By AziqAc

55 6 1

After going through a hard time moving on from a 3 year relationship. Keith wasn't up for anything. But a 5-d... More



9 1 0
By AziqAc

"This is SOUN News...We are informing there is certain area are hostile currently due to a homicide that happened at Saphhire Tower. Please be vigilant citizens of SOUN City. The suspect is still at large. A blue mustang stops by the red light besides Brian's ride. They both look at the car and the driver. A dark brownish hair and tie; smoking. The driver looks at them.

"Damn, he looks like his onto something." Keith said.

"He looks like a cop to me though." Brian stares.

The mustang turn to the corner and both go their own separate ways.

"So, where is the cruise at?" Keith asks.

"It's waiting at the Queens Pier. There's gonna be a party, bash and anything you possible think of! LADIES would be swarming in there as well!" excitedly said by Brian

"You got to tone down with the 'Ladies', B. You should find something more intimate once in a while."

"I'll be when she is the right one. For now....It's all about FUN, boy!" screams Brian.

"Are you sure you're not on some kind shits like bull shark testosterones? You act like youre freaking Brucie in GTA 4, B. You know those make your cojones weird."

"Ha-Ha...Funny. I'm not some jock or steroid junkie. That's how I roll."

"Just making sure, B. You never know...Thanks by the way... For this." Keith holds his shoulder.

"That's what friends for bro. That's what I do best. I know it's been tough for you."

They arrive at Queens Pier and sees a semi-large cruise by the pier. They walk to the pier they see people are enjoying the summer breeze by the pier and having some fun and some are also joining them for the cruise.

'You excited bro? I'm pumped!" Brian jumping up and down.

"B, are you sure you're not on some shit? I'm worried you're bringing me to some kind of drug fest cruise." Keith looking worryingly.

"Trust me on this one." Brian shows their tickets and they both walk up into the cruise. The cabin stewardess the cruise leads them to their rooms that are opposite to each other, "See you later Keith," They both enter their own rooms.

Keith puts his bags and looks around the room and view from a small window where the sea is. "It would've been fun if I was able to bring Natalie to enjoy this cruise." There still lumps in his throats and heart feeling very heavy when he reminiscing the memories. He sigh heavily and lays on the bed. He takes a nap.

Brian sits Keith on a chair on his front porch. "What happened bro?"

Keith looks down to floor and tears dropping one by one. "I just don't know, how to say it. It just ended just like that. Gone in a flash. I KNEW! I FREAKIN' SAW IT IN A MILE! But...She just shrug it off...multiple times, whenever I asked her about her relationship with Zack."

"You guys look like everything was working out. No fighting and stuff. I guess I was wrong." Brian said.

"It was all good before the airport screwjob. She went with that S.O.B. Since then, It...just felt different and cold. I felt it. Every time I ask her "is everything okay?" She just shrugs it off like my questions about her with Zack. Everything just was not the same. I did my best to save it. The more I try, the further it went." Keith covers his face with sadness.

Brian couldn't say a word but only thing he could do was to be there for Keith. "If you need anything, I'll be here. Take your time."

Thump...Thump...Thump...A knock on the door, "Bro! We're already off the pier. Let's go and have some funnnnnn." Brian excitedly said.

They both walk out to the deck of the cruise. The sun was slowly setting under the sea as the polarizing color of the sunset glowing through the sea and freshness of the breeze of sea. It felt so calming and inspiring.

"It's beautiful." Keith admiring the sunset. "Maybe this is a sign for a change of fortune or inspiration." He lightly smile. He looks around many passengers were enjoying it as well. There he sees a girl there alone watching along. She had long shiny brownish hair. A sharp nose and the eyes were tantalizing with her whitish skin and slight figure. She turns around heads back inside the cruise.

"So, B...What should we do first?" Keith asked while hoping to see the girl she saw.

"Hmm...Let me check the itinerary of the cruise." He checks it. "There will a bash somewhat at the dancing deck. That's safest bet that could turn into a fortune in meeting the ladies. But let's get some dinner first and get pumped up for the bash!"

They both enjoy their dinner at the buffet, while enjoying their meals. Keith is trying to find the girl she saw. Looking around searching for her. Then he spots a figure. "Wait..." A tall figure, medium length black hair and seamless figure. "You got to be fucking kidding me man." Keith throws his napkin by the side of his plate.

"What?" Brian with puzzling face.

