The Z star

By buttercup_pie

412 116 18

In a world where when you are born with alphabets written on the hands stating the level of power in a human... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 3.

36 12 5
By buttercup_pie

I was always fascinated by people who are considered completely normal, because I find them the weirdest of all. ~ Johnny Depp 

I woke up and looked at my surroundings, I was lying down on a chair in an empty room. Checking my wrists and ankles there were no signs that I was tied up. However my mind kept giving me flashbacks of being tied up in a chair. 

Running my hand through my now open hair, I tied it up and got up. Just as I was about to open the door, it jerked open in my face. 

"Hey there you are", Nora said entering the room with a file in her hand.

"How was the test? Why do I not remember anything? How did I get here? I have so many questions", I coughed out. 

She handed me a glass of water. I eyed it while it was in her hands. "It's safe", she replied after noticing my hesitation. 

I gulped it down as if it was an elixir that my body needed. "So can I go home now?"

"Yeah sure, your aunt is waiting for you outside."

I muttered a thanks and rushed outside to meet my aunt. 

"Hey sweetie how was it?"my aunt questioned the minute I reached her and also puled me in for a hug. 

"I really don't know",  I answered honestly. 

"That's okay, I 'm sure you did fine", she assured while we walked to the parking lot. 

As soon as I sat in the car my aunt placed a burger on my lap. "Eat up, I'm sure you're starving by now". 

"Thank you", I smiled at her and literally gulped down the whole burger in two minutes as I wouldn't have lasted another minute without food.  After I was done eating she handed me a soda. 

Once my stomach was all cared for I put on the radio to fill up the silence in the car while my aunt drove humming along to the tunes playing. 

As soon as I reached the house, I went to freshen up and take a nap.  I woke up to my phone playing the lyrics - And there goes the alarm ringing in my head Like somebody said, "don't you trust him, no" Texting from his ex, what did you expect?

Rubbing my eyes to get rid of my bedroom eyes I shut off the alarm. Checked the time it was nearly time for dinner. Putting my phone to charge, I strolled to the kitchen where my aunt was busy stirring some pots and frying some chicken in a pan. 

"Whatever's cooking smells amazing", I said rubbing my tummy. 

"Amazing enough to bring people back from the dead. How was your nap? ", she questioned. 

"I have no idea how I slept so much, the test tired me out way more than I thought", I sat on a stool while she continued her stirring. 

"Mia called the landline". 

"Yeah I saw my phone, got a lot of missed calls I'm gonna call her now", I said in response. 

I walked back to my room and unplugged my phone, I dialed Mia. 

"Hey Mia", I chirped. 

"You girl! Where have you been? "

"I passed out really bad, once I was home".

"How was the test?", she questioned.

"I don't know honestly, I just hope it was good. What about you?

"Same here, you know what Tenor  like always is bragging about how he got a hot examiner and how she flirted with him."

"He's so desperate man, don't know how he doesn't know till now that no one buys the rubbish he utters". We continued gossiping about all our classmates until my aunt called me for dinner. 

"This is so yummy, Aunt Rachel" I literally gobbled everything she made and took a second serving. She smiled and watch me eat like I've been starved for a couple of months along with finishing her own dinner. 

"Wait a second Em, I've got dessert too", she said as I stood up to leave. 

"And the award of best aunt goes to you", I imitated handing an award to her when she put down a plate in front of me and she just laughed at my bad acting skills. 

My aunt loved to cook and bake. However her baking skills were far better than any of the local shops in the area, which makes me even more lucky as I love desserts and she loves baking new recipes. Today's special was chocolate rainbow ice cream cake. I took a big bite of my cake. 

'This is so the best desert ever', I tried to say with my mouth full unfortunately nothing could be understood as my aunt told me to finish what's in my mouth first and then speak. I nodded in response. 

"This is so amazing, best one I've ever had so far and I am going to eat more" I gushed. 

"Thank you so much dear, also you can have as much as you want, I've made a lot".

After four servings, I was finally too full to eat any more. I bid my aunt goodnight and walked to my room. Changing into my night clothes, I took my phone and searched for a movie to watch online as I slept so much during the day that sleep was like a foreign term to me. 

I decided to watch one of the latest movies that released a couple of months ago, a rom com genre. 

Not knowing when during the movie my eyes shut. 

I got up startled feeling something licking on my face. Opening my eyes, I rubbed a hand on my face and found some gross wet slimy substance all over my face. 

"Ew!", I muttered and wiped it off on my top. I looked at my surroundings and I was not in my bedroom. I noticed a lot of equipment like a microscope and a couple of computers and big screens. Walking towards the door I opened it and saw a tag of LABORATORY written in capitals on the door. 

I walked back into the room and switched on the computers, I also looked around at the other high-fi stuff. Everything looked expensive as some of them still had the plastic covers on them. 

Suddenly I heard a cat meowing. 'What's with the cats now', I wondered. 

Again I followed the sound of the cat, I saw a black cat at the other end of the room. It slipped through the back door, I ran to follow it. 

I saw it a few feet away from me, it turned around said meow and ran again. 

I sprinted towards it not noticing my surrounding. I heard a click and tuned around to find myself trapped in a room. A small vent in the room, except that the room was empty. 

"Help me, Aunty Lisa", I screamed and banged at the door. 

I turned around and everything had changed I was now tied to a chair. I tried moving but it was as if my body was parallelized. 

"Have you given her the dose?" a female in a white coat asked. 

"Yes, based on her power we have given her the dose, she will wake up in an hour"

I stared silently at the female who I now recognized as Nora. 

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