An Inconvenient Attachment {M...

By buttercreamSQ

5K 151 119

Chantel Rivera - Olivia Henderson is a 25 year old lawyer who works at the Rivera and Coulson Law Firm, which... More

I'm getting what i deserve. I'm reaping what i sow.
seven single acts of indiscretion
I've never done this before
You broke his heart.
Turn on the late late show, now.
Story Of My Life
Reach out
It just still hurts me...a lot.
We need to make this quick
That was a joke, he nipped mine so i did it back.
l just proposed a settlement to dick with them!
I told you not to come
Wasn't saying that when you was begging for my dick.
The newly wedded couple

I wanna fuck you on this desk

201 7 0
By buttercreamSQ

A few days later;

"I don't see why you keep ignoring me" he frowned following me into my kitchen as he already forced his way into my house. I sighed as he continued asking me that, I continued to ignore him and started making myself a cup of coffee.

"Chan," he begged trying to grab hold of my hand but I kept moving it "what have I done?" He said quietly.

I just shook my head and laughed "you're seriously asking me that??"
Michael smiled softly "oh, so she can speak?" He said being as sarcastic as he can get.
I rolled my eyes and turned away to walk away but he grabbed me soon enough "Chan I'm sorry, whatever I've done-" he breathed trying to look in my eyes but I kept looking away "I'm sorry" he said gently.

"We need to stay away from each other. You need to stay away from me" I say, sternly, because it's true. He can't keep coming near me like this and being all touchy with me. He has a fucking fiancée. It's like he doesn't realise that.

"Is this because of what I said to you the other day??" He asked cautiously, biting his lip as his eyes roamed all over my body.
I think back to the other day "I don't know what you're on about, Michael. I can't remember our conversation from the other day... because it was just as meaningless as all the other conversations we've had" I say nastily, although I try and bite my tongue from offending him, I poor my hot water out from the kettle and mix the milk, coffee, sugar and water together.

He doesn't answer me so I look up to see a hurt expression "that's how it is then?"
I laugh softly "it's how it always has been" I shrug truthfully putting the spoon down in the sink.

"Right," he mumbled "I'll see you around then" he turned away and walked off.
I rolled my eyes as he walked off, to presumably my front door so he can leave. I sighed and walked out into my back garden with my coffee.

I stood in my garden breathing in nature and appreciating it for what it is.
I start to think about my life... I'm grateful for everything. I'm very well off, my parents own a law firm so I've got money you know? I'm not poor by all means.
I earn an average of $150,673 a year but that changed all the time. And I'm grateful, so grateful. I've got a wonderful family, a beautiful and amazing bestfriend.
I was lucky enough to travel the world with one direction and visit some beautiful places, while spending every day with them and building a bond.. that at the time, was unbreakable. I was lucky enough to be best friends with them, I was lucky enough to experience something they didn't let many people experience. The boys said they always trusted me with everything, they trusted me because I was there from almost day one.
Their first music video, their first album.. that's when our bond was formed. They wasn't really famous then, like they are now. So they knew I wasn't their friend for the fame. It ultimately confirmed it for them when I used to shield myself away from the paps when I used to make them shield me and hurdle around me walking into places or when we was out in public. I just didn't want to be seen by anyone and have my whole life talked about in the media.

I just didn't want that. And the boys made sure that didn't happen. The boys didn't live a normal life, they was world wide famous before some of them was even 21, they wanted something normal in their life, something they didn't have to share with the press, the media and the fans.
I was that normalisation for them. And they loved it.

I think back to how I treated Niall and what I put him through while being so blind to the fact he liked me way more than he was telling me, or anyone for that matter.

I remember meeting his mother and father, such sweet people. They really was. They most probably hate me now, breaking their sons heart. It was never my intention, I never knew he liked me as much as he did.
I frown as I sip on my coffee. I'm such a fucking bitch. I don't deserve nothing good in life. I don't deserve none of it.

I wipe tears away frustratedly as I throw my coffee cup to the ground as it splattered and shattered everywhere. I fall to the ground clenching my head as I start to hear voices...

You're the worst person ever

You're not a nice person

No one wants you

How could you hurt someone like that

You only wanted to stay quiet in the media so they didn't know what you really was up to

Everyone hates you

Your family don't even want you, they just put up with you because they have to.

You won't ever change.

You don't deserve this life.

You are a scum bag.


"Chan??" I heard someone pleading through my front door.
"You can't just stay in here, please Chan. You haven't even been out the house for four weeks, and you haven't messaged anyone. We're worried about you" the voice I recognise as being my brother pleads through the door.

"Come on, Chan. Open up, we just want to know you're okay" someone said, I listened closely "Chan? I know you're listening" I hear Niall say, with a small chuckle.

"So you won't come out then??" Cooper asked softly.

I sighed and walked away from the door. They aren't gonna coax new out of my house, no way.

I haven't been to work in 4 weeks. I've received hundreds of calls and texts off of my parents, Cooper, Fletcher, Niall and Ellie just trying to get me out the house and get to work.

I don't wanna face Michael, I don't wanna have to face Niall either.
I'm such a bad person, I don't deserve his love, care and generosity. I want him to move on, so bad, coz then I wouldn't feel as bad as I do now.

