Partners in Crime; A Jay Hals...

By Writer_Reader05

361K 7.7K 635

Y/n L/n used to be a Homicide Detective, but now, she has been transferred to the Intelligence Unit of the 21... More

Season 1; Stepping Stone
Wrong Side of the Bars
Now Is Always Temporary
Thirty Balloons
The Price We Pay
Different Mistakes
A Material Witness
At Least It's Justice
Turn the Light Off
8:30 PM
My Way
The Docks
A Beautiful Friendship
Season 2; Call It Macaroni
Get My Cigarettes
The Weigh Station
Chicken, Dynamite, Chainsaw
An Honest Woman
Prison Ball
They'll Have to Go Through Me
Assignment of the Year
Called in Dead
Shouldn't Have Been Alone
We Don't Work Together Anymore
Disco Bob
A Little Devil Complex
Erin's Mom
What Do You Do
What Puts You on That Ledge
Say Her Real Name
Get Back to Even
The Three Gs
The Number of Rats
There's My Girl
Push the Pain Away
Born Into Bad News
Season 3; Life Is Fluid
Natural Born Storyteller
Actual Physical Violence
Debts of the Past
Climbing Into Bed
You Never Know Who's Who
A Dead Kid, a Notebook and a Lot of Maybes
Forget My Name
Never Forget I Love You
Now I'm God
Knocked the Family Right Out
Looking Out for Stateville
Hit Me
The Song of Gregory William Yates
A Night Owl
The Cases That Need to Be Solved
Forty-Caliber Bread Crumb
Kasual with a K
If We Were Normal
In A Duffel Bag
She's Got Us
Start Digging
Season 4; The Silos
Made a Wrong Turn
All Cylinders Firing
Big Friends, Big Enemies
A War Zone
Some Friend
A Shot Heard Around the World
Don't Bury This Case
Don't Read the News
You Wish
I Remember Her Now
Seven Indictments
Favor, Affection, Malice or Ill-Will
Emotional Proximity
Remember the Devil
Little Bit of Light
Last Minute Resistance
Grasping for Salvation
Army of One
Fork in the Road
Season 5; Reform
The Thing About Heroes
Care Under Fire
Rabbit Hole
Chasing Monsters
Breaking Point
Season 6; New Normal
Bad Boys
Ride Along
Fathers and Sons
True or False
Black and Blue
Night in Chicago
Ties That Bind
Good Men
The Forgotten
Pain Killer
This City
What Could Have Been
Season 7; Doubt
Brother's Keeper
False Positive
No Regrets
43rd and Normal
The Devil You Know
I Was Here
Center Mass
Burden of Truth
Intimate Violence
Before the Fall
Buried Secrets
Silence of the Night
Season 8; Fighting Ghosts
White Knuckle
Tender Age
In Your Care
Equal Justice
Protect and Serve
Impossible Dream
The Wedding
The Radical Truth
Signs of Violence
Due Process
Trouble Dolls
The Right Thing
The Other Side
Season 9; Closure
The One Next to Me
In the Dark
End of Watch
Trust Me
A Way Out
Home Safe

Chin Check

5.8K 113 21
By Writer_Reader05

Yn's POV

"You didn't have to follow me to work in your car or walk me inside" I say to Archie as we stopped in the lobby of the 21st district. "I know, but I wanted to. I also wanted to get a chance to meet your new team" Archie said. "That can wait for another day" I say. "Yn, we've got a new case" Antonio said as he entered the district. "Okay. Uh, Antonio, this is my boyfriend, Detective Archie Mullins. Archie, this is my partner Detective Antonio Dawson" I say. "It's nice to meet you" Archie said and shook Antonio's hand. "You too. Your girlfriend is one hell of a cop" Antonio said. "We've been on one case together" I say. "All right, well, I have to get to work. I'll see you later" Archie said and kissed my cheek before leaving the district.

