Secrets (Niall Horan)

By ImUnoriginalSorry

3.6K 34 2

[COMPLETED] I'm bad at descriptions but it's a good story so read it! More

Secrets (Niall Horan)
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
New FanFic

Chapter 13

156 1 0
By ImUnoriginalSorry

I woke up to my alarm. It was 9:30 and the boys interview was at 11:00. I wanted to be up when they left and so I could watch their interview. I took a quick shower and put on grey sweatpants with a my Cool Story Bro Tell It Again shirt. It was a bright neon color with black lettering. I walked downstairs to find all the boys eating cereal. I decided that would be a yummy breakfast so I poured myself a bowl to.

"Good morning!" Liam chirped as I sat down at the table. We all were sitting at the table and not at the counter on the bar stools, weird.

"Morning" I said sitting at the end of the table.

"Is it ok if I have a friend over after the interview?" Niall asked me.

"Why are you asking? Of course you can" I said.

"Well it's your house so I figured it would be polite to ask" Niall said, well isn't that cute!

"Who is it?" I asked taking my first bite of cereal.

"Umm Justin Bieber" Niall mumbled a bit. I literally spit cereal and milk all over the table!

"Niall! You know how I feel about him." I said ignoring the mess I had made. I didn't realize that all the boys, besides Niall, were looking at me as if I was insane.

"I know, but give him a chance. Also Alfredo Flores is coming to." Niall said.

"Alright, well I'll just be in my room when you guys get back" I said eating more cereal.

"Your not gonna clean that up?" Louis asked changing the subject.

"Yes I will" I said cleaning up my mess.

  After breakfast the boys left for there interview. I sat in the living room and watched the TV.  

"And now ONE DIRECTION" the women interview said. Soon the boys were walking onstage and sitting in there own separate chairs.

"So how's Michigan boys?" She asked.

"It's been absolutely wonderful" Harry said with a cheeky smile.

"We haven't got to see much if it though, we might need Hannah to take us around and show us more of it" Liam said this made the audience cheer.

"I love the weather, it's always warm and sunny here" Louis commented.  

"Yeah wait till the winter! It's a mitten for a reason bro" I yelled at the screen even though I knew he couldn't hear me.  

"So who's Hannah?" She asked even though it looked as if she knew the answer.

"My little sister" Harry said happily.

"Ohh yes, you tweeted these yesterday. Right?" She asked Harry.

"Yeah, Liam took the pictures, he was being sneaky." Harry said and Liam blushed a little.

"Well they were just like bonding and I thought it was cute, other siblings don't get along so well" Liam shrugged.

"Like you and your sisters?" Louis asked and everybody laughed, including myself.  

The interview went on about stupid things and I kind of tuned out. My attention was caught back in when the lady said "last question, who of you have girlfriends?" Louis, Zayn, and Niall's hands raised. "I'm dating Eleanor" Louis said smiling at the camera. "I'm dating Perrie" Zayn mumbled into the microphone. "I'm dating Hannah" Niall said blushing a little bit.

"Hannah who?" This caught her attention.

"Hannah Styles" Niall said, I felt butterfly's began to flutter.

"How do you feel about this Harry?" She asked. Harry didn't expect to be asked this question. He sat there stumped for a bit. He couldn't say he didn't like the idea, he'd look like a jerk.

"Well I think if two people love each other, than they should be together. If its meant to be, it will be. Who am I to stand in front of true love?" Harry said, the audience aww'd.

Harry did add "And Niall knows what will happen if he hurts her" he had a smile on his lips but I knew he actually meant it.

Niall's eyes got wide and he pretended to look scared, but then he laughed with everybody else. Right as the show ended the boys walked through the front door. I guess it wasn't live. Harry walked in and sat next to me.

"Did ya see it?" He asked.

"Yeah, it was weird having you talk about me. And all that love stuff.." 

"Well I wasn't exactly lying, whatever boyfriend you have will be your boyfriend, and I can't stop that." Harry shrugged.

"Your a good brother" I said and Harry smiled at me. Soon the rest of the boys came in laughing, with Justin Bieber and the other guy. I began hitting the back of my head on the back of the couch repeatedly.

"Are you ok?" Justin finally asked. All the boys knew why I was doing it.

"Just dandy" I said sarcastically, obviously he didn't pick up on it. All the boys sat on the couches. Niall sat on the other side of me. Louis, Justin, Alfredo all sat on the other couch and Liam and Zayn sat in the big chair. It was a big chair that I loved so much! It was super comfy!

"So you two are really dating?" Justin asked.

"No it's all a publicity thing" I said rolling my eyes. It wasn't really but that's what Harry thought, and I think he knows I'm being sarcastic.

