Clouded Innocence

By InnocentStorm

452 25 2

Ouran Academy has an unusual student coming in like a storm cloud. Kain Tempest, an American transfer student... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

61 4 2
By InnocentStorm

Disclaimer: The fact that this is on too should say something, loves.

Kain!” the twins said excitedly as they launched themselves through the air to tackle her. Said girl’s eyes widened and she promptly shut the sliding door just before they reached her. The twins both ran into the door. Kain smirked in triumph before she opened the door again and stepped around them.

“You two losers need to time yourselves a little better,” she stuck out her tongue at them. Haruhi gave her a smile as she sat down behind her. Kain smiled back a little before Haruhi went back to studying some random page in her notebook.

“Soooo, Kain,” Hikaru started, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Kaoru came up on her other side and did the same.

“We were wondering,” Kaoru grinned at her. Her eyes turned to slits as she looked between the two. They were most definitely up to something.

“Just spit it out already,” she frowned impatiently. Kain had only been here for less than five minutes and they were already up to something. How she hated when they prolonged their antics.

Want to…” they start, leaning down to whisper in her ear. A smile bloomed on her face- it was most definitely not a sweet one at all.

“That is a total yes, you fucking geniuses!” she began to laugh maniacally. Haruhi looked over at the trio nervously and a tiny bit unsettled. That was not sounding good. She’ll have to ask her boisterous friend why she was laughing later.

The twins and Kain peeked out from behind the corner they had set as home base. They all wore matching devious grins. Down the hall was a certain blonde’s classroom. The three shared a look before Kain darted out, sprinting down the hall. She quickly stopped causing her to slide. Immediately, she began to barrel-roll to her destination, being the other end of the hall, just before class ended.

“Hey, Kyoya! Kyoya! Kyoya!” Tamaki shouted at Kyoya, trying to get his attention when he burst into the hall after him. “We’re going to be dressing in yutakas today, right?”

“Yes, we are. Why? Is this an issue?” he glanced back at his exuberant best friend, pushing up his glasses from the middle.

“No! Of course not! I was merely making sure, my dear fr-“ Tamaki stopped mid-sentence as he slipped on a banana peel. “AAAH!”

Now that the one of the twin’s job was completed, the remaining two- Kain and Hikaru- went into action. Both of them pulled out small spheres of paint bombs. Hikaru threw his first and they exploded with color, specifically blue and orange. Then it was Kain’s turn. She threw them down (you could say she threw them at Tamaki) while everyone was distracted and hightailed out of the hallway.

The aftermath of the paint left one hallway a rainbow-colored mess, two annoyed and victimized second year hosts, and three hysterical practical-jokers. All during their last class, the Prank Trio randomly burst into laughter at any mention of any object of color, which was unfortunate as they were going over colors in English, and made the teacher look at them quite disconcertingly. By the time the host club started, they had calmed themselves quite a bit; even though the occasional eye contact made them grin.

“Thank you, chickadees! Unfortunately it took me quite a while to figure how to put this on… And I’m not quite sure I know how to get it off…” Kain sighed and put on a childish pout for her guests. They all quickly jumped at the chance to offer their help him get out of it as they were all slightly rapid fangirls.

“Kyaaa! We can help you get it off, Kain-san! It wouldn’t be a problem!” they all screeched in unison. Kain cringed internally. Um. No way, Jose.

“Really? I’d appreciate it,” she smirked and gave a wink at them. The girls all blushed a bright red and quite a few keeled over. Kain blinked in false innocence, “Are you alright?”

This got them reeling once again right before they all had to leave. She let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness that shit was over. Kain stood up, stretching. Brushing off her black yutaka, she headed over to where all the hosts were beginning to gather.

“Such devotion to your mother! Take as many as you like, Haruhi!” Tamaki was cooing and piling up a ridiculous amount of pumpkin shaped candies.

“The fuck are you doing to Haruhi-chan, idiot?” she asked him, it’s like he’s constantly trying to swoon her off her feet so he can carry her off into the sunset. It was kinda cute in Kain’s opinion, even though it was quite annoying after hearing him constantly go into a rant about his wonderful daughter.

“Why I’m giving her tributes to give to her mother, of course!” he cried, tears forming in his eyes.

“Are those fake tears too?” Haruhi asked the energetic teen with her poker face.

“How can you say that?!” he snapped slightly, “These are real, genuine tears as always! Being able to cry without the use of eyedrops is the mark of a true host!”

Kain started to ignore him as he started to spew stuff about Haruhi falling in love with him yet again and all that. Her eyes travelled to the brunette figure spying on them from behind a pillar. She raised her eyebrow at the girl. Quirking her finger to call her over, Kain subtly glanced toward the other hosts then back to the girl, who shook her head with a frown. She only shrugged at the hiding girl. Whatever she wanted.

