Life Ain't Always Easy

By CeCeNegrete

132K 3K 106

Carrie just wanted to have a simple and normal life. Maybe even be happy for once in her life. Unfortunately... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Sixteen

3.2K 64 4
By CeCeNegrete

"We need to talk."

Jax looked over his shoulder at Carrie standing in the bedroom doorway, pausing on putting his shoes on. Dreading those four words. As nothing good ever came with them. A least, not when a woman said them and by the look on Carrie's face, he knew he wouldn't like the direction it led them.

"What's going on?" He questioned standing up and moving around the bed, coming to a stop in front of her. Reaching out to pull her closer, but she pulled back and crossed her arms in front of her.

"Let's move this conversation out of the bedroom," Carrie motioned for Jax to follow her. Both of them were silent as they moved down the small corridor and into the living room. Before Carrie turned to face him as he sat on the couch arm in front of her. "What are we doing Jax? Where do we go from here?"

"Babe, last night was pretty obvious," Jax pointed out. Reaching for her and once again having her resist, as she took a small step back. "Are you regretting it?"

Carrie looked away, before shaking her head, stepping forward a little. Not quite as close as he wanted but not as far away from him as before. "No, last night was something different. I've never-" Carrie began to say before cutting herself off. Fearing that she was the only one who felt that way about last night. Not knowing if he had felt how intense or amazing it had been, given his reputation.

"I know what you mean darling. I haven't felt something like that in a while, if ever," Jax said, admitting it aloud. Realizing that he wasn't the only one who noticed the difference in last night compared to others he had. Yet he couldn't help but feeling guilty because even though he had loved Tara and possibly still did. He had never felt something like what he had felt with Carrie.

"Then what does that mean for us?" Carrie asked, not wanting to come off as clingy or desperate. But she wanted answers because she wasn't going to degrade herself to just some hookup. Or be another notch on his bed. She wasn't some whore he could use and then dump aside when it was convenient for him.

"Honestly?" Jax looked up at her as she nodded. Waiting on his answer, but he found himself unable to fully answer it. "I don't know. Like I said last night, I care about you, I really do but-"

"But Tara being back has you feeling confused. You don't know what you want anymore." Carrie cut him off and voiced the words straight out of his mouth.

"Mine and Tara's relationship now is based off what it was when we were kids. I don't know who she is now, we both grew up and changed into different people."

"If you feel that way then why would you sleep with her? Why not just go your separate ways?"

"It's not that simple to figure out or answer," Jax sighed in frustration. "Yeah it ended bad and I hit rock bottom, spiraling out of control. Half of the shit I did I can't even remember. But me and her were pretty deeply in love back then. The type where you feel like dying because you're not with that person anymore."

"Well she apparently didn't feel that way. Since she went and did well for herself."

"She always wanted to do well for herself. She wanted to get out of here and she wanted me to go with her but I'm the one that didn't want to leave."

Jax sighed, running his hands down his face. "If we're ever going to make something work between us, you have to know and understand that the club is my life. It's my legacy, and the same goes for Opie, Donna knew that when she got with him. Now you can see how her hatred for the club is starting to tear them apart."

"Look, my father started this club alongside Piney. It's in our blood, we don't know how to live without it. I don't think it'd be possible to live a life without it and that's something that Tara didn't get and I don't think she ever will," Jax said, muttering the last part to himself.

"It comes back to my earlier questions Jax. Then why did you go and sleep with her?"

"Because a part of me still feels the same way as I did before she left. Her coming back stirred old feelings up again. "

"Then why did you come to me last night? Better yet why would you sleep with me if you still feel that way about her?"

"Because I care about you too. Shit Carrie, you have me just as confused as she does. I know Tara, we've been down this road before, but with you everything is uncharted territory and it scares the shit out of me. Because if you were to go and leave me like she did. I don't think I could handle another heartbreak like that."

"That risk comes with every relationship Jackson. I'm just as much at risk, if not more, here of getting a broken heart. At least I'm not confused about being with you, where's my guarantee  that you won't leave me in the dust? Maybe we shouldn't step into anything, at least not until you know what it is you want."

"I want you."

"Are you completely sure? Because I've told you before, if we do this, we both have to give it our all. It's not fair to either one of us for one person to do all the work. I'm completely in it, are you?"

"Yeah, I'm in," Jax answered and Carrie finally let him move her. Letting him wrap his arms around her waist.

"Just promise me, that if you feel differently, you'll come and talk to me first. None of this going behind my back bullshit like before."

