Hidden Secrets

By maham_mk

83.6K 3.1K 504

One fine night you could hear the clanking of the armour and four knights draped in chain mail along with a s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (SMUT)
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Note

Chapter 34

999 37 11
By maham_mk

Both the older ones took hold of the little ones but suddenly there was a weird cry and there were three men, covering their faces running towards them with swords ready. Even though Cora has magic, Luke still threw her way his dagger which she caught gracefully


Luke went in first taking on one of them as Cora used her magic with the two who charging her way, making the men flying away from the lot and clashing on the trees cracking their neck. Just at the time, Luke had drove his sword into the other man's gut, drawing out scarlet blood and he feel on the stone cold floor of the woods 

"Everyone one good?" Luke asked and the nodded "Then come on, were not wasting anymore time."

They made their way back to where Cora and Luke had tied their horses and Luke took Ed while Rose stayed with Cora. Luke waited for Cora to join them and kept her ahead of him so she was in sight with Rose. The ride back to Camelot's castle walls was silent but they had t be ready for what was coming. They made their way to the stables trying best not attract attention towards them but that was impossible since the twins cloths were tattered along with the oldest Princess who also had a slight red and purple bruise forming on her cheeks, the knight in training who went to the woods with a crisp white shirt came back with dried blood on it and dirt. Because of their statuses no one questioned as long as they were alright 

They jumped off their horses one by one and secured them in the stables before escaping the guards. The lot ran through the castle as subtle as they could but all stopped as they saw Merlin and Gwaine joking around coming their way, Cora and Luke glanced at each other before yanking the twins into a corner. Cora muttered a spell under her breath and as her eyes flashed golden, the lot had been turned invisible to Merlin and Gwaine 

"Did you feel that?" They heard Merlin's voice "A strong magic surge but a familiar one."

Gwaine gave him a confuse look as Merlin was gazing straight where the lot where hiding and they tried their best to stay as still as they could and held their breath not taking any risks. Merlin just shrugged as he and Gwaine just left again talking

"How could you forget who your father is?" Luke teased her as she sighed in relief and smiled sheepishly "I bet you h knows it's us."

Luke peaked his head out to check if Merlin and Gwaine had left and they had. Luke gestured for them to follow him and they did, making their way to Cora's room and bursting inside quickly. They leaned against the door, catching their breath before laying flat on the bed groaning 

"This is the last time i am doing this for you two," Cora sighed "How many times have i told you not to sneak off? Especially at night with so many bandits out in the woods."

"You say that every time." Luke pointed out whispering to her 

But the twins had heard and chuckled under their breaths, Cora huffed in annoyance as she removed her clock and shoved it in the laundry basket. Emma and Ed saw that that their sister wasn't in a mood for jokes right now and do did Luke though he might have guessed the reason. Cora was currently rummaging through her closet where she kept extra clothes for Emma and Ed for situation like these. She took out a light pink nightgown of Emma and a tunic and trousers for Ed. Emma took her clothes and went behind the screen to change while her brother waited for her and after a few minutes he does the same 

"You both will sleep here today." Cora told the twins and they nodded eagerly getting under the covers 

Luke let out a chuckle as he heard the twins' light snoring after a few minutes and Cora joined in, sitting in the edge of the bed beside him. It was silent again, all you could hear was the tick of the clock and the light snores

"Thank you," Cora let out "You know for..."

"I know," Luke put a hand on her hers "It was no big deal, i just couldn't stand around and do nothing,"

"I didn't know what happened. Why i couldn't use my magic," Cora looked down

"I guess because of the sudden shock." Luke reasoned and she gave a slight nod 

Both had butterflies in their stomachs being this close to each other. Cora knew that a simple thank you wasn't gonna suffice what he had done for her. With their hands still wrapped together, Cora let her head fall on his shoulder letting out a sigh as Luke smiled at the sudden action. Luke knew that if he wanted to tell her how he felt he had to do it now since they hadn't been able to be alone for so long and now they finally were, all he wished was that this wouldn't change anything in their friendship 

"Cora?" Luke built up the courage inside him "I have to tell you something."

"Go on." Cora mumbled to him 

"I just first want you to know that don't let it affect our friendship." Luke told her and she moved her head, now looking at him directly in his eyes giving him a slight nod curiously 

"I like you...a lot," Luke confessed taking a sudden interest at the cold floor now "You don't have to-"

His said words remained in the air as Cora put her arms around him. To say he was shocked was an understatement but he pull his arms around her as well, pulling her close though doing a happy dance in his head that she had returned his feeling back 

"I like you too Luke." She whispered against his ear 

Luke let out a heavy sigh like a weight had been lifted off of his chest and buried his head in her dirty blonde curls. As they separated from the hug, they were inches apart, they didn't know who leaned in first but when they had, their lips attached in a sweet kiss. Cora could feel Luke smile against her lips and she did the same

"Let's see where this goes." Luke said finishing the kiss 

"Together?" Cora said holding up her pinky

"Together." Luke chuckled grasping her pinky and pulling her against his chest again 

"Right. Now let's clean their wounds," Cora said suddenly getting up "Their asleep now they won't  cause any trouble."

"What about yours?" Luke said turning her around and creasing her cheek lightly "Your parents are gonna defiantly notice it in the morning."

"I will take care of it." Cora said getting back to pouring the hot water in a bowl and taking a rag "Could you do for Ed? Like that we would be over early."

