Falling for the King (OCxThor...

By Neptunefoeva

14 1 1

Amber and Abigail Aiken are sisters from another world. Specifically, Earth. When Amber dies protecting her f... More

The Beginning

12 1 1
By Neptunefoeva


I felt nothing as I protected my siblings from the shooter. My father, to be exact. I went numb as he kept firing, his anger not yet diminished. I gave my siblings one final smile as I went down, reassuring that it was all going to be okay. "Goodbye. I'll see you everywhere and nowhere, yeah?" And with that, I was gone.

Protect the Wild People and Thorin Oakensheild.

I woke up, not expecting to see what I saw. I saw a clear, bright blue sky. I turned my head, and saw that I was laying on soft, green grass. I sat up, and was surprised to not feel any pain. I looked around, and saw the familiar body of my sister, Abigail. I call her Abby for short.

I stood, and went to wake her. She woke immediately, and blinked at me, confused. I smiled, and said "We'd better get moving."

100 years later(Amber:118 Abigail:115)

As we had traveled over the years, we found that Abby was half dwarf, half elf. She was roughly the height of a human, but had the grace of an elf, and a strong interest in weapons and forging. She made extremely well crafted weapons, for which I praised her for. She also had diplomacy skills, and was great with people.

I, on the other hand, was mixed between a dwarf, elf, wolf, and possibly angel. It was the only thing that explained my wings. I had wolf ears and tail, and was about the same height as a very tall dwarf. I was okay with that, because it meant that I was taller then most dwarves.

I was fairly quiet, and didn't like people a whole ton, granted a few. When I sang, my sister told me I had the voice of an angel. But you would never guess that from how I talked. I loved my sister fiercely, and would protect her until my very last breath.

We heard a legend passing through a town about me once.

A half-breed with strange features,

Wolf ears, tail, and wings,

Shall aid the King Under the Mountain,

And restore him to his throne.

She'll fall in love with him,

Through many hardships,

And her kind shall multiply,

She'll help the Wild People,

And other's in need.

A week later

Me and Abby had just made camp when everyone's favorite wizard showed up. "Hi Gandalf!" Abby greeted. "Hello Abigail." Gandalf said. "How would you two like to go far an adventure?" We shared a look.

"Sure. Where and when?" said Abby as she turned back towards Gandalf. He smiled. "At the Shire, two weeks from now. You'll know it when you see it." And just like that, he disappeared.

Two weeks later

We had been wandering the Shire for about an hour, until I finally spotted the house that we were required in. Abby knocked on the door while I watched our backs. There had been voices speaking inside, but they went quiet when they heard Abby.

A hobbit opened the door, and Abby smiled. "Abigail Aiken, at your service." she said, bowing. I turned around, and quietly said "Amber Aiken, at your service." The hobbit smiled. "Bilbo Baggins, at yours. Would you please put your things here?" "Certainly." Abby said. She set her things down, as did I, although I kept two of my many daggers on me. My wings, ears, and tail had been hidden the entire time I had been in the Shire.

"Follow me." Bilbo said. We followed him, and came to a room with thirteen dwarves and an amused Gandalf. "Who are you two?" a dwarf with black hair and beard said. Abby smiled, and said "Abigail Aiken, at your service. And you are?"

"Thorin Oakensheild." he replied. "Gandalf, what are these two doing here?" "They are going to help you on your quest." Gandalf replied. "We do NOT need two females with us." Thorin growled. Abby laid a hand on my arm, sensing my anger rising. I calmed, seeing that I had nothing to prove to this dwarf.

"Well, I guess you'll have to deal with it. You can't have everything." Gandalf said. I glanced around the table, and saw a blonde dwarf looking at my sister. I caught his eye, and said with my eyes 'Don't hurt her or I'll hurt you.' He nodded, and smiled in my direction with gratitude. He continued looking at my sister.

Thorin growled. "Fine. Dwalin, if you'll hand them the contract." We signed it, and Dwalin said "Welcome to the company." Abby smiled broadly, while I sent a small one. "We leave at first light. We will not wait for you." Thorin practically growled.

I smirked internally. I would never sleep, not until these dwarves had earned my respect and trust. Although one of them had already made a good head-start on that.

They introduced themselves as Ori, Dori, Nori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bomber, Bofur, Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, and Thorin.

