Behind Closed Doors(PeRyl One...

By sansrivalcrown

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A book that consists random PeRyl Behind Closed Doors situations. NOTE:EVERYHTING THAT'S WRITTEN IN THE BOOK... More

Author's Note
Table Of Contents
Golden Globes I
Golden Globes II
Good Prank
Worth the Wait
Naps and Horses
Beer Pong
I Love You(s)
Parent Trap I
Parent Trap II
Parent Trap IV
Parent Trap V
Work From Home
Quaranthings 1
Quaranthings 2
Quaranthings 3
Quaranthings 4
Quaranthings 5
Lifetime I
Lifetime II
Lifetime III
Lifetime IV
Lifetime V
Sunflower I
Sunflower II
Sunflower III
White Dress
Something White
Lifetime Achievement Award
What happens in Vegas
Happiness I
Happiness II
Happiness III
Day's End

Parent Trap III

801 36 2
By sansrivalcrown

In the next days after their first family dinner, Meryl and Pierce juggled on taking responsibility of the twins for there are days where they're both with Pierce only and vice versa. There are also days where Gia is with Meryl while Mason is with Pierce but even with their confusing set-up, the twins can't complain as long as they spend their time with their parents.

It is the night before the family goes to Conneticut to unplug and the twins are currently in Gia's room while their mother is cooking dinner.

"What is it like in Conneticut?"Gia suddenly asked.

"It's beautiful out there. It's beside the lake where you can swim, lots of trees. The house is also not that huge, only have three bedrooms because when we gather there for thanksgiving with our uncles, our cousins and I sleep in the living room. We'll lay out two matresses for us to fit and we'll you know, stay up almost the whole night just talking and quietly eating the leftovers at midnight."Mason answered and Gia gasped.

"Oh, I wanna try that too. If only we're living here for good."Gia uttered.

"Do you think mom and dad still love each other?"Mason asked all of a sudden.

"I think dad still do love mom. I mean, he still keeps their wedding photo and mom's photo in his purse. I catch him steal glances of mom. And you know, the night before we had our first dinner, I asked dad to describe mom, and from the way he describes mom, I am sure that he is still in love with her."Gia explained and Mason nodded.

"I haven't asked mom yet if he still have feelings for dad but the way she approach dad is different. It's like she always wanted to say something but something is preventing her."Mason uttered and silence suddenly filled the room.

"Do you know what I'm thinking right now?"Mason asked after a few moments. The two looked at each other and they both gasped.

"Parent trap!"The two of them whisper-shouted.

"Let's think of what we can do."Gia said softly and Mason immediately grabbed his phone.

"What are you doing?"Gia asked but he didn't answer her. He placed his phone on the bed, instead.

"Hello?"A voice asked from the other line.

"Uncle Dana, hi. How are you?"Mason asked.

"I'm good, kiddo. How about you?"Dana, Meryl's youngest brother, asked.

"I'm beyond great. Listen, uhmm, can I ask you a favor?"Mason asked and Gia is just listening to their conversation.

"Sure, what is it?"He asked.

"You are leaving your room key in Conneticut, right?"Mason asked again.

"Yes, why?"Dana asked, getting confused.

"Can you get yours and uncle Harry's key and when mom calls you, tell her you're out of town to give the key to her?"Mason asked.

"What?Why?"Dana asked in curiosity.

"Just please, please, do it?"Mason pleaded.

"Alright, alright, I'll drive there right away."Dana answered and the twins high-fived in success.

"With two of the keys not there, there is only one room available and with that, we will convince mom and dad that the two of us are fine staying in the living room."Mason explained.

"But dad will insist that the two of you will just be in the living room and me and mom will be in the room."Gia retorted.

"Relax, I'll do the talking, just ride along."Mason said and Gia nodded.

"I'm home!"A voice suddenly yelled and the twins know it's their father.

"Oh, hi, I'm cooking dinner."Meryl suddenly uttered to Pierce and he looked at her.

"The twins?"Pierce immediately asked.

"They're in Gia's room."Meryl answered and she quickly walked back to the kitchen. Pierce followed her to the kitchen and heaved a deep sigh before talking.

"I need to talk to you about the project."Pierce said and she just hummed.

"The movie is being shot in LA and I also have a movie to shoot which is also in LA. I want you to be there, if it's okay with you."Pierce explained and she quickly gazed at him.