"Ohh.. Sorry"

  -awkward silence-  

"Well I'm gonna go to my room, you boys have fun" I said while standing up, I walked to my room and sat on my bed. What to do? BLACK OPS! I turned on my Xbox and grabbed a controller. I sat on the end of my bed and turned on my big flat screen TV that hung in my wall.

"NEWB!" I yelled at the guy who made my team lose. Even though he could've been anywhere in the world. And I don't have my mic on either. A few minutes later a new game started. Right when it did Justin and Niall walked in my room, I normally would've asked him what's up but I was in my zone. After a few minutes some guy shot me from the other team.

"Maybe you should get a life and not sit playing video games all day" I said to him.

"You do know they can't hear you?" Justin asked

"She knows, she's just special" Niall said. I stopped playing and looked at him.

"I'm normal" I said kinda slow... I think that just runs in the family or something!

"Ohh but your not" Niall teased.

"Well thanks Horan" I said.

"Anytime, were going to the mall so lets go" Niall said grabbing my hand.

"I need to get ready" I said letting to of his hand and running into my closet.

"Why? You look beautiful right now" Niall said as he walked into my closet to.

"Yeah but if I'm going to the mall with one direction and Justin Bieber, I can't look like a hobo. I need to look nice" I said grabbing a pair short jean shorts. I figured my shirt was good enough.

"I need to change" I expected Niall to leave but be just stood their and winked at me.

"Niall!" I slapped him playfully and he raised his hands in defense, he walked out of my closet and shut the door so I could change. Once I changed my shorts a grabbed my black flip flops and put them on. I walked out if my closet to find Niall and Justin talking about something. I didn't really care. I stood infront of my mirror in my room and took my hair out of the bun. My curly hair fell halfway down my back.

"I'm ready" I said grabbing my iPhone and some money.

"Lets go" Niall said and then we walked downstairs. We all piled into the suburban, it was really packed! Niall sat in the back so I slid in next to him. Justin sat next to me. Of course! Liam, Zayn, and Alfredo sat in the middle. Harry was driving and Louis was in the passenger seat

. "Why are we going to the mall? this really random." I said yawning, I was tired.

"So everybody will know you two are in a relationship and blah blah blah" Harry said. He seemed not so pissed about the whole thing now, I guess that's good. The ride to the mall was fun. Justin doesn't seem like a major douche to me. I guess it's just a big act in front of his fans and everybody. He was actually a fun guy to be around.

"Okay, so we need a person who we'll be with the whole time in case we get mobbed by fans, grab the person and run back here" Liam said.

"Hannah!" Niall said grabbing my hand.

"BOOBEAR!" Harry yelled as he stood next to Louis.

"Zayn?" Alfredo asked and Zayn nodded his head. They both seemed alike.

"Leeyum" justin said and we laughed.

"To the mall!" Louis said and we all walked towards the entrance. Me and Niall were still holding hands together. When we got in the mall everybody went different directions.

"But there's only ONE direction" I gasped watching them all. This made Niall crack up, he was still laughing when we got inside the first store, which happened to be Hollister.

"Calm down Niall" I said laughing a little.

"It was just... So funny" he said. I just looked for a cute top. I noticed two girls watching us from the corner. I just ignored them. Soon they had there phones out and were taking pictures.

"Would this look cute babe?" I asked holding the top in front of me.

"You make everything look cute" Niall winked. I leaned in and gave him a kiss. We both started to smile during the kiss when the girls Aww'd at us. We both smiled at them and soon they were walking in our direction.

"Hello" Niall said with our fingers still entwined together.

"Hi" the blonde squeaked out.

"What are you two doing here?" The brunette asked.

"Shopping, and to spend time together" Niall said, I was happy he was talking to them and not making me because they both were sending me death glares.

"Ohh yeah cuz your dating and everything" the blonde mumbled.

"You heard?" Niall asked

"It's everywhere on twitter" the brunette said looking down a her phone.

"Wow word spreads fast" Niall said chuckling a little.

"Sure does, especially when one of you boys start dating a girl, the fandom kind of falls apart" the blonde said with disgust while looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Well maybe if our fans accepted us and our choice of who we date that wouldn't happen now would it?" At first Niall's words were harsh but then They softened a little. The blonde seemed taken back by this comment. She just stood there with her jaw dropped looking at him.

"Yeah we better get going, I'm not gonna stand here and let somebody criticize my girlfriend in front of my face" Niall said then he pulled me up to the cash register to purchase my shirt.

"Uhh thanks, for that" I said awkwardly, nobody has ever really had my back like that before. Well besides Harry, a couple of times in England.

"I just don't understand, did she think I was stupid and couldn't tell that she was being a jerk? I mean I'm not the smartest guy but c'mon! I'm not a bloody fool" Niall said while paying for my shirt. I wasn't going to argue with him right now over who was gonna pay for it. We walked out of the shop and just wondered around the mall.

