] Life's Waves

By maeyingkarakade

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Life's Wave ForthBeam ver. More

life's waves / kluen cheewit's cast
1. Gulf - Downfall of The Mistress
2. Saint - Brother


2.1K 133 23
By maeyingkarakade

"p'Phun .. what are you doing ???!!" Kit was so confused when p'Phun put him a mask , a hat , and Beam's big ass sunglasses on him , Win couldnt hold his laugh seeing Kit being disguised as Beam with that extra accessories

"p'Phun .. we're going to hospital ,not to the fashion week .." Win said "this extravagant things will attract people instead .." Kit nodded in agreement

"10 for Win ..." Kit agreed

"ssshhh ... it's time for us doing the lakorn .. we are in the showbiz even if we sick , we have to be sick in style" p'Phun grinned scarily "okay .. back to the plan , i'll go out from the car first , Win will fetch you a wheelchair, keep your head down okay , just act sick and dying .. okay ?" p'Phun told Kit

"okaaaay p'Phun..." Kit rolled his eyes "i finally realized how hard it is to be Beam .." he mumbled

just like they had thought, there's already several reporters waiting outside , but p'Phun and Win kept taking it easy as they kept pushing the wheelchair to the elevator, heading to the VIP room where p'Phun had 'rented'

when they arrived at the room , Kit took off the mask and those extra accessories "now what ?" Kit asked

"easy .. stay still there on the wheelchair " p'Phun took out his phone and handed it to Win "Win , take pic of me and Kit from behind , make it like candid or something .. you know .."

p'Phun then acted like he pushing the wheelchair , and Win holding his laugh while taking those pic

"perfect !" p'Phun checked how the photo turned out , as he typing something "Done ~" p'Phun then walked to the bed and rested himself there "uh i'm so tired ..."

Win and Kit then checked if p'Phun posted something , they both looked at each other and rolled their eyes

"my hardworking baby worked too hard .. take care of your health na .. get well soon darling #Beam #BeamBaramee "

"sometimes i wonder if it's p'Beam or p'Phun the actor is .." Win laughed after seeing the caption on p'Phun instagram

after done with the posting thing , hours later , p'Phun , Win and Kit headed to the coffee shop at the lobby, p'Phun then told Kit and Win to go back first and go back to the school and campus , p'Phun assured them it's alright, because Beam also will be arrived in no time

p'Phun then walked to the elevator after sending Win and Kit back home , but he was shocked to see Gulf and No already waiting there with a big bouquet of flowers

"oh my god ... p'Phun .. where are you going ? my Nong Gulf came this far to visit his beloved p'Beam when i saw your post .." No said with a smirk

p'Phun tried to be calm "but we didnt need visitor now , because doctor didnt allow that .."

"really ???? you didnt hide anything right ? p'phun ???" Gulf asked "i wont bother p'Beam tho , i only want to see him .. because you know .. there's a gossip going around that p'Beam didnt come to the shooting set because .. he was sleeping around with some men .. "

p'Phun exploded "I KNOW IT'S YOU WHO PURPOSELY SAID THAT TO THE REPORTERS!" p'Phun was that close to hit Gulf "your heart is so dirty, you will never win against my Beam !!" p'Phun said

No suddenly caught p'Phun by hands "nong Gulf !!! hurry enter the room , and check if khun Beam is there !"

Gulf nodded but p'Phun quickly caught Gulf by his hair "not that easy you dumbass !!!! " the three pulling each other like crazy , luckily a doctor , who's also Beam's friend saw them

"what happened here ? "

p'Phun yanked his hands from No and Gulf and he walked to the doctor Tossakan "doc , these flies didnt want to listen and insist to come to Beam's room "

Tossakan could only smile because he knew what actually happened with Beam "i'm really sorry , khun Beam really need a rest , that's why i didnt let anyone to enter his room .." the handsome doctor told them

"i didn't believe that ! " another boomed voice joined their conversation, they all looked at the direction and found it was no other than Wayo with Phana that kept holding him from behind

p'Phun really want to run to the railway and hit himself with the train that comes his way

Doctor Tossakan tried to stop Wayo "i'm sorry .. we dont anyone enter .. "

"i'm not a nobody , i'm Beam's boss .. " Wayo shouted "i just want to make sure that my employee didnt come to work because he is really sick .. not because he was having fun and slept around with some men like what the news said !"

"Yo ! dont be ridiculous, you didnt hear what doctor just said ?" Phana said as he hold Wayo not to enter the room , but of course Wayo didnt listen , Wayo kept walking to the room


Wayo harshly opened the door , the curtain was closed , Wayo walked to it, p'Phun and Phana could only wait for another storm after this

Wayo laughed "where ? where is your beloved actor Phana ???!!!" Wayo pointed at the empty and neat bed

"oh ... it was all set up then ? p'Beam really such a good actor , in work and his real life .. all is fake !" Gulf added

p'Phun really didnt have any alibis for anything , it was exposed just like that , he couldnt say anything ..