"I'll think about it."Meryl replied.

"If you're worried, don't be, Jessie will be there to help you."Pierce said and Meryl's ears perked up with the name he just mentioned.

"Jessie?The beautiful associate who is flirting with you?"Meryl asked and it made Pierce's forehead crease.

"What are you talking about?"Pierce asked.

"Nothing. It's just that, before our meeting the other day, I saw her walk out of your office with smudged lipstick and when I walked in your office, you have a lipstick on your lips and also on your collar."Meryl explained as she prepare the table.

"You will work with Jessie the associate in LA."Pierce said in a low tone before leaving the kitchen and heading to his room to change his clothes.

"Twins, dinner's ready!"Meryl suddenly yelled and she just breathed in and breathed out.

The family of four had a peaceful dinner and decided to call it a night after cleaning their mess for their trip is early in the morning.

"Mason!"A voice yelled early in the morning and it's Gianna.

"What?"Mason asked in irritation.

"Why are your clothes scattered here in the living room?!"Gianna roared and Mason heaved a deep sigh.

"I'm not yet done packing, relax."Mason said and Gianna rolled her eyeballs.

"Hey, hey, what's with the shouting?"A voice asked and it's their father.

"The living room looks like a mess and it's all Mason's clothes."Gianna answered and Pierce looked around.

"Half of that is my clothes, actually."Pierce said and Gianna did a facepalm.

"Oh, my goodness!"Gianna blurted out and Pierce and Mason laughed.

"It's not funny, our place looks like garbage."Gianna uttered.

"Woah, relax, we'll pack our clothes now."Pierce said and Gianna just rolled her eyeballs before heading to their kitchen.

"What's the matter over there?"Meryl, who is cooking breakfast, asked.

"Their things are scattered in the living room, there are clothes on the sofa, on the floor, on the coffee table."Gianna answered and she started helping her mom cook their meal.

"Just don't stress much about them. They're boys."Meryl said and Gianna just heaved a deep sigh.

They all had a quick breakfast and immediately headed to their van for their 2-hour long drive.

"Mom, dad, can I ask something?"Gianna suddenly asked as she settle on her seat.

"What is it, sweetheart?"Meryl asked.

"How long did you and dad dated?"Gia asked and the two's eyes went round.

"Y-you mean before we uhmm got married?"Meryl asked and Pierce who is driving quickly gazed at her.

"Almost two years but I courted your mom for a year."Pierce intervened and the twins looked at each other.

"You didn't court me for a year, you were in and out of the country."Meryl retorted and Pierce rolled his eyeballs.

"I did court you for a year. Even if I'm out of the country, I was sending letters and presents."Pierce defended.

"Oh yeah, the beautiful necklaces, and stuffed toys."Meryl said.

"But did that really happen for a year?As far as I can remember, it was only like eight months?"Meryl uttered all of a sudden.

"No, that was a year of courting. Someone even told me that someone else is courting you that's why you just throw away the letters and the gifts I give you."Pierce said and Meryl gasped.

"You just told me that now but that is not true. I still have the letters you gave me."Meryl said in disbelief.

"But I remember that man who kind of like hitting on you while I'm courting you. I forgot his name, is it James?"Pierce asked and Meryl laughed.

"That's not true. We were just pretending because he is trying to make the girl that he really like jealous."Meryl answered and it made Pierce laugh too.

"But do you still remember the day you became dad's girlfriend?"Mason asked.

"Uhmmm yeah?In the back of my head, we were at the theater, during rehearsals and he just stood beside me and I asked him what's the matter and he asked if I want to be his girlfriend and I said 'yes'."Meryl answered and Mason is just nodding.

"And one and a half year later, we got married and three or four months after tying the knot, we had you two."Pierce added.

"I actually got pregnant two months after our wedding."Meryl said and Pierce did a facepalm.

"I have a terrible memory."Pierce said and the three of them laughed.

"How about Jessie?How long have you two been dating?"Meryl asked all of a sudden and it made the twins' forehead creased.

"Who is Jessie?"Mason asked.

"Daddy, who is Jessie?Why are you keeping stuff from me already?"Gia asked.

"Your mom and I are producing a film and Jessie is our associate."Pierce answered.

"And you are dating her?"Gia asked.

"I am not dating her."Pierce answered.

"Then what is mom talking about?"Mason asked.