"There just dumb girls" I said blowing it off.

"Have you been on twitter lately? She was right, girls are arguing about you. Some are saying how your using me. That doesn't make sense, you wouldn't need to use me for fame, your brothers Harry Styles! Wow some of these girls are dumb" Niall said scrolling through tweets. Well that kind of hurts to know that's what they think of me.

"This one girl said 'Hannah and Niall are the cutest thing ever, all you haters can leave this fandom because if you were a true fan you would love whoever makes our boys happy. Hannah makes Niall happy, end of story'" Niall read the tweet.

"That's so sweet! What's her twitter name?" I asked pulling out my iPhone and going on my twitter app.

"Umm I just responded to her and retweeted it, her username is really long" I went on Niall's profile and then the girls, she had like 100 followers. I followed her and favorited her tweet. Than I responded 'thanks sweetie, I'm glad there's directioners out there who still like me xx'  

"I just don't understand why they care so much" Niall said as we sat down on a bench.

"They act as if they are in charge of us and what we are allowed to do, last I checked it was my life, I can do whatever I want" Niall pouted and crossed his arms.

"Don't worry about them, they probably flipped when the others got girlfriends, they'll get over it or they'll learn to live with it. It's not bothering me. I don't care if my twitter is full of hate and 8 million people hate me." I shrugged my shoulders, it honestly didn't bother me. The girls will get over it.

"Yeah, talk to Eleanor and Louis about it" Niall said running his hands through his hair.

"Niall, it will be fine. They hate me, not you" I said rubbing his back.

"But if I see one more hurtful comment I'm gonna blow up" Niall sighed rubbing his eyes.

"Lets to get ice cream" I said, Niall eyes lit up when he looked at me, he had a big grin on his face.

"What a great idea" he said grabbing my hand and running towards the food court. We ran to the ice cream shop that was empty except for the employees.

"What can I get for you?" The teenage boy, around my age, asked.

"A double scoop, triple chocolate fudge please" I said. The man scooped it and handed it to me. Those were either two giant scoops or that guy didn't know how to count. Niall ordered superman ice cream, the kinda with all the colors. His was just as big as mine!

"Lets go babe" Niall said taking my hand. We walked out and sat at a table near the back, behind a large plant, so we wouldn't be spotted so easily. We sat across from each other licking our ice creams.

"This is a lot of ice cream" I complained, it kept melting down my hand before I could lick it all. "Here" Niall said grabbing my ice cream. He licked all the way around it and took a big chunk out of the top of it. I couldn't help but laugh. He had a mouthful of chocolate ice cream and it was running down his chin. Niall began laughing and covering his mouth so the ice cream wouldn't fall from his mouth.

"Your such a dork" I said handing him a napkin. He gratefully took it and wiped his mouth after swallowing the ice cream.

"That's what the bullies used to call me" Niall gasped.

"Really? They called you a dork? And you got offended?" I asked laughing lightly.

"Well they said it in a mean way, but you probably meant in a cute way, right?" He asked smiling like a... Dork ;)

"Of course" I winked. Niall was just leaning on the table he didn't even realize that his ice cream was about to tip over.

"Niall!" I gasped. Niall looked down and his eyes went wide as his ice cream hit the table. Niall was completely speechless.

"It was just- but I-" Niall wasn't making any sense.

"Here, chocolates better anyways" I said handing him my cone.

"what are you gonna eat?" Niall asked looking in my eyes.

"I have a brain freeze already" I said smiling at him. His face lit up and he leaned in and gave me a kiss. Then he ate the rest of my ice cream cone. My phone began ringing loudly, I quickly answered it

"Hello?" "Where. Are. You?" Harry asked panting. That could only mean one thing… the girls.

"Food court, behind the big plant" I said. Harry hung up and I slid my phone back into my pocket. Before I could explain to Niall we already heard Harry running in. Soon he was kneeling down next to the table and peering through the plants long leaves.

"Shit" Harry mumbled. We could hear the girls running in. We got up and tried to casually walk out the door but we were spotted. I know this because we heard squeals and then footsteps running. We ran out if the exit and along the mall. We are on the opposite side if the mall that we parked on. I seen Niall glance back and then he smirked

"we got some track stars aye?" I gasped when a girl said "yeah" she was literally right behind me! I tried running faster and so did the boys. That girl kept up! Soon she stepped on the back of my heel, causing me to trip and fall flat on my face. I began to get up when I was kicked down! Now the giant mob of girls were fricken running over me! I covered my head with my hands and tucked my legs under me. But soon a hard forced pushed me over and I felt people stepping on my face. People were stepping all over my body, the pain was excruciating! I felt blood running out of my nose. Somebody's heel went on my eye and stepped down, when I opened it my vision was blurry. I heard a loud yell and then I blacked out.  

