Two Bows (A Legolas/OC fanfic)

By XXbowandarrowsXX

288K 7K 2.4K

Ryanne is a she-elf living in Rivendell. She was taken in by Lord Elrond when she was a small child due to he... More

The Council
Spies and...mines?
Cave Trolls and Mithril
Balrogs and Lothlórien
Riders of Rohan
The White Wizard
Théoden King
To Helms Deep
Attack from Isengard
Arriving and Seeing
Fighting for Helms Deep
For Rohan!
The Palantír
Gondor's Calling
The Encampment
War and Revival
The Black Gate
Eye and Mountain
Back Home
Authors Note

All is at Rest

6.6K 191 31
By XXbowandarrowsXX

A/N: I added a picture of Ryanne's hairstyle she has during Aragorn's crowning. Just pretend that her dress is different.


The ride to Gondor was exhausting and longer than I remembered it being.
My whole body was covered in bruises and scratches from fighting and falling, and whenever I moved, my body ached.

But nonetheless, I tried to stay strong, and not say anything about it. But it was still obvious, and Legolas never believed me when I told him I was fine.

"I promise Legolas, I am alright."
"No Ryanne, you are not. Look at yourself, you are hurt."
I sighed. "So are you." He looked at me sideways.
"I didn't fall from a hundred feet in the air."

I frowned, but didn't say anything in reply. I knew he was right, I just didn't want to admit it.
"When we get to Gondor, I will get my wounds treated, I promise."
"So will we all, than Aragorn will get crowned and..."
He trailed off, but I knew what he was going to say.

We would both have to go home. Me to Rivendell, him to Mirkwood. And we might never see each other again.
"It will be okay." I told him.
He smiled tiredly. "I hope."

And we rode together in silence for the rest of the ride, each of us thinking our own thoughts and trying not to think too far ahead.
Aragorn rode in front of us for the whole ride, searching for Gandalf in the air, but to no avail.

So when he saw his kingdom in the distance, he let out an exclamation of joy and pushed his horse faster.
Legolas and I followed, the ready of the men following us.

We were sighted quickly, and people streamed from the castle to receive us. The men of the army led those horses away, but servants stayed to help Aragorn, Legolas and I.
Rhea was led into the stables and I dismounted. My legs gave way almost instantly and a servant grabbed me, helping me stand.

I thanked him quietly, before trying to support myself. I had probably more than one bone damaged in my leg along with multiple muscles. The servant called for Aragorn, and he appeared quickly with Legolas.

Aragorn dismissed the servant and turned to me. "Ryanne, can you hear me?" I nodded. "Yes, I can hear you fine, I just have injured my leg."

He looked at me leaning against Rhea's pen. "Can you walk?" I hesitated, than nodded. "I can try."
He took my hand, Legolas the other, and we walked slowly into the castle, where more servants and healers received us with worried faces and tones.

"Look at them, what happened!"
"The poor girl, she must be so tired!"
I frowned when they said that, but they kept talking.

"Why would they risk their lives like that?"
"Look at them, they are so hurt!"
"Get them to their rooms!"

Soon, I was taken from Aragorn and Legolas by a few women.
"No!" I said weakly. "No, let me stay with them!"

"Hush dear, everything will be alright now."
I struggled, but I was too tired and I doubt I put up much of a fight.
"No, Aragorn tell them to stop!"

He smiled at me. "Ryanne, they are going to help you, trust me. We will see you soon."
And with that, him and Legolas went with the others, disappearing from my view.

The women holding me gently led me into my room and started to pour me a bath.
I sat in a large chair, watching them as they opened my wardrobe and brought out clean clothes for me and laid them on my bed.

Than, one came over to remove my weapons for me and helped me undress and step into the warm water.
"We will be right outside, hurry with your bath."
I nodded and they shut the door behind them.

I relaxed in the water, happy that everything was done, finally being able to relax.
I washed my hair and scrubbed the dirt and blood from my body, which made my bruises stand out more.

After a while, I stepped out and dried my self off. The woman from before came into the bath room to hand me my clean clothes and brush my hair.

I changed into the long skirt that floated around me like silk and the comfortable shirt that went down to my hands.
She brushed my hair until it was dry, than led me out and to my bed.