Haruhi then noticed the girl, causing the Tamaki and the rest of the hosts to turn their heads in her direction. Kain just rolled her eyes at them.

Huh? We have a new guest!” the twins called out, quickly going over to welcome her.

“Why don’t you come on in?” Kaoru asked while brandishing a rose.

“It isn’t any fun to watch,” Hikaru smiled at her, doing the same as his brother.

Come on,” they spoke in unison while the girl muttered unsure. Tamaki found this a good time to interrupt the twins and be the princely and polite host he (thinks) is.

“Hey, I ‘m always reminding you to be more courteous to our first-time guests, aren’t I!” Tamaki said before turning to the brunette. “Here, don’t be afraid, princess. Welcome to Ouran Host Club.”

“I think you’re freaking the chick out, Tama-san,” Kain rolled her eyes as he held the girl’s chin, who started to back away a little.

“N-N..” she stuttered. Tamaki repeated her quizzically before the girl slammed her palm into his face, screaming loudly, “No! Don’t touch me you phony prince!”

The hosts all watched with wide eyes, clearly not expecting it. It took Kain a few moments to process what happened before she started to bend over in laughter, how couldn’t she when Tamaki just took a blow to the ego?

“I-I’m… a phony..?” Tamaki asked with tears in his eyes.

“Yes! You’re a phony!” she responded without remorse. “I can’t believe you are the prince figure! The prince does not go around spreading his love so easily! How could you be so stupid, you dim-witted narcissist! Incompetent! Mediocre! The pits!”

Tamaki acted as if imaginary bullets were hitting him as she continued to rant on. The moment she stopped talking, he fell backwards. In slow motion. Kain gave him a weird look while the twins screamed, “Woah! New technique, one man slow motion!”

“By any chance, are you…” Kyoya muttered, recognizing the girl. The girl teared up and ran towards him.

“Kyoya-sama!” she cried, throwing herself around his waist, “My own prince!”

“The fuck is happening?!” Kain threw up her hands in annoyance. This was just too much. Dear lord, someone save her.

“Waait, wait, wait! Fiancee?!” she yelled, completely shocked. The last thing she expected out of this situation was an engagement. Poor Glasses was going to marry a rabid fangirl from France…

“Yes, I am Hoshakuji Renge. I will be transferring into first year, class A tomorrow,” Renge smiled widely at the assembled hosts.  That got a loud groan from Kain, who felt as if the world hated her and wanted her to be surrounded by crazy people. She’s going to catch it.

Tamaki, on the other hand, snapped into sulking mode. Everyone crowded together to whisper behind his back like the great friends they were.

“He looks sad,” Honey commented. His mouth was pulled into a pout as he clutched Usa-chan tighter to his chest.

That’s because Mommy was hiding something from Daddy,”  the twins said in unison. ‘Mommy’ only rolled his eyes in contempt.

“Whatever. Are you trying to make the married couple thing stick?” he asked the devious red-heads. Laughter bubbled up behind him as Kain patted his back, mouthing ‘They don’t have to try’. His eyes narrowed into slits as he glared at her, mouthing back something along the lines of ending the patronization or something she didn’t care for. Her response was a stuck out tongue and the bird. Before Kyoya could make an aghast face, Renge interrupted their silent argument.

“It is love at true sight! The way you were admiring the flowers in the backyard all alone, even when no one was looking… And the way you kindly reached out to that little injured kitten…” Renge started to rant with a dreamy look on her face.

Who are we talking about here?” the twins asked her like she was crazy. It seemed like she was from Kain’s point of view. In what kind of twisted other world has she been living in? Kyoya being nice and soft? Bah, no way.

“Perhaps you’ve got the wrong person?” Haruhi suggested hesitantly. She didn’t want to say it, but this doesn’t sound like the Kyoya-senpai at all.

“No! You can’t fool these eyes!” Renge started, while our dear American host tuned her out. Kain was done with this mental chick. She scooped up her bags and marched right out the door without looking back. Only two pairs of eyes noticed the retreating form.

An unnecessarily long sigh escaped her lips as she walked down one of the empty hallways. That girl, Renge, really bothered her but she had to admit the love-stricken girl managed to get some sympathy out of her. Not because she was hopelessly devoted to Kyoya, but more like she thought he was the complete opposite of what he truly is. She knew that her younger self was like that…

The sound of two skulls crashing together was heard in the hall. Kain found herself sprawled out on the floor with a newly aching head. The man she bumped into was rubbing his head, still standing. Man, that guy is like a brick wall.