"Only if you do the same babe. If you ever feel like walking away, talk to me first."

Even though, they had come to an understanding. Feelings were still unsure. Carrie was worried Jax would leave her in the dust with a broken heart, while Jax was having his doubts about how this would end. But they both shared two questions in common.

Could he really and truly move on from Tara? Or would he just end up hurting Carrie all over again?

One thing was for sure whatever happened, Carrie had to be ready for it. Because she may have been a fool to sleep with him last night. And it was one thing for her to be willing to forgive him now after everything. But she wouldn't be willingly played again. If he couldn't stay true to her, then there was no way she was turning her cheek the other way.

No matter how good looking or charming he was.

"Where's Ope?"

"I tried calling all the numbers. No one's picking up."  Juice shook his head looking towards Clay.

Piney spoke up from the end of the table. "Well maybe Donna changed the house phone."

"Look, I'll go get him." Jax stated, standing up from the table making his way around it. Freezing next to Tig as he insinuated Opie of being a rat.  "Don't even say it asshole." 

"I'm just saying what we're all thinking. Bobby gets picked up and we're a man short." Tig argued stepping close to Jax so they were face to face.

The situation was tense already but Tig voicing his opinions made the room even more tense. Causing him and Jax to almost come to blows before Clay stepped in. Pushing them apart and ordering Jax to find Opie. 

They all knew it looked bad but they weren't willing to believe that Opie had turned his back on the club by selling them out. They wanted answers and the only one who had them was currently M.I.A.

"You hear from Opie or Donna?"

Carrie stepped aside waiting for Jax to come inside before closing the door. "No. Why is something going on?"

Jax shook his head, looking down at his shoes, debating on how much information to give her. Before looking back up at her. "Feds raided the club last night. Picked up Bobby and we can't get a hold of Opie or Donna."


Jax didn't answer but gave her a look. Silently answering her question with it. 

 "I'll give it to her. She knows how to play her cards." Carrie shook her head, before reaching for her phone on the counter. Quickly dialing Donna's number, hearing it ring but receiving no answer. "Donna's not answering and she always picks up my calls."   

"Shit. Okay, well I'm going to go by their place. See if they're there."

"You want me to come with you?" Carrie questioned. Turning to go to her room to change before Jax stopped her.

"You stay here in case Donna shows up. Let me know if you hear anything though."

Carrie nodded, letting him pull her close. Wrapping her arms around him, knowing he needed the comfort. Feeing  his tense muscles relax before he pulled back and kissed her forehead. "I'll see you later."

"Be safe."

 "Always am babe." Jax gave her smile, leaning to kiss her before walking out the door. Leaving her frozen in her spot, staring at the door as worry bubbled up inside her. 


Jax hadn't had any luck at Opie's place. No one was home but he did find Stahl's card on the counter and stopping by the station was a bust as well. Except for finding out that Unser was being detained in a cell by Stahl.  

Jax decided on going back to Opie's and see if maybe one of his neighbors saw or heard anything.  Not having any luck until his next door neighbor came out. "Hey, have you seen Opie or Donna leave today?"

"Yeah, some feds came and took him earlier."

Jax walked closer before leaning on her fence. "Was he alone?"

"No. He walked out alongside Donna and the kids."

He looked towards Opie's house before looking back at her. "Do you remember the time?"

"Yeah, it was around two-thirty this morning. Headlights woke us up. There were three black sedans parked out front."

"Was he cuffed?"

"No," She said shaking her head. "He walked out carrying one of his kids and got in one of the cars."

Jax looked down while nodding before looking up at her. Knowing how this looked. "Thanks Jodie." 

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"Where's my family?" Opie questioned as Stahl closed the door behind her.

"Down the hall. Don't worry they're safe. We use this as a safe place to transition informants into witness protection."

"You charging me?" 

Stahl shook her head while placing a folder on the table.

"Then you gotta let me go."

"You're safer here," Stahl briefly looked up at him before placing a sketch on the table. "There was a witness who saw two men murder Brenan Hefner. However, there was only one positive ID and that was for Bobby Munson." She pointed at the sketch. "That looks a lot like you but they didn't get the eyes or nose right. So there was no way for a positive ID."

Opie didn't say anything, he just stared at the sketch before looking up at her.

"I'm sure the club knows where you're at by now. There were bound to be neighbors who saw you and your family get into one of our comfortable sedans." Stahl informed while sitting down. 

