Dominate Me [ON HOLD]

By Aka__Amour

80.3K 2.4K 1.1K

A teenage girl who decides to rein in her dominant side and tries to be your typical shy girl meets upon A te... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty - One
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty -three.
Chapter Twenty -four

Chapter One

7.3K 144 87
By Aka__Amour

Mystique POV
'Ay yo I been on, bitch you been con'
'Bentley tints on, Fendi prints on'
'I mean I been Storm, X-Men been formed'
'He keep on dialing Nicki, like the Prince song'
'I been on, bitch you been con'
'Bentley tints on, Fendi prints on'
'Ay yo I been North, Laura been Croft'
'Plates say 'Chung-Li' drop the Benz off'

I groaned hitting the alarm turning it off then rolled on my back placing my hand over my eyes. After about 5 minutes I finally found the strength to get up and start getting ready for yet another new school. I swear my parents are so frustrating, as soon as they see me getting close to a guy they up and move us.

Can't really blame them thou, they wouldn't have to do this if I hadn't done what I did a couple years back. I know they are just trying to protect me, i guess and of course protect their image. No matter how many times my parents tell me it wasn't my fault, I didn't tell him to do it, I don't believe them. They may not know it but having us move every time a guy likes me then telling me it's because of their job or they just need a new environment to live in, they not only continually remind me of that day but they just prove to me that they themselves do believe it was my fault.

As if having us move wasn't enough, no! They had to warn any guy who like saying I'm not mentally stable enough for a relationship as yet because I'm going through a hard time. What hard time?? I've been trying to move on from that day, to continue living my life but my parents are making it so hard. In front of me they say one thing but behind my back when they think I'm not listening they say something different.

After doing my morning routine and getting dressed in a black ripped jeans pants, black leather jacket and a white blouse to match my white Air Max, I ran downstairs to eat a quick breakfast.

Despite of their ridiculous behavior, I still love them.

I saw my mom in the kitchen frying egg and sausages. I quietly walked behind her and pick up one of the sausage off the plate.

"Ouch" damn that shit was HOT!!

"Serves you right, now go sit down and wait like a normal human being" mom said

I used a napkin to take up the sausage off the ground and threw it in the bin then sat down around the table. Mom walked in 3 minutes later with some orange juice and a plate of egg, sausage and pancakes covered in chocolate. Yum!!

After greedily eating the food, I wiped my mouth and hands, ran upstairs for my school bag, kissed my parents goodbye, popped a gum in my mouth then went on my bike heading to school.

45 minutes later

Finally reaching to school, no doubt late but I don't care. Just because its a new school doesn't mean I'm going to be like those who rush without even eating breakfast trying to make it to school before classes start. I'm the type that says when I get there I get there, I'm already starting 2 months late anyways.

After looking for a perfect spot, one that can shade my bike I walked into the school heading towards my locker. I already got my schedule and locker number and was also given a tour around the school when I went to orientation day.

After checking and seeing that my first class was English, I grabbed what I need then head to class.

I for one don't understand why schools have to have so many damn stairs, like give me a break. I do enough exercising in P.E. Reaching the classroom door I stopped then checked if everything was where it was suppose to be, then pushed open the doors.

Immediately like some damn puppets EVERYONE stared at me. The teacher checked her watch then looked at me frowning. I greeted her with a frown of my own, she better not start this getting to class early lecturing shit. I swear I'm just not in the mood.

"Um hello, you must be Mystique Grey" she said

I stayed silent, staring at her with a blank expression. No need to confirm what she already knows, right?

"Ok then, I'm miss Bromfield, just take a seat so I can continue my lesson" she said getting annoyed.

I rolled my eyes then scanned the class for a seat. There was one beside this guy who had his head on the desk. Looking around I realise that everyone was really far away from him and that an empty desk and chair was the only things close to him. I hope he's not one of those stupid wanna be bad boys, cause I really don't want to have any trouble with anyone this year, I want to be invisible as possible. I planned to start a new, to actually prevent boys from liking me at all cause because I'm tired of moving and I can also see that my parents are also tired of it.

Sitting down I realise everyone was staring at me in shock, but after glaring at all of them they quickly turned around. Shit!! I'm already messing up my plan, I forget I was suppose to be acting shy. This is gonna be really hard but failure is not an option.

"Alex Bravado, why aren't you writing?" Miss Bromfield said.

The boy beside me raised his head. "I forgot my pens"

Wow and the Grammy for the worst excuse goes to Mr. Bravado. That's the lamest excuse ever.

"Ok but make sure you get your notes thou"

What universe is this!? Is this teacher for real?. The last time I mistakenly took out my English book instead of my science book and told the teacher I would just go for the right book, he said when I leave the classroom I should not come back. Needless to say from that day I always double check to see if I got the right book.

The boy just gave her a thumbs up then put back down his head. Now I've always been a kind person, except when I was giving punishments but that's a different story, I no longer live that life no more. I took out an extra pen from my pencil case then shook his shoulder. He looked up and realising I shook him, he looked at me with a scowl, well damn, I'm guessing we won't be friends in the near future.

"Here you can borrow my pen" I said with a straight face. I wasn't one for smiling. Never was, never will be.

"Did I tell you I wanted to borrow your pen?, just leave me the hell alone" he said angrily putting back down his head.

Deep breaths, deep breaths. I gripped the pen tightly gritting my teeth. I am so close to breaking, but I won't allow it. Come one, take deep f**king breaths. I won't go back down that road.

