The Elite Fairy

By Cookiethegerible

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Nova is the princess of Ilnaehiri, the dimension of Elite Magicals. In Ilnaehiri the fairies, specialists, an... More



1.5K 22 0
By Cookiethegerible

Nova's Pov:
For some unknown reason, my parents have called Caine and I down to the throne room. Afraid that something might be wrong, we run quickly to them. Once we arrive, everything is calm. Slowly, we approach out parents.
  "Mother. Father. You called us?"
  "Yes darling. We have some important things to tell the two of you. First of all, as you two are royalty, you both have soulmates, and you are able to find them once you are adults at age sixteen."
   Caine and i share a confused look.
  "Mother, we already know this. Why are you telling us this?"
  "Caine, Nova, listen to your mother. No more interruptions."
   We nod, signaling that we heard and understood him.
  "Now, this part is important. As it is already past your sixteenth birthday, and neither of you have found your soulmate, we are sending you to a separate dimension. You will both attend their schools for at least a year."
  "Yes mother. Where is it that we are going?"
   This time, father speaks.
  "You will be going to Magix. Nova, you will be going to Alfea, their school for fairies, and Caine, you will be going to Red Fountain, their school for specialists. Please, try not to show them up."
  "Of course not. When do we leave?"
  "After lunch. You two best go pack."
  "Yes Father."
   We hurry off to our rooms in order to pack. Due to us being twins, our rooms have secret passageways, that we built in order to connect them. Caine uses one to help me with my packing.
  "You excited Nova?"
  "Yeah, we won't have to act like royalty there, and no-one will know who we are, except for our teachers."
  "Yeah, it'll be great to not have to fight to be the best. Hopefully the guys I'll be sith will be cool."
  "Same with the girls I'll be with."
   It takes about an hour for the two of us to finish packing. Once we were done, it was time for lunch. Caine talks to our parents, but I stay quiet and keep my head down. As soon as we finish, father stands up.
"You two have a few minutes before Elias takes you to your schools."
   We nod and head to our rooms. This time, I go to Caine's room. We sit in silence for about a minute, until i speak.
  "This could be our chance to escape. Never come back."
   He sighs and looks at me.
  "I doubt it. You're next in line, but you can't give the throne to me, because our parents won't accept their son to be king if he prefers to have a king instead of a queen."
  "What if we both escaped?"
  "We couldn't do that to our people. One of us has ro rule. And it's not gonna be me. I'm sorry Nova."
   I stand up and head to one of the passageways. Before i walk through I turn back to my brother.
  "We'll see."
   With that I go back to my room. After a minute or two, i grab my stuff and head to the palace gates. Our parents aren't even there to see us off. Caine and I get in the craft, and Elias, our driver, heada off. Soon enough, we're at Red Fountain.
   Caine gives a short farewell and then Elias heads to Alfea. It doesn't take long for for us to arrive. I quickly exit the ship and my stuff goes to my room, I guess. As I enter the campus, I see a group of girls who seem really close.
   The girls notice me and walk over. They reach me before i can ready myself for a conversation. The girl with blonde hair speaks first.
  "Cool tattoos. Where'd you get them?"
  "Oh, they're ceremonial markings. They're symbols of my power back home."
   They all look at the markings in awe. The purple haired girl speaks next.
  "Sorry, we didn't introduce ourselves. My name is Tecna. I'm from Zenith."
  "I'm Flora. I'm from Linphea."
  "I'm Musa, from Melody."
  "Layla of Andros."
  "Princess Stella, of Solaria."
  "I'm Bloom. I was raised on Earth, but my home planet is Domino."
  "Domino? The Planet of Ruins?"
  "Planet of Ruins?"
  "Sorry, that's what my people call it. My name is Nova, Princess of Ilnaehiri."
   The girls go completely silent. Tecna looks at me weirdly.
  "Ilnaehiri? The Elite Dimension?"
  "So why are you here? What is an Elite Fairy doing at Alfea? Not to mention, the princess of the Elites."
  "I wish I could give you answers, but due to royal rules, I cannot tell you until the reason I am here happens. But I hope we can be good friends."
