The Other Hailey

By whokilledhannie

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❝in which she lives a double life❞ ― * After losing her parents, Hailey Marshall yearns for an escape from r... More

preface + playlist
part one:
1| hailey marshall
2| a thing called identity
3| olivia marshall
4| bulletproof
part two:
5| someone else
6| count your calories
7| dean agrawal
8| boyfriends, boyfriends, boyfriends
9| cassie jeon
10| calum lester
11| that damned skateboard
12| she's a bad rabbit
13| pig's blood
14| the enemy
15| penelope cruz
part three:
17| sierra marshall
18| the pitiable
19| a thing called family dinner
20| the hater
21| insanity
22| the prodigal niece
23| knight in shining armor
24| the rookie burglar
25| school wrecker I
26| school wrecker II
27| a thing called romantic feelings
28| anti-adam
29| prettyboi
30| a madwoman
31| the madwoman with not one but three boyfriends
32| mikey akande
part four:
33| the other hailey aka veronica gates
34| the arrested
35| i, a runaway

16| adam richards

565 51 14
By whokilledhannie

note: this chapter contains scenes of violence, abuse, vulgar language, which may be upsetting to some viewers.

"i own you, and you fucking know it."

Hailey's pov:

      Sartre once said, "Hell is other people."

I agree.

I've seen hundreds of people like Adam represented in tv shows and books.

There's something called an emotional vampire, and that's exactly what Adam is. He gaslights, manipulates, and uses other emotionally controlling tactics to diminish another person. Adam will leave you feeling depressed, anxious, and insecure. He obviously doesn't drink blood... that's disgusting. But similar to his mythological counterparts, Adam will drain the well-being, vitality, and confidence of those around him.It gets exhausting to be in his presence, because he'll run your fucking battery out with his words and actions.

On second thought, maybe Adam's just an Asshole.

I guess that's what the A in Adam stands for.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

Adam's body shakes with anger. His brown eyes are livid with anger. His uniform is drenched in sweat and it clings to his skin. Even his blonde hair has turned darker. Sweat drips off his body as his chest rises and falls with each breath he takes. His mouth is parted open in annoyance. In a way, it looks like he's drooling from the mouth like a mad bulldog.

Mikey is the first to respond. "Okay, you gotta chill, Richards. You kinda look like a grizzly bear right now, so."

Adam advances forward. "You dare open that mouth of yours to speak?"

Mikey smiles leisurely. "What? You get flustered whenever you watch my lips move?"

Mikey shouldn't have spoken, because Adam lunged towards him.

A piercing scream leaves my lips as Adam grabs Mikey by his hood, colliding his fist with the boy's face, sending the black boy to the grass.

"What the hell?" I yell with eyes widened at the violent scene. "Adam!" I reach for the athlete's sweaty arm, but he swats my arm away, nearly twisting my arm.

"And you!" He points a finger at me. "Shut the fuck up, okay? I'm not ready to deal with you yet."

I'm shocked to hear him say that.

Before I can do anything else, he moves away from me, sauntering towards Mikey's groaning form on the field.

"Alright, bro, I've gotten the message. You're strong enough to beat my ass any day and anytime, because you punch like MMA fighter." Mikey mumbles as he forces himself back on his foot. "Let's just walk away from this. Okay?"

"Fuck you." With that, Adam rams his entire body into the boy, knocking Mikey off his feet once again.

After that, I see red everywhere.


Mikey's face starts to bleed badly with each hit. Adam's knuckles get stained and bruised, but not as much as Mikey's. My hands fly up to my mouth at the horrid sight. Inhuman noises leave Adam's mouth as he lands fist after fist on Mikey. Mikey lays there unable to get out from beneath Adam's weight. He reaches his hands out, trying to block Adam's angry fists, but nothing works.

"Adam!" I scream for him to stop. "You'll kill him!"