"It's that freaking S.O.B..." Keith vigorously stare

Brian turns to the eyes Keith are aiming. "Shit...It is that Son of a gun!"

Then came by a blonde haired woman in a blue blouse. It's Natalie. Brian slowly turns back to Keith's face. He looked annoyed and just felt like he didn't want to be there. Keith sees them being lovey-dovey holding hands being so into it.

"Man...There really smothering each other with their eyes and stuff. Get a room, right?" Brian trying to not make it big deal and ease the tension in Keith.

Keith stops enjoying his meal, "I'm out...Screw this crap. I'm bailing out." Suppressing his emotion. He stands up and walks away from the area.

As he exits the buffet, he turns back to see Natalie greeting Brian. Keith has left the area.

He head to the deck. The sky was already dark and the moon was shimmering down. He looks across the sea feeling so empty. "Man...I'm so lonely, pathetic, broken...Why does it need to be like this, I'm already well beaten-up everywhere." He sighs. "When everything seemed going to change. I fall back into pieces." Tears starting to trickle down his cheeks.

Brian finds Keith alone by the deck looking through the sea. "Keith...You alright, bro?"

"It's just hard...So hard looking at her just like that with someone else especially it's in front of my eyes. I would imagine that the person to be there was me. I didn't imagine it I couldn't happened after she and I went through. I'm sorry if I'm a baggage to you, B. We were supposed to enjoy this cruise. Now...I don't know whether I want to after watching them so... so-". Keith drops down to the floor.

Brian grasp his shoulder, "It's fine bro...It's nothing. I'll do the best I can for my best man." Brian brings him back to Keith's room.

"You just get yourself some sleep Keith." Brian said as he opens the Keith's room.

"Hey, you go and enjoy yourself at the bash." Keith pats him.

"It don't matter when you're not there." Brian said.

"Do it for me...I'll be so guilty if you didn't, B."

Brian hugs him, "I'll enjoy it for you and party as hard as I can."

Brian heads to the bash and Keith lays down on his bed and plays his Spotify.

"I'm tired hiking up the hill, Keith." Natalie complains.

Keith offers his hand, "Don't worry we're almost there."

Natalie holds his hand as they both hike up to the top of the hill before the sunrise appears. After a quite a while. They both finally at the top of the hill. The sunrise just starting to appear and illuminating the hill and SOUN City.

"Wow... It's beautiful. You can see SOUN City from here." Natalie said with her amazement in her dark blue eyes as she looks at him.

Keith leans in and kisses her happily under the sunset, on top of the hill. They both stood there holding each other as the sun rises for a new day.

Keith wakes up and looks at the time and its 11:11pm. He scratches the back of his head. "Maybe I should head to the bar and enjoy some self reflection."

Keith walks to the bar. It was quiet not too many people were there. Only a few were there and the bar had a stage a male singer was singing Post Malone's 'Stay'.

"What can I get you, sir?" The bartender asks as Keith sits on the stool.

"Just give me anything refreshing."

The bartender shakes up his skills and ready his drink. The people in the bar were clapping but Keith didn't pay any attention to it. The guitar starts strumming and Keith knows the song. "Huh...It's Taeyeon's song 11:11." He holds his drink.

"It's 11:11...." A soothing voice singing.

Keith turns to see who this singer with such soothing voice is. There she was. The girl he saw earlier at the deck. She was singing and stylish wore. Keith sat there in awe as he was going through the motion of the song. He didn't even blink once as he was watching her singing and sipping his drink.

"Incredible isn't she?" the bartender interrupts.

"Yeah...She is," Keith sipping his drink.

Then she sang Yoona's song 'When the wind blows'. Keith became more and more in awe and star struck. Keith was lost of words as he enjoys her performance. She ended her performance with singing Paramore's 'The Only Exception'. During this song Keith was quite wound up in emotion and feeling the song's emotion.

Everyone who were at the bar clapped in awe. "Thank you, have a nice evening everybody." She leaves the stage and leaves the bar.

Keith pays his drink and tips the bartender. He exits the bar. He tries to see where she went. He went in a rounding the area until he gave up and just stood by the deck. He stood looking the moon and in awe with the girl in his mind. He shakes his head in amazement and smirks.

"Pretty isn't she?" A girl's voice was heard.

Keith turns head. It's the girl, she is now wearing something simple, just a hoodie and jeans. "She is beautiful..." He looks up to the moon.

She opens her arms wide letting the midnight breeze through as the moon shines. It felt like a dream she is here with him. "It's so good!"

