The Fallen Angel [COMPLETED]...

By justadegenerate

106K 1.6K 575

A Seven Deadly Sins FanFic. You are an exiled member of the Goddess Clan who wakes up after a 5000 year nap... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Little Note :3
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Strengths and Magic Breakdown
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Another Note
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Little recap and other stuff
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Final Breakdown
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Two

9.9K 176 14
By justadegenerate

The dream ends. You wake up, happy that you've regained some memories about who you are. You spend a bit thinking about what to do next then decide to head to the nearest village. The only clothes you had were an old brown cloak and a white shirt and brown pants, dressed like a peasant. You have no food or money and need to find a job, so you set off right away. Your wings have disappeared as a result from losing your magic, but you have been put through vigorous training at a very young age so even without magic you were strong as your body was in excellent shape.

After a few hours, you have descended the mountain and reached the village Vanya. However, you notice that everyone has gathered into the square and crowded around something. You see a couple knights from the Holy Order drinking beer and laughing at the villagers. You get closer and see that they are attempting to pull a sword out of the ground. "If ya can't get the sword out, ya better be prepared ta pay up" yelled one of the knights, laughing gleefully. You see that this is no ordinary sword, and decide to help the villagers out, thinking that you could ask for a reward after.

Before you can walk over, a boy with a dragon sword on his back walks over confidently with a pig and a girl behind him. "Wait" You think. "That's not a boy. That's Meliodas, and the girl behind her is Elizabeth!" You gasp out loud, pleased that your memories seem to be coming back. Meanwhile, Meliodas walks over and pulls the sword out of the ground with ease.

The villagers celebrate and the knights run away, scared that the villagers might seek revenge. Later that night, you see most of the villagers going to a pub up on a hill. You walk in, seeking to talk to people for job opportunities, and you see Meliodas cooking food and serving people. Astonished, you stand there in the doorway until Meliodas spots you. He stares until he realizes who you are and he smiles for a second. Then he continues working as if nothing had happened. You take a seat in the pub and try to ask around for a job. The night progresses and soon you are the last one in the pub. You had been unable to find a job and are sitting, looking defeated when Meliodas walk over to you.

"Heya" He says. "Is there something you need?" "Well" You say, "I'm kinda looking for a job."
Meliodas pauses, looks at you and laughs. And laughs. And laughs. Irritated, you ask "What the hell are you laughing about?" He turns and says "Now Now Now y/n, no need to be so hostile. I just found it funny that the Oh So Mighty Holy Captain y/n, of the Goddess Army would want to work in a lowly demons tavern". "Times have changed" You say, "and I need your help. You see... I've kinda lost my memories" He stares at you, looking straight into your eyes. "I see" He says. "What do you remember?" You look up, thinking about the dream last night. "Nothing much" You say. "Just my name and the fact that I've been kicked out of the Goddess clan." You leave out lots of details, as you actually remember a lot more than the day before. You also leave out the fact that you lost your magic because you don't know if you can trust Meliodas yet. "By the way, how long has it been since my exile?" Meliodas stares at the table for a long time, looking solemn. After a while, he looks up, looks you in the eye and says, "y/n, you've been asleep for 5000 years"

You can't believe what you just heard. "5000... 5000 years." You say. Meliodas just sits there looking at you for a while, then to your surprise, puts a hand on your shoulder. "It'll be alright" he says. "Since you're looking for a job you can just work for me here in the Boar's Hat. But you'll have to go wherever I go" You happily agree, since this would be the best way for you to see how much has changed and if possible regain your magic. You thank Meliodas and he shows you to your room where you fall into a deep sleep. 

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