"He seems like a nice guy" Antonio said. "Oh, don't get me started on that. He's stubborn as hell and has one nasty right hook. I found that out that hard way" I say and laugh. "How long have you been together" Antonio asked me. "Almost 2 years. We met when I first got put into Homicide" I say. "Oh, so you guys worked together" Antonio asked. "Yeah" I say. "Dating someone in the same unit is hard. I hope things between you guys are better now that you've transferred" Antonio said. "Believe me, they are" I say as we walked upstairs.

"All right, there are two unrelated wire investigations. Surveillance followed three of area central's top-ranking gang targets to this house on Carpenter. Narcotics hasn't gotten anywhere with it, so command staff wants Intelligence on it. Roll out in five" Voight said. "Is it always like this? As soon as we start work, we have to go out" I ask Antonio. "Yeah, so you better get used to it" Antonio said and patted my shoulder.


"We've got the main eye" Al said as him and Adam pretended to be city workers. "We're set up to the north" Antonio said. "10-4. We've got the south and a partial of the alley" Jay responded. "If anyone goes mobile from the house, we're in position for a take-away" Antonio said. "O and Ruzek, move closer. See if there's any movement in the house" Voight said. "Hold up. We've got company" Erin said.

I watched as someone in a yellow hoodie walked up to the house we were watching. "Who's this joker" Antonio asked as the man knocked on the door. Just then, bullets were flying out from behind the door of the house, and the man outside fell to the floor. Everyone climbed out of their cars and ran over to the house. Adam ran straight inside without any backup, so I chased in after him just in time to see him put 2 bullets into a man with an automatic. Everyone began to check the house as I pulled on some plastic gloves that I had in my back pocket and pressed my hands to the wound.

"Hoodie is dead" Voight said. "This one's alive. Adam, press the button on my radio" I say. "What" Adam asked. "My radio. I need to call this in" I say. Adam pressed and held in the button on my radio so that I could speak into it. "5021 Union, emergency. Shots fired by the police. Offender down. Plainclothes officers on scene. We need an ambulance to our location" I say. "Copy that. An ambulance is on the way" a dispatcher said.


"This is Edward Jelko, the deceased street-level dealer. This is Peter Thomas Banfill, the offender, currently baking in a coma over at County" Voight said and put 2 pictures up on the white board. "Jelko probably thought like we did that Banfill was sitting on something big and went over there to rip him off." "These are M995s, teflon-tipped, kevlar-penetrating rounds. Ballistics has them linked to several recent homicides" Antonio said and showed us a bullet. "And we found 100 of these at the scene. It's for type R insulin, which is a Canadian designation" Erin said and held up a box. "And with any luck, our little surprise visit has got the gun runners scrambling, which means they're gonna make mistakes, okay? Eyes open" Voight said.

I went to take a seat at my desk, but Voight stopped me. "Can I see you in my office" he asked. "Uh, sure" I say and follow him into his office. "Do you want the door closed?" "Assume I always want it closed" Voight said. I nodded and shut the door before taking a seat in front of Voight's desk. "So, what's this about" I ask. "I want to know how you're liking the team" Voight said. "Oh. Well, everyone seems nice. I haven't really had the chance to get to know any of them, but it's only my second case here" I say. "All right, well, I hope you decide to stay here" Voight said. "What do you mean" I ask him. "Your old sergeant wants you back at Homicide. I told him I'd tell you about it, but it's your choice to make. I need your decision by the end of the week" Voight said.

"Hey. What was that all about" Jay asked as I exited the office. "Uh, nothing" I say and try to walk away. However, Jay grabbed my arm and stopped me. "You can tell me anything Yn. We're friends now. Friends don't keep secrets" Jay said. I sighed and took Jay's hand, leading him into the empty break room. "My old sergeant at Homicide requested me back" I say. "Are you going to go back" Jay asked me. "I don't know. Voight said I have until the end of the case to figure it out" I say. "Oh, okay. I don't want to influence your decision, but I really want you to stay" Jay said. "Why? We barely know each other" I say. "You seem like an amazing detective, and I want to get to know you better" Jay said. "Right, well, I haven't made up my mind yet, but I'll let you know when I do" I say.