He ignores me and continues beating the crap out of Mikey. I look around for someone who can help, but the field's already empty. I can't run to search for someone, because by the time we get back, someone's going to be dead. The worst part is... Adam seems to have lost all control. He looks more dangerous and wild than anything I've ever seen.

Maybe my analysis from earlier was wrong; maybe he's not a vampire, but a vicious werewolf.

When I notice Mikey's legs and arms start to grow limp, I know it's time I step in.

With everything strength I can muster, I wrap my arms around Adam's diaphragm. I secure my hold by flushing my front against his sweaty back. I desperately begin yanking him up, trying to get him away from the nearly unconscious boy, but my attempts are useless. Adam easily shoves me away, and the next thing I know, my face is buried in the grass, and my knees are bruised. However, I don't stop. I rise up again, and this time, I grab his left hand.

My strong grasp throws him off guard, and his eyes leave Mikey.

"Stop this madness." I yell at him. "You'll k-kill him." I stutter with tears rolling down my cheeks. "He's already d-"

"Let him die!" He yells back at me.

I gasp in shock. A tear rolls down my left cheek, scared by the terrifying look in his eyes.

"Maybe once I'm done with this motherfucker, you'd learn to pay more attention to me." He screams as he advances towards me. "I lost because of you, you little bitch!" His tone causes me to flinch. "And what? You were with this f*g all along? You missed my game, and then, you openly flirt with him right in front of me? What is wrong with you? You are supposed to run to me. Cry on your knees, and feel remorse for missing the game. You're to beg me for forgiveness."

Gosh, this arrogant prick.

I look him straight in his eyes, and say, "Manipulative cunt."

He rises to his feet. "What did you say to me?"

"What? You suddenly can't hear?"

His lips part open as he gazes at me in shock.

"You did not lose because of me, so stop saying that."

"You were supposed to be there. You were supposed to put on my jersey and cheer for me. You were my lucky charm."

"Oh, fuck your stupid jersey and your goddamn lucky charm. You're trying to pull off the attention from your own insecurities by blaming others. You think beating the crap out of Mikey will magically make you feel better?"

My words visibly sting him. But Adam's a different emotional vampire. He is hard to fight off. If you try to fight him, he'll only come back stronger, and more toxic.

Adam grows red.

"I thought I told you never to talk back?" He lifts his fist, and lunges forward.

Thankfully, Mikey hasn't completely gone unconscious. Mikey forces himself up, and pushes Adam to the ground before his fist reaches me. And this is the moment I see the boy who mainly speaks nonsensical words turn violent.

Mikey sits on top of Adam, and lands his first blow. "You disgusting piece of crap! What were you going to do? Touch her again? I swear to God if I don't snap all of your fingers right now..."

I'm still in shock that Adam could raise his fist against me... against Veronica.

Is this her relationship?

Mikey continues hitting the athlete.

I'm too preoccupied with the newest information to do anything.

Soon, Gabe and Dimitri come running fast into the field in black suits. It takes a moment for me to crash back to reality. I sigh in relief to see the bodyguards. This is one of the few times I'm glad they're always around me.

Gabe grabs Adam, and Dimitri reaches for Mikey.

"Stop it, you two." Dimitri shouts at the two.

"Let go of me!" Mikey tries to free himself. "I want to rip this bastard's arms off, so he'll never touch her again."

"No one's ripping anything off anyone." Dimitri pants.

"Are we sure about that? Huh? Because I sure as hell know he'll be dead once these sloppy arms are off me." Adam violently jerks in Gabe's arms.

"Calm down, Mr. Richards." Dimitri says again, widening the gap between the two.

"No, I won't, till I end him. This motherfucker is a waste of oxygen and sperm!" Adam continues barking uncontrollably, and Dimitri's brows twitches in fear and concern.

She's aware of how violent he can get.

"Calm down, Mr. Richards." Gabe speaks up this time, holding Adam away from a now calm Mikey.

