The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa...

By melantha123

300K 13.1K 9.5K

It’s fire station 313. Jack Overland is well known young firefighting chief in Burgess. He is daring and cari... More

2 Ending or a Beginning
3 The Meaning of Fire
Merry Jelsa Christmas!
4 Fire that Burns You
5 Lift the Cat on Table
6 She's in Town
7 Friendly Ghost
8 A Suggestion
9 Messing Around
10 Odd Events
11 Ghostbusting and Adoptions
12 Modern Fairy Tale
13 Burning Liquid
14 Girl Trouble
15 Passing Away
16 The Awakening of Sleeping Heroes
17 Beating Heart
18 Feeling Hurt
19 Modern Snow White
20 Proposal
21 The Connection
22 The End?
23 Secrets to Know
24 Winter 4
25 Movies are Heart Crushing
A/N All about private
26 Hooked
27 Remember?
28 Obsessed Minds
29 Choices of Life
30 Dream of Something Better
31 Monday the Sick-minded Day
32 Hate is Poisonate
33 The Denial
34 Voice Inside the Brightness
35 Do Memories Hurt?
36 One 'A' Going Down
37 The Ones We Love
38 Damaged Sisters
39 The Plan of Y
40 Friendships Last
41 Glowing Flames
42 Yokai
43 Long Story
Final Words
After 8 years

1 The Road Called Life

7.4K 307 176
By melantha123

POV Merida

Morning shift after night shift. Sometimes I think that our boss hates us and by boss I don't mean our chief Jack but the one who is holding the strings. Yeah, you heard me. There's one person who always sits behind of his desk and just organizes our shifts and yeah, keeps Jack under control. Well, probably it's the best that Jack isn't the one full in charge because he would work 24/7 if he could.

"Is the truck ready?" Jack rolls beneath the car with another rolling laying sheet. "Geez you surprised me Frost," I muttered as I was finishing the check up. "Well?" He grinned and I threw the dirty cloth to him. "Yeah it is," I sighed and we both rolled out from beneath the truck.

"WHOA! Watch it!" We heard Hiccup gasping and he was trying to keep his balance. He was walking past the truck when we sort of rolled in his way.

"Where do I put these?" Hiro asked while holding two axes. Jack stood up and went to open a hatch to the side of the truck. "Just put it in here in a hook," Jack smiled to Hiro as he pointed the place where the axes normally are. Hiro went to place the axes back to place and Jack laughed while ruffling his hair.

I was about to stood up when Hiccup gave me his hand, "Need any help Brave?" He laughed a bit nervously and I pushed his hand aside. "You should know better," I chuckled and wiped some dust from my suit when I had get up.

Hiccup sighed and told me that he would go and make us some coffee. Tadashi passed Hiccup. "Why did the Dragon seem upset right now?" Tadashi asked and nodded towards Hiccup.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well you're the smart one IQ. You figure it out." I told him while I climbed on top of the truck. "Where's Punz?" I heard Hiro asking.

I groaned, "WHY is everyone just after some people this morning! Just shut up for a moment and enjoy the fresh morning." Hiro flinched and Tadashi gave me a glare."What!" I shouted and then I layed on top of the truck.

"He is just pointing out that you insulted his baby brother," Jack chuckled while he climbed up on top of the truck. He sat on the edge and grinned, "You should apologize. I mean, he is part of our group now. You know how I hate to choose new members to our team."

I sat up and glanced at Jack. "I know since we're sticking together more than fudge. Still I have to admit that I'm kinda still not realizing that you actually managed to get us one extra member," I laughed and Jack's cheeks got red. "Well, it's the fact that the big boss wanted that so if someone is sick we would still have a full team and since Hiro just graduated I figured out that it would be cool to have him," Jack smiled warmly. I knew that he trusts to Tadashi with his heart as well as to any other person in the group. No wonder he got his little brother to our team.

"Chill down Frost," I told him when he went silent. Jack smirked, "Of course. I'm always cool!" I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

Jack climbed down and I see how Punzie walks to us. She's brushing her short brown hair and humming a song. "I guess that things are going fine with you and Eugene?" Jack laughed to happy looking Punzie. Punzie flashed her smile that she could use to get everyone wrapped around her finger.

"Yup, indeed I did," Punzie giggled and then pointed her brush at Jack. "What about our bachelor here. Do you have anything to brag about in girlfriend area now?" Punzie squealed.

I tried not to laugh when Jack got really bothered and seemed a bit nervous. "No and maybe I never will. I'm just too busy," Jack chuckled and run off.

"He seriously should find someone," Punzie sighed and I laughed. "Nah, that's just the way he is. You know that he is like keeping his body in shape and so on when he's not working. Because he wants to save everyone," I smirked to Punzie who glanced at me. Suddenly I see her mischievous look.

"What are you thinking," I gulped. Punzie grinned, "How about you and Hiccup?" She shouted.

"What about Merida and Hiccup?" We heard Tadashi laughing. He had just placed a roll of rope to hang inside the fire truck. "Just that they should be dating," Punzie teased me and winked eye.

