The Birth of a Hero (High Sch...

By Nardarion18

26.3K 324 58

This is the story of (F/N) (L/N). He begins his life as an ordinary human, but things quickly change when he... More

Images of Main Characters
Chapter 1: The Battle Against the Slaver
Chapter 2: The Beginning of a New Life
Chapter 3: First Day of School
Chapter 4: Starting to Adjust
Chapter 5: Roderick Strikes
Chapter 6: The Shield
Chapter 7: The Contest
Chapter 8: Making a Decision
Chapter 9: A New Alliance
Chapter 10: Battle for the Shield of God (Part 1)
Chapter 12: Rebirth

Chapter 11: Battle for the Shield of God (Part 2)

624 10 1
By Nardarion18

With Roderick blocking his path to get inside the church (F/N) decides the best choice is to go through him. What is concerning (F/N) though is that Roderick claims he has dealt with Irina. Not knowing what he means by that, but fearing the worst (F/N) attacks in a somewhat blinded rage. This results in Roderick being able to quickly cut him with several of his knives. The pain from these cuts brings (F/N) back to reality and he decides to come up with a better plan than just rushing in blindly.

Meanwhile Issei and Vali are still fighting in the skies above the battlefield. However, Issei is beginning to tire. Ddraig warns him, "If we keep this up you are going to end up dead. We need to retreat." Issei responds to that, "No I cannot retreat now. I have to win this for Rias." Issei rushes forward and gets knocked back with his armor shattering. He falls to the ground hearing a cracking sound as several of his bones break. Vali floats down and says to Issei, "You are still not strong enough. However, I can see potential in you. One day I may just get the fight I am looking out of you. Don't get killed until then." Vali then flies off leaving Issei on the ground.

At the major battlefield in the center of the city Sirzechs is making quick work of the fallen angels and Khaos Brigade members in the vicinity. However, after fighting for such a prolonged amount of time he is growing weary. He goes to get Phenex tears to find that they have exhausted the massive supply of them that they had. Hoping his sister is alright, Sirzechs takes a small group of soldiers with him to go and locate her. He finds her and her peerage along with Ravel and Irina hiding in an alley. Seeing the injuries that they have all sustained and that Asia is growing weak from trying to heal everyone he says, "I think that it is best you retreat back to Hell." "No we are not leaving until (F/N) gets back with the shield," Rias responds. Besides with the injuries that Irina has sustained we cannot move her without putting her life at risk. Asia has tried to heal her, but as a result of all the others she has healed could only stabilize Irina's condition." Sirzechs replies with a sad voice, "I know that she is your friend, but I cannot bear losing you. I beg you to please retreat, in her condition and without any Phenex tears left I don't think there is anything we can do to save her. Those stab wounds look like they have punctured several vital organs. She is lucky to be alive as it is." Before they can continue arguing, Rias's familiar contacts her informing her that she has found Issei in bad shape. Rias turns to Sirzechs and says, "I am going to take Kiba, Akeno, and Asia to go and retrieve Issei. Please keep the others safe while I go and get him. Once I get back if we have not heard any word from (F/N) I will consent to leaving Irina behind, informing (F/N) where she is."

Rias takes off with Kiba, Akeno, and Asia to find Issei. Surprised to meet almost no resistance as they travel the group makes it to Issei very quickly. Asia begins to heal him with what power she has left saying that it is not safe to move him in his current condition. While they wait for Asia to heal Issei Kiba, Akeno, and Rias stand guard. It is not long before several fallen angels show up to keep them company while Asia works. Rias thinks as she is fighting, "I hope (F/N) can find that shield soon. We can not keep this fight up much longer."