"They're kissing, in the office."Meryl intervened and Gia gasped.

"I wanna meet her."Gia suddenly uttered.

"What?!"Pierce asked in disbelief.

"If you are dating her, we want to meet her. We are your children, and dad, why are you even keeping it from me?I thought no secrets?"Gia asked, starting to get angry.

"Hey, calm down. Fine, you'll meet her in LA. I'm sorry for not saying anything, okay?I promise, in LA."Pierce answered calmly.

"Mom, you're not going to LA?"Gia asked.

"I'm still thinking about it."Meryl answered and Gia heaved a deep sigh.

Silence filled their atmosphere for the rest of the drive until they arrive at their Conneticut house.

"Oh, it's beautiful here."Gia uttered the moment she's out of the car.

"I'll just help dad with our things."Mason said and Gia just nodded.

"Mason, why are there two missing keys here?"Meryl asked as they enter the house.

"I don't know, maybe uncle Dana came here with his friends again and forgot to leave the keys."Mason answered.

"There is a piano?!"Gia asked from the living room.

"You like music right?C'mon, play it."Mason suddenly uttered and Gia sat in front of the piano.

"If you know it, just sing along."Gia said and she started playing "Lean on Me" by Bill Withers.

"Sometimes in our lives. We all have pain, we all have sorrow. But if we are wise, We know that there's always tomorrow."Gia started singing and Meryl who is on the phone, suddenly stopped what she is doing.

"Lean on me when you're not strong, I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on For it won't be long. 'Til I'm gonna need somebody to lean on."Gia and Mason sung in unison and their parents are just watching them.

The two finished the first chorus and Meryl is in tears.

"Good voice."Mason said and Gianna laughed.

"You're not bad yourself."Gia said and she looked at Meryl.

"Look at mommy."Gia whispered and Mason looked at her too.

"I hate you two for making me a mess."Meryl said whilst wiping her tears.

"We love you mom."The twins said in unison.

"I love you both so so much."Meryl replied and the two giggled.

"We have a problem, by the way."Meryl uttered.

"What is it?"Pierce asked with forehead creased.

"Dana used the house last week and they used his and Harry's room and he accidentally took the keys so the only available room is my room and I'm afraid that we won't all fit in there."Meryl explained.

"Gia and I can stay here in the living room just like what we do every thanksgiving so that Gia can try it."Mason said and and he quickly looked at Gia.

"How about Mason and I will be out here and you and Gia will be in the room?"Pierce suggested.

"Dad, I wanna try sleeping out here because Mason told me that when they're here they stay up late and eat midnight snacks and stuff, and I don't really experience those things."Gia intervened and Meryl and Pierce looked at each other.

"Fine, your mom and I will work it out."Pierce said and the twins' plan is a success.

"Okay then, all our things will be in the room, there's a bathroom down the hall and there is also a bathroom in my room. I think we can work with that."Meryl said and they all just agreed.

"Now rest and we'll have lunch."Pierce said and the twins nodded.

"I'll just show Gia around."Mason said and their parents just nodded.

Meryl and Pierce headed to the room and Pierce quickly removed his pants leaving him with just boxers on.

"I never had the chance to tell you this but Gia is a great girl. You raised her well."Meryl suddenly uttered and Pierce looked at her.

"She is."Pierce simply replied.

"Mason, too."Pierce uttered and Meryl just smiled.

"Uhhmm Pierce, can I ask you something?"Meryl asked softly.

"Of course."Pierce answered and he looked at her.

"Are you still mad at me?Do you still hate me because I asked for a divorce, that I ruined all our plans, our children's future?"Meryl asked and she looked down.

"I don't know, really. Meryl, yes, I still love you, I won't ever deny that but the question 'why?' still runs in my head. The question 'why did it have to be us?' still floats in my head. While I watch our twins bond with each other, it makes my heart jump in joy but at the same time I pity them because when the time comes, they will be once again far from each other because you asked for a divorce."Pierce blurted out and a tear escaped Meryl's eyes.

"Having them, and raising them with a good life was our dream but it was all thrown away because of a thing called divorce."Pierce added.

"I-I was weak. I thought you were just whining because at that time you rarely have a job and--"

"I wasn't whining. All I wanted then is for you to understand that it hurts me that I feel useless as the head of our family. Our new apartment, the twins' needs, our car, all of those."Pierce cut her off.

