Hard Out Here

By NauticaMaignan

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It's hard out here for a prostitute, that's why I have to get out, Feel me? More

Hard Out Here
Let Me Show You
I'm Gone
Make It
A Crack In The Perl
What You Don't Know
And we all fall down
Still Falling
Bye Summer
Many Men Wish Death Upon Me
Hard Knock Life
Catching Wind
April Fools
Back Like I Never Left
No Way Out
The Big Pay Back
Sister Or Foe
Last of The Real

"Fuck Her!" -Jade

936 43 5
By NauticaMaignan


Sex with Emilio was on point and just what I needed. Honestly, I thought I would never have sex again after escaping Money and Stallion horse ass, or even just not fuck for a couple of years and let my pussy snap back. I mean, I never had complaints about my pussy being loose or anything but I figured, as many niggas I fucked on the daily, I had to be. Emilio definitely boosted my confidence though, letting me know my pussy was the bomb.com and better than my older sister Jades. Fuck it, I'll take that, he definitely stroked my ego with that one, I even rode his ass to sleep, gassing my head even more.  I smiled sheepishly, washing the salt water off my skin, leaving no traces of Emilio and I events of the evening.

When everything was said and done, I sat in my sister's living room watching re runs of flavor of love. This shit was crazy, here is these fine ass bitches fighting over a ugly tar baby looking ass nigga, this shit just had to be for publicity because things just weren't adding up. I mean, I know not all people judge off of looks but you can't be butt ugly like flava though. I need to be able to at least turn around and smile, not turn around and fart because your ugliness scared the shit outta me.

Watching this guy move across the big screen made me think about my mom's and how she loved her some flava, she always said if she could meet him in person, she would put the pussy on his black ass and she know for a fact he wouldn't go anywhere because nobody in our family has wack pussy, she just might have been right too.

Just thinking about my momma made me tear, no matter what I will always love her. That's my momma, who wouldn't love they momma, she gave me life and did the best she knew how until her pimp kicked her out and she took to drugs.


I picked up the cordless phone besides the couch and dialed the nearest hospital, just my luck she had been admitted for being high on heroin and she had a bad trip. I have to talk my momma out of those drugs I just have to.

"Mommy?", I squeaked, so ready to pour my heart out and tell my mom eventing I been through.

"Eve is that you? Lawd girl these drugs must be playing tricks on me, is that my baby?", her voice sound equally cracked.

We both took a moment to sob into the phone, hardly believing we were talking to each other. It's been a whole two years since I been out of touch with my mother and the fear of knowing what kind of life style she lived always gave me nightmares that maybe she would end up beat up real bad, or even worse, dead. 

"Mommy how are you?", I finally mustered up enough strength to ask. I wiped the snots running down my nose with the back of my hand.

"Baby I am okay, you hear me? I know you always worrying about your poor momma but I am fine. I am going to get better Eve, I promise. I have my three girls back".

I looked at the phone for a second and shook my head, she isn't going to stop using drugs no way. They must seriously be getting to get more because there's only me and Jade left, Jackson, Jade twin brother is dead. That's what we believe anyway, Jackson went to do a drug deal down in Colombia four years ago and never returned home. After that it was just me and Jade, money was tight without my brother so my sister did what she had to do and started using dudes for their dough, and I pretty much was a fast ass and did what I wanted to until I ran into Money ass who then tricked me out.

"Ma, Jackson is dead, and you only have two girls, me and Jade", I reminded her.

"Come see me Eve, I have someone you and Jade need to meet".

"Who?", I jerked up, trying my hardest to listen to the background noise and get a clue who she could possibly have to introduce to Jade and I.

"Its a surprise, come see your poor mama", She was smiling through the phone.

"Alright mama", I said hearing the front door open and close, "we will be right there". With that, I hung up and followed Jades foot steps.


"Why don't you understand that mommy don't give a fuck about us? Why you have so much hope for that woman Eve? She's a druggy, she probably just want some money from us and that I am not giving".