"You were great back there at the bar. I enjoyed it." Keith said.

"Thanks...I'm glad." She smiles.

"So what are you up to in the cruise? People usually come here to party and have fun. You don't seemed to be here just to be here." She looks at him with hazel coloured-eyes.

"I'm just here cause I needed a somewhat a getaway from things I went through past weeks." Keith looking at the sea.

"There's a saying in the song I sang earlier. '모든 게 자릴 찾아서 떠나가고'. It translates to 'Everything finds its place and leaves', So anything that is happening to you will sure find its place and goes away." She turns, "Well, I better head back to my cabin. See you around..."

"Keith. The name's Keith." Keith said.

She smiles at him, "Selena. See you around Keith. Enjoy your cruise." She leaves the deck.

Keith stood there thinking about she said earlier.


BEEEEEEEBB....BEEEEEEEBBBB...BEEEEEEEBBB. Keith turns off the alarm. He stretches and look at the sea through the window before getting himself ready for day 2 in the cruise.

Today he was wearing shorts and Hawaiian t-shirt. "Alright! A fresh start!" He went to knock on Brian's room. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! "B! Wake up!" THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! "Brian!"

Brian opens the door slightly, "Damn, you're early than usual. What the hell happen to you? Did you snort some shit or something?" Brian looking half dazed.

"Let's get some breakfast man..."

"Shit...Give me a sec..." Brian closes the door.

5 minutes later, Brian and Keith went for their breakfast.

"You look nasty, B... Did shit hit the ceiling or something last night?" Keith looking worried.

"It was crazy man...You don't wanna know. All I can say was it was nasty." Brian holding his head.

"Enough bout me. What happened to you? All the sudden got up freaking early like this. Did someone touch your ass or something?" Stared at Keith with a questioning face.

"I went to the bar and enjoyed some songs which kind of eases me up for today." A sheepish Keith smiling.

"Am I sure that you did sniff something last night? Now I think that you're high as a kite or something." Brian looking more suspicious.

"C'mon B...It just happens. A miracle." Keith with a big smile.

"Whatever it is...As long as you're getting better. It don't matter. I'm glad you're looking better."

Later that night Keith goes to the bar and sees there's a bit more people than yesterday. "Seems like people are starting to realize how fun the bar is." Keith looking around the bar as he sits the same stool and ordered the same drink.

There was Selena and a male singer singing Emotional Oranges 'West Coast Love' and 'Heal My Desires' and Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat's Lucky.

Keith is now aware that most that here today is couples. "Is today a couple special or something?" Keith asks the bartender.

"Yeah...That's why they are singing a duet today. I'll bet witya that someone's gonna propose today." Bartender smiles. "It's amazing to be in love."

Keith sips his drinks and Selena sees him made eye contact as she was performing. "Amen to that, Tim." He raises his drink to Selena.

Then one of the waitress went to the stage once they were done performing the songs and whispers to Selena something. She shakes with acknowledgement and goes to the mic, "So, there's a special request by a certain someone and a special song." There she stood ready to sing Ailee's 'I'm in Love'.

"I'm falling in love...." Selena sings.

Keith from afar stares at her performance and her voice soothing through the bar. All Keith do was smile. Half way the song and chorus. Slowly from the other side of bar a couple. The man brings her partner to the middle in front of the stage. Keith couldn't see who it was going to get married. The lights then light up at them. He sees Zack kneeling down one knee to Natalie. Keith was in shock and loss of words seeing it. It came crashing back down for Keith.

"What did I say? I knew someone is getting hitched." Bartender Tim said.

"Yeah..." Keith just got up and walked out the bar while everyone was congratulating Zack and Natalie.

He heads to the same deck, looking down again. When things looking like it's getting better. It came crashing down as well his tears.

"I promise I'll put a ring on it, Natalie Young."

Keith covers his face and sadness came back streaming through. "What the hell! What! The! Hell! How much am I going to endure this?" He hits the railing of the deck out of frustration and sadness until he went onto his knees, weeping. "I'm trying the best to erase everything. But I'm still can't. Now, you're engaged just 4 weeks later. I can't...I can't" He sits and leans back on the rail of the deck. Wiping his tears again.

Selena stood there for a while before he sat. "You don't look so good." She sits beside her.

"What am I supposed to look like when my freaking ex just got hitched after we broke 4 weeks ago? The more I try hiding it. The more tears flows." Keith said.

"How long had you been together?" She asks.