"Especially since you walked out there with no cuffs." Stahl gave him a sly smile before standing up while taking another paper out of the folder. "By the way, I took some liberty to pay off some of your major debts." 

Opie stared at the wire transfers. "You crazy bitch. You set me up as a rat." 

Stahl nodded before giving him another sly smile. "Unfortunately, it's going to seem that way. Yeah."

"Eventually they'll release the name of the witness." 

"True, but not until the case goes to pre trial," Stahl answered while sitting down. "And that could take weeks. But I can only hold you for forty eight hours. So what do you think is going to happen when you and your family go back to Charming?"

"I'll tell the club the truth."

"Maybe they believe you but maybe they don't," She stared at him before leaning forward. "Are you willing to take the risk and endangering your family?"

"Opie and his family were picked up and taken to a facility."

"Did Opie go out in cuffs?" Clay questioned as it was only Jax and Tig in the room with him. 

Jax shook his head, looking up at him. "Neighbor said no."

Clay sighed before picking up the wire transfers Juice had gotten. Showing them to Jax. "Federal transfers. Paid off the majority of Opie's debt."

"This is a set up and you know it."

"Or it could be that ATF got to Opie." Tig pointed out to Jax. "All that chipping away finally paid off."

"Opie did five years for the club. He wouldn't sell us out." Jax argued while glaring at Tig. 

"Maybe he didn't want to do another twenty five." 

"Look, I'm going to see Rosen tomorrow," Clay intervened hoping to keep the peace. "Hopefully get some clarity by then. Can you give us a minute?"

Both Clay and Jax silently waiting as Tig closed the doors behind him. Before Clay turned too Jax. "Look we both love Opie. But we got to prepare ourselves for a truth we might not like."

"Opie would never sell out the club."

Clay leaned forward, watching Jax closely. "What if he did?"

"Then I'll kill him myself."

The brief meeting with Clay and Tig didn't sit right with Jax. 

He was sure it was a set up because Opie was loyal to the club. There was no way he'd sell them out. Especially not to the feds. But it seemed as more information came out, the more it pointed to Opie being a rat. 

Something that he believed was a set up, but from the meeting it seemed like he was the only one to believe it. Tig was dead set that Opie had betrayed them, while Clay was still on the fence about it. But he knew it was only a matter of time before he believed Opie had turned. 

The whole situation was turning into a shit show and darkening his mood. He couldn't stay at the club and mull over it. That would only worsen his mood. So he decided to go and see Abel with the hope that his mood brightened up. 


Jax arrived anticipating to see his son and spend some time with him. 

What he didn't anticipate was for his ex wife to show up. At least not while she was supposed to be in rehab.

"You leave rehab?"

Wendy leaned against the wall. "No, Jax. I'm moving into a sober living house. I'm sixty four days clean."

"That's fantastic. You look great."

"Thanks Jax." Wendy said giving him a soft smile. 

"You want to see Abel?"

"Yeah. I'd love to," Wendy answered before walking after him. "Jax, wait. I already saw him. I'm sorry I just couldn't wait."

"It's alright. You want to see him again?"

Wendy nodded before following him to the room. Sitting in the rocking chair in the corner, while he picked Abel up from the bassinet. Before carefully transferring him into her waiting arms. 

"I was trying to feed him," Jax said while handing her the bottle. Silently watching her interact with Abel as she fed him. Coming to terms that while he didn't love her. He was still fond of her because she was the mother of his son and he wanted her to kick her drug habit. "Where are you staying?"

 Wendy briefly looked up. "The Ramada."

Jax nodded before taking out his keys. "You can stay at the house. We changed the locks." 

"I know. I went in through the back and left my bags there for now." Wendy glanced at him, while he worked on taking the new house key out of the ring. "Are you sure me staying there is a good idea? You're mom won't have anything to say?"

Jax paused before placing his keys back into his pocket. "Yeah, the Ramada would be safer." 

Just refreshing a disclaimer.

So this chapter like a lot of the others uses scenes and dialogue from the show. Which I in no way, shape or form take credit or ownership of. Those scenes and dialogue belong to Kurt Sutter. 

While Carrie and any other OC, along with places, dialogue, scenes belong to me. 


Now I know the ending of the last chapter might have disappointed some of you. But hopefully the beginning of this somewhat made up for it. 

With that said. VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW. You know the drill lol. 

Things are going to move along now and soon we will be onto the events of season 2. 

Hope you guys enjoyed. Thank you for the votes and for adding this story onto your library/reading lists. It's greatly appreciated. 

Continue to stay safe.

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