Curtwen One-Shots

By L0gicallyAnxi0us

1.7K 84 155

Hey guys! So I'm back on my bullshit and I'm starting a fanfic on my new hyper-fixation, Spies are Forever. I... More

New Beginning

Too Close

615 36 76
By L0gicallyAnxi0us

Agents Curt Mega and Owen Carvour had grown close. Very close, in the eyes of their respective governments. A.S.S. and MI6 knew that Carvour and Mega worked well together. Alone, they were good, but together they were unstoppable. So they were almost always put on missions together.

What the Secret Service governments didn't know was truly how close Carvour and Mega had become. Closer than partners, much closer than friends. After a while it was obvious it might be dangerous to keep them together until they found out exactly what was going on.

Of course, both Curt and Owen knew what they were to each other. Homosexual lovers, something definitely illegal. Yet the two could not stop loving each other. Every mission was dangerous, not just because of the obvious, and they were nearly caught many times.

One time was too close. Curt and Owen were in a safe house after a mission that almost went wrong at every turn, but somehow the two managed to get out alive and with a success. They had to keep off the radar, though, and stay in a safe house for at least a week.

At first the two knew it would be a good idea to not let their relationship be showing too much, as they were both worried other Agents were watching them. So they didn't risk it at all, acting only as friends should and not getting closer than necessary.

Both of them were obviously very upset by this, but they knew they had to hide their relationship for fear that their bosses would fire and humiliate them.

On the last night of their safe house stay, they decided after far too much time seeing each other but still being apart, they could risk at least being a little affectionate.

What they didn't know, though, was that it was scheduled for Officials from each Agency to check in on Curt and Owen and let them know that the next day, they would be leaving the safe house.

So the two were sitting on the couch, very close, just talking. Of course, they had sat on the couch before and just talked but this time they were cuddling. Owen was playing with Curt's hair, and everything seemed perfect, until they heard the knock at the door.

The one with the brain cells, Owen's first thought was, Have they found out about us? Oh no, have they been watching?

On the other hand, Curt practically jumped up, his first thought being, are they here for more food for us?

Owen stood up slowly and walked toward the door, hoping to everything that they didn't find out about the two Agents being secret lovers. He opened the door.

To his dismay, Cynthia Houston and an MI6 Agent were standing at the door. "Hello, Owen," Cynthia says. "I take it you got the letter I sent?"

Confused, Owen replied, "No... We didn't get a letter."

"That's because I didn't fucking send one. Good job, you passed the test. I bet Agent Mega would have stuttered then said yes. Now I'll let myself in." She stepped in, and the MI6 Agent stayed outside, for a reason unknown to Owen.

Cynthia looked around. "It is quite small in here. Now, where is Mega? Ah, there he is.

"What's wring with your hair, Curt? If I know you, and I'm fairly fucking certain I do, you just have to have your hair perfect at all times," Cynthia continued.

Curt didn't know what to say. He was ready to make up some bullshit. "I-" He was cut off by Owen.

"Oh, it was my fault," Owen started. Cynthia looked over at Owen, raising an eyebrow. From behind her, Curt widened his eyes, worried Owen would tell her something she didn't need to know. But Owen wasn't stupid, and he didn't. "I just hid his hair gel as a prank, that's all."

Cynthia seemed to accept it and moved on from that topic. "Anyways, I've come to check and see that you two are still behaving properly, no going outside, no talking to people."

"How could we talk to people if we can't go outside? Besides, we know the rules. Why would we break them?" Curt interrupted rudely.

"Oh, you've already broken quite a few rules," Cynthia started. It seemed like she was going to continue, so Curt and Owen didn't say anything.

The two glanced at each other in a gay panic, both worried she had found out about them.

"You break at least one rule on every mission," Cynthia continued. This just made Owen and Curt more worried. Apparently their worry shows on their faces. "You two need to lighten up. Of course you break rules, that's how you be a spy. Although, based on your reactions, I'd say there's something you two don't want me to know.

"So, do tell. Why are you so on edge at my visit? It's not as if I've interrupted anything. You don't have anything worthwhile to do that I could interrupt, so tell me." Cynthia's intimidation was working very well on Owen and Curt.

The pair glanced at each other again. Did Cynthia really know? Or did she just suspect?

"No, there's nothing-"

"Bullshit!" Cynthia interrupted. "Something is up with you two, and I'm going to find out what." She started to walk back toward the door, glaring at both of them and brushing past Owen rudely as she left. The tension was gone as soon as she slammed the door.

Owen let out a breath he didn't know he had bee  holding. "Do you think she knows?"

"How could she?"

"Security, watching us today, watching us on other missions. There are plenty of options, love. We just need to figure out what she knows, how much she knows, and how to stop her from finding out more," Owen said determinedly.

"You seem like you have given this some thought. I was just gonna try and keep her from finding out my own way." Curt sat down. It seemed as if he didn't really care about this, which made Owen slightly mad.

"Curt, your way usually includes destroying things and barely getting out alive. Do you want that to happen here? Because we can easily have that happen here!" Owen was starting to yell.

What Owen was worried about openly, and what Curt wad worried about inwardly, were coming true. Subconsciously, the two knew they were being watched at this very moment, and Curt was at least sensible enough to talk with caution.

Owen walked over to Curt to talk quieter. "You know what would happen if they knew. So we have to be more careful," He hissed in Curt's ear.

"Calm down. They don't have to know anything, but you're just making it worse for yourself. We have one day left, then this shit will be over. Just pretend everything is normal," Curt shot back.

"Curt. I don't think you realize how long-term this is. If they suspect anything H-" Owen paused for a moment, then lowered his voice to where it was barely audible. "Homosexual between us," He raised it back to where it was before. "Who knows what they will do."

