I See Dead People

נכתב על ידי MarshMarrow

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(Bnha x Reader) ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ; ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪꜰᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴀ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ᴏʀ ᴏʀɢᴀɴɪꜱᴍ You were a pretty normal girl with a happy... עוד

Character introduction + Ghost introduction
Seven: Part One
Seven: Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Two


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נכתב על ידי MarshMarrow

To say it was a weird day at school for Izuku would be an understatement. As the green haired male stepped into his homeroom, he didn't hear a single swear escape Katsuki's mouth at his entrance. Scratch that. He didn't hear anything from Katsuki at all.

Surprisingly, all the boy got was a fierce glare from the ash blond, shocking him. As Izuku walked up to his desk, he ignored the usual murmurs about his quirkless-ness and noticed that (Y/n)'s desk was empty. He raised a brow at the thought of the cheerful girl being late,-in fact, she'd usually greet him at the entrance with that American transfer girl and they'd all walk to class together- but thought nothing of it, shrugging it off and concluding that she might've gotten stuck in traffic on the way to school as he sat in his desk.

Looking around the room, he spotted the transfer (Y/n) was always talking to. Throughout their entire first semester, the two had only talked once or twice, and that was through (Y/n)'s mutual friendship between them. Though from the few words exchanged, the freckled male deemed her good in his book. Along with the quirky (h/c) haired girl, she made no notions to jab at his lack of facilities.

Speaking of the girl, where was she? The bell had rung minutes ago and seconds from now, Mr. Renzo would be walking in to start the class. Izuku wondered that same thought as he sneakily pulled his phone from his pocket, hiding it under his desk as he went to the second year's contact. As the keyboard popped up, the boy moved his fingers to text her.


'Where are you??'

read 8:03 a.m.

The boy whined in disbelief. Not only did she leave him on read,-which never happens with her-but she also didn't respond. The boy just hoped she wasn't in danger or anything as he put his phone away. Coincidentally, the brown haired teacher walked in at that exact moment, ready to start the day for his now 2nd-year class.

"Good morning kids!"

"Yagi Tokutome?"


"Koyasu Shino?"


The homeroom teacher had begun to call role soon enough, and (Y/n) was still no where to be seen. Midoriya began to grow anxious for the female as Mr.Renzo got closer to her name on the list.

"Katsuki Bakugou?"

A grunt was heard in response.

"Izuku Midoriya?"


"Hanaki Okake?"


"Adelaide Rowan?"


"(Y/n) (L/n)?"

Silence. The older man didn't take his eyes off of the clipboard he held as he called the girl's name again. "(Y/n) (L/n)?" A good portion at the class turned to face said girl's empty seat and a student spoke up. "Uhm, sir? (L/n)'s not-" Their voice was cut off by the loud bang the classroom door made, having been forced open as a familiar delightful voice called, "I am here!" And in stepped in the lovable girl in all her glory, though, there was something different about her today. The freckled male noticed it right on the dot.

Along with her bright smile, on her pristine white teeth sat a mouth-full of metal wires and (f/c) rubber bands. That's right. (Y/n) had gotten braces, upping her cute factor by x10. At least to the green haired male it did. He flushed pink as her gaze turned to him and brightened, waving as she skipped over to her desk. Though, the girl passed it straight up and went straight to her freckled friend, slamming one of her hands on his desk and the other pointing at her bared teeth. "Hey Izu! Ya' like my braces? I just got th-" "Ms.(L/n)."

The call of their teacher's voice caught the two's attention as (Y/n) turned around and Izuku leaned around her to see. Coughing into his fist, the teacher looked at the pair, more specifically (Y/n), with judging eyes. "I see that you are very excited about your new...assets, but did you really need to interrupt role?"

The girl's (s/c) cheeks flushed in embarrassment and the class snickered at her flushed stated and she bowed lowly and apologized, scurrying to her seat. And so class resumed.

The bell soon rung, signaling Free Period for the middle schoolers before they moved to their next period. Meanwhile, in class 2-B, a certain medium went around class showing her teeth off as if they were a trophy. The cute girl received many compliments and jokes from most of her classmates as she was known as a ray of sunshine in Aldera, making her mutually liked amongst many.

"Check it out Bakugo! Do you like my new braces? I got them in my favorite color and-" The girl cut herself off when she realized the boy wasn't listening, but instead mumbling inaudibly under his breath. Though, (Y/n) didn't mind as her smile slightly dropped. Changing the subject, she asked, "Hey, Bakugou? You okay?" She leaned down to his level from where he sat behind his desk and tried to inspect his face. It was obvious the blond wanted to be left alone though and he scooted his chair back and turned his head away from the (h/c) haired girl. Covering his mouth with a hand, the boy growled.

"I'm fine. Leave me alone freak." His words came out slightly muffled, but were still comprehensible as Nanashi glared at him from behind (Y/n). This didn't steer her away. In fact, it had the opposite affect on her as the girl grew concerned. "Is something wrong with your mouth? Do you have a tooth ache? I can ask Mr.Renzo to call the nurse if you wa-" "I said I'm fine you stupid extra!" (Y/n) stumbled back as Katsuki stood from his chair and yelled at her, revealing the secret he was so desperately trying to hide. The class murmurs died down as peers looked to the two's direction. Gasps were heard around the class as they too looked specifically at the explosive blond.

