Helping You Heal

By Mynameisananomaly

2.7K 95 100

Mina was the only help Kirishima got when he and his ex broke up...and he found out he was pregnant. Eight ye... More

Chapter 1 - Karate
Chapter 2 - Confidence
Chapter 3 - Resemblances

Prologue - Positive

1K 24 36
By Mynameisananomaly

Make sure you read the warnings in the description before reading. Thanks.

Kirishima was scared...really scared. He hadn't told Mina what had happened. He hadn't told anyone. It wasn't the first time his boyfriend had misgendered him, but it was the first time he had done anything like this. He tried to stop him, he really did, but he wouldn't listen, insisting on "taking what was his" by force. He left bruises on his chest, arms, hips, legs, threatening to do more if he didn't stop struggling, and leaving behind much more that gave Kirishima stomach aches...bad ones. He was scared that night and the night after when it happened again, and again. He was scared for a month and a half straight as the old and new bruises faded while he hid them, and two weeks later when he threw up in the bed. He was scared as he washed the sheets with an ice pack over his cheek. He was scared when he threw up the next day, and the next day, and the next day. He told himself it was nothing. Maybe just a bug. He was scared when the nausea didn't stop. He was scared when he realized what might be wrong, scared when he went to the drug store and picked up a few different tests, praying that he was just sick. He was scared as he took the first test...terrified when the second one got the same result...petrified when the third was the same...nauseous again when he heard the apartment door slam shut.

"Where the fuck are ya, little bitch?"
He's home.
"Bathroom! Be right out!" Kirishima calls, desperately trying to hide the shakiness of his voice as he gets cleaned up. He exits the bathroom and tries to hide the tests before he can catch him-
"The fuck are you doing?"
Kirishima's blood runs cold.
"N-nothing..." he lied. He heard a growl behind him and he quickly turns around, keeping his hands behind his back. He tries to smile.
"Welcome ho-"
"What are you hiding?"
Kirishima could hear his heartbeat in his ears as he came closer.
"Nothing-" SLAP. His cheek was stinging now, and his eyes were watering.
"Don't lie to me!"
Kirishima revealed the tests before he could get another bruise, and they were snagged out of his hands. There's a moment of silence before he's knocked to the floor with another slap to his face.

Kirishima tries desperately to hold back his tears as he shakily pushes himself up.
"I-I'm's just- you weren't supposed to-" he's silenced as he's shoved to the floor again.
"Shut the fuck up! Don't you push this onto me, fucking bitch!" He gets an alert and groans. "I'm not dealing with this shit. I'm going out, and you'd better be packed the fuck up and gone before I get back." He drops the pregnancy tests and grabs Kirishima's wallet. He takes out all the cash, leafing through it and rolling his eyes at two tens and a five. He drops the wallet and shoves the cash into his pocket before turning to leave.
"Good riddance."
Kirishima is alone, clutching his stomach and sobbing. What does he do? He, a trans man, is pregnant. He's been kicked out. He has nowhere- well...almost nowhere to go. He's barely making minimum wage! How is he going to afford food? A place to live? is he going to support this baby? He could never bring himself to get rid of it, even if he could pay for the procedure...but he also never intended for this to happen. He's 19 for heaven's sake! How is he supposed to be a single parent?

Eventually he pulls himself together enough to call Mina and ask her for help. When she arrives, getting a speeding ticket on the way there, she doesn't know what's going on. All she knows is that her best friend needs help. She finds him sat against the bed hugging his legs with his face hidden by his hair.
"Eijiro!" She rushes over to him and kneels down in front of him, carefully taking his head in her hands and lifting it so she can look at him. "Sweetheart, what happened?! Did he-" she gasps when she sees his black and blue cheek and tear soaked face. Her eyes water and tears of her own begin to spill at the sight of him. "Eiji...what happened? Why did he do this to you?" Kirishima doesn't speak. He looks over at the pregnancy tests on the floor. He hadn't touched them once since his boyf-...ex boyfriend left. Mina looks over at them, her breath hitching again when she realizes what they are. She looks back at him.
"Eiji...are you...?" Kirishima scrunches his eyes shut as another wave of tears floods his vision. He hides his face in his knees and slowly nods. He tries and fails to choke back his sobs, but doesn't fight Mina as she wraps her arms around him.


He told her everything, and she listened. She cried with him and comforted him, and helped him pack all his stuff into her car, no matter how hard they had to cram things in. As they worked, she called the police and made a report of rape and domestic violence, giving the police any and all information about the bastard that Eijiro gives her, then helps Eijiro into her car. They drive in silence for about five minutes before he realizes that this isn't the way to Mina's apartment.
"...where are we going?"
"I'm taking you to the hospital," she says sternly.
"No. You're not talking me out of this, Eijiro. That motherfucker did horrible things to you and we need to make sure he didn't do anything fatal," she explains. "Alright?" Kirishima is speechless for a moment, but he slowly nods, trying to hold back more tears. This time, of relief. He's unbelievably relieved that he has Mina to help him, and that she's willing to do this for him even if he protests.