"what is it .. you all crowding in my room ?"

all eyes turned around to the voice behind them all , p'Phun was thanking god nonstop in his head

it was Beam with a hospital gown and with Ming that helped him to push the wheelchair

"you .. you ??" Wayo couldnt believe Beam was really there , same goes with Gulf and No

"Beam just had his lunch, then he spilled all the guava juice on the bed , the nurse helped to change the bed , and while waiting Beam asked me to walked him around the mini garden at this floor " Ming explained

Beam smirked "when i come back , my room already turned into a shooting set .." he continued "i'm really sorry khun Wayo , i really didnt mean to delay the shooting , i will pay for the compensation if sponsorship asked for it " Beam smiled

"no need Beam .. yesterday we changed to filmed only the scene that didnt have your role on it , it was all set , dont worry.." Phana looked at Beam as they talked with each other , because Phana also knew what really happened with Beam

Wayo didnt say anything , he just left with Gulf and No following him from behind as they slammed the door

"thank you so much p " Beam said to Tossakan

"this is my first time watching real live lakorn .." Tossakan smiled "just have a rest .. i'll check your conditions in 2 hours .." he patted Beam's shoulder and left the room

"Beam !!!! you know what ?! being your manager was more terrifying than becoming president's bodyguard !! my handsome face will earn wrinkles soon !!!" p'Phun barked

Beam then hugged his manager "i'm sorry na p'Phun ... "

"i'm worried to death you know that !!!! i thought you ended up die or something " p'Phun started crying

"if he didn't help me .. maybe i already .." Beam said to himself , he smiled "i'm okay ? you see right ? i come back ! you are allowed to nag at me all day .. i'm more than willing to listen "

"dont be mad p'Phun .. the most important thing is Beam now come back and safe " Ming said

"Beam .. what did actually happen? how could you end up with Forth ?" Phana asked

"that crazy stupid lunatic psycho lawyer was the one who did this right ?! just wait i'm so calling my lawyer and prepare a file to sue him !!!!!!" p'Phun took out his phone but Beam held him

"p'Phun .. me and Forth wasnt in a good state with each other .. " he looked at Phana and Ming as well "but if it's not because of him, maybe i already died many times yesterday.. i didnt lie to you .. the one that kidnap me was that shitty Mew , he took me to the island , the illegal island near Phai .. "

Beam finally told everything to Phun , Phana and Ming , and how did he meet Forth and Joong at the island

"he really didnt hurt you right ?" p'Phun kept asking

"p'Phun .. there's so many times and chances of him to leave me die there , but he didnt do that .. me and him will be forever be an enemy because of something, and i cant change that , but he was kind enough to help me yesterday .. dont worry .." Beam calmed his manager

p'Phun and Phana still couldnt be at ease despite all the things Beam has said to them

"okay .. but you better not meeting him anymore Beam , he knew about you and khun Mew , you didnt know if someday he used this for blackmailing you right ?" Ming said , p'Phun and Phana agreed with him , but Beam's face changed , if they 3 were sensitive enough to see that , but Beam couldnt say anything against them anyway , he nodded and told them not to worry , he wont meddle himself with Forth anymore


tomorrow afternoon , Beam 'discharge' from the hospital ,Phana and p'Phun helped Beam to packing up

"you dont have to visit me here now p'Pha .. i dont want Wayo to be misunderstood.." Beam saw p'Pha that pretended to be busy with the wheelchair

"i dont want to talk about it .." Phana said "i'm getting tired with him .."

p'Phun gave them both a coffee "well if i were khun Phana , id probably already die long time ago .. " p'Phun's words earned a smack from Beam "mmm .. sorry .."

"he changed .. i dont even know who is he now .. he's not the sweet Wayo that i once knew .." Phana mumbled

Beam folded his hands over his chest "have you talked heart to heart with him ? i mean without yelling or screaming with each other ?"

Phana sighed "do i look like i haven't tried to do it ? i remained the same , i talked to him like before , i treated him like before , i only love him but he started to act like i was the biggest asshole husband in the world who cheated , that's just ridiculous when i only have him in my heart .. he.. he just wont listen .."

"dont say that Wayo didnt know you are here today ..? " Beam asked , Phana didnt answer and made Beam facepalmed himself "p'Phaaaaa ..."

"why ?! we just fought this morning , he said he didnt want to see my face today, i just do what he asked me " Phana defended himself

Beam then tapped Phana's shoulder , he knew himself how irrational Wayo could be and how crazy he is when he got mad , it must be hard for Phana too


suddenly they heard the door opened , p'Phun saw it and his heart shrunk into pieces , if it's Wayo he wouldn't be this scared , this is beyond fears

it's khun Mai

she walked toward the bed , she didnt say any words but only looked at Phana and Phun , Phun knew instantly without asking , he quickly rushed and grabbed Phana with him to go outside

Beam didnt even bother to see her , he continued playing with his phone

"Beam , why are you do that ?!" Mai asked

"do what ? please be clear , i did many things yesterday.." Beam answered coldly

Mai grabbed Beam's hand "you and that lawyer ?! why did you help him , why did you made your father's mad , do you know that ?!"