"And I didn't understood where you are coming from because instead of understanding you, I got fed up by the thought that I can do things all by myself."Meryl retorted, with river of tears already flowing down her cheeks.

"And when you were gone, that's when I realized that I can't really be happy with all my success, with all my achievement without you supporting me. I realized that I can't completely do everything all by myself."Meryl added and she quickly wiped her tears.

"Is Jessie your girlfriend?"Meryl asked as she continue unpacking the clothes of the twins and hers.

"Is she okay with the twins?I mean, is she going to treat the twins like her children?"Meryl asked again.

"I don't know."Pierce answered and silence filled their atmosphere.

"Meryl, do you still love me?"Pierce asked all of a sudden and it made her stop what she is doing.

"I...Y-yes."Meryl answered and Pierce looked at her.

"You really don't wanna go to LA?"Pierce asked, drifting off from their topic.

"I will go. For the twins."Meryl answered and Pierce slowly nodded.

"Where are you staying?"Pierce asked and Meryl cleared her throat before talking again.

"I have an apartment in LA."She simply answered.

"We'll stay in my house in Malibu."Pierce said and Meryl just nodded.

"Mommy, daddy, what do you want for lunch?"A voice yelled and they're sure it's Gia.

"Anything, sweetheart."Meryl answered and silence once again filled their atmosphere.

"You know, I really uhmm want us to get along for the twins. You don't have to do it for me, just for the sake of Mason and Gia. I mean, they're only thirteen and they already have gone through a lot and I think that us getting along is the least we can do for them."Meryl said, breaking the ice and Pierce nodded as he remove his shirt.

"Yeah."He simply replied and he settled on the bed.

"Wake me up when lunch is ready."Pierce said and Meryl just stared at him.

"What?You are not used to seeing me shirtless and with just boxers on?"Pierce asked and Meryl rolled her eyeballs at him before going back to what she is doing.

"As far as I remember you even lived with me being naked."Pierce said before closing his eyes.

"Oh just shut up."Meryl said and he softly giggled.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Mason is helping Gia cook their lunch.

"Do you have any idea what mom and dad might be talking about in there?"Mason asked and Gia shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe work. They'll probably ignore the topic about their past because we are not there."Gia answered.

"But notice in the car when we talked about their relationship before, they both enjoy talking about it. Well, dad tried to ignore it but they can't just get away from it."Mason said and Gia is nodding.

"Yeah, although the moment was ruined because of daddy's new girl."Gia said and Mason scoffed.

"I'll give that woman hell when I meet her."Mason said and Gia just laughed.

"What hell, Mason?"A voice suddenly asked and it made the two spun around.

"M-mom, I didn't know you are there."Mason said and Meryl smiled sweetly.

"Yes, sweetheart, I am here."Meryl said and Mason smiled.

"I-I was just saying to Gia that I'm gonna give uhmmm uhmmm dad's girlfriend hell,"Mason started, his hands are sweating, and Meryl raised a brow.

"But I was just joking, mom."He added and Meryl softly giggled.

"I know you're not. Mason, I know you from the moment I found out I was pregnant with you two."Meryl said and he looked down.

"Twins, your dad's new girlfriend is his business, and you two can't do anything about it because that is what he feels. He feels something for this woman, we'll let him be. Me, my role here is to be your mother, not his ex-wife, and as a mother, my job is to protect you two if ever that woman is going to hurt you."Meryl said softly.

"Do you think that your dad will be happy if you are going to scare his girlfriend away?No. Yes, he is your dad, I am your mom, but you can't play the parent trap thing in here, our situation is not that. Your dad and I are already over for so long, and he deserves to have what he wants to have. Understand me?Mason?Gianna?"Meryl asked.

"Yes, mommy."The twins answered in chorus and Meryl went near them.

"Remember that no matter what happens, I am just here."Meryl said almost a whisper and the twins nodded with a smile. Meryl kissed their foreheads and the twins kissed her cheek.

"Mason, Gianna, you guys are only thirteen. Go have fun and don't ever think that your dad and I's problem are your problems."Meryl uttered and the two just nodded.

"Where's dad, by the way?"Mason asked.

"Taking a nap."Meryl answered and Mason just smiled.

When their lunch is already served, they woke up and the family had a peaceful lunch.

"So what are you going to do this afternoon?"Meryl asked the two.

