The New Girl (A Draco Malfoy...

By SparksFlyUp

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Camille Crusoe is just transferred to Hogwarts, she's known as the new girl. Will she fit in? Will she find h... More

Chapter 1 : The Boy
Chapter 3 : Meeting my room mates I
Chapter 4: Classes
Chapter 5: Quick
Chapter 6 : Tell me I'm not crazy ..
Chapter 7 : The new teacher
Chapter 8: Revelations
Chaoter 9: Mom?
Chapter 10: Conscience ??

Chapter 2 : The new house.

3.9K 46 19
By SparksFlyUp

The next morning, I woke up early and put on a grey cardigan and a yellow sundress (which dad bought me yesterday.) Then he sent me to Kings Cross station and gave me the ticket which read platform 9 3/4. Platform 9 3/4 ? I thought. I've only heard of platform 9. But 9 3/4 ? I wondered. I held the ticket towards him but he quickly looked at his watch , kissed my fore head and said in a hurry " Sorry sweetie, I got to go. Important meeting ! Have fun and stay out of trouble !" Then he rushed away, leaving me speechless and standing in the middle of the station.

"I guess I'll have to find it myself." I whispered to myself.

I walked towards platform 9 and stood there trying to find out where platform 9 3/4 was. I asked for directions but everyone thought I was joking, but I was clearly serious. As I turned around, I saw a boy walk straight towards the wall. At first I stood there in awe as he disappeared out of sight. I saw a red headed boy about my age and walked towards him.

"Um.. Is this platform 9 3/4?" I asked.

"Yep , it is." He smiled. " By the way my names Ron."

"My names Camille."

He smiled again and a person behind him yelled " HEY, IT'S YOUR TURN, HURRY UP!"

"Got to go, see you." Then he turned around and whizzed into the wall.

I stood at the back of the line , waiting for my turn. When it was finally my turn , my heart started to race. What if I don't make it across the wall? What if I hit myself? All the thoughts raced through my mind until I finally looked at my wrist watch to see it was only 2 minutes left till boarding. I gulped and finally gathered enough courage before charging towards the wall.

Thankfully I made it ! Hallelujah ! And just in time too ! I raced inside the train just before it was about to leave. I looked around for an empty compartment, but each one was full. I guess that's what happens when you're late, I grunted. I slouched in the middle of the narrow hall way and sat on the ground. Suddenly , I saw a pair of shoes next to me . I looked up to see him.

The boy with the platinum hair. The one I saw in Madame Malkins. And these two other chubby boys I've never met before.

I stood up and brushed myself up before letting them pass. Except they didn't.

"You, what's your name?" The boy, or presumably Draco , asked.

"Camille . Camille Crusoe." I replied with an unwavering voice. He's eyes widened. 

"Why are you sitting in the halls?" He asked me.

"All the compartments are full. " I said.

"Let's go Draco , she's just w-" One of the chubby boys said. Draco nudged him.

"Shut up Goyle. Come here, you may sit with us." He gestured me to follow him.

He led me to a compartment , hidden in plain sight. We walked in and I took a seat. 

"umm.. thanks." I said with a sincere smile.

He didn't reply. Polite much ? Yeah, didn't think so.

"So you are a new student at Hogwarts?" He asked me.

"Yes. Yes I am"  I replied.

"And why are you transferring to Hogwarts at your 5th year? Which school were you in before?"

"I don't know, my dad just transferred me here. I was in Beauxbatons Academy of Magic."

"And which house do you want to be in?"


"Yes. We have four houses. Slytherin , Gryffindor , Raven claw and Huffle Puff. Slytherin is the house for the great people like us, preferably pure bloods. Gryffindor is the house for the losers like Harry Potter and his miserable friends . Raven Claw is the house for all the nerds, and Huffle puff is the house for the stupid people."

"um... well I haven't yet decided.."

"are you a pure blood?" he suddenly asked out of the blue.

"um... I guess so. "

"Great!" he said cheerfully.

Suddenly the compartment door opened and a girl with black hair entered. 

"Drakiepoo, why did you leave me ?" She said , desperately trying to look cute.

"And who is this girl! " She glared at me menacingly .

"She didn't have a seat. She's a new kid." he said annoyed.

She squeezed in between him and the other chubby kid, who then proceeded to sit next to me. Draco tried to swat her away , but she wouldn't move. It was an odd but funny sight as I tried to contain my laughter. Finally she said :

"Hi, i'm Pansy, and you are?"

"Camille " I smiled politely .

"Oh, we could be great friends! I love your hair ! It's so beautiful !" She giggled.