I dismissed the idea of me going to see my mother in the hospital immediately, I hate that woman, I hate her more than I hated Ada. I hated her for leaving me with so much responsibility, I hate her for making me the money hungry bitch I am today. If I didn't have to provide for my little sister after my twin brother went to Colombia, I honestly feel like I wouldn't be the greedy bitch I am. Fiends get high off cocaine, I get high off money, money turns me on from the look, the smell, the texture. Those dead presidents are my friends, they never let me down, and never would.

"That's not it Jade, I know you hate mommy for leaving us but we have to forgive and forget. Plus, she didn't say anything about money, she said she had a surprise". Evelyn bit at her bottom lip, begging me with her eyes. "Please Jade, she is still our mother".

I rolled my eyes at Evelyn, this girl was so persistent, once a junkie, always a junkie in my book. Seeing my mom's was the last think on my agenda, getting some good Italian dick and sleep were the only two things on my mind and Evelyn was definitely fucking with me. This living arrangement would soon come to a halt, her ass would have to get a job and her own place soon because I'll be damn if I have to hear all this mommy talk.

"No, I'm not going. You can take the damn cab and go by your damn self", I threw her a fifty for cab fair.

Evelyn threw the fifty back, or more like fluttered. "What if it's Jackson Jade?".

That caught me completely off guard, my twin? Could it be? Couldn't be, it's been four years, why would he go for years without hitting up his younger sister and his own twin? Why would he leave us here to defend ourselves in these cold streets? It couldn't be Jackson, my brother wouldn't have done that, he's dead, I think he's dead.

I'm not gonna lie, the thought of Jackson being at the hospital made me very curious as to see who was really there. Eve seen the spacey look on my face I get when I'm thinking about something deeply and came up with all types of dumb ass scenarios as to why Jackson haven't came home. I started to tell that bitch to shut up, Jackson wasn't coming home ever, but held my tongue, curiosity finally got the best of me and I decided to take that trip back to the city.

On the way there, I hoped like hell it would be a distant relative my mom just so happen to meet during her stay. I tried to keep the thought of my twin furthest from my mind because honestly, I don't know what I would do if I knew he was alive all this time. I could think of a thousand and 1 ways my life could have went if he was still here helping me with Eve, shit I could think of two thousand and 1 reasons. Seriously though, I didn't know how my ass would act. Should I be sad? Fuck no, his ass would be alive.

Mad? Hell yea, none of the shit that happened to me would have happened if he would have stayed home.

Forgive? Maybe. That is my twin, and after getting put into the hospital because of those damn dogs, I definitely learned life is short.

Forget? Never.

My stomach turned to knots as I parked the car in a near by garage and sashayed my ass in the hospital like some sort of celebrity bitch, and from the looks I was getting, you would have definitely thought so.

I hoped like hell that curiosity didn't kill the cat in this situation.

After receiving the information on my mom's whereabouts, every step towards her room felt like I had bricks tied to my calfs, the hall way seemed longer than usual and the smell suddenly made me sick to my damn stomach.

I grabbed Eve hand before she could open the door and took a deep breath, preparing myself for anything, I sure hope like hell Jackson was in there.

"What the fuck is she doing in here?!", I yelled. The sight of Ada pregnant ass made my butt itch. Is this some type of joke?

"Ada?", Evelyn whispered. The two bitches embraced like long lost best got damn friends. " Ada I was so worried about you". Ugh, this was making me sick.

"Ayo, somebody better start fucking talking, cause as far as im concerned, this is a dead bitch walking". I gripped my pocket book tight like I had something in there, in actuality I didn't. I kicked myself in my head for forgetting my burner at home.

"Is that any way to talk to your sister? I mean after all these years I would have thought you would have been excited to be reunited", my mom chipped in, she looked utterly confused about the whole situation.

"Sister?" Evelyn and I said in unison, she sound excited, I sound disgusted.

" It's a long story, but I know my blood when I see it. I know what came out this coochie".

That's when I took a real good look at this bitch name Ada. Her eyes, her deep brown cat like eyes definitely resembled mines and mommas, her cheek bones just as high, I hate this bitch even more.

"Fuck Her!".


Author's Notes: Ugh, guys, please comment some encouraging words, I have no motivation lml

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