one more night [alex a]

By -amarii

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[ fluff ] Season 1 & 2 of One Day At A Time! (alex alvarez au) Bianca Melo-Schneider is currently living wit... More

𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟏
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝟓𝟎𝐤 & (𝒂𝒍𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕) 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫


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By -amarii


My alarm went off, signaling that it was that time of the morning. School. Luckily, it's Friday, half school days. I get up and brush my teeth and wash my face. I go pick an outfit that consisted of light grey Lulu Lemon tights and a T-shirt. Then, I go do my hair, which is just a slick-back pony tail.

I check the time and see it's 7:10. I leave my room and see Schneider sitting on the couch, looking at all of his handy-man tools. "Morning," I say, walking towards the kitchen. "Do you have that thing for smoothies?"

"What?" He asks. I can't put my finger on it.
"You know, the thing for smoothies? The vroom vroom thing?" I try to hold my laugh as we can't think of the 'thing for smoothies'.

"A blender?" Alex asked, walking into Schneider's apartment. I look up to see him and smile.
"Yes! A blender! Schneider do you have a blender?" I ask him as I walk around the counter to greet Alex with a hug. "Hey!" I hug him and he hugs me back.

"Mom sent me up here to get Schneider because our sink is acting up."

"Oh, alright. I'll go check it out after I drop Bianca off at school." Schneider grabs his keys off the table by the door and motions with his head for me to follow him.

"Wait, I haven't had breakfast." I tell him as I follow behind him, grabbing Alex by his arm to c'mon.

"We'll get smoothies on the way, Alex do you and Elena want a ride?" Schneider asks him, Alex closing the door behind him. We start walking down the stairs and turn down the hall we're the Alvarez's live.

"Me and Elena don't start school for another hour, but thanks though." Alex turns down the offer and puts his apartment key in.

"We'll all go get smoothies, it'll be on me." Schneider assures him, "Hey, Pen, I'm gonna take Alex out for smoothies, does Elena want to come?"

Penelope shakes her head no, "She's at one of her protest, talking about women's rights because I want her to have a quinces." She rolls her eyes.

"She's still on about that?" I poke my head in their apartment ask to ask Penelope. She nods, "It's just a party with cheesy Spanish music, a farther-daughter dance and hella food."

"Exactly my point! Well, you guys have a great day at school. Alex don't forget your backpack." Penelope dragged him back in.


"What do you guys want to listen to?" Schneider asked us, not taking his eyes off the road.

I turned to Alex and he whispered in my ear and I immediately agreed. "Danza Kuduro." I told him. (If you like that song, marry me.)

Then the music started playing and we were doing the most. Dancing and acting out the lyrics. I could tell Schneider was doing his best in singing the lyrics and not gibberish. I left him be and continue dancing in my seat.

We pulled up to Tropical Smoothie, the best smoothie place might I add. Schneider turned to us and asked what we wanted. "Can I get the Paradise point? Alex what do you want?" I turn to him.

"Blueberry Bliss." He said. Schneider parked the car and went in to order our smoothies. "So what's wrong?" Alex asked me. I look at him confused.
"What?" I laugh a little.
"You seem kind of sad. Or mad. Or both." He laughs too.

"Oh. It's nothing important." I reassure him.
"C'mon you can tell me, I won't judge."

I sigh and smile a bit, "My boyfriend broke up with me last night over text. But it's not important." I wave when I say the last part.

"Oh wow, I'm sorry Bianca." Alex smiles a little, "What a dick."

"He is not." I roll my eyes.

"Oh, yeah?" Alex asked, "So why did he break up with you and why did he do it over text?" Damn, he got me.

"Apparently, he found someone else. A whole year wasted." I emphasize on 'wasted.'

"I don't think that you wasted your time, because now you know what you like and don't like in guys. And you know how relationships work."

"Hmm, you're right, Alvarez." I nod. Then I hear a knock on the door, it's Schneider. I unlock the doors and open the door for him since his hands are occupied with smoothies.

I grab mine and Alex's smoothies and hand him his. I take a sip and then say thank you to Schneider.