"No! Let me at him! Let me at this fucking motherfucker. Let me a-"

Gabe looks so done with him as he flips Adam around and punches him in the face. His strong fist sends the athlete's head flying back. However, Adam only comes back angrier.

"What the fuck was that?" He yells at the bodyguard.

"Do you want another one?" Gabe raises his fist, glaring down at the teenager. "If you don't, you better calm the fuck down!"

Gabe's words echo across the field. And after that echo, the five of us become quiet.

"Okay, care to explain what happened here?" Dimitri asks me.

Adam opens his mouth first. "You know what? Fuck all of you! Especially you two." He points fingers in the bodyguards' faces. "Aren't you supposed to be in charge? Now tell me why Veronica missed my game."

"Have you ever once paused to think that maybe she doesn't want to attend any of your bullshit games?" Mikey says weakly. He still doesn't shy away from verbally degrading the golden boy of Brick Way, even after beaten to pulp. "There's a possibility that she's always bored at your games, since you're shit at it, and she'd rather watch me play?"

Adam lunges for him, but Gabe pulls him back.

"What? You think you're better than me?"

"Oh, honey. This is not a competition." Mikey replies.

"Don't call me that."

"Why? Your homophobic ass can't handle it?"

"Alright, you two. That's enough." Dimitri draws the line.

For Adam, it isn't. "I cannot believe you, Fronnie. Out of all the douchebags out there, you choose Mikey over me? My rival?"

I roll my eyes. "I did not choose anyone over you."

"Yes, you did. You're not even supposed to look at him, let alone, speak to him."

"Wait, so because he's your rival, that means he has to be mine too? No. I'll speak to whomever I want to."

He disgusts me.

His face reddens. And it's not the blood. It's his anger seeping through his skin. "You have to do as I say."

I clench my fists, about to scream at him, but Dimitri stops me.

"Enough said. We'll handle this."

I frown at the tanned woman. Is she shutting me up to soothe Adam's ego?

They let Adam continue."I own you, Veronica Kendall Gates! You have to do what I say, and when I say I don't want you anywhere Mikey, I mean it!"

Mikey groans from the bleachers. "Honestly, I still don't know why you hate me this much."

"Shut the fuck up, Mikey!" Adam then growls, running a hand down his face. "I cannot take this anymore. I have been disgraced, ridiculed, laughed at. I lost my game, lost my scholarship, I've had my heart stumped upon, severally. And it is all your fault. I won't take this insult. Just know my entire family would hear all about this. And they would deal with you all. And oh, you better beg, Fronnie, because I can crush your family's reputation with the snap of my finger. My family can make yours miserable."

"So, your family's like the crazy Addams?" Mikey slowly nods with blood running down his face. "Makes sense." He giggles with a swollen face. "Adam Addams."

"Listen, you piece of shit, you utter one more word, and trust me, Dimitri won't be able to stop me from reaching for your neck."

Oh my gosh. He's clearly a vampire.

I sigh, already tired of this prick. "I cannot believe she dated you."

"Don't say-" Dimitri tries to stop me.

"She?" Adam questions curiously.

Mikey giggles again. "Oh, that's right. You're the only one here who doesn't know."

Adam gives up. "Fuck you. Do whatever you want with Mikey. I am done with this whore."

With that, he brushes past me, making sure to hit my shoulder harshly.

"Gosh, for Christ's sake, it's like no one hears me when I say this." Mikey manages to speak through swollen lips. "I am not going to steal your girlfriend, Adam. Actually, this fight should've happened differently. I should be fighting Veronica to get with you, because I like white dicks."

The blonde athlete ignores him as he disappears past the bleachers.

"Alright, Mikey. Let's get you to a hospital, you might have a concussion." Gabe supports the injured boy to his feet.

"No, it's not the concussion saying this. I like white dick..." His arguing tone soon disappears from the stadium.

Now, it is just me and Dimitri.

I stand quiet for a few seconds, expecting her to come up with apologies for Adam's toxic behavior, maybe even an explanation on why I couldn't have ended this relationship right then.