"Chantel, we love you" Niall falls through the other side of the door "talk to us when you're ready, yeah??" He asks softly. "See you later, Chan" he said gently and leaves. Well I think he does.
"Chan, call me when you can, and when you want to. I love you" my big brother says through my door.
I hear to car doors slam and then an engine start. They're leaving.

They care about me so much.
And I don't even deserve that.

The next day:
I sigh turning off my engine as I look up at my law firm and sigh softly. I love my job, I love helping people and being able to get them justice:
But lately... I'm thinking about packing up and taking off. I have enough money to move away from here. To a place where I'm happy. I've never really been happy either. I think I lost my happiness when my and the 1D boys stopped talking.
Travelling has always been one of my favourite things to do, so going back to that would bring happiness to me.

The break down to Don't forget where you belong splatters through my radio as I tap my fingers against my wheel. This song is so relatable and always has been to me.

"Ooohhhhh, don't forget it, oooohhhhhh. You're never on your own, you are never—" the boys sing on top of each other.

I sigh and cut the song off just seconds before it ends.
I get out of my car and grab my belongings, slamming the door shut.

As I walk through my floor sector I get glances from everyone, they're all probably shocked that I'm here. As these past four weeks I haven't been at work or contacted anyone.

I walked past Michael and Kelly practically eating each other's faces off in the middle of the corridor. I rolled my eyes and walked past them not giving them any attention.

"Oh, Chantel. Are you okay?" Kelly says, I stop in my tracks and mentally curse. I turn around and smiled weakly at her "I'm good" I say bluntly and walk off.

"Chan?" Michael called after me but I just ignored him. I walked into my office shutting the door behind me, but that was soon opened again.
I looked at my door to see who walked in... Michael. Of course.

"Chan are you okay?" He frowned looking at me with worried eyes.

"Never been better," I state with sarcasm making him frown harder "you look terrible"

I raised a brow at him "you don't look so great either, is that good enough for your ego?" I shot him a look.
"You know I'm sexy and irresistible 24/7 baby" he winked at me licking his lips while grinning. I don't know why, but that made my heart flutter massively.

I just rolled my eyes.
"I'm joking chan, what I mean is, you look so thin"

"A new diet" I said without emotion.

"So you wanna look like that??" He nodded again my body making me look down "what's wrong with it??"

"You're skinny, Chantel" he frowned with nothing but care in his eyes. I shrugged sassily "what's wrong with skinny girls??"

He shook his head quickly "no nothing, i didn't mean it like that" he then sighed "I'm just used to seeing you with a bit of..." he said with hand expressions making me raise a brow at him challenging him.

"What?" I asked.

"Meat" he smirked "you've lost your curves gurl"

I shrugged "I was too big anyways."

He laughed "I enjoyed grabbing onto your thick curves"
I raised my brows at his and laugh softly "well they aren't yours to grab"
He nodded smirking "who's are they, then?? 'Cause last time I checked, my dick was in you fucking you into oblivion"

"In your dreams" I mumble and set up my computer.
"Everyday baby" he said sexually, I looked up at him and he winked at me.

I shook my head and looked back at my computer "I told you to stay away from me.." I mumble keeping my eyes on my computer screen
"I can't stay away from you," his voice dripped in a sexual manner filled with lust.. I looked up into his dark eyes and swallowed the lump in my throat "we work together" he said smirking "so I won't be able to stay away" he added while he came closer to my desk.

"You know what I mean, Michael, I want you to stay away. No sexual talk or any of that crap. I'm simply not interested" I stated not even looking at him.

"You sure about that?" He asks making me look at him this time "sure about what?" I sighed feeling annoyed with his presence "that you're not interested in me??" He smirked as he slowly walked around my desk and turned me around in my swivel chair, i looked up at him as he placed his hands on either arm rest of my chair and leant over me "'cause I think you're pretty interested if I'm being honest" he whispered closely to my lips making my heart beat faster and faster.
"I wanna fuck you on this desk" he moaned softly then pressed his lips slowly on mine.
I pushed him away realising what we're doing, it's even worse because his fiancée is somewhere on this floor sector and could be looking for him or could walk in on us.

"What's up?" He sighed softly, catching his breath:
I sighed shaking my head as I stood up so i can face him properly on his eye level "are you deaf?? Or are you just really stupid??"
He frowned at me and questioned "what do you mean??"

"I just said we need to stay away from each other and this isn't the first time I've said it either, stop forcing yourself on me. I can get you done for that" I frowned at him.
He raised his brows "so you don't like how touchy I am?"

I scoffed "no, because you're not my fiancée, and I don't like all that shit" I put my hand on his chest wanting to push him away but that doesn't happen. He just grabs my hand and pulls me up against his body, he pulls my arm around his body and places it on his arse.

"Kiss me" he whispers "you don't want me to kiss you? And be touchy with you, then you kiss me and be touchy with me..." he licks his lips.
We just stand there staring into each other's eyes.. his eyes twinkled with something unreadable.

"Let me come see you tonight" he asked softly tucking a piece of hair behind my ear "I'll make it worth while" he bit his lip slowly.

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