Turns out that Katsuki too, had braces.

The class gossip began to pick up as various snickers and whispers were exchanged between others. Though, that was quickly shut down as the bully glared at the crowd. "And what the hell is so funny? I'll blast all you extras to hell!" He threatened. That shut them up quickly. Heads turned away from the duo and regular chatter resumed. However, (Y/n) wasn't quite done with her red eyed classmate yet.

"Woah!~ Bakugo, you have braces too?" The girl asked in awe. Said male turned his attention back to her and scowled at the smaller girl, showing off the orange rubber-bands that decorated his teeth. "What's it to you copycat?" The (s/t) female held a hand to her chest in mock offense as she retorted, "Copycat? Am not! I had them first." She stuck out her tongue, making a silly face at the boy as she continued, "And I was going to say your braces made you look nice but never mind metal mouth." An explosion was heard from behind the hot-head's back as he glared. "Metal mouth?! Why I oughta-" 'Riinggg!~'

Saved by the bell as some may say. (Y/n) wasted no time in getting to her next class.

"...And that concludes our lesson. Remember to study your notes for the test on Friday. Don't forget to do homework class!" (Y/n)'s history teacher dismissed, bringing the teen's school day to an end.

The schoolgirl sighed in exhaustion and grabbed her bag as she turned to her seatmate. None other than the hero obsessed, Midoriya Izuku. She smiled in his presence, which earned a small blush from him. "Hey, Zuku?~" she asked innocently, catching his attention. The quirkless male knew better though, as her tone communicated the girl wanted something from him. He would have to choose his words wisely.

Gulping, the boy refused to meet his friend's eye as he responded, "Y-yes (L/n)?" The smaller teen whined at his obvious nervousness as she moved every which way to make eye contact with the boy. "C'mon dude!~ We've been friends for a good year or so. I told you to call me by my first name. Or even (N/n)! It's like our friendship doesn't matter to you." She complained, pouting and stepping away from her flustered friend. Izuku shook his hands back and forth. That was his first mistake.

As the guy brought his head down to apologize, he met the medium's upset eyes and fell into her trap. "So-sorry (L- (Y/n). You- you mean a lot to me! Really!" His voice cracked as his statement concluded. This time, it was (Y/n)'s turn to flush. She was only teasing and didn't expect that kind of response from the timid male and it caught her off guard. Though, not long enough for her to forget her goal.

Grinning toothily, the the (h/t) haired girl looked at her curly haired friend mischievously. "Really? Then, if you really, uh, care for me, then you'll let me copy your history notes!" She claimed, a pink tint still somewhat visible on her cheeks. Izuku guffawed at the girl, not giving her a proper response as she looked away, ashamed. "Aww don't look at me like that. I was just zoning out while Mr. Nakamura went over the lesson. Please Izuku, just this once!" (Y/n) pleaded, putting her hands together and squeezing her eyes shut as she leaned into the boy's personal space, making his face explode into a cherry color.

The boy could barley force a sentence out of his mouth as he choked on his words, so instead, Izuku just nodded, handing his friend the black notebook. Taking it from the male's trembling hands, (Y/n) thanked him and stuffed it in her bag, promising to bring it back the next day.

As the girl went to open the door to the class, she realized how busy the halls were. If she were to step in now, she'd be turned into paste. And of course (Y/n) couldn't forget the incident on her first day of middle school. Speaking of, she hadn't seen or heard of Machigai since then. Just hoped the girl was doing well, wherever she was.

Shutting the door, (Y/n) turned around and analyzed the classroom, looking for a different way out. Her eyes landed on the clock. She could always wait for the crowd to die down but that would take too long. Then again, Nanashi could carry her above the crowd so she didn't get caught up in it, but then she'd get in trouble with the headmaster for using her quirk on school grounds without permission. Finally, the girl's (e/c) orbs landed on the window and an idea came to her head. Stupid yes, but it would get her out of here fastest.

Grinning, (Y/n) looked to her undead companion, who met her eyes and gave her a 'seriously' look. 'You'll catch me when I fall right?' she signed, receiving a nod from the taller male, who signed back, 'Always.' That was enough for her as she ran to the now open window,-courtesy of Nanashi-and shouted a farewell to Izuku, who watched in shock as his friend jumped from the third story window. "(Y/n)?!"

Adrenaline rushed through her veins and the girl felt her stomach drop as she fell. Nonetheless, she laughed and covered her skirt with her hands as she neared the ground. Closing her (e/c) eyes, (Y/n) took a deep breath and counted down.





A floaty feeling flowed through the girl as she levitated a few inches from the ground. A second later, and the girl probably would've broken her ankles, or more. Smiling as she was set down, (Y/n) signed to Nanashi, 'I knew you'd catch me Shi!' To which the male just nodded as the two began to head to the school gates. But not before being stopped by a voice from above.

