Back To The Start (ON HOLD)

By GoddessOfAphrodite

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I haven't always been like this. I got straight A's. I never skipped school or even talked back to my parents... More

Chapter 1 - How It Started
Chapter 2- Not Your Ordinary School
Chapter 3- Some Kind Of First Night
Chapter 4- Face to Face With The Devil
Chapter 5 - Hell For Lunch
Chapter 6- Cereal For An Apology
Chapter 7 - Take This Away
Chapter 8 - Throwing Those Two Years
Chapter 9 - Open For 12 Hours
Chapter 10- Matchy Matchy
Chapter 11- Call For Back Up
Chapter 12- Asking Friendship
Chapter 13 - Drunk and High
Chapter 14 - Starting Over
Chapter 16 - My P.O.V
Chapter 17 - Duck Tape My Mouth
Chapter 18 - Proclaimed Ungrateful
Chapter 19 - Surprise Tag-Along
Chapter 20 - Like Nothing Happened
Chapter 21 - Wendy Runaway With Me
Chapter 22 - The Call
Chapter 23 - Back To Reality
Chapter 24 - Unexpected As Heck
Chapter 25 - Then There Was Pain
Chapter 26 - The Feel of The Sun
Chapter 27- Project Make Her Smile
Chapter 28 - Not So Disney Day
Chapter 29 - Getting Back Up
Chapter 30 - The Truth
Chapter 31 - Custaroons? I love you.
Chapter 32 - I Beat Jenna Hamilton
Chapter 33 - Biggest Clue
Chapter 34 - Lzaer Tag Disaster
Chapter 35 - Cannot Be Long Hidden
Chapter 36 - What Happens Now?
Chapter 37 - Three Months And Four Days

Chapter 15 - Seriously, I Tried

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By GoddessOfAphrodite

Chapter 15 - Seriously, I Tried

This was how it went...

Two months have passed and Alec and I managed to stay friends without ripping each other's head off. Of course we fight like there's no tomorrow, but at the end of the day, I find myself making up with him. He was like my personal enemy but hero. And at the same time, I was his.

My phone rang by 3 am. Lately, getting sleep seemed impossible for me. Ever since that night that I did 'it' with Alec, it was like I kept on having this flashes from the past. And none of it were remotely good. They were more like nightmares from my past. Timara moving out from my dorm didn't help at all. Uncle Zach found out about here and was furious for I will get in trouble. But being the cool uncle he was, he offered to let Timara stay at his and Alec's dorm which has a total of 5 bedrooms. 

"I'll declare Timara as my eyes for Alec," he told me. 

Timara scowled at him. "I do not want to be that jerk's babysitter."

Just like that, Alec matched her scowl. "You're not my babysitter. It's just a freaking act to keep you here, ungrateful bit-"

"That would be enough, Alec," Uncle Zach said. 

Like an immature boy he was, Alec crossed his arms against his chest and glared down at the floor. And Timara, being immature, stuck her tongue out at him. 

"But what if you leave for other projects and films?" I asked. 

Uncle Zach smiled at me. "That's when I will declare to the school that Timara is like Alec's babysitter."

Oh, the joy of that day. As sadistic as it sounds, I enjoyed seeing both of my friends scowl like there's no tomorrow. It was like they were hating each single breath they take. 

"Hello?" I answered my phone and pretended to have a 'just woke up' voice.

"Hey, sorry if I woke you up," Alec whispered from the other side. 

"And why the hell are you calling at 3 am?"  I growled.

He chuckled. "Don't act like you were asleep. And it's 3:04 am."

"Nerd. How can you be so sure that I wasn't asleep?" 

"I know you," he said simply.

I didn't respond after that. Lately, Alec has been reading me like he knew me ever since. Well, he does know me ever since. But I knew I had already changed. So whenever he would just blurt things like that, I just space out in surprise. 

" me again at the usual pace," he said after awhile. 


Alec and I have been meeting up at the rooftop. At times we would just stare at the night sky then fall asleep as we talked with each other. Sometimes, when one of us was stressed or just bummed out, we would smoke a spliff or just drink beer and then we'd end up laughing our asses off. 

"What's the sitch?" I asked, impersonating Kim Possible as I got on the roof.

