Beautifully Broken

By glitterrainbow12345

78.6K 898 47

Rebekah Irwin is a 15 year old that lives with her dad and uncles. It can get tough being the only girl in th... More

Chapter 1: The new guy
Chapter 2: Phone Numbers & the feeling of angriness.
chapter 3: He's just a friend
Authors note
Chapter 4: Cheerleading competion
Chapter 5: Hanging out
Authors note.
chapter 6: escapes
chapter 7: sleepovers
Chapter 8: filler
Chapter 9: Being sneaky
Chapter 10: Heartbreaks and Laughing
chapter 11: Doctors Appointment
Chapter 13: Hiding something
chapter 14: Feeling
Chapter 15: Tears pt.1
Chapter 16: More Tears pt.2
Authors note
Chapter 17: Time for a change
Chapter 18: A lot of tears
Chapter 19: iDk what to call this chapter
Chapter 20: Beach
Author's note.
Chapter 21: Dad, where are you?
Chapter 22: 2 weeks
Chapter 23: Found
Chapter 24: We're going to be okay
Author's note
Chapter 25: Julian
Chapter 26: Golden
Chapter 27: Mornings and Movies
Chapter 28: Talk With Michael
Chapter 29: Periods
Chapter 30: The End
Authors note
New Story!!!!!!

Chapter 12: Truth hurts

2.6K 29 2
By glitterrainbow12345

Rebekah's POV

I took the day off from school. Little did I know, I had made a mistake.

Because the next day I came back, people were staring at me. None of my friends had talked to me. I hadn't seen them. At lunch, I was left sitting along, when I see Nicole standing on a table.

"There she is, everybody. Rebekah Irwin. Stay away everybody, if her mom is dangerous, she might be dangerous too. Who knows, maybe she already has a criminal record".

"What a pathetic human being. I almost pity her. I mean, her boyfriend cheating on her. News flash Beki, Rose and Jess were just pretending to be your friends".


"Who would want to be with a freak like you? No one. I hope your mom finds you". The tears run down my face. I look to see Jess, Rose, Carson, and Zach sitting with Nicole and the popular kids.

"Stop nicole. No one wants to listen to you being a spoiled brat". I look to see the schools 'bad boy', Julian.

I run to the bathroom. I wipe the tears. I feel like the little sanity I had, had just been ripped away. I crouch down in the corner of the bathroom. I skipped 4th and 5th period, sitting there, just crying.

Occasionally, girls would come in there, call me a name I perfer not to say, nd go into the other bathrooms instead.

When the final bell rang, I got myself together. I wiped my red and puffy face.I applied some of my spare makeup that I had in the bag. I headed to cheer practice.

"Okay, Rebekah, I need to see you". I follow coach into her office.

"I heard you attacked Nicole. She is a sweetheart. I will not tell your dad, but I am kicking you off the cheer team. We don't tolerate that sort of behavior here".

I nod my head. Seeing a bench at the park, I sit down.

No one can know about this. Not even the boys.

When I get home, dad is making dinner. "Hey baby, how was your day?" He comes over and kisses my forehead.

"Good", I lie.

Lying. It hurt me to have to lie to him. What was I supposed to do? Was I supposed to tell him, and get more bullied at school?

Was it even bullying? I think to myself. You probably deserve it.

"Beki, dinner time". I wipe the tear that was shed and sit down at the table. Michael looks at me. "Are you okay?" The attention was now on me. "Yeah. It was just a long day". It wasn't a complete lie, it just wasn't the complete truth either.

"On Saturday, we were thinking of driving down to the beach. You can invite your friends to go there". Dad says.

"Yeah, you can invite your boyfriend". If only Calum knew.

"Aww, she's embarrassed". Luke adds.

"Did you see your boyfriend today?"

A tear rolls down my face. "SHUT UP!" I yell.

"Rebekah Marie, that was rude. They were just joking".

I get up and run to my room. So much for trying to keep a secret.

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