A Warrior Of Life (Edited)

By JusticedS_19

127K 2.2K 641

What if Thor and Loki had another older sister besides Hela? Introducing Destiny Odinsdottir, the Goddess of... More

Chapter 1- Asgard's New King
Chapter 2- The Casket
Chapter 3- Jotunheim
Chapter 4- Banishment
Chapter 5- The Bifrost
Chapter 6- Madness
Chapter 7- Chaos on Earth
Chapter 8- Loki's Escape
Chapter 9- New York
Chapter 10- The Return to Asgard
Chapter 11- Peace
Chapter 12- Aether
Chapter 13- Dark Elves
Chapter 14- Off World
Chapter 15- The Convergence (Part 1)
Chapter 16- The Convergence (Part 2)
Chapter 18- Mind Tricks
Chapter 19- Visions
Chapter 20- Sokovia
Chapter 21- Leaving Once Again
Chapter 22- Flashbacks
Chapter 23- Surtur
Chapter 24- Coming Home
Chapter 25- Doctor Strange
Chapter 26- Goddess of Death
Chapter 27- The Grandmaster
Chapter 28- Tournament
Chapter 29- Hulk
Chapter 30- Quinjet
Chapter 31- Calm
Chapter 32- Revengers
Chapter 33- Commodore
Chapter 34- Escaping Sakaar
Chapter 35- Duel
Chapter 36- Ragnarok
Chapter 37- Tesseract
Chapter 38- Guardians of the Galaxy
Chapter 39- Lightbringer
Chapter 40- Restarting the Forge
Chapter 41- Wakanda
Chapter 42- The Garden
Chapter 43- New Asgard's Queen
Chapter 44- Back in Time
Chapter 45- Making it count
Chapter 46- Final Fight (Part 1)
Chapter 47- Final Fight (Part 2)
Chapter 48- New Paths
A/N - Destiny's Staffs
Bonus Chapter: Nat's Funeral
Okay What the Heck?!
A/N - Done the Edits

Chapter 17- Ultron

2.2K 31 20
By JusticedS_19

Warnings: None

2015, Earth

Destiny's POV:

I, along with the Avengers and several other friends of my friends, and Thor obviously, we were at a party hosted by Stark. Thor had finished explaining the infiltration on "HYDRA", and how they successfully managed to retrieve Loki's scepter a few days before, since I hadn't arrived back on Earth until yesterday after having to talk my father into allowing me to think about my role as Asgard's queen.

"It was a very successful raid sister, I tell you." He finished excitedly.

"As you have told me too many times now." I replied, chuckling. "I wish I could have come along, but I had stuff to deal with at home Thor."

"Oh?" He asked me jokingly.

"I needed to talk to Father about... you know.." I brought up, hinting at the events of the previous two years.

"Yes, yes. I understand." Thor said.

"And I needed to convince him that I'm still not ready to rule over Asgard, because apparently what you had said to him didn't convince him." I rambled.

"No? I thought it had." Thor joked.

I let out a laugh and walked off, setting my staff down against a wall before finding Stark and his friend Rhodey, who was telling his own story.

"Well, you know, the suit can take the weight, right? So I take the tank, fly it right up to the General's palace, drop it at his feet, I'm like, 'Boom! You looking for this?'" He rambled after some time.

Stark and I looked at each other confused.

"'Boom! Are you looking for...'" Rhodey repeated before stopping. "Why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else this story kills."

"That's it? That's the whole story?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's a War Machine story." Rhodey explained.

"Well, it's very good then. Very impressive." I said.

"Quality save." Rhodey replies before turning to Stark. "So, no Pepper? She's not coming?"

"No." Stark answered.

"And Jane? Where are the ladies?" Maria Hill, a SHIELD agent, jokingly asked.

"Well, Miss Potts has a company to run." Stark explained.

"And Jane... well I don't even think Thor knows which country she's in. Her work on the convergence has apparently made her the world's far most astronomer." I said.

"And the company that Pepper runs is the largest tech conglomerate on Earth. It's pretty exciting." Stark added.

"Yeah, they must be really busy because they would hate missing you guys all get together." Maria joked before walking away.

I walked away and sat down on the couch, with a glass in my hand as I slowly started sipping the drink as I took a glance at Mjolnir, simply there on the table.

"It's a trick!" Clint exclaimed

"Oh no. It's much more than that." Thor calmly said.

"Uh, 'Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!' Whatever man! It's a trick." Clint repeated as everyone approached the table where rested Mjolnir.

"Please, be my guest." Thor offered.

Clint walked towards the hammer sitting on the table.

"Clint, you have had a tough week. We won't hold it against if you can't get it up." Stark joked.

"You know I've seen this before, right?" Clint asked.

He grabbed the handle, but was unsuccessful of lifting the hammer, which remained completely motionless on the table.

"I still don't know how you do it." He said.

"Smell the silent judgement?" Stark asked.

"Please Stark, by all means." Clint offered.

"This will be entertaining." I muttered with a smile.

"It's physics." Stark explained as he grabbed the handle.

"Physics!" Bruce repeated.

"So if I lift this... I then rule Asgard?" Stark asked.

"Yes, of course." Thor and I said simultaneously.

"I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta." He stated.

With that, Stark made an attempt to lift the hammer, remaining unsuccessful as well.

"I'll be right back."

He later returned wearing his armoured hand and attempted to lift Mjolnir again, still failing. Rhodey grabbed his armoured hand and tried to help Stark lift it.

