the demon king and the girl o...

By slenderman1011

64 2 1

can a girl who has no idea what to do in war find her way to a demon king chamber and end this war once and f... More

bit of background

the first day of a new life part 1

31 1 1
By slenderman1011

we starts with our sweet little girl who is grabing her things at a locker form the demon and human school as education is important even in wars.

doxie was grabing her books from her locker as she droped one of them a few demon kinds near by laughed a bit but one of them walked over and kindly picked it up for her "hello you clumsy human her Ur book" he smiled gently and handed over the book to her as she grabs it she tanked him "my names James what are you doing here arnt you a human" doxie just stood there for a moment before speaking "i am but..."she didn't want to say any more then James asked her"are you an outcast like us demons to you humans?" she sies and nods saying" i always  been an outcast" he looked at her a bit confused "but dont all humans hate demons you seam to much to kind for a human they usually try to attack on sight with us" he calmed doxie told him "well my name is doxie and i dont hate demons i hate humanity mostly" James thought about it for a bit and then asked her to come to his house after school she said sure and he told her to wait outside the school after school and he take her to meet her family she nods as she left to her class she waved goodbye kinda happy she get away from humans for a wile after she got into class and everyone got checked in the teacher started ranting on in there teachings of how demons started the war as they kiled millions of people BLA BLA BLA BLA then doxy rased her hand and the teacher picked on her she then went to ask or rather say" sorry to bring this up but demons arent evil" and the teacher being the idiot she is told her if she was talking about the ones in the school thats because if there bad they get shot on sight doxie clenched her fist mumbling as the teacher told her to speak up and she shouted to her" I SAID UNLIKE HUMANS WE CLAIM DEMONS ARE EVIL BUT YET WERE THE ONES FORCING THEM TO BE NICE TO US BY DEATH THREATS" after that the teacher got pissed and told her if she didnt like it that she can leave witch doxie did she left and went outside to wait for James as soon as school was over he walked out they talked a bit before he opens a portal to his home witch was on the other side of the hell gate once there he introduced her to his father time bomb a bomb making demon and the last of his race she met both his father and his mother who was an angle named doxy they both welcomed her fully even if she did smell like human time bomb or tb has been prometd to the second general in command so in doing so the demon king has offers them a bankquit in there castle to congratulate them they first went over some rules for doxies safety they where very basic "be nice fallow any order he gives and dont talk unless he talks to you first" she agreed and the 4 set out to the castle for the great feast soon as they got there they fixed up there clothes and walked into the cambers of the grate hall where the feast was......

to be continued next if you people like this story please tell me so i can keep going

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