"I'll sleep."Gia answered.

"I'll be by the lake, I'll paint."Mason answered and Meryl nodded.

"Can I join you?"Pierce asked and Mason smiled.

"Of course, dad."Mason answered.

"Want the usual snacks, Mason?"Meryl asked and Mason eagerly nodded.

"Uhmm how about you, Pierce?"Meryl asked softly and the twins looked at each other.

"Coffee."Pierce simply answered and Meryl nodded.

Mason and Pierce quickly headed to Mason's "place" wit their easel, canvas, and paints and the father-duo positioned beside each other.

"It's beautiful out here."Pierce said and Mason softly giggled.

"That's why I love it here."Mason replied.

"Mason, do you really enjoy being with Gia?"Pierce asked.

"Yes. I mean, I never had a sister and a best friend at the same time. We understand each other so much, of course we are twins and that makes it more special."Mason answered and Pierce stopped what he is doing.

"But dad, you're going back to London eventually, right?Gia and I try our best to ignore that fact but sooner or later, we'll face that truth."Mason added.

"You know dad, all my life, all I wanted is to protect mom, because I observed that she is this fragile human being who is strong on the outside, you'll think she can tell the world everything but mom is not that, she cries silently, in front of wine or glasses or martinis at times."Mason continued and he softly giggled.

"When I met Gia, that is all I wanted too. I want to protect her too, because I know she is like mom."Mason said and Pierce nodded.

"Are you going with your mom to LA?"Pierce asked.

"Yep. I'm sure we'll stay at our apartment."Mason answered.

"Gia and I will stay at my house in Malibu, just an hour from LA."Pierce said and Mason nodded.

"I'm sure you and mom will be busy so Gia and I can just roam around the city."Mason said and silence filled their atmosphere.

"Hey guys, here are your uhmm refreshments."A voice suddenly uttered and it is Meryl. She settled their snacks and drinks in between them and she looked at Mason's work.

"Looking good, Gianni."Meryl uttered and Mason widely smiled.

"Thanks mom but I'm still not good as dad."Mason said and Pierce laughed.

"I think you're greater than me, kiddo."Pierce said and Mason just smiled.

Meryl left the boys and she decided to go back to the house and find something she can do. After minutes of searching, she found some needles and decided to just knit.

When dinner came, of course everyone is present and as usual, it's just a peaceful dinner.

The family had a nice time in Conneticut with the parents trying their best to ignore each other while they ignore work and the twins just had fun.

The moment they're back in the city, they're back to reality and they are having a dinner as a family again for the parents will discuss what will happen in California.

"So Mason and I will stay in our apartment in LA while you Gia and Pierce you will stay in your house in Malibu. Since your dad and I will be working, we decided to get a driver so he can fetch Gia in Malibu and he'll fetch Mason in LA so that you two can still spend time together."Meryl explained in the middle of their meal.

"We're going to live in separate houses?Why can't we just stay in one house?"Gia suggested.

"Gia."Pierce said sternly.

"Sweetheart, please don't make it hard for us."Meryl said calmly.

"No, mommy, don't make it hard for us. Why can't we stay in one house?Because you two are already divorced?Or because of dad's girlfriend?What is it?Tell us."Gia said, trying to be calm.

"Gia have a point mom, dad. Please, don't make it hard for us. We wanna stay in one house for us to atleast see each other everyday like a normal family because in the end, all this family dinner, family bonding, this will all be over. Gia and dad are flying back to London, mom, you and I are just going to be here."Mason intervened.

"I know it is like we are asking too much from you both but we've been separated for ten years. We didn't know each other for ten years and we just wanna keep up in those years that we lost."Mason added almost a whisper and it made Pierce heave a deep sigh.

"Your mom and I will talk about it."Pierce said without looking at them.

"Daddy, you know what?You are unbelievable and you are becoming unfair."Gia uttered and she quickly stormed out.

"Gia, wait!"Meryl said but she just ignored her mother.

"Gia."Pierce said sternly and he followed her.

"Gia, what do you want?"Pierce asked almost a shout.

"Pierce, please, let's just talk about this calmly."Meryl said to him.

"You have all the rights to be mad at mommy but don't be unfair that you'll include us in your anger. We already had enough suffering."Gia said and she immediately headed to her room, banging the door.

This is part three, a lame part although I am not sure if the next part is the last part.

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