*****Harry's POV*****

I got my cell phone out and called Paul, he knew we were going to the mall so I'm sure he was here.


"Paul!" I yelled.

"I see you, oh my god!" And with that he hung up. I looked over at Niall and seen him concentrating on running.

"Ni! Hannah?" I yelled hoping he understood. Niall looked back and immediately stopped. I did to. I turned around and noticed that most of the girls were following us but a few were back a bit, in a little group. Yeah I'm not dumb, I can assume what they were doing! Me and Niall ran back and practically pushed girls out of our way. Once we got to the other group of girls surrounding my sister they all backed away when they seen us, except for one girl who was beating the crap out of my unconscious sister.

"Are you a idiot!" I grabbed the girl and pushed her hard against the outside wall of the mall. Yeah prolly not a good idea, but i was pissed!

"I'm sorry babe" she winked, the girl was really trying to flirt with me right now?

"What is wrong with you!! That's my sister! God I hate people like you! Fuckin directionATER! Don't ever call yourself a fan again you piece of sh-" I was cut off by Niall covering my mouth.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me towards Paul's black suburban. Paul was carrying Hannah back to. Some of the girls started following us but stopped when I yelled

"NO! Don't you dare follow us! I hate you!" And again Niall's hand cut me off.

Niall got in the front seat and I slid in the middle. Paul laid Hannah down and her head laid on my lap. I'm glad Niall's not trying to be the protective boyfriend, even though they call this "dating for publicity" I know they actually like each other. That's why I try not to make a big deal about it.

"Do we have any tissues?" I asked. The blood still running from her nose was crazy! I've never seen such a bad nose bleed.

"Here" Niall said passing my a box. Well that's kind of random. I grabbed one and just held it under her nostrils since I didn't really know what I was doing.

"Uhh here mate, lets sit her up" Niall said. He was completely turned around in his seat and helping me sit her up. Her head leaned on my should for support. The blood also began to run on my shirt but I didn't really mind.

"Pinch on the bridge of her nose and out the Kleenex under her nose." Niall instructed, he seemed to know about it more than I did.

Niall grabbed a wet wipe from a first aid kit and wiped Hannah's face off. "Niall you don't have to do that, we can do that when we get home" I said.

"She would kill us if anybody seen her a 'mess' like she would call it" he explained and I nodded in agreement.

Hannah had to look average where ever she went. She may be wearing sweat pants and a hoodie but she always has her hair done and she still looks pretty. The ride home was silent, very silent. I carried Hannah inside and laid her on her bed. She was wearing skinny jeans and a tshirt. This may sound weird but I took her jeans off and put on sweat pants. This wasn't a pervish thing! and I have seen her in a bikini and it's the same thing. I sat on the side of the bed and inspected Hannah's face. She had a black eye, swollen bottom lip, bruised cheek and bloody nose. I got up and stormed out of the room, looking at her made me hate them girls even more! I was walking down the steps when I couldn't handle it anymore, I punched the wall with all my might. Yupp there was a large hole there now, nice one styles. I walked back up the stairs and to my room. I sat on the bed and began thinking.. I should be in there with Hannah right now! I shouldn't be destroying her house! But when I see her I get mad. So what should I do? I'm just gonna sit here and stare out the window. Yupp maybe that will take my thoughts off some of this.  

*****Niall's POV*****

Harry just took Hannah inside up to her room. I stayed outside with Paul to explain to the boys what happened to Hannah when they got back. Liam seemed shocked that our "precious" fans could do such a thing. Louis cursed a lot but still listened. Zayn just stared at me with the same expression on his face, he seemed tuned out but I know he caught every word. Justin and Alfredo seemed shocked and sad. When I was done we all went in the house. All the boys went to their room and Justin and Alfredo left, saying to tell them when she woke up and they'd be back. I went upstairs, I seem Liam filling in a hole in the wall? Weird. I went in Harry's room to find him about to throw his lap top out the window.

"Harry!" I yelled. That didn't phase him, he threw the laptop and it went flying out the window like a frisbee, maybe it will land on the trampoline and not break. That's the third laptop he's got in a year, they always seem to mysteriously get smashed.

"Them god damn bitches video taped it all! There fucking proud of it! Well guess what I'm fucking done! I'm done with this 'being famous' shit!" Harry yelled.

Well where's Louis when ya need him! He's good at comforting Harry, not me!

"Hey don't worry, Simon will know what to do" I hoped I said the right things.

"Yeah probably, he's here in Michigan. I'm sure he'll be here any minute" Harry sighed.

And with that, the doorbell rang.

[A/N I will be updateing later this week! And please vote, if you want]  :)

~Tild xx

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