Back at the church (F/N) and Roderick are exchanging blows. Despite the multiple cuts that (F/N) has received none of them were serious and he is still able to fight on even ground with Roderick. Having seen Roderick's fighting style enough times (F/N) decides as the knives move in to ignite a fire around himself. He does so, catching some of his clothes on fire, but as planned he succeeds in melting the knives. Irritated by this Roderick draws his sword and runs at (F/N). They begin fighting in sword combat. Roderick laughs, "Despite how good you are with a sword you were never good enough to beat me." (F/N) ignores the comment and summons a sword of light in his left hand. He swings this sword and Roderick's head. It fails to hit his head as Roderick blocks it with his sword. (F/N) takes this opportunity and cuts off Roderick's prosthetic arm. Before (F/N) can get a second swing with the sword of light off Roderick backs up. (F/N) proceeds to begin to launch various types of magic as Roderick.

As this battle is going on between (F/N) and Roderick, Rias and company manage to dispatch the fallen angels that are assaulting them. Asia reports that Issei is now stable to transport. They have Kiba carry him as they head back to the alley where the others are waiting. When they get within sight of the alley they realize that it is under attack. Rias tells Kiba to hurry and hide Issei while she and Akeno go and join the fight. Those that are assaulting the alley were not expecting an attack from the rear and are caught off guard by Rias' attack. This leads to them losing ground quite and before long they are all routed. Rias finds that now all of her peerage members are severely injured except for Rossweisse, Akeno and Kiba. Seeing that they are too weak to teleport on their own, Rias begins to take them one by one back to Hell with the help of Akeno, while Rossweisse and Kiba stand guard. Ravel goes back to Hell with them to gather more Phenex tears for healing. Once all except for Rossweisse, Kiba, and Irina have made it back to Hell Rias tells Rossweisse and Kiba to leave as well. Kiba responds, "With all do respect Madam President as long as (F/N) is still out there and I am able, I will keep fighting. He deserves us to do at least that." Rossweisse agrees with Kiba and decides to stay. Rias tells them to be careful as she goes and looks for her brother.

Returning to the battle between (F/N) and Roderick both are beginning to grow weary. Roderick realizing that it may be in his best interest to retreat, prepares to make another get away. Seeing what he is planning prepares to shoot a lightning bolt at him. However, nothing happens. (F/N) is completely out of magical energy. (F/N) screams, "I won't let you get away as out of thin air a small object shoots at Roderick hitting him in the side of the head. Roderick turns to see what he just got hit with to see a small pacifier lying on the ground. Confused by this, Roderick yells at (F/N), "Did you really just throw a pacifier at me?" (F/N), equally confused, thinks, "Where the heck could that have come from?" Then it dawns on him the night he received the shield from his parents his dad had said, "A lot of things went missing when you were a baby and then some would randomly show back up." (F/N) then realizes some of the things that he made disappear as a baby, must have never returned and must still be in his alternate dimension. Not questioning why he can access the alternate dimension while out of magic (F/N) thinks, "Something heavy please fly and hit Roderick." Sure enough as soon as he thinks this the crib that he made disappeared all those years ago flew straight at Roderick slamming him into the wall of the church. This incapacitates Roderick long enough for (F/N) to move in and drive his sword through Roderick's heart. After over ten years since they first met (F/N) has finally killed Roderick. Standing over Roderick's lifeless body for a second (F/N) audible says, "I have finally got revenge for you mom and dad. Just a little long and I will get the shield back too." (F/N) rushes into the church hoping that he is right that the shield is inside.

Back at the main battlefield Serafall has succeeded at killing the majority of the enemy's forces alongside the devils under her command. It is not long before Sirzechs returns with the news that the majority of the devil forces are pulling back. Serfall asks, "Has (F/N) made it back to Hell safely yet?" Sirzechs replies, "No he saw an opening to go after the shield during all the confusion and has not been seen, or heard from since." Serafall says, "Until he gets back me and my forces will not be going anywhere. I know that the best thing I can do for him right now is to keep holding these enemies off." Returning to the battle Serafall gives it her all to take out all those surviving enemies as fast as she can. Before too long a loud gong is heard throughout the town. As soon as it sounds the members of the Khaos Brigade begin to retreat teleporting to some unknown location while the fallen angels all fly towards the church.

