Severing the Red Thread of Fa...

By Axeanzeikandhy29

161K 3.1K 624

based on Eternal love of dream cdrama. A fanfiction. 🦊Bai Feng Jiu 💜Dong hua Dijun The story is after Fe... More

Severing the red thread 1
Severing the Red Thread 2
Severing the Red Thread 3
Severing the Red Thread 4
Severing the Red thread 5
Severing the Red Thread 6
Severing the Red Thread 7
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Severing the Red Thread 12
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Severing the Red Thread 15
Severing the Red Thread 16
Severing the Red Thread 17
Severing the Red Thread 18
Severing the Red Thread 19
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Severing the Red Thread 21
Severing the Red Thread 22
The Aftermath 1

The Aftermath 2

7.9K 191 77
By Axeanzeikandhy29


The best father

When Gun-gun was first introduced to the heavenly kingdom, it become an uproar. Who knew that the Emperor Dong hua Dijun and his empress, already have a child.

When Gun-gun is formally introduced to Dong hua's people in Taichen Goong, they were shock but at the same time delighted. They expected that the palace will be more lively now since it will have a child. But they are definitely wrong. The little prince is as quite as his father yet, very observant.

One day Zhong Lin is strolling the garden when he found the little prince, squatting on the ground. Zhong lin is a bit curious as to what the little prince is doing.

"Your highness. What is it you are doing? "

Zhong lin gave his curtsies then waited for the little prince to speak.

"Can you tell me about what my father is really doing? Because I only see him fishing, reading, sleeping then repeat. "

Zhong Lin wanted to laugh but hold it in. He cleared his throat before replying,

"His majesty, your father has actually a big responsibility. To protect the peace of the whole realms. Which happened 300 years ago before you where born. "

Gun-gun got interested hearing this. His mother and father hadn't mention any of this to him. Gun-gun can only read what his father did for the realms.

Later that night, Gun-gun has a habit of checking his mother jiu since his mother always kick the blankets off and little Gun-gun would tuck his mother back in the blanket back in the mortal realm.

Gun-gun opened the door of the room of his mother and father and it warmed his heart seeing his father Dong hua tucking in his mother inside the blanket. Gun-gun realized how his father loved his mother so much when he saw his father tenderly kissed his mother's forehead.

Maybe his father felt his presence that father Dong hua turned on his direction. Both of them looked at each other and it was his father who spoke first.

"Why are you still up? "

I am still in the doorway but replied,

"I came to check on mother jiu. She always has a habit of kicking off the blanket then waking up cold."

Gun-gun saw his father smiled at him. Seldom of the genuine smiles his father only show when it was with him or his mother.

His father stood and walked towards him and said,

"Do you want to stay outside for a while? If you're not sleepy that is. "

I excitedly nodded and father dong hua offered his hand and I gladly accepted it. We silently walked along the gardens and stayed at the pavilion where father and mother always stay.

When we sat at the pavilion, father Dong hua asked if I am hungry and I nodded back. Father conjured a sweet potato and cooked it. Father broke it in half and offered me the other half.

I delightfully gobbled it up and I felt satisfied. Although father and I always sat side by side without words, I always feel happy. Then suddenly I yawned. Father looked at me then smiled.

"Are you sleepy now? " father asked and I just nodded.
"Do you want me to sing a song? " I nodded back. Then father started singing the fuling hua song. I smiled hearing the gentle melody and I drifted off to sleep.

Feng Jiu woke up and found that Dijun is not beside her. She started to look for her husband and to her surprise, she saw Dong hua Dijun carrying their son carefully in his arms and caressing Gun-gun's back.

Feng Jiu felt touched seeing the soft,gentle and fatherly side of Dijun.
She silently followed Dijun going in Gun-gun's room. Feng Jiu saw Dijun slowly lay Gun-gun on the bed and tuck their son under the blanket. What brought tears to FengJiu's eyes is seeing Dijun softly kissing their son's forehead.