Instead, Dimitri attacks me.

"What in the world? You had one job, Hailey- show up as Veronica."

I turn to her. "Are you being serious right now? Is that what you should say after what you just witnessed?"

"I don't understand what you mean."

I scoff. "He treats her like crap, Dimitri. That fucker hits her!"

Dimitri swallows uncomfortably, and from her body language, I can tell she already knew about this.

"This is unbelievable." I run a hand through my hair as an uncontrollable emotion takes over. "You're her bodyguards. You're supposed to protect her. Protect her from him." I bite my lips to fight the tears. "No wonder she ran away, and kept tons of secrets from you guys."

I have only spent two weeks as Veronica, and it has been pure hell. Imagine living like this for a whole 17 years.

"You don't understand a thing, Hailey. It's not as easy as you make it sound."

I refuse to respond to that.

"And you want to know why I didn't show up?" I raise an eyebrow. "She has three. Not two."


"Three boyfriends."

She is confused. "What are you talking about, Hailey?"

"Adam Richards. Dean Agrawal. Calum Lester. All different people, but they're all connected to one girl. She has three boyfriends, Dimitri. And one of them is a pure dickhead, and I still don't get why I can't just walk out of the relationship. Why do I have to suffer this?"

"You're getting paid to suffer as her."

"Screw getting paid! She's even got a group of antagonists -basically a cult- driven by hatred and jealously. Less than a week from now, I'll get beheaded with an executioner's axe, and when that happens, who's going to enjoy the money?"

Dimitri sighs. She tucks her hands into her pocket before moving closer to me. "Hailey. Look, just a little longer. You just need to hold on a little longer, until we find her."

I scoff. "Are you insane? I'm not doing this. This is all bullshit."

A car horn sounds, and I turn to see my sister's car parked close to the field. She's parked in a spot she shouldn't be in but she's Olivia; she doesn't care.

"I heard they whooped you guys' asses! Wooh!" She sticks her head out the window.

I let my eyes roam the bright expression on her face, before turning back to Dimitri. "I am not going to work for you anymore. No one should ever endure a relationship like this. I haven't been in one, but what Adam does, it doesn't seem right, and you know it, but you're ignoring it. I'm out. You might as well find another lookalike. Or create a clone." I eye her. "You're clearly rich. Building one shouldn't be a problem."

"Hailey. You can't let a little hitch in the plan cause-"

"Little hitch? What happened today was not little, Dimitri." I shake my head, ignoring the aggressive honking of my sister's car. "Everything in her life is fucked up. Her friends are fucked up. Her boyfriend is toxic. She literally had to reach out for affection elsewhere, and that created a huge mess that ended up suffocating her." I continue. "Now that I see it, I'm glad she ran away. And I hope she never comes back to this hell."

I start to redraw my steps.

"You're getting it wrong. Half of Veronica's problem is her. She is a spoilt, greedy girl and she constantly brings all this suffering upon herself. She is the problem. Not the people around her. So, you can't justify her running away."

"So, what you're saying is that she deserves the shitty way Adam treats her?"

Dimitri shakes her head. "You don't know Veronica Gates. Right now, she may seem like the victim, but she's not."

My eyes water. "Fuck, what is wrong with the people in this town?"

I walk away into the dark field. The night sky is void of stars, and the moon is nowhere in sight. I push my legs to walk faster, feeling the need to hide away from it. I've come to the conclusion that moonless nights like this carry negativity and bad news with them. I simply cannot stomach this night anymore.

Dimitri's screams grow louder the farther I get.

"You can't just walk away from this. You've already stolen her identity. No one knows Hailey Marshall. You'd still need to return to school next week as Veronica. You can't run away from this."

Sure, I'm already into this. I can't exactly be done until Veronica gets back. But from now on, I am going to do everything my way. And I'll start by ruining Adam fucking Richards.

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