Mina helped him fill out the paperwork, and he consented to a check up. The doctor checked him over and treated his bruises, then ran some tests. Luckily, he didn't have any underlying injuries or infections. He was able to get an extra test done to see if he was actually pregnant...and to his dismay, it came back positive. He was brought to the maternity clinic, pale as a ghost and trembling. He clutched Mina's hand as the doctor performed an ultrasound scan, bursting into tears once again upon seeing the little blob the size of a raspberry and its heartbeat on the monitor. The doctor confirms that he is about eight weeks pregnant and that the baby is nice and healthy. It would be good news if he actually wanted a baby. It would be good news if he had consented in the making of the baby. It would be good news if the baby's father wasn't his abusive ex boyfriend. It would be good news if he were a woman...but he's not. He's a man...but now that he's pregnant, he's even further from his ideal image than he had ever been before. Even with all of that in mind, he couldn't bring himself to agree to an emergency contraceptive. Even if he doesn't want this child...he doesn't want it to suffer like he did, and despite all of the horrible factors that led to this child coming to be, one good thing happened that night. The baby's father was arrested, and enough evidence was collected to charge him with sexual assault and domestic violence. He was brought to court, and along with the sentence of time in prison, he was denied custody and visitation privileges.

Mina took Eijiro in. He was her best friend after all. Practically her brother. She was going to help him get through this. He moved into her place that week, and she did everything she could to help him out. Lord knows his parents wouldn't be of any help. They never really supported their son's identity, always misgendering him and calling him by his dead name. They were "kind" enough to let him stay in the house until he could move out, but when he built up the courage to tell them what happened, they had the audacity to call him a slut. A whore. 'How dare he be so irresponsible when picking a partner?' 'How dare he be irresponsible enough to get pregnant before marriage?' 'Hadn't they taught him better than that?' They pulled every excuse they could to spin his story to make it seem like his fault. It took everything in Mina to not yell at them. Instead she convinced him to block them, seeing as they didn't want to help him anyway, then let him cry again. She held him close and comforted him to the best of her ability, assuring him that everything was going to be ok. It wasn't his fault.


It took him awhile to accept that, but eventually, he was able to get back on his feet. Kirishima was able to get a large compensation for the crimes against him. He mainly used it to pay lawyer fees, and decided to save the rest for expenses for the baby...even though he didn't want it. Lord knows, he didn't want the baby. Every time he looked down at himself and saw that his belly had expanded, he breaks. He was supposed to be a man...but everything about his body just reminded him that he was born a woman. Everything was wrong. He, as a man, was not supposed to be pregnant. His chest became swollen and tender. The urge to bind his chest grew tenfold, but he restrained from binding so he could prevent any possible malfunctions that could cause damage to his body or the baby. He hated it. He had bought the binder to flatten his chest, and he couldn't use it. He had a smaller chest to begin with, but the swelling made him jump about two cup sizes, and he hated it because it made him look even more feminine than he already was! He dreaded the stretch marks that were to come after he had the baby, forever being a symbol of his biological sex. Even if he got top surgery, those stretch marks would still be there, and always remind him of everything he hates about his body. He spiraled. Every time he saw himself he couldn't help but hate his body, and in turn, he hated the baby. He hated the baby because it was his abusive ex boyfriend's. He hated the baby because it reminded him of what that bastard did to him. He hated the baby because of what it was doing to him, to his body...but even so...he didn't have the heart to get rid of it.

Mina was the first to notice his spiral, and she was determined to pull him back. Even though he didn't want the baby, she knew he'd be even more heartbroken if anything were to happen to it as a result of his depression, so she kept him active. every morning she got him up and convinced him to go on a run with her. He liked working out anyway, and she knew for a fact that exercise combats depression. One time they were heading home from their jog and got catcalled. Mina immediately saw the effect the comment had on him, and made a point to make him feel better. She wanted to look back at the guy and yell 'HE'S A MAN, DIPSHIT,' but decided that that might just make things worse. Instead, she gave him a pep talk.
"Just ignore him, Ei. He clearly doesn't see just how manly you are!" Kirishima didn't say anything until they got back home.
"How can I be manly like this?" he asks, on the verge of tears. Mina looks at him.
"What do you mean-"
"LOOK AT ME, MINA!" he interrupts. He pulls off his loose shirt, showing her his body even though he knows she knows what he means.
"How can I be manly when my chest is bigger than ever?! How can I be manly when I'm PREGNANT?!" His tears overflow and he slumps against the wall, sliding down until he's sat down with his head in his hands.