When Dong hua Dijun turned, he was surprised seeing Xiaobai in the doorway with tears on her eyes. He was concerned at this. It only took 4 steps for him to reach Feng Jiu and Dijun touched her shoulders.

"Are you alright Xiaobai? Why are you crying? " Dijun asked worriedly. He wiped the tears that escaped her eyes and Feng Jiu said,

"Oh I am just emotional seeing you and Gun-gun that's all. "

Dijun looked at her and when convinced that nothing is bothering her, Dijun put his long arms around her shoulders and whispered,

"Let's go to bed now Xiaobai."

Feng Jiu nodded and she kissed Dijun on the cheeks and replied,

"Thank you Dong hua. "

Dijun looked at his wife lovingly and smiled.


It was one of those nights that made the two little immortals bond with each other. Ali, climbed up the tree where he and Gun-gun always stay when their father's kicked them out of their mother's bedroom. 

"Good you're here too Ali. " little Gun-gun then loudly sighed.

"What is it this time? " Ali asked Gun-gun.

"Father cheated. He knows I am not expert in playing xiàngqí (chinese chess) and ofcourse, he won. " then little Gun-gun sighed again.

"How about you Ali?  What is yours this time?" Gun-gun asked.

"I already am sleeping in mother's bed and I just woke up a while ago then I found out I am in my bedroom. I ran to father and mother's bedroom but Father put a ward on their entire room. Ofcourse mother will not hear me even if I am crying or shouting outside. " Ali narrated and felt cheated. The little dough slumped down beside little Gun-gun.

"Our father's are so bad. Father jun threatened to send me to Kunlun and let me stay there for the next 3000 years if I will be persistent in wanting to stay and sleep beside mother." Ali said dejectedly. Gun-gun gasped.

"Father Dong hua said that we need to man-up and start to sleep in our own beds alone without our mothers."

"But we are just kids." Ali reasoned out but Gun-gun continued,

"Father Dong hua said that we kids need to give our mother's and father's time to play. I told father that I want to play too but Father said it's a game only  mothers and fathers do. " Little Gun-gun sighed.

"What do you think that game is Gun-gun? " Ali asked now curious too.

"How about asking grand mother-aunt Qian-qian. Maybe she knows what game my mother jiu and father dong hua is playing since they are a mother and father too. " Gun-gun suggested. 

That night Ali is determined to ask his father jun and his mother what game Gun-gun's mother and father is playing.

Bai Qian and Ye hua is lounging on the receiving area of Xiwu Goong when their son Ali, came in and sat infront of them.

"Mother, father can I ask you both a question?"

It was Ye hua who raised his head and paid attention to Ali while Bai Qian, eyes still glued to another mortal book she was hooked into and said
"What is it? "

"I heard from Gun-gun that Grandpa Dijun and cousin Feng jiu are playing a game that only mothers and fathers play. Is this true?"

This time, Bai Qian slammed her book on the table while Ye hua choked on his tea. Both Bai Qian and Ye hua's faces reddened.

Ali don't know why but it seems that the question seems to be wrong. Then to Ali's surprise his mother said,

"Ye hua, please go to Taichen goong and talk to Dong hua Dijun about this.  Like now Ye hua. " Bai Qian said a little flustered.

Ye hua absent mindedly nodded and followed his wife. Meanwhile, Ali received an earful from his mother and didn't understand why.

That night Gun-gun and Ali met again on their usual meeting place. Gun-gun looked at Ali. Ali sat beside Gun-gun and both of the little immortals sighed in defeat.

"I got an earful from mother, Gun-gun. How about you?" Ali asked while looking at Gun-gun.

"Father Dong hua didn't reprimand me. " Gun-gun looked at his dangling feet.

"Then good for you. " Ali got sad because Gun-gun didn't reprimanded by his mother or father.

"But father will send me to Kunlun and learn under uncle Mo Yuan for the next three months about history and introductory in magic arts. "

Ali gasped and pat Gun-gun's shoulder. They realized that they can't win against their fathers.