   They look at me for a second before they all start smiling.
  "We'd love to be your friends. Hey, maybe you'll be roomed bear us."
   I smile back at them.
  "I sure hope so. Layla, I'm so sorry about what has happened to the pixies. I can only hope that my parents will help if this becomes a fight."
  "You know about the pixies?"
  "Yes, we watch over all of the dimensions and their planets. However, my parents have so far refused to help them. I just hope they change their minds."
   Layla gets sad and walks away. I try to follow, but the girls stop me.
  "I didn't mean to upset her. I guess I'm not used to deally with strong emotions. Most Elites keep their emotions to themselves and their families."
  "It's okay. Bloom, why don't you take Nova to Faragonda, since she missed what she said earlier."
  "Oh, of course. This way Nova."
Bloom grabs my wrist and pulls me along. After a minute or two she lets go. We stand at a large door.
"This is your stop Nova. I'll see you later, okay?"
"Of course."
Once Bloom is gone, I go to knock on the door. Before I can, I hear voices from inside.
"Are you sure Palladium?"
"Yes, I know it. I felt it. I saw her. She's here."
"Which means she's a student. If you were to be in a relationship with her, you could lose your job."
"Those laws don't apply in this case. Wait, someone's outside."
I quickly knock, pretending that I wasn't listening to them.
"Come in."
I slowly open the door and cautiously step in. Per usual, I refuse to meet anyone's eye withlut being addresses.
"Ah, you must be Nova."
I finally look up at the woman who spoke. She had gray hair and a long pink pencil skirt.
"Yes ma'am."
She smiles at me.
"I have your schedule and room assignment. Also, these are some of your professors. This is Ms Grizelda, head of discipline. This is Professor Wizgiz, he teaches metamorphosimbiosis. This is Professor Palladium, he teaches potionology and he teaches how to connect with nature, and finally, Professor DuFour, she teaches etiquette."
   I nod my head to each teacher without meeting their eyes.
  "Is there something wrong dear?"
  "No ma'am. I was taught to never meet someone's eye unless addressed by them if they are higher than me. My father would..."
   I stop talking as I catch myself ablut to let everything slip.
  "Your father would what?"
  "Nothing ma'am."
  "Well, don't wordy about that rule here. You can be comfortable here."
   Shocked, I look at her weirdly.
  "I'm sure your father wouldn't mind. Now, I believe you should properly greet your teachers."
   I look at Ms Grizelda and nod to her, so she bods back. Professor Wizgiz does the same as I repeat the action. Next I meet Professor Palladium's eyes. Suddenly the world stops. Before he can say anything, I bolt out of the room. I hear him call out behind me, but I keep running.
Soon, i find a place to hide. Using our magical link, I call out to Caine. It doesn't take long for him to find me.
"Nova! Are you okay? I came as soon as I could."
"I-I found him Caine. I found him."
He looks at me confused.
"You found your mate?"
"So what's wrong then? You seem really upset. Did he do something wrong?"
"No, he didn't do anything. Or say anything. I didn't give him the chance because I ran out. The problem is, he's one of my teachers."
Caine looks shocked, but then he smiles.
"That's not a problem Nova. Relationship laws won't apply. You should really talk to him. He's probably confused and maybe a bit hurt."
Movement behind Caine grabs my attention. Caine notices my attention change and and looks in the same direction. Professor Palladium stands there, looking a bit protective.
"Who are you and why are you on Alfea grounds?"
I stand up and try to mive towards my mate, but Caine gets up and keeps me behind him.
"I'm just trying to comfort my sister, who are you?"
Palladium relaxs and gives Caine a slight nod.
"I am Professor Palladium. I came to apologize to Nova."
Caine grows more protective and pushes me back even more. All of a sudden Palladium loses all respect for my brother. I quickly push Caine away.
"Enough Caine, don't be stupid! He's my mate."
"Oh. Why didn't you say anything?"
"Because you didn't let me. Go back to Red Fountain, we'll talk later."
Caine glares at the professor before hopping on a hover bike. Soon enough, it's just me and the professor. It takes a minute for either of us to talk.
