Lottie and Jamie - falling (A...

By xXgrace7Xx

3.9K 98 89

Rosewood Chronicles Fanfiction! We are in Jamie's head as he and Lottie talk by the pool - and fall with him... More

Lottie and Jamie - Falling part 2
Lottie and Jamie - Falling part 3
Lottie and Jamie - Falling part 4
Lottie and Jamie - Falling part 5

Lottie and Jamie - Falling part 1

1.2K 25 12
By xXgrace7Xx

When Lottie looked at him like that, it reminded him of how innocent she was -
And how he shouldnt have let this happen to her.

Just because he had his childhood snatched away from him, It didn't mean that anyone had the right to take away Lottie's too.

He should have done something.

Through his inner torment, he could see Lottie staring at him, almost sorrowfully.
He felt himself subconsciously moving closer and she looked almost fearful.
Like a scared kitten.

He chuckled bitterly.
After all the time he had spent with her, she was still afraid of him.
He could see the way she always tried to impress him, it was in everything she did.
So selfless and eager to please.
But how could he explain to her that the most Jamie part of him didn't want her to have to deal with this. He didn't WANT her to have to impress him. She shouldn't HAVE to be good at it.

Such a perfect, lovely, bright light - no wonder she was opposed to him... A dark, deadly, trained killing machine like him.

He hadn't always been so deadly -

So effortlessly able to inflict harm on a fellow being without even batting an eyelid.
But he'd learned quickly.
Learned that being soft - being gentle and loving, was weak - unless you had someone like him to protect you, of course. He thought mirthlessly.
The only way be could keep Ellie safe was by training the best that he could, and throwing himself wholeheartedly into his new purpose.

Even at the cost of losing himself in the process.

Not that Ellie made it any easier for him, he thought, exasperatedly.

A mist seemed to be clouding his thoughts so that it made it difficult to remember what he'd been thinking about...
Lightning struck through the fog, and he whipped his head round in search of Ellie.
When his eyes came to rest on her swaying in Saskia's arms, his gaze whipped back round to Lottie's and he realised that she hadn't seen them yet.
He realised, with an unexpected bolt of pleasure that her attention was fixed soley on him, and there seemed to be a question she was trying to ask, through her gaze.
Anastasia's warm lemonade seemed to have left a warm, sickly, sticky residue on his tongue and he swallowed distastefully.
When he cleared his throat, it felt like the Sahara desert, and he grimaced.

"Jamie" Lottie whispered, her doe eyes wide and alarmed.
Though the fog that was making everything hard to see, and murking up his thoughts, he thought he could hear Lottie saying something about Anastasia's lemonade...
Clarity shot through to his brain like an arrow -
He pushed his words out of his stuperor -
you mustn't trust Anastacia.

He wasn't sure if his words had come out right, but the world was starting to spin and all he could see were bright flashes of colour.
He felt himself falling..sinking...


Then the sensation of warm hands pulling him back to he light.
Something warm tickled his lips and he smelt a familiar flowery smell that comforted him.
Small hands pressed desperately on his chest, and he heard a cry.
Then the warm tickling sensation left his lips, and he wanted to tell it not to go.
As though he was behind a door, he heard a muffled yelp and a familiar strangled cry.

"Lottie!" It seemed to cry in panic - "Jamie!"

Suddenly he remembered how to move his lungs, and all of the water came cascading out. How all of that water had fit into his lungs, he didn't know...

He opened his eyes and squinted at the sunny curls, and desperate eyes of Lottie Pumpkin.

He couldn't remember what had happened -
But for now, all he knew was that he had to see that smile he loved so much, the one that lit up the room -

"That's not how you do CPR". He rasped, cheekily.

She blushed, and Jamie felt his chest warm.
Only then did he notice all of the other concerned faces peering down at him.
He whipped his eyes round frantically - searching.
His whole body relaxed as he spotted the dark clad figure kneeling next to Lottie - trying to coax her into a towel she was holding out. Only now, did he notice that Lottie was shivering.. she had been so preoccupied with worrying for him, she'd neglected to look after herself!

His throat burned painfully.

Fearful that he'd let too much show, Jamie the partizan carefully wiped his face blank of all emotion. Jamie the partizan took over once more -

But one thing lingered as he watched one of his princesses wrap the other tenderly in a towel - the sensation of two soft lips pressing desperately, softly, cautiously to his own.

As they lay him down in the bed, a monster awoke inside of him -
begging to be let out.

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