One morning, Feng Jiu got sick. Dong hua Dijun heard of this while he is in the hall preaching about buddhism and ascension. Dong hua cut the preaching short and excused himself.

Many immortal wives admired how Dong hua Dijun put his wife above everything and it made other immortal husbands  feel insecure towards Dong hua Dijun but dared not to voice these feelings out.

Zhong Lin, Siming and Lian Song is outside the kitchen door and listened on the bantering of Dijun and his son gun-gun. The banter started when Dong hua started to cook for his sick wife but his son Gun-gun stopped him saying,

"Let me cook father. You'll only poison mother if you feed her your finished dish. She'll never get better if you insist on cooking. "

Dong hua took offense to this but gave in this time to his son. Lian Song, Siming and Zhong Lin choked on their laugh

"Fine. I will just stay with your mother. "

The three scrambled and ran when they heard Dong hua is walking out of the kitchen.

When Dong hua Dijun is already outside, he just said,

"I  will not let my sweet and sour fish be wasted. I will ask Zhong Lin to send it to Siming and Lian Song. " then Dong hua walked the hall and to his bedroom where his wife is sleeping.

Meanwhile, Lian Song and Siming decided to stay away a day or two off Taichen Goong as to not taste Dong Hua Dijun's deadly sweet and sour fish.

When Dong hua dijun arrived at the room, he sat beside his wife and touched her forehead. She doesn't have a fever. Dong hua found it strange. He stared at his wife worriedly and was thinking that his Xiaobai caught an unknown malady.

Feng Jiu opened her eyes and saw Dijun staring back at her.

She smiled back at him and she sat up on the bed.

Dijun held her hand and caressed it.

"I heard you are sick. So I cut my agenda for today. How do you feel now? "

Feng Jiu blushed and pouted then replied, "That is so embarrassing. Now others may think I am a frail wife."

Dijun caressed his wife's cheek and smiled a little then said,

"Should you be worried of your health first than your reputation Xiaobai? You didn't shame Qingqui you know. "

Feng jiu frowned and snorted and then said,

"Yes I didn't shame Qingqiu but I am not as shamless and thick faced as you Dijun. "

Dijun just smirked at his wife then he turned serious and said,

"I don't know what ails you Xiaobai. I'm bothered at this. I don't see anything wrong with you." Dong hua dijun sighed still looking at his wife.

Feng Jiu however is not worried. To reassure Dijun she held his large hands to her own then smiled at him.

"You should not worry Dijun. I am not ill okay?"

"If you are not ill as what you claimed, then why can I feel the instability of your aura and physically you look very pale?" Dijun said and now frowning.

Feng Jiu however laughed at him and it made Dong hua a little...pissed.

"It's not funny Xiaobai... There is something wrong with you and I don't know what it is and it is making me... Scared. "

Feng Jiu just smiled at Dong hua then she pulled Dijun towards her. Their faces are inches apart and Feng Jiu looked at the worried face of Dijun.

She caressed his lips with her thumb and before she gave Dijun a breath taking kiss, her lips hovered inches apart from Dijun and said,

"Rest assured I am not sick or ill... Dong hua. It's just... "

Feng jiu gave Dijun a sultry look and showed her seductive smile and said,

"... I have another mini Dong hua inside me... In years time. You're going to be a father again Dong hua."

Feng Jiu kissed Dijun fervently. Dijun's eyes widened and just sat their frozen but then Xiaobai's lips are taking effect on his whole being. He smiled happily and then closed his eyes. He savored the kiss and replied her kisses back with the same fervor. Before the passion took over, in Dijun's mind their family...his family is slowly growing and it made him feel contented and complete.


This will be the last entry for this DongFeng Fic. Again and again,  thank you everyone for showing support by continuously reading,voting and commenting on every chapter of this story. 😊

I wish everyone to stay safe and healthy. God speed. 😘😘😘

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