We arrive to my school and I immediately have a sinking feeling in my stomach. Daniel has probably already told the whole school about our break up, and I knew people were going to ask questions. I start breathing heavy and before I know it, I'm having a full blown anxiety attack.

"Bianca, what's wrong?" Schneider asked me. I look at him and calm down a bit.

"N-nothing. Just morning anxiety, that's all." I smile it off. I can tell Schneider doesn't believe me, but doesn't question it anymore. I get out the car and wave to him, "Bye guys! See you after school. And school ends at 1 p.m. today." I remind him.

"Okay. Bye, Bianca!" Him and Alex wave to me as I close the door and head into school.

I knew it, people already know. I'm used to feeling eyes on me when I walk into school. I'm on the Volleyball team, (used to) date the captain of the basketball team, and... I'm rich. I'm not proud of the rich part, hell, I tried to keep it on the low. Until, Kiera decided to tell Brielle that my parents are a big deal around L.A. and all hell broke lose. And it is as bad as it seems.

You may just think that people will be two faced and try to scam you for money, but no. People tried to lie and say I stole something from them such as a wallet, a phone or even money. Seriously, what kind of person steals from someone when they already have everything. And my lockers been broken into. Several. Time.

Also, people found out who my parents were. They own multiple companies that deal with music and production. So I have to keep a good reputation so I don't mess anything up for my parents. The perks of being a Schneider.

"Hey, Bianca." Brielle walks up to my locker. I roll my eyes, already knowing she's going to say something about me and Daniel's break up.

"Hi, Brielle." I put on a smile. I can feel my stomach drop as I see the smirk appearing on her face.

"So, what happened with you and Daniel?" She asked. Is she dumb? She already knows if she's asking me about it.

I sigh and keep a smile on my face, "We broke up." I turn back to my locker and grab my Math text book.

"Oh, well, he told me that he broke up with you for someone else. Who was it?"

"I don't know, Brielle. Can we not talk about this, please?" I stay smiling, no matter how much I wanted to yell at her for poking her nose in my business.

"Alright. Toodles." Brielle walks off. Toodles? Girl, JAJAJA.


Bianca's POV

12:00 p.m. Cafeteria.

I have no clue where to sit. I usually sit with Daniel and his friends, but I kind of can't. Terrible day for my few friends to go on a fieldtrip. Instead, I head to the library. Yes, you read correctly. I have some school work to catch up on anyways due to me not going to school yesterday.

I sit down at a table and pull out my lunch. A fruit bowl, crackers and water. 'Lunch' my ass. I start eating some fruit and pull out my History workbook. I also go on my phone and look at where the nearest mall was, assuming I would have no weekend plans. Then I hear some people sit down at the table next to me. I look up and guess WHO. Yes, yes you're right. Brielle and her little clique.

I look back down at my textbook and try to ignore them. I guess they saw me looking, because Brielle did the classic mean girl move. Talking loud enough for you to hear even if she isn't speaking to you.

"So, girlies, guess who asked me out last night?" She spoke loudly. One of her friends asked who, "Daniel Trevor." My ears perked up when she said his name. All of her friends gasped and giggled as if they didn't know. "Yeah, he dumped that bitch over there for me." I could see from the corner of my eye that she pointed to me.

That's it.
I'm going to jail.

"The fuck did you just call me?" I ask, not looking up from my workbook.

"I'm sorry, who was speaking to you!" Brielle's friends laughed. IT WASN'T EVEN FUNNY.

"Doesn't matter who was speaking to me, what matters is that you just called me a bitch to your friends, but couldn't say it to me." I finally look up at her. I didn't feel anxious anymore, I felt rage. I'm tired of everybody being two faced. I'm tired of people coming at me side ways.

"Oh, honey. Are you mad just because I called you a bitch? Pathetic." She started to walk over to my table.

"You get called it so often, I guess you're prone to it, huh?" I snapped back. Brielle stood next to my chair. If that pendeja puts even a finger on me, I will beat the shit out of her.