In the battle between Azazel and Cao Cao both are fighting at full strength. Azazel has dawned his Down Fall Dragon Armor and is battling Cao Cao in close combat using their spears. Neither one is showing any sign of giving in. Azazel says, "I have to admit you are pretty good. I was not expecting you to put up so much of a fight." Cao Cao laughs and says, "The same goes to you. I figured that in a one on one battle you would be very easy to get rid of. It seems that I was wrong. Nevertheless, I will still kill you." The two return to their battle for several more minutes before both landing solid hits at the same time knocking the other down. As Azazel begins to get up, a gong sounds (the same one as mentioned before). Cao Cao says, "That is unfortunate. It would appear that it is time for me to go. Cao Cao then teleports away. Azazel decides it is in his best interest to go and find the rest of the three factions and walks off to where the main battle was taking place.

Shortly after Rias left to go and contact her brother Kiba and Rossweisse found themselves surrounded by multiple enemies. Rossweisse says, "This doesn't look good. I don't think either of us has enough strength to make it out of here alive." Kiba replies, "Speak for yourself I still plan on making it out of here alive, or dying trying." He rushes forward into the enemy ranks. Rossweisse begins to use her magic to drive the enemy back as well. Before too long they are both pushed back and are now fighting just a few feet from where the unconscious Irina is located. In a last chance effort to drive the enemy back Rossweisse expends nearly all of her remaining magically power to let out one massive attack. It kills multiple enemies. Before she can recover, spears of light come flying through the air. Four pierce through her stomach, two through her legs, and one hits her in the shoulder. The fallen angels move in to finish her and Kiba off when the gong rings and they stop their attack turning toward the church and flying off. Kiba quickly contacts Rias and informs her what has happened. She says that she will be on her way as soon as she can.

Meanwhile at the church (F/N) walks in to find two fallen angels sitting at the altar. One of them with a wicked look in his eye says, "Oh so you actually managed to kill that idiot Roderick. Honestly, he lost his usefulness to me the moment he failed to find the shield when I sent him for it some ten years ago." (F/N) realizing what this means says, "So you are the one who sent him to my house. You are the reason my parents are dead!" The fallen angel laughs and says, "Guilty as charged. However, don't think you will be getting your revenge so easily." He signals to the other fallen angel to pound a gong that is sitting next to him. I don't believe we will be seeing each other again, the fallen angel says as he blasts a hole through the roof. He then picks up the object sitting next to him, which (F/N) recognizes to be the Shield of God. (F/N) out of magic uses his dimensional rift to shoot out several baby related items, (remember he did make things disappear while he was a baby and didn't summon them all back). The fallen angel blocks these with ease. (F/N) rushes forward to attack with his sword, but the two fallen angels fly up and through the hole in the ceiling. (F/N) runs outside to see he is surrounded by fallen angels.

Turning to where the two that were in the church should have come out, he sees then fly off. He then is quickly greeted with over a hundred light spears flying straight at him from all of the surviving fallen angels from the battles. Unable to do much to stop them (F/N) is impaled by spear after spear. He falls to the ground barely conscious, clinging to life. One of the fallen angels signals to the others to stop for a second. She flies down and says, "You probably don't remember me, but I am one of the girls you kidnapped for Roderick. He did horrible things to me you know. Then I got an offer to join the fallen angels. I agreed on the turns that one day I would get to kill you myself." "Now I finally get that chance!" she laughs. Raising her spear up high she prepares to drive it through (F/N)'s head. Before the spear falls a voice is heard saying, "No you don't, I won't let you kill chocolate boy." Then a blast of purple light appears and all of the fallen angels are reduced to nothingness. (F/N) looks over and sees a black haired girl. She looks at him and says, "There now we are even for that chocolate you gave me."

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