fanboy | taegi

By kimjohope

6.6K 629 6.6K

--the cliché but totally not cliché story of a fanboy who fell in love with his idol-- Kim Taehyung, known as... More

twenty three
bonus: 1
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two

twenty two

149 16 349
By kimjohope

Taehyung POV

"Kim Taehyung! Chou Tzuyu!! Look here for a sec! Just one picture!!!"

I smirked, loosening my tie a little as the swarms of cameras captured my every movement. Tightening my grip on Tzuyu's waist, I led us forward. Right behind us, the rest of the gang were posing with their respective partners. Yoongi hyung and his girlfriend were there too, and I ignored them blatantly.

The red carpet for Gayo Daejon was always top tier, and it was always one of the best events to be at. Good food, great wine, and a hell of an afterparty. But before all of that, there was our performance to worry about.

"Babe, focus." Tzu's voice shook me out of my trance as I looked into the sea of paparazzi one last time before dragging her inside the stadium. She complied to my pace, walking speedily with me all the way backstage.

"What was that?" she asked, face contorted with worry. I kissed her gently, shaking my head. "Nothing's wrong, baby. I'm just a little nervous for the performance."

"O-okay." she brushed a strand of hair out of my face, just as the rest of the gang barged into the huge waiting room. She waved briefly at them before kissing me one last time. She had to go sit with her group members anyway; not to forget their photo session.

"Bye baby!" I grinned, winking at her departing self. "Do good, Oppa!" she yelled back cheerfully, turning around just to return my wink with a sultry look.

"Someone looks like they had a nice round of some hot bangin'."

"The fu- HYUNG NO."

"What did I say?" Namjoon hyung looked at me, confused. I tried to keep a straight face at the oblivious rapper, but failed miserably.

"No one says that, Namjoon." Jin hyung choked out in laughter, slapping the poor man's back hard. "I swear to god, what in hell are you?"

"It's okay, hyung." I giggled, "And to answer your question, we did have sex today."

"Speaking of sex," he grinned, facing Jin hyung, "Yoongi told me that he heard someone having sex in the bathroom this morning, at the Countdown's backstage bathroom."




"TEEEAAAA!!!" Jin hyung screeched, "It's gotta be one the production team, or some of the stylists. MY SENSES ARE TINGLING OMG."

"Bye fools, I've gotta go question the stage crew THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!"

Jin walked off, almost skipping in the air as he started questioning our stylist noonas to see if they knew anything.

"This hyung, no?" I tried to laugh, failing instantly as I looked at Namjoon. "H-he gossips too much for h-his own good."

"Yes he does, and why do you look like a constipated horse?" He asked me, patting my shoulders.


Hobi hyung walked up to us, Jimin holding him steady.

"What's up with him, Chim?" Namjoon asked, concerned.

"I thought you knew, seeing that you called him and all." Jimin glared at us, "Calling him a constipated horse DOES NOT MAKE HIS SITUATION BETTER."







As the couple walked away, Namjoon hyung grinned weakly at me. "Let's hope he does relieve himself, he has to perform well tonight. Poor Jimin's probably concerned too.."

I bit back a laugh.

"Hyung, Seokie promised Jimin that he would let him top after the Gayo afterparty." I giggled, "No wonder Jimin's worried, he can't fuck him when he's constipated."

"But the good thing is, Hobi will be all stretched out for tonight after this." Namjoon chuckled, eyebrows wiggling at his disgusting joke. NO.


(Namjoon is so gross in this chapter IM SORRY)


I decided to sit down, and focus on the performance before us as we waited. Singing softly, I let the stylists touch up my makeup. Eyes half closed, I watched what happened in front of me.

Hoseokie and Jimin were back, and the former looked like he'd 'shat a brick'. (EW) Jungkookie was on the phone with someone, and I'm guessing it's Yugyeomie, because he was blushing and looking just like the image of a 'boy in/with luv'. Seokjin hyung was still making conspiracy theories on who he thought were the couple having 'sexy time' in the bathroom stalls, and Joon hyung just looked done with life.

Oh and yes, Yoongi hyung had walked in with Chungha Noona a minute ago, and I don't think they wasted any time in exchanging saliva as they made out quite aggressively five feet away from me. He slammed her into the nearest wall, letting her wrap her legs around his waist, as they sucked face.

I couldn't help wish that I was her for a second, because she looked like she was in heaven.


"Get a room, Yoongi." Jin hyung scolded, face scrunched into a scowl. "We're almost on."

Said Yoongi pulled back for a second, and seeing his girlfriend's face I knew that she would have to redo all of her makeup. I think she knew it too, but didn't care.