"Ei..." She sits cross legged in front of him. "You know something? You're the manliest guy I know," she says. Kirishima looks up at her with a look that says 'are you kidding me?' "You know why?" she continues. "Because no other man I know could handle all the shit you're dealing with. No other man could handle carrying these things around," She cups her own breasts for emphasis. "Let alone menstruation, or our damn hormones, or carrying a child!" Kirishima snorts at her presentation, but his frown is persistent. Mina's hands drop as she continues. "No other man I know is as determined, or has as much endurance, or heart as you. You endured 18 years with your asshole parents so you could finally get them out of your hair. You're enduring this pregnancy because your heart of gold doesn't want this kid to suffer. Do you know how manly that is?" Kirishima slowly shakes his head. "It's so damn manly, that you're Lee Shang telling Mulan to Be A Man! You're the best example of a man I've ever seen! You're better than the average Cis guy! And I know, because I've dumped them!" Kirishima tries and fails to hold in a small laugh. Mina gives him a smile. "That's why you're the manliest man that ever manned, and don't you forget it, ok?" Kirishima laughs again and wipes his tears...nope they're still coming. He nods.
"Ok...thanks Mina."
"Anytime, Ei."


Mina continued to support him like this. She worked out with him and took him to support groups, and it actually helped him a little more to know that he wasn't alone. There were men and women experiencing similar difficulties, and they were people he could go to for help. Dysphoria still kicked his ass. He still hated how his body looked, but over time, he started seeing the baby differently. The more defined and developed the baby's features became...the more he grew attached to them. He'd stare at their ultrasound pictures for hours, tracing the outline of their profile. He grew to see the baby as...his. Not his crazy ex's. Not a accident, maybe, but they're his. The first time he felt them kick made him cry. They just kept kicking the palm of his hand as he felt over his belly, as if saying hello to their father even though they hadn't properly met. He was still depressed. He was still fighting Dysphoria...but for this kid? Maybe it was worth it. He decided that it was on April 13th, even after childbirth, the second worst experience in his life. (He was lucky to have doctors and nurses that respected his pronouns.) For, on that day, his daughter was born. Time of birth, 6:25pm. Six pounds, eight ounces, 19 inches. Nice and healthy. The moment he saw her, he knew all the Dysphoria, the whole pregnancy, everything was worth it. He felt the burn of a permanent scar on his masculinity, but right now he didn't care. All that mattered was her, the one good thing that came out of all his trauma.

Mina was with him through the whole thing. She held his hand, fed him ice, rubbed his back, and held back her tears as he nearly broke her hand while pushing. She was so proud of him.
"You did it, Ei! You did it!" she quietly cheered, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as they cleaned the baby up.
"I...I did it..." Kirishima sobbed. He did it. It was over. Once he and the baby were cleaned up, the doctor brought her over to him. She was still crying, and hearing her sobs broke Kirishima's heart.
"Congratulations, Mr. Kirishima. She's perfectly healthy. Would you like to hold her?" the doctor asks kindly. Kirishima nods slowly. Mina helps him lower his hospital gown to just over his chest, leaving his clavicles exposed, and the doctor carefully lays the baby on his chest. Kirishima's tears spill over the moment he feels her soft little cheek press against his skin.
"H-hi...hi sweetheart..." he coos, laying his arms over her. His thumb wipes away one of her tears as it brushes over her cheek. She's so perfect...round little cheeks, wispy black hair like his, she looks so much like him. He coos down at her and kisses her head, and it isn't long before she's calmed down. Kirishima can't control his sobs once she finally opens her eyes, her big, beautiful brownish-red eyes. She's the most perfect daughter he could've ever wished for.

Once he had composed himself, Mina decided to speak.
"She's so pretty, Ei," she coos down at them. Kirishima smiles.
"She really is..."
"What are you gonna name her?" she asks. Kirishima thinks for a moment. He hadn't actually thought about names...he looks down at her again, and after a few seconds, he knows just what to call her.
"Reiki," he says. Mina smiles.
"Reiki," she repeats. The name is perfect. It means, 'healing the spirit,' and that's just what Kirishima needs. "Reiki Kirishima. I like that!" Kirishima smiles at the approval.
"Me too..."
"Oh hey," Mina chirps. "Speaking of names," she goes to her bag and pulls out an envelope. It's already been opened. She goes back to her friend's side and hands it to him. "I got you a little something to commemorate this day." Kirishima quirks an eyebrow.
"What is it?" he asks. Mina grins.
"Well, a few months ago, I may or may not have sent in an application for you to get your name and gender changed," she says. Kirishima's eyes blow wide.
"You...what?" he asks.

She giggles.
"I sent an application for you to get your name changed, and these are the results." Kirishima looks at the envelope. It's open. She knows what they are. She's they're probably good. Even so, he can't bring himself to open it. He looks back at her.
"C-can you read it for me?"
"Of course, Ei," she hums, taking the envelope and taking out its contents. Every sound of paper crinkling makes Kirishima shiver. Mina clears her throat and begins to read.
"To Emiko Kirishima,"
Both of them cringed at the sound of his dead name.
"We are happy to inform you that your application for name and gender marker change was accepted, and we encourage you to fill out the provided paperwork so you may register your chosen name and gender as soon as possible." The moment the word 'accepted' left Mina's lips, tears flooded his vision once again. He covered his mouth to try and muffle his sobs, but to no avail. Mina drops the documents and wraps her arms around his shoulders again as he muttered 'thank yous' into his hand. He couldn't deny it even if he tried. This was the happiest moment of his life so far, and he hopes and prays that it's all uphill from there.

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