After a couple minutes of some really deep breaths and occasional glances from the other students and the teacher, I finally calmed down. This boy is so lucky, soooo lucky. If I didn't have any self control I would have have him over my knee right now with his bare ass in the air, getting spanked until I believe he learnt his lesson. I don't care if he's the so called bad boy of the school or if everyone in the class would be watching. I've dealt with tougher guys than him and at the end of the day they all end up on their knees begging me to make them cum.

But as I said before I've changed and I won't go back down that road.

40 minutes later

The class finally ended. I went to the teacher's desk to ask if there is a book I could borrow to get the 2 months of notes I've missed or if there is a PowerPoint or something she could send me. I don't care if I was rude to her in the beginning, rude or not it's her job to give me information I need to learn.

"Miss Bromfield being as I'm 2 months behind on my notes, is there anyway I can get those notes so I can catch up?"

She started looking behind me and i turned to see who she was looking for, only to see that she was looking at that boy Adria or Avery, whatever his name is.

Oh hell no! She can't be doing what I think she is.

"Alex come here" bitch!! You'll regret this woman

"Sup miss?"

"Miss grey here needs the notes I've given over the past 2 months and seeing as you are my top student I know if anyone could give her all she needs it will be you"

I opened my mouth getting ready to object.

"Ok" well that shocked me. And the top student!? maybe he isn't so bad. Yea right, he's already on my 'people that I should stay away from lists'. Can't let anyone ruin my plan.

We both walked outside and i turned around to ask when he'll have time to give me the notes when a book was roughly shoved in my chest. I swear this boy is just asking to be tied up and punished.

"I want it back by lunch time, and if there is so much as a scratch on it you won't like it"he said

I laughed. Not one of those happy ones either, I laughed because it was the only thing left to do so I can get a grip. Now I know why persons relapse. Its like things just keeping presenting themselves, pushing you to pick up back your old life style. But not today Satan.

I gripped his shirt and pulled him down to my level.

"Listen here you little shit, I'm not one of your little weak ass slutty one night stand girls that you can boss around, so don't EVER treat me like one because I'm so close, so so close to slipping and it would be in everyone's best interest especially yours if I don't slip. Now take your fat ass (what?? Sue me, i looked when i was coming out of the class) and go to your next class and when lunch time comes, I'll find you. Ok? Ok."

I turned around and headed to maths class leaving him there in shock. I smirked, I totally handled that well. I mentally patted myself on the shoulder for not slipping.

Lunch time

The bell rang signalling it was the end of maths and beginning of lunch. I don't know about anyone else but it's like after every maths class I get extremely hungry, maths is draining.

" I heard that today the main food on the menu is pepperoni pizza, so let's hurry so it doesn't finish on us, cause I swear these kids are like animals"

This wonderful person here is my first friend Damon. I met him in maths class after we had to peer up to do a classwork. I introduced myself then he introduced himself, quiet shyly might I add, I found it cute really the way he'd blush every time I come close up in his face or if my hand would brush his. Yep definitely a submissive. I know I said I would stay away from boys but Damon is an exception because he said his parents forbids him from getting in any relationships because apparently he's arranged to married someone and they want him as pure as virgin Mary.

Reaching in the cafeteria Damon basically pulls me to the lunch line tapping his feet and letting out annoyed sighs when someone would take too long to order. I smiled, well tried, the only emotion my face knows is no emotion. I haven't laughed or smiled since you know what.

We finally reached the top of the line and ordered. I ordered 3 slices of pizza and a Pepsi while Damon ordered 5 slices and a coke. Boy can eat.

Placing my lunch on our selected table I took the book I've been carrying in my hand and searched for the owner. Didn't have to look long as a herd of cows, oops I mean girls were surrounding his table. I took my time walking over there then I picked him out as the one with a girl on his lap with a figure reminding me of my three year old cousins family drawing. Looking like sticks glued together.

I dropped the book in front of him on the desk then turned and walked away.

Before I could reach back to Damon I heard the cheap pile of plastic on Alex's lap speak.

"Babe this the bitch you've been talking about?" Awwee he talked about me, how nice.

"Oh nah hoe, I think you need to take a closer look, I ain't your mother" I said while still heading to my table. I was hungry and ain't no hoe nor foe is going to prevent me from eating.

"What did you just say?" The centipede shouted.

I turned around and looked at her, with my face blank and lips in a thin line, my chin up and shoulders squared with my hands in a tight fist and a murderous glint in my eyes. I was oozing confidence and power and I loved it. No, I haven't slip just giving her a peek of what she's getting into.

She hesitated at first but eventually she and her friends stood facing me. So my theory was right! Plastic people don't have a brain. I may be out numbered but I had years of illegal fighting and I'd be a fool to let these girls beat me. I fought tougher persons than these walking recycled plastic and among my many talents, I was known for being quick on my feet.

"Cindy just sit down, damn, I swear you love attention" Alex said looking annoyed at her. He made eye contact with me but immediately lowered his head and started trembling and his friends saw and one whispered something to him and squeezed his shoulder, then he straightened up back but still kept his head down.

Hmmm, I wonder what that was about.

Bambi and her friends sat back down grumbling and i smirked. Good choice ladies. I swear, this being shy shit is harder than it sounds. I'm sure no shy girl would have done what I just did and was willing to do.

I continued walking towards my table and sat and started eating. Seeing that no fight was about to go down everyone resumed what they were doing. Except Damon who was looking at me with his mouth wide open.

I took up one of his pizza and stuff it in his mouth.

"Don't want the wrong things going into your mouth now do we?, so eat.".

He immediately started chewing but still staring at me.

So I'm back again with another book that's going to be filled with tears, laughter, anger and more.

Stick around for this babies because you won't wanna miss it.

And make my day by just smashing that star and commenting.



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