"3 years...4 weeks later, she's engaged. I'm loss of words." Keith looking downward.

"Ooo, that's a lot of baggage you were carrying. Hey...Tomorrow is my off day. Let me help you ease those baggage you've been carrying. Meet me at the arcade deck after you're done with breakfast. Cool?" She looks at him with smile of assurance and sincerity.

"Keith?" Brian appears, "Thank god, you're here! I tried looking for you after I known about the engagement."

"I'll leave it to you." Selena leaves Brian and Keith.

Brian sits beside Keith and asks him, "Bro who was that chick? You didn't tell me you made a new bff on the cruise. I'm hurt." Brian looks at him.

Keith smirks, "She's a singer in the bar, I met yesterday."

"She looks F.I.N.E bro." nudges Keith.

Keith smirks, "You think so?"


At the table eating their breakfast. "Bro, I haven't seen you have fun with me in the cruise. It's already day 3, there's 2 days left. I'm hurt." Brian is complaining.

"I'm sorry I haven't able to enjoy the cruise with since we were here. I'll try having fun with you at the bash later in the evening." Keith assuring Brian.

"Where you're gonna go before that?" Brian looks dead in his eyes.

"Ummm....I'm g-"

Selena pats Keith, "See you later, yeah?" She struts away while looking Keith.

Brian's suddenly looked mischievous at Keith. "See you later, yeah? Ho fucking ho, Keith. You didn't tell you were gonna mate with her!" Brian's eye widens.

"B, that's not even in the menu. We're just hanging out."

"Yeah, hanging. I've heard that before." A sarcastic look from Brian. "I don't wanna spoil your mood . Just go have some fun. I, now understand why you're not 'hang-ing' with your B-boy in the cruise. GO...Fly. Spread them wings and legs."

"For fuck sake, B..." Keith facepalms and ready to meet Selena.

"Go get em' Tiger! Awooooo wooo!"

"Damn, B...Stop embarrassing yourself." Keith heads outside.

Before exiting the buffet. He stumbled with Natalie and Zack.

"Owh! Keith..." Zack greets.

"A...Hey, Zack...Natalie." Keith stumble his words. "Ah...Ah..." Keith and Natalie's eyes met. For a split a second felt like forever. Those dark blue eyes he'd always look at for the past 3 years. "Ah..."

A hand appears and drags Keith away from them. "You were so pathetic just now Keith." Selena release her grip.

"What am I supposed to act in front of them? Giving the F to them or something? If I was jerk I would've done that." Keith explaining his reasons.

"Let's go and just have fun. Enough of those baggage. Today, let's just live like we're immortals. Just for tonight." She looks at Keith with a beautiful smile.

The arcade deck. The deck has arcades, consoles, karaoke room and much more. They both played shooting hoops, Daytona, Time crisis, and many more. During these moments, Keith finally found that fun and excitement to enjoy things in the moments. He felt happy, smiling.

Nudging each other while playing the games and fooling around like children. Laughing and joking around.

"Now let's go to my favorite place! The karaoke room." Selena said in excitement.

They enter the karaoke room. "Now is the chance for you to let everything through singing." Selena said giving him a mic.

"Are you sure about this? I'll pretty much crush it. Like literally crush your eardrums and windows and shit." Keith self-doubting.

"It don't matter. What matters in the karaoke is to enjoy it and let all those pent up emotions go out through your voice. Let's go! Pick a song." Selena assure him.

They enjoyed it and singing out loud like there's no tomorrow. Singing like songs like 'Do or Die' by 30 Second to Mars and 'Wasted Nights' by One Ok Rock kind of made a huge impact to Keith after singing it. He kind of feeling much better than he had ever been for the past weeks.

Without realizing, the night had already came. As they exit the arcade room. They were feeling energized.

"You know...I haven't asked you about your age." Keith said.

"I'm 22...You?"

"I guess, I'm a year older than you." They both laughed.

"Where you from?" Selena asks.

"I'm born and raised in Ellewood."

"Proudly made in Prince Island." Selena with a proud stance and expression.

"So polar opposites of area. You're up north of SOUN City while I'm down south." Keith stops, "Damn, I almost forgot. I promised B that I'll hang with him for the bash at the pool deck. You wanna join me?" Keith offers his hand with smile.

Selena grins and punches Keith's arm, "Yeah...Where did that came from?"

"What?" Puzzled Keith.