“Hey, you okay..?” he asked her, reaching out a hand. She glared at him slightly before getting up. Kain swept her eyes over the man. He was an older man, probably a teacher judging by his crisp button up shirt and slicked back black hair.

“I’m fine, thanks for asking. But I’ve gotta go now…” she backed away from him. For some odd reason, this man gives off a vibe of bad news and rotten nostalgia. She turned away and walked down the hall quickly.

The man only stared after her before pulling out a photograph out of his pocket. The wrinkled up picture showed a girl who was turning back to look at the photographer. Her silver braid swung behind her as her eyes seemed to be wide with surprise. She was dressed in a black motorcycle suit and seemed to be in a garden of some sort. Overall, the girl was very pretty. He scrutinized over the girl in the photo before glancing up at the ‘boy’ that just walked away. A demented smile grew across his face. He was definitely at the right school.

Kain hung limply from her place over Mori’s shoulder, heading to the host club. Why was Mori carrying her? Well, a certain someone was hiding in the clock tower and Mori was sent to capture her for the twelfth time in the past month. Honey, who was currently riding on his other shoulder, giggled at the whole scene.

As the trio arrived at the host club, Renge was already there. She apparently had baked some cookies for her prince Kyoya. Being a lover of sweets, Honey took this opportunity to eat one. Kain quickly moved to stop him, but it was too late.

“You’re right, these are burnt…” Honey pouted. A cookie was being slowly nibbled on in his mouth.

“Mitsukuni, stop. They’re bad for you,” Mori told his cousin, sealing both their fates. Renge snapped out of her enamored spiel to chase after them. Mori grabbed Honey and they went running from the medusa-like Renge. The hosts stopped and stared as the first year girl ran after their elder hosts. 

While the livid Renge was chasing them, Haruhi pulled out one of the cookies. She took a bite.

“They’re not all that bad,” she murmured. The twins saw this as an opportunity to mess with the boss and took it immediately. Giving Kain a quick nod in Haruhi’s direction, they moved in. The twins got close as Kain slowly walked over to them.

“Let me see,” Hikaru said quietly, leaning down and taking a bite of the cookie in her mouth. If one listened closely, they would hear a Tama-bot stopping all processes to heighten comprehension skills.

“Oh, Haruhi, you  have a bunch of crumbs on your face,” Kaoru said before he leaned down and licked the crumbs off of her face. Haruhi moved a hand up to rub the spot but was stopped by Kain wrapping her arms around Haruhi’s shoulders to pull a cookie out of the bag. She put the whole thing in her mouth.

“What the hell is this thing?! It’s amazing!” she said in awe. Her eyes were wide as she grabbed another one, this time she ate it slowly. Not once in her life has she tasted something like this burnt cookie. Kain’s childhood diet had only comprised of supplements, meat, and water; even to this day. All the while, she was still leaning against her friend. Behind them, Tamaki was crying and shouting.

“Before anyone realized it, they’ve become a congenial classmate quartet! You know, if you’d just say so, I could get them myself! They’re right there!” he screamed at them. Kain backed off with a wide smirk and arms held in the air just as Tamaki grabbed the sides of Haruhi’s face, “Y-Your reaction is all wrong! You’re supposed to turn them away casually!”

“Please stop harassing me, sempai…” Haruhi muttered. The twins and Kain started laughing at Tamaki as he began to yell about the three harassing her. They all began to yell and talk in turn. Renge watched their interaction with a cold expression. Soon, Honey came up to her and asked if she wanted milk for her cookies. That was what broke the camel’s back.

“Too tepid… Lukewarm! All of you, except Kyoya-sama, are too lukewarm!” she shouted at them, “All of you hosts are lacking some dark side! Girls like a handsome man going through trauma! It’s a matter of time before your guests get tired of your one-dimensional personalities! Are you purposely trying to ruin Kyoya-sama’s precious business?! As your manager, I’m changing all of your character backgrounds!”

She calmed down for a second before she pointed to Honey, who teared up under her gaze, “Starting with you! If all you are is cute, then you’re no different than a baby! From now on, you’ll be the ‘baby-faced thug’! Morinozuka-sempai, you’re the ‘childhood-friend flunkie’! The twins will be the ‘basketball players who are shut in their own world’! Haruhi-kun, you’re the honor student facing intense bullying! Tamaki-san, you’re the school idol with an inferiority complex, the ‘lonely prince’! And Kain! You are the bad boy who is secretly a goody-two shoes momma’s boy! Oh, and Kyoya-sama, you’re perfect. Just stay the way you are!”

They all looked on with shocked looks, completely confused as to why she still believed Kyoya was kind and gentle.