"(Y/n)?! Are you okay?" The worried voice of a familiar freckled male shouted from the window he'd seen his friend jump from. Scared him nearly half to death. Said girl turned around and gave her friend a thumbs up, flashing him a metallic grin. "All good Izu! See ya' tomorrow okay?" And so, the duo walked away from the middle school, making their way home.


Coincidentally, the route to (Y/n)'s home,-without taking any detours to meet with Hitoshi and Daifuku- included the girl passing the renown school, U.A., so the girl got to admire it often.

She was a few feet away from the gate entrance, but (Y/n) saw that no students were leaving yet. She didn't dare try to sneak on grounds though, no matter how temping it was. The girl was satisfied with admiring from afar. Too busy in her own mind, the girl didn't notice the face watching her through the gate as she got closer to it.

"Boo!" "Ahh!" Startled, (Y/n) stumbled backwards and tripped over her own feet, yelping as she fell to the concrete. Groaning, the girl looked up to meet the blue eyes of her culprit. Her brows furrowed as she opened her mouth to complain, but stopped short as she realized he was phasing through the wall. Like a ghost. But unlike any ghost she'd encountered, the boy didn't have pale skin or weird clothes, not that she could see what he was wearing as only his head poked out.

The stranger had beady blue eyes that met her gaze. He also had longish blond hair that was styled upwards and fluffy in the front while the back was slicked. On his face, a shocked expression was present as he moved his mouth to speak. "Oops! Sorry girlie, didn't know you'd react that way," he apologized and retracted from the wall. (Y/n) soon heard jogging footsteps from the other side of the wall and watched the boy round the corner of the gate, revealing the prestigious uniform of U.A., proving that the boy did attend it.

As the blond got closer to the still sitting female, he extended a hand to her and apologized again. (Y/n) stared at his hand for a second, the his face with a confused expression as she asked, "You're not dead, are you?" The blue eyed stranger looked at her with a perplexed expression before bursting with laughter. "Haha! Dead? I sure hope not. I'm Mirio Togata. 1st year in U.A." He introduced, beaming a perfect smile at the younger girl.

(Y/n)'s shiny (e/c) eyes widened as she felt something go off in her system. Before she knew it, the girl felt her heart rate increase, making her face heat up and palms moisturizing as she lost her composure in front of her attractive upperclassman. Taking his hand, (Y/n) felt her knees turn into jello as she struggled to stand. Luckily she was able to with the help of her faithful companion. The girl felt her words get caught up in her throat as she stuttered out an introduction. "You ni-nice to meet Mi- Toga-ta. I-I'm, uh, 2nd year at Aldera, (W/n)*. I mean (Y/n) (L/n)! Hehe.." She awkwardly giggled, averting her eyes to the ground as her face got hotter. 'So embarrassing.!~' She thought.

Fortunately, that didn't drive the male away at all as he laughed at her slip up. He stopped once he noticed her flinch and apologized for the third time that day. "Oh, I'm sorry! Didn't mean to laugh at you hehe." He didn't receive a response from the usually talkative girl as she chose to keep her head down and mouth shut, so he changed the subject.

"Since you were around here, I'm guessing you're trying to get into U.A. too huh?" The 2nd year meekly nodded, making the boy smile wider. "Hah, I knew it! Well you only have a year or so left, so train hard. I believe in you (L/n)!" He winked, giving the girl a double thumbs up. 'He said my name!' (Y/n) squealed mentally. She didn't think her heart could handle anymore, yet she listened to Mirio as he had piqued her interest. She lifted her head slightly, but still didn't meet his eyes. "Th-thank you Togata!" She stumbled on her words and rubbed her arm bashfully.

Nanashi watched from the sidelines in slight amusement from the girl's dramatic antics. He put a hand to his glabella**, pinching it slightly as the trio simultaneously heard a feminine voice call for Mirio. Said blond jolted and turned back to (Y/n), smiling as he waved to her. "Oh that's my friend! I gotta go now. See ya' later (L/n)!"

And so the boy turned around, jogging back inside the notorious school gates and leaving behind a frazzled teenage girl. She blankly stared ahead for a second before a dreamy expression adorned her features. Putting a hand to her red cheek, (Y/n) squealed suddenly, startling Nanashi. The older boy was amused to say the least. This was the first time seeing his closest friend in such a state, and obviously, it was a new experience to her too. She didn't know how to handle herself, so the girl settled on skipping the rest of the way home, humming and giggling all the way.

Artwork used not mine.

*Wrong name

**The space between your eyebrows

Aww look at that. Your first crush! How cute. I'm almost done with the latest season of bnha and I have a lot planned for the future, so stay tuned! Thank you for reading. Also, if you didn't notice, time passed and this takes place in (Y/n)'s second year at Aldera.


ps: I'm thinking of releasing a new book when I reach 60 pages of this one. I'll disclose more information when I reach that amount, but would y'all be ok with that?

Edit: Fixed my mistake with Mirio's school year.

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