The next day

I had indeed stayed up all night, watching as the others fell asleep. I cleaned up the hobbit hole quietly, so to make it seem like he never had any visitors in the first place. However, that Thorin dwarf just would not sleep. It wasn't until a few hours into the new day did he fall asleep. He had been watching me, and I stayed still until he had fallen asleep.

Before we left, I made sure to thoroughly wake Bilbo. My sister was with me. Abby smiled at Bilbo. "Morning sleepy-head. We gotta get going." Bilbo smiled tentatively back. "I guess I better pack, huh?" Abby nodded. "You have ten minutes. I'll help."

Later, after we had left the Shire with everybody, Abby was talking with the blonde dwarf. "So your name is Fili?" Fili nodded. "Cool! Me and my sister are really interested in hand-to-hand combat. Got any tricks to show us?" Fili looked startled. "You two fight?" Abby nodded. "Of course. We had to to make it this far."

As Fili showed us some tricks, I could feel something stare at me. I looked around, and saw a young buck following us. I got off my horse, which kept walking, and went to the buck. "Hello." I said softly. I held out my hand slowly, and he sniffed it. He looked in my eyes, and I could feel that he was telling me to get on his back. "Are you sure?" I asked softly. He nodded. He let me get on him, and then he bounded after the rest of the company.

We caught up to the rest of the company, who didn't notice us at first. Then Kili saw the buck, and his eyes widened. He poked Fili, who turned to stare at me. Abby smiled when she saw me, knowing that I felt comfortable on wild animals. I could feel the buck growing nervous underneath me, so I bent down to his ear and whispered "It's alright. I will never let them use you for meat." He relaxed at that, and walked proudly beneath me.

After a while, I could feel the buck underneath me grow restless, so I again whispered in his ear "You can bound as much as you want." The buck nodded his thanks, then started moving faster. Soon, one by one, we passed the company till we got to Thorin. I could feel the other's surprised gazes on my back. I touched Thorin's arm ever so gently, and he turned to look at me. His face filled with surprise at me riding a deer. I could tell that the buck was getting tired underneath me, so I veered off the path everyone was following, and got off. "Thank you for allowing me to ride you this far." I whispered. 

'Anything for the Savior of the Wild People.' I heard in my head. I raised a brow. Before I could wonder further, he bounded away. (If ANYBODY gets that reference PLEASE! Tell me your guess and I will confirm it.) 

That night

I made camp in a tree, as did my sister. We were on the outskirts of the dwarf camp, hidden from view. Thorin came to my tree unknowingly and leaned against it, watching the others. Abby was next to Fili, truly enjoying his company. She had made instant friends with the two brothers, who loved mischief. I hung upside down on the lowest branch of my tree, and looked at Thorin. His eyes were an electrifying blue, but held a seriousness in them. I could tell something was troubling him.

I sighed. I slipped off my branch, and landed neatly beside him without a sound. I don't think he registered me at first. I stood still, enjoying the silence that comes with standing with another person. I looked over, and saw that I was just a little bit taller then him, which was satisfying. I sighed ever so quietly, but it was enough to catch a sliver of Thorin's attention. When he realized I was there he jumped. "H-how did you..." he stammered. I smiled in amusement, but stayed silent. He was cute, stammering like that.

His stare hardened, until it turned into a glare. "How did you do that?" he demanded. My smile disappeared. I do not take well to being demanded at. I ignored him, and quickly climbed my tree. He came and stood underneath me in open mouthed amazement. I continued to ignore him, and relaxed against the tree. I had always liked sleeping outside, especially after... My mind went down memory lane, unaware of anybody. I blinked, and suddenly it was night fall.

Suddenly, an orc scream rang out. I jumped, startled by it. "What was that?" Bilbo asked, terrified. Kili and Fili decided to make a joke about it, and Thorin snapped at them. Dwalin told the story about how Thorin faced Azog down, and how he felt that he could call Thorin king. "W-what happened to the pale orc?" Bilbo asked after a brief silence. "He slunk back to the hole that he came from, and died." Thorin spat coming back. Me and Abby shared an uneasy glance.


I got down from my tree, and found that Thorin was asleep against it, his coat covering his legs. I shook my head. 'Foolish King. You'll catch a cold the way you are.' I thought. Luckily, I was prepared for these kind of situations. I scaled my tree again, and retrieved my blanket that I had covered myself in. It was still warm, so I quickly draped it over Thorin's upper body, so as not to lose any more heat. I saw him visibly relax, and smile in his sleep.