"Sleep now child, rest yourself."
I climbed into the sheets and closed my eyes.
I was asleep before she left the room.


My eyes opened slowly, and I tried to shake off the feeling that they were glued shut.

I blinked a few times to try and clear my vision. That was when I noticed that someone was holding my right hand. Without lifting my head, I turned to the right to see who it was.

"Éowyn!" I spoke softly.
She smiled. "Welcome back Ryanne."
I closed my eyes and sighed heavily.
"It's over isn't it? It's all over."
"Yes, it's a miracle the Hobbits survived. Frodo still hasn't awaken yet, however."

My eyes flew open. "Éowyn, how long was I asleep?" She laughed softly.
"Two days. Aragorn's crowning is today in the afternoon. We thought we might have to put it off if you hadn't woken up yet."

I smiled. "He will be the best King Gondor has ever had."
"Yes he will." She agreed.
"But let's get you up and dressed, pray tell how you survived that fall."

She and I talked quietly while she helped me into my now clean clothes. Brown pants, blue shirt and brown boots. My weapons were by my bed and I put them on too.

Éowyn told me that it was still very early in the morning, and many people won't be up yet. So after I was dressed, she came with me to walk the castle.

The two of us strolled casually through the gardens and halls, finally being able to relax, knowing The Ring was destroyed.
We saw the sun come up, and she told me how she had watched it come up the day we embarked to the Black Gate, she was scared like never before.

"Aragorn led us to victory." I told her.
"As he has done countless times before."
She smiled. "He will be glad to finally be home."

"Ryanne?" A voice sounded behind us.
Turning, my face broke into a smile when I saw Legolas.
I ran towards him, and he caught me in his arms, hugging me close.
"You were asleep for two days, we were wondering if you would ever awake!"
He pulled away and kissed me gently.

"I love you." He told me.
"I love you too."

"Haha! Here's that warrior girl!"
We both turned to see Aragorn turning the corner by us.
I smiled.
"The one and only, my King!"
He laughed again.

"Frodo's awake, thought you might want to know."
My heart sped up. He was awake!
Legolas smiled with relief and took my hand.

He followed Aragorn and to the Hobbit's room where Merry, Pippin, Sam, Gimli and Gandalf were already with him.

The six of them looked up when we came in. Frodo was in a huge bed with the covers around his waist. He was wearing bed clothes and looked exhausted but also very happy.

"Ryanne!" Frodo said in a small voice. "Legolas, Aragorn!"
"We are all here Master Baggins." Aragorn said. "Here and well."

I crossed the room and laid a hand on the Hobbit's small shoulder.
"You were brave Frodo Baggins." I told him. "Very brave. I honor you for what you did."
He smiled up at me.

"I couldn't have done it without Sam." He said in a whisper.
"Not without Sam."


The same maids that helped me when we returned from the Black Gate reappeared a few hours later and hurried me off to my room.
Éowyn told me that Aragorn's crowning would take place soon, and I had to look as nice as I ever will.

I didn't quite know how to reply to that.

Dresses were never my thing, and I was uncomfortable with getting my hair done of having makeup on my face. But for today, I would do it.

My maids first washed me again, but did it themselves, which made me feel more or less awkward. They washed my hair with a sweet smelling soap and rubbed the same scent on my body.

Than they dried me off and got to work on my hair. They put it in long, spindly curls that ran to mid-back. A part of it was tied in a small flower-looking shape on the back of my head.

Lastly, they put white flowers in my curls and pinned them in place.
I looked in the mirror and was surprised. My hair wasn't matted or tangled with blood in it. It actually looked nice.

I guessed this is what it was like to be royalty everyday.

The maids next helped me into a beautiful white dress that ran to the floor. It had small straps that held it up, and more small flowers on the bodice.
The skirt was plain white but I had to hold the hem up off the ground to walk.

Finally, the handed me a pair of small, white shoes that made me a few inches taller.
I was glad for the shoes, next to Legolas and Aragorn, I was noticeably short.

A knock interrupted the maid's work and one went to open it.
It was Éowyn, in a blue dress, looking stunning.
She smiled when she saw me.