"Are you even pulling?!" Rhodey asked him.

"Are you on my team?" Stark asked, ignoring his friend's question.

"Just represent. Pull!" Rhodey exclaimed.

The two attempted to lift the hammer one more time and failed, giving up. Bruce walked up to the hammer and tried to lift it, roaring in an attempt to turn into the Hulk, failing at both. Steve approached the hammer.

"Let's go Steve, no pressure." Stark commented.

"Come on, Cap!" Rhodey encouraged.

As Steve began trying to lift the hammer, Thor and I both saw it budge a tiny bit. Thor stared at Steve alarmed until he gave up, still unable to lift the hammer.

"Nothing." He confirmed.

"And?" Stark asked.

"Widow? Destiny?" Bruce asked.

"Oh, no no. That's not a question I need answered." Natasha declined.

I approached the hammer, passing Stark in the process.

"You're not the only one who wouldn't shy away from a challenge." I said.

I grasped Mjolnir and turned to Thor.

"I suppose that if I lift this, I have to rule Asgard." I said.

Thor nodded, smiling. I turned back to the hammer and tried my hardest to lift it, but nothing was working.

"Are you actually trying?" Thor asked me.

"Yes. I am." I answered before trying again.

I let go, taking a few breaths before sticking my hand out. My staff came flying into my hand as I aimed it towards the hammer. I used as much power as I could muster without destroying the room or my staff (if it were even possible) but I was still unable to lift it.

"Nope. Can't even make it budge." I said, admitting defeat.

"What about your weapon? Does it have any special rules for lifting?" Clint joked.

I smiled and set my staff down on the table, next to my brother's hammer.

"Go ahead, try it." I said.

Clint walked up to the staff, placed his hands on it, and lifted it with ease.

"Haha! I am worthy of the power of the Goddess of Life!" Clint exclaimed.

"I dare you to fire at me." I said.

"Now why would I do that?" Clint asked.

"I dare you to." I repeated.

Clint shrugged, aiming my staff at me, but nothing happened. Clint examined the staff and pointed it back at me.

"Give me that." Stark said.

Clint rolled his eyes and handed him the weapon, as he also lifted it with ease.

"I'll show you how it's done."

Stark pointed the staff at me, but failed to figure out how to fire. He swayed it around a few times, but nothing.

"Abracadabra!" He shouted, hoping for it to work.

I chuckled as he gave my staff to Steve, who then gave it to Bruce. Neither of them could figure it out.

"Thor?" Bruce asked as he reached out to give him my weapon.

"Oh, no." Thor declined.

"Thor, I didn't back away while trying to wield your hammer." I said.

Thor smiled and took the staff. Everyone laughed as my now confused brother struggled to fire the beam. Giving up, he set down the staff.

"See, now that thing is rigged!" Clint exclaimed while pointing to my staff.

"The handles are imprinted, right? Like a security code?" Stark asked us. "'Whoever is carrying Thor and Destiny's fingerprints' is, I think, the literal translation."

"That's a very, very interesting theory." Thor said as he stood up. "But we have a simpler one."

Thor grabbed his hammer and tossed it in the air before catching it again, while I grabbed my staff and the orb on top of it began glowing as I too tossed it lightly.

"You're all not worthy." Thor finished.

Everyone groaned in disagreement when a loud screeching noise filled the room, making us all cover our ears. When we all let go of our ears, we spotted what looked like one of Stark's robots standing there.

"Worthy? No... how could you all be worthy. You're all killers." It said.

"Stark." Steve said.

"JARVIS." Stark asked.

"I'm sorry. I was asleep. Or... was I a dream?" The robot continued.

Stark began tapping on one of his devices.

"Reboot, Legionnaire OS, we got a buggy robot." He commanded.

"There was a terrible noise... and I was tangled in... in... strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." The robot went on.

"You killed someone?" Steve asked.

"Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices." The robot said.

"Who sent you?" I asked.

"'I see a suit of armour around the world'." The robot answered, replaying something  Stark had said.

"Ultron!" Bruce said.

"In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not in this... chrysalis. But I'm ready. I'm on a mission." Ultron stated.

"What mission?" Natasha asked.

"Peace in our time." Ultron answered.

Suddenly, a bunch more of Stark's iron legion robots broke through the wall and began attacking us. I leaped to my left and blasted one of the bots to pieces.

"Stark!" Steve shouted.

"One sec, one sec." Stark replied, being on top of one of the bots and shutting it down.

I pierced another bot with my staff and grabbed Steve's shield.

"Cap!" I shouted before throwing the shield towards him.

Steve took down the last iron legion bot.

"That was dramatic! I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to...evolve?" Ultron said.

He picked up one of the dismembered robot arms.

"With these? These puppets? There's only one path to peace: the Avengers' extinction."

Before anyone could say anything, Thor hurled his hammer at Ultron, destroying him completely.

"I had strings, but now I'm free. There are no strings on me, no strings on me." Ultron began to sing.

Bruce and Tony rushed to their lab, everyone else close behind.

A/N: Phew, another chapter finished. That sure took a while. Sorry for taking so long, I was busy with other things including online school work recently so I had to make some time. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and stick around for whenever I make the next chapter. Peace out!

A/N: I'm surprised by the amount of people reading this story but it's amazing!

A/N 03/10/2023: Did 2020 me really skip the entire first part of the movie because she was afraid of swearing? Yes. Is present day me cringing at that? Yes. Is present day me too lazy to change it? Also yes.

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