"Not gonna happen," I hissed. Then I saw Hiccup standing in the doorway that leads to staircase which we use to get up. On the upper floor is our beds and social area. Hiccup smiled sadly when he looked at me, his hand went through his hair as he turned around.

Punzie turned around and saw the back of Hiccup who was going back up. Hiccup shouted that coffee is done. "See, you hurt his feelings," Punzie groaned.

I woke up from my daze, "I did what?" I whispered but Punzie didn't hear me. She was pacing towards the staircase. Her steps sounded angry and I sighed.

When I climbed down from trucks roof Hiro is still organizing some gear. "C'mon newbie, coffee break," I shouted to him and he quickly runs next to me.

"Merida," Hiro started and I looked at him. We were the last ones going upstairs. "What?" I questioned and he flinched for my harsh voice. I cleared my throat and asked again, this time giving a smile in the end.

Hiro blushed, "I talked with Hiccup today." Hiro said and I hummed. "He said that you're awesome and the strongest girl in the team. He likes to work with you so," Hiro whispered. "Oh," I said and kept my eyes forward while we were climbing the stairs up.

"Honestly I think that he likes you," Hiro said and it made me stop. He bumped against my back. "Y-you're imaging and besides. We're on the same team, it wouldn't work out," I said. Then I turned around and gave him a fierce look, "Never spoke of such things again. Okay?"

Hiro nodded his head and we went all the way up. Hiccup gave me a coffee mug and I joined on the table with the others. "I brought chocolate!" Tadashi grinned and threw a bag on table. "YASS!" Hiro shouted and took a handful.

Jack took one piece of chocolate, "Thanks IQ." He smiled to Tadashi who was munching some already. "Mer!" Hiccup shouted and threw me a couple, I nodded my thanks.

"Hey, why wont you all come to my place for enjoy some food?" Jack grinned. "HECK YEAH!" I yelled and everyone started laughing.

"Why are you guys so excited for some food?" Hiro asked and drank some of his coffee. "Jack here does the best food ever, well.. At least best dishes that have no names.. He experiences on various tastes and makes them work, somehow," Tadashi laughed and messed up Jacks hair. It was easy since Tadashi is the tallest of us all.

"Stop," Jack grinned. Tadashi looks at Hiro and smiles, "If you want really good regular cooking or some tasty desserts, then Punz is your girl." Punzie giggled, "Yeah I can cook but I'm taken Hiro." Hiro laughed a bit and then the alarm started to ring.

"At one go!" Everyone yelled in unison and we emptied our mugs. Then we run downstairs and gear up. It was another day at work again. This time it was a car accident scene.

I drove us to the place of the accident and we started helping out the people who were stuck in the vehicle. "Bring me the metal scissors," Jack ordered and I went to get them with Hiccup.

Jack and Tadashi were breaking the car's windows with small axes while Punzie protected the lady's head. "Here!" I told when I placed the gigantic tweezers on the door. We had to cut the roof of so we could get the lady out. It was badly beaten up looking, the car.

The paramedics from Man In the Moon also known as M.I.M hospital were arriving to the scene right after us. The road was all muddy and slippery since the rain was pouring down while we worked.

Jack climbed inside from the broken front window."What happened?" Jack asked from the lady. "I .... I .. AHH!" The lady mumbled and then shouted. I see how Tadashi nods towards the lady's abdomen.

"You're pregnant?" Jack asks from the lady and she nodded. "Y-yeah," she exhaled. "So how's it feeling to have a little one soon in the family? My name is Jackson Overland by the way. We're getting you out, my friends here, Merida and Hiccup will cut the roof off," Jack smiled to the lady who screamed in pain.

"I was going to hospital - the baby is about to - AGH!" The lady screamed. "That's fine, what's your name?" Jack tried to calm her down and I cut the first piece of four places of the roof with Hiccup. "M-my name is Aurora," the lady exhaled.

"Nice name so now there's just three more places to cut before we can lift the roof out," Jack smiled and covered her body with a blanket.

We cut the second and then the third place. Now it was just the spot next to Aurora to cut. "Okay so now the final one and then the guys of M.I.M will get you safely to hospital. Alright?" Jack grinned and Aurora was taking deep breathes in between her contractions. When Aurora nodded Jack smiled warmly, "Now then. I will protect your head while they cut the metal so Punzie can go further away. Relax."

When Punzie backed out from the behind passenger window we cut the roof off. "Now lift it," Jack told us. Hiccup, me, Hiro and Tadashi went to all corners of the roof and then we lifted it off. Aurora was squeezing Jack's hand.

As soon as the roof was off the paramedics run to help the woman. Jack was aiding them when they lifted her out. "She seems fine except she's about to deliver," Jack told the paramedics. They thanked Jack and then took Aurora to ambulance and drove towards the hospital.

We cleared up the accident place while the police was directing the traffic. "Good job," I told to Jack who was putting the metal scissors back to truck. "Thanks, some use for my basic training as nurse," Jack chuckled. Yeah, we all had first studied some medicine before starting our career as firefighters.