"I'm sorry for running, Professor. I was just scared. My parents refused to tell me any of the rules so I didn't know what to think. I'm sorry."
I look at the ground refusing to meet his eyes, as I was taught.
"It's alright Dear. I completely understand. As an elf, it's quite rare for me to have a mate. I've known my whole life, but I never knew the rules or laws. I also don't know how any of this works. I'm sure we can learn together."
"Probably. I think i should got find my room. Could we talk tomorrow before class?"
"Of course Dear. Enjoy your evening."
We go our separate ways, but it feels wrong. The professor must've felt the same because he ended up walking next to me.
"We may want to talk to the headmistress about this Professor."
"Probably. And please, call me Palladium."
We change course and head to Faragonda's office. The other teachers are still there. Most of them are smiling, but DuFour seems to be frowning.
"I assume you two have talked?"
I blush a bit and looked down, so Palladium answers for us.
"We talked a bit, but there are somethings we must discuss further. We also need to talk with you Headmistress. Alone."
She nods and sends the other teachers away. Now it's just the three of us. Faragonda becons for us to sit at the chairs in front of her desk. I sit in one of them, but Palladium stands behind me, putting a hand on my shoulder.
   The second his hand touches my skin I see a flash of images. The only one i can make out is Palladium holdin me in his arms, comforting me.
  "Are you two alright?"
  "Yes miss Faragonda. Probably just something from our bond. Anyway, Nova and I learned the we cannot really be away from each other. The second we tried to part I went right back to her."
   Faragonda smiles gently at us.
  "I see. In most normal cases, soulmate bonds take time to form. Eventually there is a time, once the soulmates are closer, they struggle to leave each other's sides. This usually lasts about a week."
   Palladium and I share a look. This time, I speak.
  "You said normally. Are you saying we're not normal?"
  "Yes my dear. Most soulmates are of the same species. The last pair of soulmates that were from different species died over one hundred years ago."
  "So you're saying that there's no way to know how our bond will work?"
  "I'm sorry Nova. I wish I could help, but for at least a week, you two cannot leave each other's sides."
   I get up and start pacing. Without noticing, my powers start acting up. Books and papers fly everywhere.
  "Nova, you must calm down. Your father wouldn't be happy to learn that you lost control."
Fear flows through me as Faragonda speaks.
"No no no no no. He can't know. He can't. I don't want the pain."
Palladium pulls me into his arm, and everything around us drops. I press my head to his chest, trying not to cry. He places his chin onto of my head.
  "Faragonda, I believe I need to take Nova to my room. She needs to calm down and I don't want anyone around her. Nothing will happen, I just need to protect my mate."
  "Of course. I'll transport you there so no one can go near her."
   Within seconds the atmosphere changes. Now we're on a soft bed.
  "Breathe Nova. You're alright. Just keep breathing. You're safe."
   Palladium keeps repeating those lines until I calm down completely. I slowly pull myself out of his arms, even though I didn't want to.
  "What's wrong darling?"
  "Missing a week of school will signal to my parents that I have found my mate. They would take both of us to Ilnaehiri. But then they would know that you're an elf, not a specialist or wizard. They would freak out. I would be the one take the brunt of their reaction."
   Palladium stares at me in horror. He probably hates that his mate is broken. A broken elite fairy. Who would've guessed?
  "Your parents, they hurt you?"
   I don't answer so he asks again.
  "Nova, do they hurt you?"
   I give a slight nod. Anger radiates off Palladium.
  "And your brother? Caine? Do they hurt him too?
   I give another nod. Scared of his anger, I keep my head down and don't speak. I curl up in a ball surrounded by his pillows. Palladium moves closer to me and wraps his arms around me.
  "I promise you this, Nova. Neither you nor your brother will go back to your parents until they learn how to treat their children."

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