“Kyoya-sempai, please stop this!” the twins pleaded. Kyoya only sighed and pointed out that Tamaki was more than open about his support for this idea. They looked over to see Tamaki trying out a brooding, lonesome pose with Renge coaching and praising.

“Well, let’s just see how this goes, why don’t we?” he said, a smile on his face. In the corner, an unusually quiet Kain finally snaps.

“If you do this, there’s no way in fucking hell you’ll have me in it. I don’t care if it will bring in customers or stop them from leaving. I don’t do ‘goody-two shoes’ anymore. And I have never been a fucking momma’s boy! Hell, I didn’t even meet the slut that gave birth to me! That bitch could be six-feet under for all I care!” she shouted, marching to Renge after her anger came to a plateau. Her voice became deadly soft as she grabbed hold of her dress and pulled Renge close. Only the manager could see the burning hell behind the heterochromatic eyes, only Renge could hear the hateful last words. “If you ever try to make me into something I’m not, you’ll realize what demon I can become, bitch.”

Kain then dropped the terrified girl and walked out. The hosts could only stare after the silver-haired girl. None of them would have expected her to be so violent, even though she may look it toward others. To say they were shocked was a bit of an understatement.

The lights were bright on the court as Hikaru and Kaoru preformed their bit. Light glinted off of Kain’s eyes from where she sat on the sidelines. The small portion of space in which Kain sat was completely barren; no one felt like risking their life today. Especially because she was in a bad mood due to Kyoya insisting he’d use the ‘dirt’ he supposedly has on her.

“What are the hearts of these young men made of?” Renge’s voiceover smoothed the transition from Tamaki’s lonely prince act to Haruhi’s running.  The cross-dressing girl leaned against a tree as she caught her breath. Fog seemed to cover the wooded area as the tensions thickened with the arrival of a voice.

“You can’t run any further. You’re going to learn what happens when you go against me,” Honey spoke with a strange tone. Mori spoke, warning his cousin to stop his actions.

“Every time you hurt others, you end up hurting yourself,” he told the shorter teen.

“Don’t try to give me advice, Takashi,” Honey hissed, “Do you want me to put you over my knee again?”

In the moments to follow, Kain stepped in. Silent and smiling brightly, she stood between Haruhi and the two third years. Her eyes were crinkled at the corners and her lips slowly spread apart to show pearly whites. Despite the friendly look, there was a thick darkness behind it. There it was, bubbling up inside her, that hatred for her predestined role.

“Please stop this nonsense, sempai,” she cheerfully said, “There’s no reason for violence.”

Honey walked closer, meeting Kain face to face. Literally. Their faces were nearly a foot from each other as cold eyes locked. Kain remembered all the times she was met with this kind of situation. Adults, and occasionally the teenage boy, that stared her down and trying to match their animosity with her apathy.

“Will it be the light of salvation that ultimately awaits them? Or something else?” Renge’s voice spoke again.

“I hate it when people try to rise above their station in life,” he spoke, his breath warm on her face. His face quickly changed from the hardened look into a sorrowful pout. Honey hugged Kain tight, crying and apologizing. Kain stood there in shock for a second before patting his back.

“CUT! Cut! Cut! Cut!” Renge screamed at them. She wasn’t happy that her script was being ignored at all. The four dispersed to get towels while the manager began chatting with the camera crew about various things that needed to be done. Only Kain stormed off, annoyed with all she was being forced to do. A few hours later, no one seemed to be able to find out where she went. But if one actually looked, they might have found Kain. They might have even saved her from the confrontation.

While the hosts dealt with the attack prompted by a persistent Renge, Kain was off in the rose maze. She had been wandering with anger fueling every step until she ran into the teacher from before once again. Although this time she couldn’t get away. The teacher grabbed her hand and hauled her to her feet. Her hand was held tight in his hand.

“What do you want?” she snapped at him, trying to twist her arm out of his grip. The teacher only smiled widely with his too-white teeth.

“I’m surprised you don’t remember me, chickadee. I mean, I practically raised you!”  he guffawed, his dark hazel eyes glimmering with fondness. Kain lost what little color she had as she stared up at him in shock and horror.



A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks again for baring with me and my late updates! You’re all awesome! We’re finally getting into Kain’s plot line here! Anyone else excited? Cuz I am! :D

Okay, so the vote for love interests… Well, it’s looking like either Hikaru or Kaoru so far! Within the next few chapters, I should be narrowing it down into those who have a vote. So get your vote in while you still can! Thanks!

Hikaru- 2

Kaoru- 2

Kyoya- 0

Tamaki- 0

Mori- 1

Honey- 0

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