"Thanks " I said. People said I ad mom's hair, and it makes me happy to here I have something in common with the woman who gave birth to me. 

"By the way" she said, " Draco is mine, and if you lay a finger on him I swear you will never see the world the next day. " She hissed.

Note to self, Draco is Pansy's and stay away if you want to live, I made a note to myself. Then I smiled and nodded my head.

"Great !" She returned to her friendly self, then continued cuddling the clearly annoyed Draco. 


When we finally reached Hogwarts , me and Draco & company were separated . I had to stay in line with the new kids, mostly first years. Great. 

"All right children. Since you're new, I will escort you to the Hall." An old lady said. I think she introduced herself. What was her name again, all right , Professor McGonagall.

As we were taken to a large hall with children seated everywhere, we were sorted into a line. 

"The following students who I call out, is to sit on the stool to be sorted to their houses." She said aloud, then an old ragged looking hat appeared. Oddly, it could speak.

"Elle Poseidon" A Girl walked up and sat on the stool. "Raven claw ! " The hat said aloud, and the house in blue erupted in cheers.

"Jake Miller" A boy walked up and sat on the stool . " Gryffindor ! " The hat called out , and the house in red cheered loudly !

I looked around to see if I could find Draco , Pansy or Ron. In Gryffindor, I found Ron with a boy in a glasses and a girl with really volumed brown hair ! Then I looked around to find Draco , you couldn't miss him really. White hair and all. He was sitting with his chubby friends and Pansy , along with another boy.

"Camille Crusoe !" Professor McGonagall called out. Suddenly everyone was started to whisper in each other's ear. I walked towards the stool , wondering why everyone was whispering to each other. Was it my hair ? My face ? I was nervous.

As I sat down on the stool , the hat was placed on my head. It began to speak.

"Ah, so we have a Crusoe here? Mind cunning and sly like a slytherin, yet you are very smart like a raven claw. However, you're heart is also brave like a Gryffindor, and you're caring like a huffle puff. This is a tough one in deed. "

I gulped. uh oh, why did he say that we have a crusoe? did dad do something wrong here or what? Suddenly the hat said " I cannot seem to sort you in any house. You seem to have all the characteristics of each house !"

Everyone gasped , and the whispering began to grow louder.

"Silence !" A man in a white beard yelled.

"It seems , you are to be the second one sorted out into the house of Pondera. "

Gasps from everyone. I was flushed now. I didn't know what was going on ! Draco didn't mention a house named Pondera ! There was only Slytherin , Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Huffle puff! I was on the verge of breaking into tears.


Silence in the great hall . This is so embarrassing ! 

As the hat was taken off me , I groaned softly ( hoping no one heard it). I didn't know where to sit, I wasn't in any of the houses! And who was the other kid who was put in this house ? Did he suffer a sad school life too ?

Great. I'm new, I barely made friends and I'm placed in the house where only I'M IN IT ?? How much worse can this day get? 

As I looked around wondering where to sit, I looked at Draco , he was ignoring me . I frowned , then I saw Ron with his hand raised high as he waved at me and gestured for me to sit with him and his group. I looked at the old man with the beard for approval. He looked at me and nodded. As I ran up to Ron and his buddies , people looked in my direction.

I finally arrived and sat next to him. He looked at me and said " Woah , there's never been anyone in the house named Pondera before !" 

"The hat says she was the 'second' one ! Of course somebody's been sorted their before , dimwit ! " The girl in brow volumed hair spoke.

"Well , it's new ." A boy in glasses said. "By the way , I'm Harry Potter ."

"And I'm Hermoine."

"I'm Camille , nice to meet you" I smiled. Was Draco talking about these people in the train ? They didn't look or act like losers to me. Maybe he was wrong. 

Finally, the last child had been sorted and the old man in the white beard (which Ron told me was the Had MAster , Albus Dumbledore) Said aloud " let the banquet begin !"

Delicious types of food appeared in front of us and everyone cheered aloud , munching and taking in different types of food. 

"It's once every year , you should enjoy yourself " Ron said while stuffing food in his mouth . 

I laughed and began to fill my plate .

I guess besides being the new girl in an unknown house isn't so bad after all , I thought , smiling.

~Authors notes : I'm sorry, I just had to add another house XD Pondera is equilibrium in latin ( because she;s equal ;)) and sorry for the weirdness in this chapter (and the length ).I just had to pour my mind out, it was stuffing up with so many possibilities . I hope you'll still read my work :) Please vote ! Constructive criticism is welcome ! :D

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