He gave her nod and started to collect the bowl of water and bandages. The two had stayed up for another hour tending the twins and it wasn't long before they were done. Luke kissed Cora's cheek and bid her a farewell. 


"So you lot will tell me truthfully where you were last night." Merlin said with his hands at the back eyeing the children in front of him 

Merlin and Arthur were currently with the children interrogating about their whereabouts of last night. Emma, Ed, Cora and Luke were standing in a line with their head down like they have done some crime 

"Hey, how do you know that we were even gone?" Cora questioned crossing her arms 

"Your magic young lady," Merlin smirked and Cora cursed under her breath "Maybe shouldn't have used when you were in the corridor."

"I told you so." Luke whispered childishly to Cora beside him 

"Cora?" Arthur suddenly interrupted "What that mark on your cheek?"

Luke felt Cora tense beside him as she slowly brought her hand to her cheek 

"Fell down the stairs?" Cora answered though it felt more of a question 

"Fell down the stairs?" Arthur raised an eyebrow at her and Merlin was giving one of Gauis' signature looks "I am not a child Cora. Come on out with it."

The duo kings looked at the kids for their answer. The twins of course didn't know what had happened to her and that left Luke and herself. Luke didn't know that if Cora would want him to tell and Cora just couldn't bring herself think about that event from last night

"Why are you all quiet?" Merlin questioned "Someone speak what happened. Emma, Ed tell me what happened."

"We went to see fireflies and then from nowhere there were bad guy who attacked us. We managed to beat the first one but when more came we couldn't do anything." Ed spoke up 

"And then we were unconscious. Later when we finally regained conscious it was Cora and Luke." Emma explained further "We were about to run from their when there were more bandits but Cora and Luke beat them easily and now were here."

"Both of you back to your room." Arthur told them and then turned to Luke and Cora "Now, this leaves you too. Who is going to come clean?"

"Cora that bruise isn't something to taken lightly," Merlin said a little pissed "Over the top you are a Princess no one can treat you like that."

But Cora wasn't listening to them anymore all she was thinking about was getting that scene out of her head. The foul feeling of that man out of her memory forever but she knew that it wasn't happening. Subconsciously, she moved a little closer to Luke slightly behind him and noticing this Luke decided it was him alone now who had to tell everything. He lightly placed his hand at the small of Cora's back and breathed heavily before debating to speck or not but he knew they wouldn't be able to hide it for long 

"I will tell you," Luke said "But this stays between us in these four walls and just know that man is dead."

"Go on." Arthur said crossing his arms and no longer leaning on the bed post 

"We were goin-" Luke was going to explain but was interrupted by Cora 

"I will tell." Cora said sighing 

"Are you sure?" Luke turned to her and she gave him a nod, still a little unsure about it but he let her anyway 

Arthur and Merlin on the other hand were now getting more and more anxious to know what had happened to their daughter. Taking a deep breath Cora told them everything. Starting from when she had set off after the twins and encountered Luke and then when Luke had killed the man over her. 

 Arthur punched the near by wall so hard that a visible dent could be shown 

"But wait," Merlin tried to comprehend "Your magic why didn't you use it?"

"I don't know." Cora mumbled 

"We had concluded that it was because of sudden shock." Luke stated 

" You should have came to us yesterday itself." Arthur said 

"I couldn't bring myself to do it," Cora confessed moving away from Luke and moving towards Arthur and Merlin "I am sorry."

Merlin and Arthur pulled her into a hug and she calmed down instantly feeling the safe embrace of her parents again and feeling like a big weight had been left off of her shoulders. One the side line Luke was smiling to finally see Cora smiling since last night. They pulled away from each other 

"If something like this happens again please tell us," Arthur said with one of his hands on her cheek

"No matter what." Merlin finished his sentence 

"I promise." Cora smiled 

"Now go check on your siblings." Merlin told her 

She smiled towards them with a nod. She glanced at Luke sneaking him a smile before walking out of the door and making her way to Emma and Ed's rooms. The two men then turned to Luke 

"I will go to." Luke said as it was now just getting awkward 

"Thank you Luke," Merlin stopped him "Means a lot."

"No problem Sire," Luke said "i could never see Cora getting hurt."

"Yeah, speaking of that," Arthur chuckled as he brought his shoulder around Merlin's casually 

"We saw you kissing her." Arthur confronted 

Luke felt the breath stuck somewhere in his system, sure he knew that now that him and Cora were together he had to deal with Arthur and Merlin but he didn't think it would be this soon 

"As long as you don't hurt her were fine with it." Arthur chuckled at the pale faced boy in front of him 

"And i should not find you lingering around her room after 10." Merlin said serious again "And keep your distance."

"Yes Sire." Luke gave him a confused look but had to agree anyway and Merlin glared at him "Merlin, i mean. I should get to my training now, if you excuse me."

Luke gave them a nod before leaving the kings' chamber and making his way to the grounds. Arthur turned to Merlin 

"Keep your distance?" Arthur laughed as he put his hands around Merlin's neck"You do know he isn't gonna do that. You never did that."

"I am gonna make Luke a knight, he turns 16 in a matter of a month so that's even better." Arthur said 

Merlin shrugged as he connected his lips with Arthur hungrily not thinking much of what he had said earlier. Arthur's hands went from his neck to his waist in matter of no time before he raised hid hands towards the door and the door locked it self just in time as the two fell on the bed, holding each other and not caring about anything at the time.

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