"I'm just glad that I didn't have to be a midwife," Jack joked around and Punzie slapped his shoulder. "That's an honor to bring a baby to world!" Punzie grinned and Jack rolled his eyes.

"Now we surely deserve something hot to eat," Hiccup pushed Jack's shoulder. "Why is that?" Jack raised his eyebrow. "Well because.. doh, it's like raining and chilly outside, something to warm up would be nice," Hiccup grinned. "Okay, I will do something that has chili," Jack had a mischievous grin.

Hiro and Tadashi had just managed to push the car to side of the road and we were okay to leave. It was already the time to finish our shift so soon we would go to local grocery store to get Jack something to cook with.

I was bringing the groceries to Jack's place together with Tadashi. "You two handle the avocados and make some guacamole while I handle the meat and seasoning," Jack laughed while he runs up the stairs to third floor where his apartment is. Tadashi rolled his eyes together with me and then we laughed a bit while we waited for the elevator.

"Hold up!" Hiccup shouted and he runs to us with Hiro and Punzie. They were getting us something to drink from nearby store where you get some excellent self made sodas. We held the elevator while they run inside with their bags.

"Beware since you're about to step in the world of a bachelor," I grinned to Punzie who smiled slyly back. "So chief is a messy person?" Hiro asked when we stepped out from the elevator. We went to Jack's apartment door.

"Not messy but his decoration is a bit simplified, metallic and has some manly impressions," I laughed and then Jack opened the door. "Welcome," he grinned to Hiro.

Jack actually had a small gym in his apartment. His kitchen was all stainless steel and black cabinet doors on the upper row and down the doors were white. Jack was already warming up the stove and other guys were getting groceries out of their bags.

POV Elsa

"Anna, are you home already!" I shouted at the door and then I heard some running steps. "Yeah!" I heard Anna responding and soon I saw her. She jumped on the couch and smiled widely, her strawberry blonde shoulder length hair was on two braids on each side of her head. For some reason her blue eyes were sparkling from excitement.

"What now?" I laughed while I hang my coat on the nail. "I just have a crazy idea," she said with so much enthusiasm that it startled me. "Well?" I smiled to her while I opened up my platinum blonde braided hair.

"I want to move to USA!" She squealed and my eyes flashed open. "What did you just say?" I gulped and brushed my hand through my hair nervously.

"Yeah! I want to be a famous actress! I actually got approved to the high end acting school in Burgess! It's so exciting!" She was bouncing on the couch and I felt the color left my cheeks.

"Els?" She questioned and sounded worried all of a sudden. I laughed a bit and smiled sadly, "That's really great."

"Really?" She raised her voice and I sighed and nodded my head. All of her life she's been willing to be an actress and singer. Now she's really going for it. She supported me in my career choice and now she's really fond of this.

I sighed and smiled, "What if I come with you?" Her eyes widened, "B-but what about your career in the firefighting team? I mean you're like the top one in here and they were about to give you promotion and-."

I laughed to Anna who was about to panic. "I bet that there's another team in Burgess, I'll send my application there," I smiled warmly and she smiled back happily. "Aww, you really shouldn't," she said quietly but I grinned back.

"Sure I will come with you. We're not going to be separated," I laughed and hugged her. "THIS IS SO AWESOME!" Anna squealed in excitement. "We're going to see USA and eat hamburgers and meet some guys," she was overly excited which made me hum.

"Oh," she got more serious and I raised my eyebrow. "What?" I grinned and she seemed nervous all of a sudden. "Uh, well, I'll be living in a student dorm," she whispered. I went to hug her, "Yeah but don't you worry. I'll get a place in the nearby and we can meet like every day."

"I was hoping that you say that! So, it's time to celebrate our new beginning?" Anna winked her eye. "Yeah, so it's time for-- ," I started and smiled. Then Anna shouted, "TIME FOR CHOCOLATES!" She runs to kitchen and returns with a tray with treats. There was a bowl with chocolates, two bowls of chocolate ice cream and two cups of steaming hot chocolate drinks.

When Anna had placed the tray down on the living room table I went to sat on the couch. She turned on the television and then she went to get the chocolate sauce to give the finishing touch to ice cream. We both love chocolates. It's like our life, almost.

"So you're not sad that you have to leave Norway?" Anna asked while taking a spoonful of ice cream. "Mmm.. no, I'm just happy to be with my little sister," I smiled and she nodded her head in approval.

After when our parents died in the sea of flames we grew apart. However couple years ago we opened up to each other when Anna had tried to reach me desperately. I decided to be a firefighter to protect the people, I have an ability to cool down the flames.

In the evening I filled out an application and sent it to Burgess. Now I just need to see if they want me to interview when I move in the USA. We purchased flight tickets earlier this evening and I told my old job place that in less than a month I would leave Norway and maybe I'm not coming back ever again.


Here is the new chapter! YASS!

Hehe, sorry for late update. I'm like writing three books in the same time and I have a project going on.

Loving ya all!

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