Hired For Love

By ericaswritings

2.2K 73 8

It is about a girl that need a job badly that her would do anything. She get the job for the right reasons an... More

The Next Day
The Book
Flashback To When They Were Kids
Ethan Find The Truth Out
The Ball
The Next Day
Ethan Says Sorry
Next Part Party
The Wedding Planning
Jun 5 The Wedding Day!
Few Wewks Past
The Dr.
3 Month  later
6 Month later
Having The Babies
17 Years Later

2 Months Later

31 2 1
By ericaswritings

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Ava and Ethan have been dating for these last 2 months.

Ava-My and Ethan are know dating. To night we are going to this fancy restaurant and I have no idea why.

Ethan-Hi Ava what are you going to wear to the restaurant?

Ava-I don't know. Do you want to pick my outfit?

Ethan-Should I will! Will then I get you this nice sexy dress that is elegant to that is black. I also get you this nice shoes that are heels that are a silver color.

Ava-Okey thank you! I think I will do my make up like a red lipstick. Then my eyeshadow will be like a brownish tannish color. Then I will do my hair like a braid with waves.

Ava-What are you going to where?

Ethan-Okey I all ready have it planned out! I it's khaki pants with this nice red button down shirt and my shoes are a tan color too.

Some time has past and it is time for the dinner to night

Ethan-It is time Ava to going to the restaurant.

Ava-Okey I want by Ethan and waited for the elevator. We then get in the elevator and quickly it went down and then we get off.

Ethan-The car is all ready here!

Ava-Okey then we then get in to the car and The driver drove us to the restaurant that was called Rick Table. Ethan get us the whole place to are selves. They serve fresh food from farms like fruits and vegetables and meats and other things. We finally made it to the restaurant.

Ethan-I get out first so I could help Ava out of the car. We then get to are sites and it was nice and was romantic! I'am going to propose today! I was taking Ava here because they have a Green garden that is beautiful.

Ethan-Some after we are done eating my going to take Ava out to the Green garden.

Ava-we sat down and ordered our food. Then to chatted for a while and I feel king. We eat are food and then Ethan said if I would come out to the green garden with him? I said YES of course!

Ethan-I take her to the bridge and then I get down with on one knee. Ava Aurora will you Mary me?

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