I See Dead People

De MarshMarrow

271K 11.6K 10K

(Bnha x Reader) ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ; ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪꜰᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴀ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ᴏʀ ᴏʀɢᴀɴɪꜱᴍ You were a pretty normal girl with a happy... Mai multe

Character introduction + Ghost introduction
Seven: Part One
Seven: Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Two


12.9K 578 542
De MarshMarrow

As the sun rose, so did a certain bright eyed girl as she sprung out of her bed and onto the floor with a grin, catching a certain white-eyed ghost's attention. He watched as she ran around her room, the occasional giggle slipping out of her mouth as she threw a (f/c) tutu, striped tights, and a Spongebob themed t-shirt onto her bed and exited her closet. Making eye-contact with the ghost boy as she approached her bed, (Y/n)'s smile only seemed to widen as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Guess what Nanashi?" she asked,-rhetorically of course-watching said ghost tilt his head in confusion. The girl bounced in place as she brought her arms out in a 'ta-da' fashion and exclaimed,"It's my birthday! I'm turning eight today! Who Hoo!" She then went back to running around her room, cheering as she jumped up and down before coming to a sudden pause. The (h/c) haired girl's (e/c) orbs widened as she gasped, throwing her hands up as she turned back towards her ghost friend. "Ah! I need to go surprise mommy and daddy! They don't know it my birthday yet." she then grabbed her clothes and rushed into her closet to change, leaving Nanashi to his thoughts.

The ghost boy chuckled silently at the now eight year old's antics before he too paused. Birthday? Today? But he didn't have a gift to give you. Hell, he didn't even know what you wanted. As the boy continued to think, his thoughts were interrupted by (Y/n)'s closet door slamming open, -hitting the dent she'd made awhile ago in the wall- and her walking out in the tacky outfit she'd chosen. Nevertheless, she somehow managed to pull it off cutely. Said girl had fast walked her way to her dresser, pulling out various hair-ties, hair clips, brushes, and sprays before whipping her head towards Nanashi with the all too familiar puppy dog eyes she'd make when she wanted something from him.

Mentally groaning, the white haired ghost rolled his eyes playfully, raising a brow at the eight year old and signing, 'What is it this time?' Keeping her pout, (Y/n) looked to her wooden floor and kicked her foot against it as she spoke. "Well, since it is my birthday, I was wondering if you could...maybe, domyhairformeplease." The girl mumbled that last part so fast, Nanashi almost didn't catch it. Fortunately for her, he did.

To anyone else entering the room, it'd look like the bright eyed girl owned a telepathic quirk as they'd watch her (h/c) hair float into various parts as it was sprayed, braided, and tied together with the many rubber bands suspended in the air-but as far as (Y/n) and Nanashi were concerned, it was only them in the room.

As the white haired ghost did his companions hair, his mind seemed to drift off to another place. What were you to him? The question lingered in his mind for a while as he thought of an answer, before being cut off by a sudden yelp. "Ow! Shi that hurt. I think you caught a tangle," the child winced as she brought a small (s/c) hand up to her head, softly rubbing the spot where Nanashi had yanked too hard at as the pale ghost boy signed a quick, 'Sorry' before going back to work at (Y/n)'s hair-this time more gently. A small smile dressed his face at the nickname she'd gave him.

Meanwhile, in another room was the (L/n) parents, wide awake and getting ready for the day as the heard their daughter's footsteps running back and forth in her room. The female of the two chuckled as she heard excited murmuring from behind their door. "She's quite excitable today, isn't she?" Questioned the father as he slipped on a shirt, turning to face his wife with a pearly white smile. (M/n) shook her head with a grin, replying, "Well I'd hope she was. It is a big day for her. After all, eight years old is a 'big girl age'." The woman finger quoted the last part and the parents shared a laugh before heading downstairs to make breakfast.

As Nanashi put the last rubber-band into (Y/n), he flew backwards a few inches to admire his work, before placing a hand on his chin and giving a satisfied nod-and a mental pat on the back. Looking down to the small girl,-who had turned around to face him at some point-he nodded to her, signing, 'Done' and phasing through her bedroom wall, leaving the (h/t) haired girl alone to admire the masterpiece Nanashi had made of her hair. Though, she wasn't alone for long. A second later came a knock at her door as (M/n) peeked in with a closed eyed smile. "Good morning (N/n). I made breakfast for yo- OH!"