That same afternoon, Kevin and Kim, two patrol officers who worked frequently with Intelligence, found the body of the guy who transported the insulin from Canada to here. His name was George Wilenko, and he was found dead with a few bullets in his head. Jay and Erin contacted his wife who had drove with George to Chicago, and were currently interviewing her. There were also two other deaths during the afternoon, both caused by the bullets we were trying to track down. The team also took another run at George's wife who was caught lying, and she gave us some new information.

"Michael Ganz lives in East Garfield Park and has a record: robbery, possession. He runs with a small crew" Erin said and put his picture on the board. "Claire's ex-boyfriend checks out right down to the 500 bucks" Jay said. "I got a ping on Ganz's phone and pulled all the numbers he's called in the last 24 hours. All the calls were to the same numbers, a cell phone registered to a Lucky M Pawn and Loan in Gage Park" Jin said. "Lucky M. I know that ding-dong. Antonio and I will go talk to him" Al said.

About an hour later, I walked downstairs to turn in some paperwork, and Platt stopped me before I could head back up. "Hey Yn, I got a call that said someone was being harassed. None of my officers are close, and the house is just a few blocks away. Can you check it fore me" Platt asked. "Sure thing" I say. "Thanks Yn. You're the best" Platt said.

I climbed in my car and drove to the address Platt had sent me. When I got there, I was surprised to see Jay. "Yn? What are you doing here" Jay asked as I climbed out of the car. "You tell me. Platt sent me here because someone called in harassment" I say. Just then, an older man and his son exited the house across the street from Jay's car and walked over to us. "Are you the one who called" I ask the older man. "Yes. My name is Phil Rodiger, and I called because this man has been harassing me and my son" the man said.

"I'm just eating some birthday cake. Today would have been a birthday" Jay said. "Arrest him Officer. Get him out of here" Phil shouted. "It's detective, actually, and no, I won't arrest him. He's not doing anything wrong" I say. "All you dirty bastards stick together. You always have" Phil said. "Seven years ago today, Lonnie. Seven years! He would have been 15" Jay shouted at the son. "I'm going to call my lawyer. I'm getting a restraining order" Phil said. "I'm going to give you a reason to need one one day. You and your sick-ass son" Jay shouted. "All right, sir, I'm going to need you and your son to get back inside" I say. Phil growled at me, bust listened to my orders. I then turned back to Jay. "What was that about" I ask. "I don't want to talk about it" Jay said. "Jay" I say. "I said I don't want to talk about it" Jay said harshly as he climbed back into his car.

The next morning, Al and Antonio were going undercover to try and get the "cop killer" guns off the street. That meant that case should be over soon if the deal was successful. That also meant I needed to make a decision for which unit I wanted to stay in. As soon as Al said the take down word, which was Christmas, we all moved in. As soon as we did, some of Ganz's boys started shooting at us, and we had to duck down behind crates to get out of the way of the bullets. It didn't take long before we had the guns and sent Ganz away in a police car. The whole team was standing around the building, and that's when Voight spoke up.

"Ln, have you made your decision" Voight asked me. "What decision" Antonio asked me. "My old unit wants me back. Voight gave me until the end of the case to make my decision" I say. "So? What's the verdict" Jay asked me. I took a deep breath and stuffed my hands into my pockets. "My old team, well, they're family. I've known them for the past 2 years, and every single day of those 2 years, they've had my back" I say. "So you're going back" Erin asked. "You didn't let me finish. If they love me so much, then why would they transfer me away? I thought I knew them all, but I don't, and I don't know where their loyalties lie, which is why I want to stay in the Intelligence unit, if you'll all have me" I say. Jay smiled widely and hugged me, and I reciprocated the hug right away. "We'd love to have you here Ln. You made the right decision" Voight said.

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