"You think you're so cool just because you're rich. Well you're not. You're probably the lamest one at this school, you don't even know how to hold a guy down."

"Voy a matar a estas perra." I spoke in spanish so she didn't understand me. I start to pack up my things and stand up. (I'm going to kill this girl.)

Brielle laughed and said, "I'm sorry, I don't speak Mexican." I lost it and I slapped her. Oh it felt so good, but I felt so bad. Not that I slapped her, because I could get in big trouble.

Everyone gasped. And Hispanics don't just slap. We slap the shit out of you. Brielle held her face as her jaw dropped. She turned to me. I saw her hand go up, but one of her friend pulled her back. "Dude, don't, a teacher is right there." They whispered.

I gave her a look, begging her to hit me so I could beat the shit out of her. "You gonna hit me?" I say, kind of yelling.

She just rolled her eyes.

I put my bag over my shoulder and left the library, being as lunch was about to be over. "This isn't over." Brielle yelled at me.

"Yes it is." I yelled back.


Bianca's POV

1:03 p.m.

I got into Schneider's car, obviously pissed off. He looks at me worriedly, "What happened?" He asked.

I raise my eye brow and look at him, "Nothing." I mumbled.

"Seriously, Bianca. What's wrong?" He asks me one more time and I give in.

"Well I slapped a girl today because she called me a bitch." I say quietly, afraid that I'll get in trouble.

Schneider's jaw dropped, "Really?" He asked and I nodded. Schneider sighed, "I'm sorry, Bianca."

"It's okay, it's not you're fault. Plus this isn't the first or last time it's going to happen."

"Do you want me to pull you out of that school? I can send you to the school Elena and Alex go to." Schneider offers and I immediately decline.

"I don't want to move schools just because of a girl with nothing better to do than to be mean."

"Just... Think about it."


Bianca's POV

7:00 p.m. Alvarez's Apartment.

I knock on the door of the Alvarez's apartment with a batch of cookies in my hand, waiting for someone to answer. A few seconds later, Penelope opens the door. "Oh, hi Bianca. Come in."

"Hi, Mrs. Alvarez. I made you guys some cookies to thank you for being so welcoming." I smile and hand them to her.

Penelope brings me in a hug, "Thank you, mija. I really need these." She laughs and I laugh too, "Elena's been giving me a hard time with the Quinces and Alex doesn't understand the struggle of money."

"It's okay, Elena will come around eventually, I promise. And for Alex? He'll understand when he starts working." I laugh and pat her back. She smiles and brings the cookies to the kitchen.

I go looking for Alex's room and see a door wide open. I poke my head in and wave. "Hey."

"Hey." He looks up from his spot on his bed and motions me to sit next to him. I go sit next to him and look at his shoes. Multi cultural princess. Classic.

"Nice shoes, Alvarez." I laugh and he keeps a straight face.

"Moms making me wear these because I bought like 5 pairs of shoes with out her permission. I wish I had a lot of money like you."

I roll my eyes and laugh, "Trust me it is not all that. It's actually kind of stressful." He tilts his head in confusion, "Well, my lockers been robbed several times, I get accused of stealing things so I can pay someone back, and two faced friends." I nod. I look at him and smile. "I think one pair of shoes will do you good."

He shrugs, "I guess." Then Penelope sticks her head in his room.

"Hey. The ladies be looking at your feet, somethings wrong, am I right?" I laugh and Alex sighs, "I saw that you bought a pair for under forty dollars, which means you did the right thing before you did the many wrong things." She says as she hands him a box of sneakers.

"Oh, thank you." Alex slips the princess shoes off and grabs the box from her, "I was trying to be brave, but even the nuns would've made fun of me."

"I was trying so hard not to laugh at you too much." I continue laughing. Penelope laughs with me.

"Plus, you don't need to worry about being the man of the house. First off, we don't even have a house. So you just focus on being a 13 year old boy."

Alex nodded and smirked, "I shouldn't worry about what's going on down there, when I've got a lot going on up here." Alex points to his face.

I shrug, "He's got a point."

((I'm sorry, this is so long. Do y'all like long chapters?))

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