The woman's (e/c) eyes widened at the sight of her daughter's hair. It was a complete and utter mess that looked as though it'd been through hell and back.

(a/n: alright, sorry for the interruption, but here are your options. Either way, your hair is a complete mess.:

The (h/c) colored mess was a mix of pigtails and braids, as though the person who did her hair couldn't decide between which one they liked best. The older female did a double take and stood in shock for a second or two before asking her daughter, "Honey...What happened to your hair?"

(Y/n) giggled at her mom's shock, taking a hand and fluffing one of her many pigtails, she replied, "Nanashi did it as a birthday gift! Do you like it? Do you like it?" Just the mention of the ghost's name had the woman feeling weak at her knees. (M/n) never really liked the fact that one of her daughter's best friends was a ghost. The woman didn't like the mere thought of otherworldly beings. Much less communicating with them, but she tolerated it for her daughter's sake-not that she had a choice.

Yet, the (h/c) woman always had the eerie feeling that someone was watching her whenever she was alone and could never shake it off. The feeling of eyes on her back whenever she turned around unnerved the woman, so you can guess that she isn't very fond of the white haired ghost.

Furrowing her brows, (M/n) looked down at her daughter with an endearing smile, finding the girl's tacky outfit somewhat cute as she spoke. "Well uh, (Y/n) hun, not that your, um...hair style isn't cute but how about you let mommy...adjust it a bit before we go downstairs." The woman paused for a second, thinking as she looked back at her child with a teasing smirk as she continued. "After all, don't you want to look cute for when little Dai and Shinso drop by for the party?"

(Y/n)'s eyes sparkled at the mention of her birthday party, but as she processed her mom's full sentence, the girls felt her cheeks heat up. "Momma!~" she whined, huffing as she crossed her arms and looked away, huffing as she continued. "I don't know what you're talking about," the eight year old pouted, (s/c) cheeks tinted a light pink as the taller woman laughed. "Alright, let's say you don't. Either way, don't you want to look nice for your party-not that you don't already sweetheart, but you still want to impress your guests, right?" The woman watch her daughter somewhat anxiously as the girl put a hand to her chin in thought. Seeing that the child was on the fence about changing her outfit, (M/n) quickly added in, "You can wear one of those cute little dresses we bought the other day if you want to." Which seemed to make up the girl's mind pretty quickly as she turned to her mother with as crooked grin and nodded her head rapidly, her (h/c) hair bouncing up and down as the older woman sighed in relief. Picking up one of the fallen brushes on the floor, (M/n) got to work on her daughter's knotted, (h/t) tresses.

After an hour or two, (Y/n)'s birthday outfit was fixed. Her (h/t) (h/c) hair was pushed back with with a cute (f/c) headband and tied back into two high buns that were decorated by various ribbons that flowed down loosely. The small girl wore a frilly (f/c) dress that reached down to her knees and puffed out at the sleeves and skirt portion. Upon request-and lots of begging-a shiny, silver tiara sat on top of her head, right in front of the headband. The expensive head wear was (M/n)'s, who had received it from her mother as a wedding gift-years before (Y/n) was born.

"Wow mama!" The girl exclaimed, twirling in front of her mirror with a bright grin. "Look! I look like a pretty princess don't I?!" Laughing at the smaller (L/n), the woman put a hand to her face as she agreed with her daughter. "The prettiest baby-" "No!" Blinking at (Y/n)'s outburst, (M/n) tilted her head. "No?" she asked, watching her daughter nod with her arms crossed, an adorable pout on her face. "I'm not a baby mommy. I'm a big girl now!" Letting out a sigh, the (h/t) haired woman shook her head with a smile, squatting down to (Y/n)'s height as she spoke. "Yes you are (N/n). You're the biggest, prettiest princess out there. And never let anyone tell you differently." (Y/n) only giggled as her mom boobed her nose, before they both headed downstairs to eat.

"And...Done!" (F/n) exclaimed from his step ladder as he set up the last (F/c) streamer against the wall. (Y/n) clapped in joy from her place on the floor. "I love it daddy! This is gonna be the best birthday ever cause everyone's coming!" She said as she walked around the room and listed names on her fingers. "Hitoshi, Dai, Auntie Mika, Nana, big cousin Zuki..." As the girl continued to list of names, she paused in thought. Wasn't she forgetting someone. Just as the thought almost slipped her mind, it hit her. "Oh, oh! And Nanashi!"