Alec faced me with a smile on my face. "You know, you suck at impersonating people."

I laughed and took a seat on the metal air vent.

"One, two, three," Alec counted.

At the count of three a growling sound from where I sat came. The air vent opened and cold wind blew on my face.

"Your hair's longer," Alec observed. 

"Yeah, I need to get it cut. What do you think about green?" I asked. 

He looked at me as if imagining what I look like with green hair. 

"Hmm... you'd look great. But I still dig your brown hair."

"Eh, I'll go with green."

Our conversation went away from the topic about my hair and went on and on with different topics. Little by little I could feel my eyes dropping. 

"You can go to sleep," Alec said as he pulled my head to his shoulder. 

"Nah," I said, pulling away. 

But I was unsuccessful. Alec pulled me back and placed my head on his shoulder. 

"You still got 3 hours before we head back."

Slowly, I allowed myself to sleep. My eyes dropped as I felt the sun hit my skin. I was barely conscious when I felt something soft and chapped on my lips. I didn't know if that was just a dream or that was a reality, but I was just too damn sleepy to care. 


"Tori, wake up."

I groaned and hugged my body tighter. Something felt awkwardly wet and cold. 

"Tori, wake the hell up!" he repeated, louder this time. 

"Go away, Alec," I hissed. 

"Dummy, it's raining!"

I jerked up from where I was and opened my eyes in an instant. 

"Ah hell."

Alec was beside me as we ran to the door. He yanked the knob to open but the door didn't budge open. 

"Shit," he muttered under his breath.

My hand was covering my eyes from the heavy assault of the rain.

"What is it? Open the goddamn door!" I yelled through the rain.

Alec pulled harder but nothing happened. Of course, it was locked.

"Did you lock this?" he hissed at me with his hand covering his eyes from the rain.

"No!" I yelled back.

I placed my hand on the knob and pulled harder, again, nothing happened. Alec kicked the door and stepped away.

"Come on, let's get out of the rain," he said.

I laughed humorlessly that I didn't even bother to mask my annoyance.

"And how do you think we'll do that?" I snapped sarcastically.

"Just shut up and follow me."

I huffed but followed him anyway. He stopped at the edge of the rails. His hands were placed on side of the roof as he pushed his body up.

"Oh my gosh! Don't freaking kill yourself!" I screamed, panicking.

Alec rolled his eyes at me and held out his hand. He looked so good... the way his hair was wet and was sticking on his face made him look like a fallen angel. His black shirt clung into him making it outline his toned body. 

"Get up!"

I brought my hands to the air and stepped away from the edge.

"My life does suck, but I will not kill myself. And you shouldn't. Come on, Alec. Get down-"

"Shut up, Tori! I'm not going to kill myself, dummy. Are you still afraid of heights?" he said with a light chuckled. 

I gulped. Heights and I certainly didn't go together. 

"And yet, she loves roller coasters and those scary rides that takes away the soul of her body," he mocked.

"Are you done?" I deadpanned. 

"Yes. Now please take my hand. I would like to get out of this rain."


"Do you trust me?" he cut me off before I could even say anything. 

"I guess?" 

 Soon, I realized that I was holding my hand out. Alec quickly grabbed my hand and lifted me up. My feet started to wobble at the sight of the ground bellow. We were freaking 50 stories up from the ground. Alec wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest to prevent me from plunging to my death.

"That's good enough."

With that said, he jumped off the building. I screamed, expecting to fall to our death. But I was only met by cold air and the feeling of me lying on Alec's body.

"I fucking hate you!"

Alec's hold tightened. 

"Just enjoy it. You're not dying," he whispered on my ear.

I opened my eyes that I was unaware that I was closing and saw that we were in a dark narrow place that seems like a pipe that could fit two people. 

"Are we sliding down?" I screamed at him. 



I wrinkled my nose at the smell. There was no way in hell I was keeping these clothes that I was wearing. It was covered in filth that smelled like spoiled food. 

"I am throwing these clothes!" I snarled at Alec.

"I am doing the same. God we smell so bad."

We entered the familiar parking lot and went to his car. He removed his shirt in an instant making it hard for me to control my gasp. 

"What? I don't want to get this filth in my car," he said with a smirk on his face. 