Beam looked at his mother , disbelief on what he just heard , he laughed "i was that stupid when i thought you came to me because you want an explanation of what your husband did to me .. i should've know better that you only care about your own .. " Beam sneered

"Beam ! i'm being serious here !!"

Beam laughed "did you think i was kidding mae ? well .. i should've not asked that , you'd be more than willing to see me die instead to lose that billion baht ambitious project .. " Beam yanked his hand off from his mother

"what ? what project ? " Mai looked confused

Beam turned to his mother "what project did you say ? do you really think i believe that you didnt know what project it is ? you came all the way here barking at your nearly died son if it's not because of you defend that nasty dog , then for what ?!"

"i dont know what you're talking about , but i must remind you how powerful Mew is ! he could kill us both right now in an instant if he wanted to , we lived and survived because of him , he wont show any mercy to people that ruin his things , i dont care if that lawyer died , but i wont let you die ! even if you die , i will be the one that taking away your life ! remember that !!!

-last night-

"((young actor khun Beam Baramee was reported to be hospitalized since yesterday , it cleared all the rumors that saying khun Baramee was being lazy and having an vacation with his sugar daddy , his manager confirmed that khun Beam is now at hospita because he's sick ..))"


"good job Phun .." Mai smirked as she turned off the tv


suddenly someone came barging into Mai's working room , it was none other than her husband , Mew .

"what nonsense did you teach to your son ?! " Mew grabbed Maj by his hand

Mai struggled to let go of Mew's hand "p'Mew .. w..what .. what happened ?"

"why did your son helped that stupid lawyer that was meddling into my business?! where did Beam's gratitude? i helped him to escape from jail and from that lawyer's charge ! but now he helped  that bastard instead of me ?!!" Mew threw Mai to the floor

"what did Beam do with your business p'Mew ? you know he never lay a hand to any of our business.. p'Mew .. this must be an misunderstanding, there's no way Beam would betray you , he knew you are the one that supported me and him .."

"just tell your son not to acting fool and being a dog that bite the hands that feed him .. " Mew left without explaining any further of the details , it made Mai became more suspicious


Phun had an appointment with a designer for Beam , so Phana drove Beam home with his car

"Beam i have to go to Forth's office first , i have something dropping off for him , you can wait at the car , not going to take long .." Phana said

"hmm" Beam nodded and tried to be calm , but deep in his heart , he knew he didnt .. well it's not likely he would meet him tho , Beam tried to erase Forth from his mind and turned to Phana "you'll give Forth a cake ?" Beam laughed as he looking at the strawberry shortcake in the backseat

Phana sighed "it's not for Forth .."

Beam laughed "i know ... i know ... why didnt you give it to Wayo by yourself ?"

"it's not that i dont want , i only wanted to avoid world war 3 .." Phana said

Beam knew how big Phana's love for Wayo , he knew Wayo also the same , they only lost the track and cant communicate well , Wayo was too emotional while Phana being too passive , Beam promised to himself he would help this stupid couple to see the truth

"we arrived .." Phana said "wait here for a moment okay ?" Phana grabbed the cake and get off from the car

Beam saw Phana leaving the car and headed to the office , Beam was choosing the music at Phana's car , but the his eyes saw a car that passing by and parked not far from him

Forth turned his back after he closed the door and also surprised himself to saw someone already standing infront of him , and it was none other than Beam

Beam snatched a file that Forth was holding in his hands , Forth tried to get it back but Beam already saw the first page

"withdraw yourself from this case .." Beam handed the file back to Forth

Forth laughed "who are you to tell me what to do ?!" he continued "oh .. did your Daddy sent you here to talk to me ? but i'm sorry princess .. i wont do that, i will expose everything the dirty job that your Daddy doing .."

Beam looked into Forth's eyes "is it worth it ? is this case really worth it ? "

"the truth is worth more than anything .." Forth said coldly "your father probably could help you to clean Dome's case up but i wont let him win this one .. i will helped Joong to expose everything.."

"please dont do that ... you dont know what kind of person Mew is .. " Beam replied

"i know ... i know very well what kind of person like YOU TWO are .. " Forth pushed Beam away "go away ! i dont want to see your face .. it's irritating me .."

Beam caught Forth's hand and hold him not to go "NO ! i want you to withdraw yourself from this case !!! "

Forth got mad , he turned back and he caught both of Beam's wrist tightly , he glared at Beam like he was that close to kill him "WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THAT ?!!!!" Forth shouted at Beam


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