Just the mention of his name sent chills down (M/n)'s spine. She looked towards her husband with uncertainty, as if he could do something about it, but he only half shrugged as he rubbed the back of his head with a nervous smile. The problem was above him now. Literally. It was as if he'd heard his name being called as the said white haired male peaked his head out from the ceiling, right above (M/n)'s head. At the sight of him, (Y/n) pointed her (s/c) hand at him and called him out. "There he is! What are you doing up there silly?" (M/n) looked at his daughter with a raised brow, confused at what she meant as he processed it. Not even a second later, the man jumped in fear- almost falling off of the ladder but catching himself just in time- and went back to working on the decorations, trying to act like a dead boy wasn't right above his head and that his kid wasn't having a one-sided conversation with the ceiling.

Hours passed and eventually the time for the party came, along with many guests, be it friends or family. (Y/n) happily celebrated her 8th birthday with them all until the streetlights came on, concluding the happy day as the guests all began to gradually trickle out of the (L/n)s' house.

"...And so the big, scary lion left the bunny village alone, never to be seen again," The voice of (M/n) concluded the bedtime story to her daughter, who sat up in her twin-sized bed, clapping repeatedly as she asked her mom to read it over, for the 5th time that night. The (h/c) haired woman only smile as she shook her head, leaning in to kiss (Y/n)'s (s/c) forehead. "No sweetie. You have school tomorrow and shouldn't be up so late. Even if it is your birthday." With that, she stood up and left (Y/n)'s room, cutting off the light and shutting the door as the eight year old girl was left to her own thoughts.

Just as her eyes began to close for the last time that day, (Y/n) noticed a familiar pale figure phasing into her room through the wall. He looked around the girls room for a second as if confused, before spotting her in her bed, looking right back at him. The (h/t) haired girl noticed his eyes brighten as he nudged his head behind him and motioned for her to follow him before once again, phasing through her wall.

Confused, the girl sat up in her bed and stared the wall for a second. "Nanashi?" The girl questioned as if the ghost were still in the room with her. Another few seconds past as the child realized that she wasn't going to receive an answer as she slowly got out of her bed and creeped to her window, looking outside and spotting the dead boy as they made eye-contact. 'Come on,' he signed from outside as he stood in the same spot and waited.

Backing away from the window, (Y/n) stood in the center of her room as she processed what her friend had wanted. He wanted her to come with him. To leave the safety of her home to who knows where in the middle of the night. Not to mention the girl had school tomorrow. So it all came down to her. The choice was (Y/n)'s to decide. Should she leave with Nanashi, not knowing if she'll even return, or stay at home and listen to her mom's demand to go to sleep. A minute went by. Two. Three, and the bright eyed girl had finally made up her mind.

Shrugging, the girl decided to go with the pale haired boy waiting outside for her. After all, he hasn't broken her trust within the four years they've known eachother. Why would he choose to do so now? throwing a blanket on over her pjs (Y/n) made her way to her door but paused as she reached for the knob. What if her mom heard her leaving the house? How would she lock the door on the way out? Retracting her hand away, she puts it on her hip and looked around her room in thought, pausing at the window as a bright idea came to her head. Walking back to it, she peeked out of the window, once again making eye contact the dull eyed boy outside as she unsurley and slowly signed, 'Can you catch me?' Realizing what the girl was about to do, Nanashi unnoticeably widened his eyes. Is she crazy? Did she really trust him that much? After a second or two, the boy realized that he still hadn't answered (Y/n). 'Do you trust me?' he signed with scrunched eyebrows. Not even a second later, he got his response. Without hesitance he saw (h/c) colored strands fly up and down as the girl rapidly nodded her head. Once again, Nanashi's pale eyes widened. If his face could flush, the boy would be as red as a stop-sign. Composing himself, he shook his head back and forth and signed, 'Then jump.'

(Y/n) took a deep breath in as she unlatched her window, struggling slightly to pull it up. As she finally got it open, a gush of wind hit her face, blowing her loose (h/c) strands past her face. Looking down, the child immediately felt light headed at the distance from her to the ground. Training her focus to the dead boy ahead of her, she closed her eyes and made a quick prayer before taking a deep breath and taking a leap of faith.

Artwork used not mine

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