My sudden awe from his wavered and glared at him.


He opened the back of his car and produced a black duffle bag. 

"Here," he said, throwing me a black hoodie that was obviously too big for me. 

I caught the hoodie with a confused look on my face. 


I was cut off by another flying piece of clothing. I grabbed the thick cloth and looked at it. It was a gray sweats.

"And how- woah there!"

My hands quickly covered my eyes as I saw Alec taking off his pants.

"My eyes!" I said dramatically. 

"Oh no need to act, Tori."

I ignored his comment and just counted to 20.

"You can look now," he said.

Cautiously, I removed my hand away from my face. But Alec was far from fully clothed. He was buttoning his pants with his biceps bulging and he was shirtless. It was like he was auditioning for some sexy movie like Magic Mike or something hotter than that. I knew that my face was flaming red, but I just couldn't stop or even hide it.

Alec looked at me and cleared his throat. "How 'bout you get dressed? Then you eye rape me later."

He winked at me. Oh god, he was so hot doing that. 


I groaned at that. My monthly bitch was visiting me soon, I could feel it.

I told my body to move and get dressed. 

"What are you doing?" Alec hissed at me.

My hand stopped midway from taking my shirt off at his sudden voice. He placed his hand on the hem of my shirt and pulled it down. A mean glare was painted on his face.

"What?" I hissed back.

"You are not dressing up in public, Tori. Anyone can see you and I will not allow that."

I sighed. Okay, that was a stupid move. But the smell of my clothing was getting harder and harder for me to tolerate.

"And how am I suppose to change?" I asked.

Alec looked around with his hand on his wet hair. I was slightly thankful for the heavy rain because it washed out the filth in our hair and skin, but the smell was just too hard to remove. 

"There's a bathroom over there."

He pointed a metal door that was just about 50 meters away from where we stood.

"Then why did you dress up here?" 

A small smirk made its way on his face. "Won't hurt to make you uncomfortable, right?"

My hand flew to his hard arm with a frustrated groan escaping my lips. 


He howled in laughter. "You mispronounced, sexy. And really? You're already feeling me up?"

Immediately, I moved my hand away from him. 

"I'm getting dressed."

Without anything said after that, I walked towards the direction of the bathroom.

"Hey, Tori!"


"Here's some soap."

As if out of instinct, I turned to face him. In just a millisecond a bar of soap came flying towards my direction. Thanking my fast reflex, I caught the soap and managed to stick my middle finger towards Alec's direction. My gesture, obviously made him more amused.

"Don't sniff my clothes too much!" he called before the metal door shut behind me.

"Arrogant, cocky, son of mother effing bitch," I chanted as I cleaned myself up.


We weren't able to catch our first period, so we decided to stay in his dorm for a few minutes. I had manged to clean myself properly so I was still in Alec's clothing that were surprisingly comfortable. By the time the bell rang, we parted way to get to our second period.

"We'll get Taco Bell for lunch?" he asked as we waited for the elevator.

"Yeah sure."

Silence enveloped us after that. But then I could feel him staring at me. Turning to face him, I brushed my platinum blue hair off my face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

Alec looked dead serious. There was no sign of humor in his eyes. He just stared at me like I was some alien. Not in the weird way, it was something I couldn't identify. Slowly, I felt him walk closer to me. His movement made me back away a bit, not from fear but out of instinct. He just kept on advancing towards me until my back touched the wall. He placed his hands on the wall beside the sides of my face. His forehead touched mine and my heart felt like it exploded. The feeling was so good and yet he wasn't doing anything yet.

Before he could do anything, a loud 'ding' echoed around the empty corridor. He didn't move until the elevator doors opened. He pulled away with his face pale but his cheeks tainted red. 

"Maybe you should wear my clothes more," he said as if nothing happened.

I scowled as he entered the elevator. How could he act like nothing happened in just a snap of a finger? Damn, no wonder he was called the Golden Boy here. Alec Austin sure does know how to act. And no matter how much I try not to give in, I just freaking fail because of his god like face and charms. I was losing my game.

What spell had he cast upon me?


Is the ship (I have no idea what their ship name is) finally sailing?

Another update since the last chapter was just a filler.

Vote? Comment? Promote? Vote? 

Thank you!

Always smile =)


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