If I were in her place, I wouldn't care either.

"If today morning's couple can do shit backstage, so can we." he smirked evilly.

And then he looked right at me.

"And I know who did it too."


The way Jin hyung's face changed, almost gave me whiplash.

"Yoongi, sweetie TELL ME WHO WERE THE EXHIBITIONISTS WERE PLEASE and you two can go back to sucking face." he smiled sweetly, making the two of them grin knowingly.

"I won't tell you who, but I gotta ask them to check if there are other people in the stalls next to them, because I had to sit through five minutes of pure torture."

"And they were really, really loud." he smirked yet again, eyes trained at me. "Especially the girl; and the guy sounded really hot too, so I wasn't complaining all that much."



I could feel my face heat up, sweat beading at my temples.

"Taehyungie, are you feeling sick or anything?" the stylist asked me, concern etched on her face. I tried to wave her off with a smile, but I couldn't.

"It's fine, Noona."

"Okay hon. I won't ask you more." She ruffled my hair gently, before walking off to see if Hoseokie needed some more lip gloss.

I gulped as she left, more sweat dripping down the sides of my face. I wanted her to stay and hold my hand for a minute, I needed some comfort.

"Oh the guy was somewhat loud, I guess." Yoongi's voice droned on monotonously, still smugly smiling at my frozen figure. "Hyung, remind me to meet him before the night is over; I've gotta thank him for a good time."

I think I was hyperventilating, eyes losing focus, mind freezing as my vision blurred.

The last thing I heard was a loud shriek of terror from the stylist, and someone screaming my name as my body slipped from the chair and landed on the hard floor, eyes finally locked shut; panic taking control over my thought process as my blackout greeted me with open arms.


Yoongi POV

"Taehyung!!" Park Jimin screamed as he rushed towards the fallen boy who's eyes were closed, face pale and deathly white. "FUCK, WHAT'S WRONG? WHY IS HE LIKE THIS?"

Jungkook gripped the little guy by the shoulder, "I think he had a panic attack, hyung."

Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin hyung looked really worried, and I think Jin hyung had tears in his eyes.

My eyes softened, and I could sense that it was my fault he was like this. I let Chanmi down from my grip as I stumbled towards Taehyung's body now moved to a bed; medics surrounding him in swarms.

"He had a panic attack." the doctor confirmed the obvious; looking at our direction. "He's been stressed for a while now, judging by the intensity of the blackout he's had."

"The poor baby," Jin wept, entangling his fingers around Taehyung's own. "Oh Tae. Please wake up."

"He'll come around in a few minutes." the medic comforted, patting his shoulder gingerly. "I've given him a shot, and he can even perform if he wants to; he'll be fine."

"Oh thank God." Jin cried, tears falling freely as Jimin and Jungkook surrounded him for some mental support. Hobi and Joon stood back, but they were as concerned as the others.

"Poor Taehyung.." my girlfriend whispered, clutching at my arm. "I just talked to him this morning after the Countdown, and apparently he had to leave quickly because he almost had a panic attack there too."

"He's the sweetest soul there is, Jesus!" she continued, guilt filling me up at her words. "Whoever's causing him all that pain should really suffer for hurting the nicest boy in the world."

"He should." I agreed, "He's an asshole who doesn't deserve Taehyung."

"HE?" she whispered, "You know who it is? And I thought he had a girlfriend??"

"It's a long story; and I'm going to respect his privacy."

She nodded immediately, turning back to see the heartwrenching sight before us.

All the boys were with Taehyung, eyes teary and I felt so, so guilty.

Shaking off her grip, I slowly walked to the bed, kneeling at his hand. Entwining his fingers with mine, I gazed at his face.

He looked so pained, and I wanted to die.

He'd had panic attacks because of my actions, and I felt like the world's biggest asshole.

"Taetae, please wake up." I mumbled, "I'm sorry for everything, I really am."

I could feel the burning stares of the five guys around me, and I gulped inwardly. I had a lot of explanation to do, obviously.

"When you wake up, we're gonna have to talk about some things, right?" I spoke to the still figure, "I've gotta apologise for being an asshole too, ya know?"

"I'll let you scold me, and not use honorifics with me for today okay?" I continued, "Just wake up faster kiddo."

"We've gotta discuss your future as a rapper, remember?" my grip on him tightened, "I'll let you join the next Cypher, I promise."

"I hate myself for making you cry, and I'm going to be the best hyung to you okay?"

"Please, I'm so sorry for all of this; and I never thought you'd take it to heart like that!"