"That gentleman good guy vibe. All I saw before tonight was lost somewhere." Selena looking around Keith.

"I guess the karaoke kind of work then." They head to pool deck where the bash is happening.

The speakers were loud and banging at the pool. Many people were there dancing like heck and having the fun of their lives. Keith is struggling to find Brian.

"God damnit, B...That's why I don't do party. It's confusing." Keith walking through people.

Keith spots Brian jumping up and down with a cup on his hand like a junkie. "Brian! Brian!

Brian turns to the voice, "My man!!!!!! So this is the guy I was talking about right here," He hugs Keith.

"This is Brian... or B. and B, this is Selena."

Brian bows "Mademoiselle. Nice to be meeting you."

Selena obliges and bows to him, "Monsieur."

"HaHa! I like her Keith! What did I tell you? Trust me!

The DJ plays Daft Punk hits and everyone was having fun. Keith was dancing with Selena.

"Thanks for today, Selena." Keith sincerely said with a smile.

"Just helping out." She smiles.

Brian was quite hangover. Keith and Selena carry Brian to his room.

"Well...It was a fun day. I couldn't be more grateful for it." Keith said.

"Yeah. You're welcome." She bit her lips.

"Any more advises of the night?" Keith an expecting smile.

She kisses his left cheek and said. "I hope that when you think of me, it will give you a smile." She then slowly walking away to the exit.

"I am thankful you were there, I hope that when you think of me too, it will give you smile." He looks at her.

She smiles but he doesn't see it. "Goodnight, Keith. See you when I see you." She leaves the area.


The last day on the cruise. Everyone seemed laid back and no more party and crazy stuff. Everyone was more in a relaxing mood as they know today is the last day. For the whole day nothing noticeable was happening. Everyone was relaxing at their rooms. Keith jumps of bed and wants to see Selena sing for the last time at the bar. At the same time, same stool, same drink, same bartender but only the last night to ever see her. She sang Tiffany Young's 'Runaway', Selena Gomez's 'Lose You To Love Me' and Yoona's 'When The Wind Blows'. After she was done with her performance she left the bar.

Keith to the deck the met the first time. She was there opening her wide and letting the midnight breeze come through the air. "I figured I'll found you here." Keith muttered.

She turns to him and smiles.

"Is everything okay?" Keith asks.

"It's nothing..." She shrugs it off

"Don't say that...Just be honest with me." Their eyes met.

"I'm sorry Keith...Deeply."

Those words felt like a dejavu to Keith. It hit him right where it hurts

"It's not I don't like you. Don't be confused about this. I enjoyed our time here. I really do like you." She shedding tears.

"Why can't we be?" Keith holding his tears.

"I can't bear on saying it to you." She walks away, hands on her face.

Keith stood there holding his tears. "Damn it..." He silently cries on the deck alone for the last night on the cruise.


The cruise ports at the Queen Pier. All the staffs thanked all the people that join the cruise as they walk down to the pier and leave the cruise. Most of the people that join cruise were leaving with smiles and heads held high. Keith felt everything was slow. He tried looking for Selena. She wasn't there when they exit the cruise. He didn't know what to feel. In those 5 days it made him a different man than he was 4 weeks ago.

They enter Brian's car and left the area, heading back to Ellewood. Along the way, they were stopped by a police chase occurring in the middle of city. They saw a bike running through the city. But from the pier to Ellewood. Keith didn't try to mutter a sentence or word. He was just dead silence. Until the stop in front of Keith's house.

"Hey, it was fun bro." Brian hugs him.

"Thanks for the trip." Keith exits the car.

"Keith, I almost forgot something to give you." Brian brings a letter from his jacket.

"What's this, B?" Keith asks while looking at him for an explaination.

"Uhh...Selena wanted me to give to you once you were absolutely at your house. She knows if I gave too early, you'd go bat-shit crazy in the cruise searching for her. Just give it a read okay."

Keith nods his head, "Aight... See you at our graduation, bro."

Dear Keith,

I know...This is sudden and unexpected. The reason why we can't be 'we' is because once I'm done with our cruise today. I'll leave SOUN City and be in Europe and Asia for a while. It's for my future. I couldn't bear telling you that night because it was as hard for me... I hope you understand. If our fate cross path again. Maybe we could start over... I hope that when you think of me, it will give you a smile.

Love, Selena.

Keith reads the letter after greeting his mom and Amanda. He walks up reading it and open his room door, He smiles slightly after he was done reading it. He closes his room door.

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