"Oh Ryanne, you look so beautiful!"
I laughed nervously. "I've never been so...dressed up."

"Come along." She told me. "The ceremony is about to start!"

I followed her through Gondor and outside to the courtyard where many people were already gathered, waiting for their long-desired king.
As we wove through the crowd, I spotted Aragorn standing on a stone platform with Gandalf and other men.

I caught his eye and smiled at him, waving. He inclined his head and smiled back. I guess kings weren't supposed to wave.
Éowyn led me to where Legolas and Gimli were, and they saw us before we saw them.

"Ryanne!" Legolas said. "You look beautiful!" I smiled. "Thank you, you look just as nice."
He took my hand, pulling me close to him. I went with it, not disagreeing.

Our attention turned to Gandalf as he began to speak.
"Here come the days of the king." He spoke loudly. "May they be blessed."
He took a silver crown from a man's hands and gently placed it on Aragorn's head.

As soon as he wore the crown, the crowd erupted with cheers and clapping. I clapped along with them, happy beyond belief for Aragorn.
Gandalf turned and walked down from the platform, joining the rest of us below the new king.

Aragorn walked forwards, raising one hand to calm his people.
"This day does not belong to one man alone." He said in a bold voice.
"But it belongs to us all. Let us rebuild this world so that we can live amongst each other in peace!"

The crowd cheered again, louder this time, and white petals began to rain from the sky. The showered Aragorn and his people, and I saw many smiling faces around me.

The petals fell in my hair and I looked at Legolas who seemed mildly surprised at having petals in his hair as well. I smiled and laughed softly.

I turned back to Aragorn, however, when he started singing. I had never heard him sing, and he sounded beautiful.
His song was in Elvish, but many in the crowd sung with him, and soon, all were singing.

It ended shortly but beautifully and Aragorn seemed as happy as I had ever seen him before.
He walked down from his platform and onto the carpet leading into the crowd. As he passed us all, everyone bowed to him.

Éowyn and Faramir bowed first and he smiled at them. Than came Éomer and the elves. Gimli, Gandalf, Legolas and I bowed as well.
Aragorn stopped by us putting a hand on Legolas's shoulder and one on mine.

"My friends." He spoke to us. "I thank you for standing with me through the hardest times. I would choose none else to have been with me."
Legolas and I nodded once and smiled at him.

Two Elves came forward, flanking a third carrying the flag of Gondor. I couldn't see the girl carrying the flag, but she seemed familiar.
Than, when the two elves stepped aside to reveal her face, my jaw dropped.

It was Arwen.

Aragorn seemed surprised as I was and he moved forward to hold her. He took the flag from her hands and tilted her face up to meet his.
Slowly, he bent down, and in front of all his people, he kissed her right on the lips.

I smiled and turned to Legolas, who was also smiling. They were happy together, and I could tell Elrond was happy with them together as well.
They broke apart after a while and Arwen smiled softly up at him.

Than together, they turned and walked towards the four Hobbits who stood at the side of the carpet Aragorn had just walked down.
He looked at them, waiting for something. And one by one, all four of them slowly kneeled before the new King of Gondor.

Aragorn smiled and looked down at them.
"My friends, you bow to no one." He said, so everyone could hear.
Than surprisingly, Aragorn kneeled before the Hobbits, who looked just as surprised.
The crowd followed suit slowly. Each kneeling and respecting the Hobbits that had just risked their lives for the safety of Middle Earth.
Legolas and I kneeled as well with Éowyn and Faramir.

I could see Frodo's face from where I was and he looked....happy. That was the only word for it. Not happy because a king was bowing to him, but happy that he could return home now that everything was finished.

And I could go home too.


A/N: So...thats like, it.
Its so sad because I've been working in this book for months and now it's over and I have no idea what to do anymore.

I need book suggestions. If anyone has any book suggestions, by all means comment at message me to let me know.

Anyway, I might write one or two more chapters after this one about Ryanne returning home or going I Mirkwood with Legolas.
They do end up together, obviously.

I hope you liked it! But stay tuned for more non-movie chapters!
Still give a commented smiley face if you liked it!



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