I went to go find the dwarf on watch, and found that it was the two brothers with my sister. I raised a brow that all three of them were up, but saw that Fili and Abby were leaning against each other. Kili was staring at the sky, completely unaware of me. I came and sat beside him. "Its nice out tonight, huh?" I whispered. "Yep. So when am I allowed to call you auntie?" he teased. I shrugged. "Depends on when your stubborn uncle drops his pride." Kili looked at me with a raised brow.

I shrugged again. "What? I think he's cute." Kili snorted. "You're not like most females, are you?" He asked. "No I am most certainly not." I replied with a soft laugh. "I don't plan to be either. Quick thing though. If you EVER, joke about orcs again, I will behead you." I said, my face straight. Kili looked startled. "Same goes for you Fili." I called softly over my shoulder, very aware of the others sleeping. "Yes ma'am." He called softly back.

Seeing as I was tired of being around others at the moment, I got up, and walked a ways into the forest behind my tree. Checking to make sure none was near me, I let my wings, ears and tail out. I sighed in relief. My various body parts were mildly cramped from being hidden away for so long. I stretched them, hearing pops. I decided to fly, seeing as I hadn't had a good flight in a long while.

I took off suddenly, feeling the air against me face. I soared, feeling free. My wings made no sound. I twisted and turned in the air, dancing to a song I made up long ago. I sighed, and just floated for a moment, enjoying the night air.

Deciding to get out of the air, I went to my tree to settle down. I looked down to see Thorin still sleeping. I smiled. Still cute as ever. I hid my features, in case I do fall asleep and everyone sees them. I hadn't slept for about a week, cleaning up others mess while they slept. I felt my eyelids grow heavy, and then I fell into a light sleep.

The next day, the sun woke me up with the faintest of rays. I looked down, and saw Thorin still sleeping. He was still covered in my blanket, not having moved from his position all night. I chuckled lightly. This dwarf was adorable. I added him to my list of people I would protect until the end of time, which was not a long list.

I got down from my perch, and found that a lot of birds were in the tree, and there were various animals surrounding the camp. Deer, wolves, bears, bobcats, even wargs surrounded us. Everyone was as quiet as death itself. I quickly shooed them all off, before any of the dwarves woke up. My sister had taken over the last watch, and she helped me.

"When did they come?" I asked my sister softly. "A few minutes after Ori and Oin went to sleep." "Any idea why?" "None." I sighed. I was glad that we got them all to leave, or there would have been hell to pay.

Everyone started to slowly wake up, and the brothers were up first. They saw Thorin covered in my blanket, and froze. Kili turned to Fili, and said "Bet 20 gold coins they get married by spring." Fili nodded. "Deal." I smiled, amused that they placed a bet on us. Everybody else woke up, and they stared at Thorin, who had yet to stir. I sighed, and that caught everyone's attention. "Lass, is that your blanket?" Dwalin asked after a shocked silence. I nodded. He grinned. "Wake him up for us then?" I gave him an untrusting look, but went to go wake Thorin anyway.

I gently shook his shoulder, and his blue eyes snapped open instantly. He froze, staring into my eyes, which were an amber color at the moment. He stared briefly, and then I suppose instinct took over, for he reached for me very quickly. I was faster though, and jumped back. I grinned. "Morning sleepy head. How'd you sleep?" My sister teased. He glared at her. She laughed. He scowled, and looked down. His face contorted in surprise when he found my blanket on him. He looked up.

"Who's is this?" he asked. Dwalin laughed. "Thorin, that's Amber's. She must have put it on ya for a reason." I couldn't hold back anymore. I laughed, long and hard. It had been a long time since I laughed, and the others stared at me. I straightened, and wiped my eyes. "Thorin, you've done what not even my sister could do. You've made me laugh. Congrats. Now, my name is Amber Aiken, and it is a pleasure to meet you." I said.

Legit, first time writing a Thorin fanfic. I found Thorin a really cool dwarf, and I wish he hadn't died in the movie/book. But anyway, please PLEASE tell me what you think of this. If any of you guys have seen or read the book, you know what's coming up next.

See ya,


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