"I really like you, kiddo. You're kind of like the sweetest person I've ever met."

"You gotta promise to forgive me for all my dumb actions in the past." I smiled sadly, ashamed of myself.



"Oka- WHAT??!" I screeched, met by a weak smile from the not-so-blacked-out-boy-that-was-kim-taehyung.

"I forgive you, hyung."

"Really, Tae?"

"Yeah, it's all in the past now." he grinned, sitting up gingerly. I stood up, and his hand was still in mine; I couldn't help but marvel at the work of art that was Kim Taehyung's beautiful hands.

"Thank you."

He smiled wider, wrapping his arms around my neck as he pulled me into the sweetest hug I had ever gotten, and I swear I didn't want it to end. His head was nuzzled into the crook of my neck, and his soft hair tickled my skin; it felt like heaven.

"Oh hyung-" he began, arms still wrapped tightly around my neck, and I did the same, engulfing him in a bear hug as I sat down next to him.

"Yes, Taetae?"

He pulled back, bright blue eyes meeting mine in an intense gaze. My chest constricted, as I took in his appearance. He looked absolutely breathtaking, eyes hooded with smoke, plump pink lips parted evenly.

"If this is all that I can get, I'll be happy with it forever." he smiled sadly, "You'll never understand, but that's okay. I'm content with this."

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing."

He hugged me once more, and I found myself looking at the faces of the other men.

Jungkook looked pained, Jimin mirroring the exact expression. Jin hyung looked like he was going to cry, and no they were not happy tears. Namjoon's face was contorted with pity; just for the boy in my arms. Hoseok looked like he was ready to throw hands; fists balled up all ready to punch.

"I'll be what you want me to be, Tae." I held his frame gently, whispering into his warm neck. "Just say the word."

He let out a sad laugh, "You don't mean that, hyung."

He gently pushed me away.

And I don't know why, but that single act of leaving his warmth hurt my heart; literally smashed it with a sledgehammer.

Why did he push me away?

Why did he say that?

Most importantly, why did it hurt?

My focus was lost as he got out of bed; hugging each of the boys, and even my girlfriend warmly.

"Aren't we next to perform?" he grinned, but his smile had lost it's sparkle.

"You sure you wanna do this, baby?" Jimin held him to his chest, and I felt weirdly jealous.

Why did I feel jealous? Jimin literally just called him baby.

"Maybe you want to call him that." my mind fought back, "Maybe you want him in your arms, Yoongi. Your baby, your Taehyung."

"No I don't." I fought back; surely my mind was wrong.

I have a girlfriend; and isn't it wrong to think about someone else when you already do have someone in your arms?


Taehyung POV

This is so wrong.

I shouldn't be thinking of Yoongi hyung while I have Tzuyu; it's not fair to either of us.

Maybe I shouldn't date her. I'll only end up hurting her in the end when she realises that my feelings for her aren't as deep as her's are for me.

Maybe I'm not meant to love someone, or just be loved by anyone.

And just thinking about Yoongi hyung has my heart exploding in butterflies; he just has that effect on me. And I know it's not reciprocated by him, he has his beautiful girlfriend and isn't gay or attracted to boys. Maybe I'll end up being alone.

After our performance was finished, we marched out to sit with the rest of the idol groups to watch the rest of the festivities. I could see Tzuyu at the corner of my eye, waving and asking me if she needed to come and sit where I was.

God no, she'd never leave me alone if she heard about what happened backstage. I needed some peace and quiet now, and I shook my head in a polite 'no'.

I spent the rest of the night watching Yoongi hyung interact with his girlfriend. She was beautiful and vibrant, her face full of smiles as she watched the performances with the eye of a skilled performer. She pointed out flaws and good points to hyung who nodded in earnest, agreeing with her. I could already see cameras zooming in to catch their reactions; they were the power couple of the year anyways, weren't they?

Was I jealous?

No, I shouldn't even be jealous in the least. This was wrong, really wrong.

I settled for being content with Jimin's small fingers rubbing my thighs comfortingly, and Jungkook massaging my shoulders from his seat behind me. Hobi hyung played with my hair on occasions, laughing as he saw the few blunders that happened onstage. Even the guys from GOT7 were right next to us, all laughs and smiles as we enjoyed our rare time together in public.

Finally, it was time for us to go onstage and receive our awards; both BTS and Bangtan had secured the highest ranks in two days than any other group before us. We weren't nominated for any other awards because we had just released our music. It was too late for us to even think of SOTY or AOTY.

Jin hyung hugged me tight as we walked onstage, and I settled into the embrace happily. I grinned at seeing the masses lit with ARMY bombs, fans screaming our names. I loved this so much.

Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung went up to the mic to make their speech, and the shouts quietened. That didn't last long, as Jin hyung picked up the mic and screamed.


So much for quiet.

Their speech was beautiful, and I found myself crying as Namjoon hyung thanked the world for accepting us when we came out, and for loving the album despite all the troubles and scandals that had been born through the makings of it.

"We never expected to be tied with our best friends this morning." he said, "When they announced that we had gotten the same score as Bangtan; I wasn't disappointed. I was happy that we had gotten to experience the joy of success together."

"When you win together, victory is even sweeter." Jin hyung replied, "I'm happy that we did it together, love."

"Getting the win together was meaningful for us." Jimin stepped up to the mic with a shy smile. "We are one, the seven of us."

"Even though there are fights, and tears and even heartbreak, we are a family." he looked at me for a second before continuing. "Thank you, BTS army and Bangtan ARMY for helping us strengthen our bond."

"Jimin, don't forget them." Hoseok chuckled, "You are our family too, ARMY. We love you."

"You are me, I am you!" Jungkook teased, imitating Jimin's lines from Serendipity as the crowd laughed. "Always ours, ARMY."

"Borahae!!" I smiled when it was my turn, "I purple you!"

When it was Yoongi hyung's turn, he took the mic in his hands as he stood there in silence for a bit.

No words came out of his mouth for a while, his eyes trained only at the silent crowd as tears fell down his face.

"We are not seven with you."


I don't know who hugged him first, but we piled over him in sweaty embraces; mic long forgotten. It was euphoric, the love that shone through us for each other and for our fans who loved us.

"I love you!" I screamed, and the guys screamed it back in volumes; we didn't care who heard it.

It was probably the sweetest moment in my life.

I actually forgot my worries and problems in that moment; I didn't care for anything else other than the six men who surrounded me with the warmth of family.

I was happy again.


"IT'S PARTY TIME, HOES!" Hobi hyung screamed, gulping down champagne from a long glass as we entered the huge ballroom for the afterparty. Tzuyu had left with a friend who she had promised to hang out with. I wasn't too bothered by it, and she could take care of herself, I trusted her.

"Yoongs? You're alone?" Jin hyung asked, looking a little apprehensive. The shorter man only nodded briefly before chugging down a neat whiskey. So his date had ditched him too, huh.

I began to socialise, meeting a few actors I had worked with in the past. It was fun to catch up, and even more fun to drink and dance without any worries for once. I had changed into more comfortable clothes after the event, as had the others.

"Taetae, you got moves, kiddo!" Baekhyun hyung from EXO laughed, slapping lightly at my ass as he wiggled his own at Chanyeol hyung who rolled his eyes playfully. I guess they were dating too; nice.

"This. Is. Nothing." I teased, doing a perfect slut drop right in front of them as they gaped at my boldness. "I can do more, ya know?"

"You're actually very hot, you know?" Sehun hyung walked up with a smirk, "Dance for me?"

I winked at him, giggling. I was already a little tipsy, and the party had just begun!

"Well, since you asked so nicely..." I blushed, biting my lip. "I'd be glad to."

I began to dance seductively to the song that had just started booming through the loudspeakers,

S & M - Rihanna

"I may be bad, I'm perfectly good at it." I sang, rolling my body to the sensual undertone in the song's beat. My audience watched in a trance, and I was pleased at the effect I had on the older men in a group that consisted of my seniors.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but chains and whips excite me." I crooned, thrusting my hips ever so slightly. Sehun hyung watched with hunger, and soon enough he joined me on the floor amidst cheers and hoots from his friends.

"This is so fun!" I laughed, and he chuckled with me, steadying my arms as my back rested against his chest. "And I may be a little drunk, hyung."

"Luhan's probably jealous, watching this." he admitted slyly, pointing my gaze towards his boyfriend who's fingers were gripping a long stemmed glass, face expressionless. "I'm so getting it when we get home, Tae."

(HunHan stan for life, im not even sorry they're like my OTPs in EXO after ChanBaek. kjshdhskh Kaisoo and Xiuchen and KrisHo are also cool tho)

"My girlfriend isn't even here!" I chuckled, "I can't make her jealous now, can I?"

An arm wrapped around my waist. One I didn't recognise; and I stumbled into another man's grip.

"But you can make me jealous?"

I turned to face the entity, my eyes not believing who stood before me.

"Yoongi hyung?"


okay here's the uwu moment I wanted in that Taegi hug

also YES I UPDATED kjshKDHgdhf im sorry im so late guys!

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