"It's not like they can watch us forever."

"YES. THEY CAN," Owen accidentally yelled, then looked around. "Sorry. Yes, they can. They always have and always will."

Curt nodded, seemingly understanding. "Come on. What were we doing before Cynthia interrupted?"

"Something illegal, love," Owen said bluntly.

"You don't have to make it sound that bad!" Curt lifted his gaze to stare straight into Owen's eyes.

Their faces were inches apart, and the tension was thick. Owen muttered, "Curt, you know we can't do this. Not here. They-"

"Who cares what they think? Fuck the status quo! If I lose my job and everything I have, at least I know I'll still have you." As Curt spoke, his volume dropped little by little until the last words were a whisper. He stepped closer to Owen. "They can't stop me."

"No, Curt. They might be watching us this very second." Owen took a step back, and Curt pouted.

"You know I love y-"

"Shut! Up! Shut the hell up! They might be listening." Owen covered Curt's mouth with his hand. "We've just got to make it through one more night, lo- Curt. Just make it easy and... Go to bed. We'll leave as soon as we can."

~The Next Morning~

Owen awoke, feeling a sense of dread. He did not care for that shit at all. He got up quickly. It was the last day in the safe house, which should have been an obvious good thing, but Owen can't help but feel as if something bad was about to happen.

Of course the feeling had to do with what had happened the night before. Owen was still very upset about Cynthia's surprise visit. He got ready like he would any day, took a deep breath, then went out into the living room area of the safe house.

Curt was already sitting on the couch, evidently nervous about something. He was messing with the paper from some of the books the safe house provided to prevent boredom, folding and flipping through the pages absentmindedly.

"You all packed, love?" Owen asked Curt, who slammed the book shut suddenly and looked up tensely. He instantly relaxed.

"Oh- Yeah, I woke up a bit earlier than usual, so I decided to get those things done-"

A knock at the door interrupted Curt's words.

"Must be Cynthia, come to tell us that you're fired," Owen joked.

"Why just me? We both are-"

"How many times do I have to tell you to shut your mouth? Curt Mega, you will be the death of me."

"You say that so much that I'm convinced once day I will cause your death," Curt said playfully, standing up and walked toward Owen.

Curt messed with the collar on Owen's shirt, 'fixing' it. Owen raised one eyebrow and looked at his partner. Curt winked with a smirk on his face, then walked away, leaving a confused, blushing Owen. "I think you already have..." He whispered.

"Oh shut up, Owen, get out of here with that sappy stuff." Curt picked up an apple from a bowl on the table closest to him and tossed it lightly in his hand a few times. "You gonna get the door or what?"

The knocking started up again, this time more agitated. "Yep. Definitely Cynthia. I answered last time, it's your turn," Owen said, still blushing.

"Right. Probably for the better anyway, wouldn't want good 'ol Cynthia to have the door opened late and the first thing she sees is your flushed face," Curt said, then winked at Owen again for effect.

The effect was effective. Curt swaggered over to the door, smirking at Owen who was still in the hallway, lost for words.

"Cynthia! Good to see you. Seems like just yesterday I saw you last," Owen heard Curt's voice joking toward Cynthia, who obviously didn't care.

"Alright boys, it's time to go. Cooldown time's over. I'm sure you guys had the best fucking time here." The way Cynthia enunciated a few words made Owen nervous, and more sure that she knew.

"So what was that stunt from last night?" Cynthia asked as Owen walked toward her.

"What-" Owen cleared his throat. "What do you mean, Cynthia dear?"

"Don't play that bullshit 'dear' on my, Carvour. You're in just as much trouble as Mega. Now, I know something the other Agents and Officials and shit don't about you two."

Owen anxiously glanced at Curt, who looked oblivious, biting into the apple he had been playing with a few moments before. "I- I don't know what you mean. It's not like we have any secrets..."

"You're a bad liar, Carvour. Don't know how you ever got to be a Secret Agent with that terrible acting ability-" Owen was offended. "Though I guess when It comes to secrets between partners, it's a bit hard to cover up.

"Alright, I'm gonna stop being nice and get down to business. I know you two are together, and I'm the only one who knows. I've known for a while, so don't ask. If this horseshit gets out to anyone other than me, you two are in deep fucking trouble. So, here's some advice: Don't."

"Cynthia, I can explain-" Owen started.

"Not really much to explain here. How in Satan's asscheeks are the two best Agents MI6 and A.S.S. combined have ever known, gay AND somehow in love with each other." The mean boss lady seemed pissed, but not more pissed than usual, which confused Curt more than anything.

Cynthia continued. "I have been the only one watching you this week. Honestly, I did this just to confirm. The whole week was so boring, you two never showed any signs that you were together. Until last night, which I am grateful for."

"Wait, so this was a test?" Curt asked through a mouthful of apple.

"Figured that out all by yourself, did you? Good job, Agent Curt Mega, you seem to be above us all. I pray to our Lord Mega." Cynthia rolled her eyes. "Yes, this was a test. No one else knows, and it had better stay that way." At that, Cynthia turned around in a swift yet graceful movement and walked out the door.

Owen and Curt just stared at each other, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Cynthia knew? Owen asked himself.

Damn this is a good apple, Curt thought.

"Well, that was a close call. It could have been really bad if it was anyone but Cynthia... Right?" Owen asked, thinking too much about the situation.

Curt stopped chewing his apple. "What? Oh, yeah, sure. Coulda been bad or whatever." Curt was not thinking very much about the situation.

That definitely was a close call.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Word Count: 2328

Hey! Sorry that this one is shorter than my others and took so long to do but I've been very busy. I'm really trying to work on these so I hope anyone who is reading (Which, if I'm being honest with myself, is not very many people) is enjoying.

Bye guys! Love ya

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